MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1816: For the sake of the friendship between the two countries, I will give you a point


Even the Kyushu team, which represented China, was speechless at the moment.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

Although this style of play was popular when the e-sports industry was just emerging, the essence of e-sports is to make players stronger under the competition.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

As soon as the reason for the mob team's abandonment was revealed, everyone immediately vomited a mouthful of old blood.

At this time, March's Feng also looked away, knowing that he was now being calculated to the death, no matter if he was asked to play, the opponent would definitely cheat.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

No one knows the intention of Quanzhen Sect. The yelling and cursing of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the competition room, and everyone in the game can clearly understand the Quanzhen Sect from a dimension away.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

No one knows the intention of Quanzhen Sect. The yelling and cursing of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the competition room, and everyone in the game can clearly understand the Quanzhen Sect from a dimension away.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

After the four rounds of the game, the wind of March has been a little mentally broken by the tactics of the mob.

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

This is like the Olympics. Everyone comes out to play with the face of the country. If you play tricks on the field, even if you win, it will be disgraceful. After all, this is a single-handed match, not a team match...

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

The heads-up competition is about the player's single-player operation ability, and the team competition is better than the tactical ability.

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

After spending so long with people from the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Yu has become a little brazen before he knows it.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

After the four rounds of the game, the wind of March has been a little mentally broken by the tactics of the mob.

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

Now, except for Wang Yu and the three of Quanzhen Sect, all the players who may have played against first-line professional masters have already played. If the fight continues, the strength and shortcomings of the mob team will have to be exposed.

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

Wang Yu is a martial artist, and his personality is as humble, refined and upright as the author. Wang Yu always feels a little awkward when he says such arrogant words.

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

At this time, March's Feng also looked away, knowing that he was now being calculated to the death, no matter if he was asked to play, the opponent would definitely cheat.


It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

"Isn't it bad to do this?" After reading Wuji's words, Wang Yu turned around and asked Quanzhen people with some embarrassment.

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

So the wind of March also looked away, pointing directly at a knight beside him and said: "July, you go!"

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

Everyone in Arirang's team blushed and their necks were thick, and they wished they could quit the game now and beat the members of the mob team to death.

At this time, March's Feng also looked away, knowing that he was now being calculated to the death, no matter if he was asked to play, the opponent would definitely cheat.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

Of course, the purpose of doing this is only known by the Quanzhen Sect.

Although this style of play was popular when the e-sports industry was just emerging, the essence of e-sports is to make players stronger under the competition.

"Isn't it bad to do this?" After reading Wuji's words, Wang Yu turned around and asked Quanzhen people with some embarrassment.

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

The heads-up competition is about the player's single-player operation ability, and the team competition is better than the tactical ability.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

At this time, March's Feng also looked away, knowing that he was now being calculated to the death, no matter if he was asked to play, the opponent would definitely cheat.

As soon as the reason for the mob team's abandonment was revealed, everyone immediately vomited a mouthful of old blood.


"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

Wang Yu is a martial artist, and his personality is as humble, refined and upright as the author. Wang Yu always feels a little awkward when he says such arrogant words.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

The table tennis handicap is because the strength of the national table tennis team is obviously higher than that of the opponent. Letting the opponent score is really not to make the opponent too ugly. The opponent will not feel insulted by the handicap, but will be very grateful.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yu disdainfully.

"There's nothing wrong with it." The second brother Yin said, "When I play table tennis, it's the rule to give the opponent a point."

Although this style of play was popular when the e-sports industry was just emerging, the essence of e-sports is to make players stronger under the competition.

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

The heads-up competition is about the player's single-player operation ability, and the team competition is better than the tactical ability.

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

Everyone in Arirang's team blushed and their necks were thick, and they wished they could quit the game now and beat the members of the mob team to death.


If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.


As soon as the reason for the mob team's abandonment was revealed, everyone immediately vomited a mouthful of old blood.

It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

"It's too arrogant! It's too shameless! It doesn't take us seriously!"

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

Now, except for Wang Yu and the three of Quanzhen Sect, all the players who may have played against first-line professional masters have already played. If the fight continues, the strength and shortcomings of the mob team will have to be exposed.

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

Everyone in Arirang's team blushed and their necks were thick, and they wished they could quit the game now and beat the members of the mob team to death.

The heads-up competition is about the player's single-player operation ability, and the team competition is better than the tactical ability.

For professional masters, this is simply a great insult.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

After spending so long with people from the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Yu has become a little brazen before he knows it.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

No one knows the intention of Quanzhen Sect. The yelling and cursing of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the competition room, and everyone in the game can clearly understand the Quanzhen Sect from a dimension away.

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

"There's nothing wrong with it." The second brother Yin said, "When I play table tennis, it's the rule to give the opponent a point."

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

For professional masters, this is simply a great insult.

It is obviously a group of shameless people who are cheating on the field and dare not fight head-on. They also have an attitude that I am invincible in the world and I am not afraid that you will see it.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

For professional masters, this is simply a great insult.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

Wang Yu is a martial artist, and his personality is as humble, refined and upright as the author. Wang Yu always feels a little awkward when he says such arrogant words.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

So the wind of March also looked away, pointing directly at a knight beside him and said: "July, you go!"

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

Only the members of the Kyushu team are watching the show.

But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

"There's nothing wrong with it." The second brother Yin said, "When I play table tennis, it's the rule to give the opponent a point."

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

Even the Kyushu team, which represented China, was speechless at the moment.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

Only the members of the Kyushu team are watching the show.

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

"What's the difference?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think they can beat you?"

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

"It's too arrogant! It's too shameless! It doesn't take us seriously!"

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yu disdainfully.

"What's the difference?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think they can beat you?"

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yu disdainfully.

Domestic trolls don't care who you are, if you don't spew shit out of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors, are you still a keyboard warrior

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

Only the members of the Kyushu team are watching the show.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.


As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

The table tennis handicap is because the strength of the national table tennis team is obviously higher than that of the opponent. Letting the opponent score is really not to make the opponent too ugly. The opponent will not feel insulted by the handicap, but will be very grateful.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

Of course, the purpose of doing this is only known by the Quanzhen Sect.

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

This is like the Olympics. Everyone comes out to play with the face of the country. If you play tricks on the field, even if you win, it will be disgraceful. After all, this is a single-handed match, not a team match...

This is like the Olympics. Everyone comes out to play with the face of the country. If you play tricks on the field, even if you win, it will be disgraceful. After all, this is a single-handed match, not a team match...

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

Now, except for Wang Yu and the three of Quanzhen Sect, all the players who may have played against first-line professional masters have already played. If the fight continues, the strength and shortcomings of the mob team will have to be exposed.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

You must know that the second round of the wheel competition is randomly selected. In front of the top professional masters, everyone in the Quanzhen sect can only choose to resign themselves to their fate, so the last team competition is very important.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

"In the last round, the mob team forfeited the game!"

Quanzhen taught this little trick, which sounds like a tactical style, but in fact it is a wretched style.


Even the Kyushu team, which represented China, was speechless at the moment.

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

No one knows the intention of Quanzhen Sect. The yelling and cursing of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the competition room, and everyone in the game can clearly understand the Quanzhen Sect from a dimension away.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

The table tennis handicap is because the strength of the national table tennis team is obviously higher than that of the opponent. Letting the opponent score is really not to make the opponent too ugly. The opponent will not feel insulted by the handicap, but will be very grateful.

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

So the wind of March also looked away, pointing directly at a knight beside him and said: "July, you go!"

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

Of course, the purpose of doing this is only known by the Quanzhen Sect.

For professional masters, this is simply a great insult.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.

Although this style of play was popular when the e-sports industry was just emerging, the essence of e-sports is to make players stronger under the competition.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

"Um..." The flowers in July were speechless, well, there is no reason more convincing than this one.

Domestic trolls don't care who you are, if you don't spew shit out of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors, are you still a keyboard warrior

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

Confucius said, let others be crazy, whoever is crazy will perish.

As soon as the reason for the mob team's abandonment was revealed, everyone immediately vomited a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell are these things, can this kind of scumbag play in international competitions? If he couldn't find a flaw, March Feng would want to complain to his opponent now.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

The third game is for Arirang's team to choose a map. What if they choose a bigger map, avoid top experts like Wang Yu, and specifically pick out the shortcomings of the Quanzhen Sect, and then play hide-and-seek all over the field, wouldn't it be the Quanzhen Sect? Did you dig a hole for yourself

No one knows the intention of Quanzhen Sect. The yelling and cursing of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the competition room, and everyone in the game can clearly understand the Quanzhen Sect from a dimension away.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.


But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

"Isn't it bad to do this?" After reading Wuji's words, Wang Yu turned around and asked Quanzhen people with some embarrassment.

Although this style of play was popular when the e-sports industry was just emerging, the essence of e-sports is to make players stronger under the competition.

But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

Wang Yu is a martial artist, and his personality is as humble, refined and upright as the author. Wang Yu always feels a little awkward when he says such arrogant words.

First-line professional masters are more insidious than one another, and they will definitely not face difficulties like ordinary people.

After spending so long with people from the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Yu has become a little brazen before he knows it.

If the opponent defeats himself with fair means, July Flowers will not be afraid of blooming, but if he is defeated by a bunch of indiscriminate means, it will be so embarrassing, and the opponent is still an amateur player.

So the wind of March also looked away, pointing directly at a knight beside him and said: "July, you go!"

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

"There's nothing wrong with it." The second brother Yin said, "When I play table tennis, it's the rule to give the opponent a point."

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

Now, except for Wang Yu and the three of Quanzhen Sect, all the players who may have played against first-line professional masters have already played. If the fight continues, the strength and shortcomings of the mob team will have to be exposed.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

Only the members of the Kyushu team are watching the show.

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

Domestic trolls don't care who you are, if you don't spew shit out of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors, are you still a keyboard warrior

Concede a point? What kind of operation is this Nima? Are you really treating the S-level professional league as a joke? It's too crazy.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

At the same time, it can arouse the anger of the opponent, killing two birds with one stone.

Especially the Arirang team, who was involved, was so angry that his lungs exploded.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

The table tennis handicap is because the strength of the national table tennis team is obviously higher than that of the opponent. Letting the opponent score is really not to make the opponent too ugly. The opponent will not feel insulted by the handicap, but will be very grateful.

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

But Team Crowd is just an e-sports team that debuted as an amateur. There are so many experts in the world, and the Huaxia team is not the only one. The two sports are not the same concept at all, okay

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

Domestic trolls don't care who you are, if you don't spew shit out of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors, are you still a keyboard warrior

Abandoning the last round of the game is also a helpless move. As for why he is so arrogant, of course it is to make himself more face.

"What's the difference?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think they can beat you?"

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

"What's the difference?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think they can beat you?"

Only the members of the Kyushu team are watching the show.

This kind of play for the sake of winning is not popular after all.

Although one point is not much, it may decide the outcome of the whole game. Although the guys in the ragtag team are crazy, everyone may praise you to the sky if they win, but if they lose... Hehe.

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yu disdainfully.

However, the Arirang team had just selected the players for the last game, and the mob team came again.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

Just as July Blossoms was about to choose to enter the battlefield, Wang Yu of the Rabble team suddenly stood up and said: "Our Rabble team is here for the world championship. It is your honor that a third-rate team like yours can compete with us." Xin, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one round."

The July Blossoms had seen the battle just now, and the July Blossoms could see clearly that the teammates in front lost so unjustly.

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

For his own ability, Wang Yu is quite confident.

There is no way, there is still a long way to go in the competition, and there are a full 20 points in the last team competition, which is the key to victory.

"Can table tennis be the same as this?" Wang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard this.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

"Because I'm the captain." March's wind said angrily: "Is the reason enough?"

As for the other teams, they were even more stunned.

"That's enough," Wuji said, "Anyway, you are as invincible as Guoping, and it's a courtesy to let them get a point."

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

This kind of behavior of being poked in the back by someone dares to do it, the guys in the mob team are really self-inflicted.

"How is this possible?" Wang Yu disdainfully.

After spending so long with people from the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Yu has become a little brazen before he knows it.

The Arirang team can be considered a veteran team. They have never experienced any kind of ups and downs in battle. It is the first time in their life that they have encountered an opponent like today.

"That makes sense!" Wang Yu nodded.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

At this time, March's Feng also looked away, knowing that he was now being calculated to the death, no matter if he was asked to play, the opponent would definitely cheat.

If the strength and shortcomings are exposed in advance, the third game will be very difficult to play.

"Me?" The knight named July Blossom couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Why?"

It’s fine for the guys from the Crowd Team to play this trick in the domestic arena. After all, it’s an amateur team, so it’s understandable to be clever, but this group of guys have brought this trick to the international arena, and they plan to carry it forward... Can't bear to look directly at it.