MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1821: The most terrifying master


As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

You must know that the PK ability of dual wielding weapons is much stronger than that of shield fighters, and at that time, Liu Yuexue's blood volume was also much higher than her own.

"It's nothing."

The eyes of the audience are discerning, and it is clear at a glance which is higher and which is lower.

Awakening Death Hot Wheels!

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

National server players accounted for 30% of the entire "Rebirth", and the national server team is also a cloud of masters. The mob team can fight all the way to the S-level professional league as amateur players, especially if they only know how to play tricks

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

This is what a winner should look like.

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

After absorbing the evildoer, Er Yueshuang's shield slanted down, and the whole shield hit the ground heavily from top to bottom.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

Obviously, these two fighters on the field at this time are the hard power at the bottom of the box for the mob team.

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

However, everyone overlooked the most important point.

A fighter is a crisp-skinned profession, and his blood volume is not much higher than that of an assassin, and he is a fighter who is rampant and full of strength. If he is crushed by this blow, he will probably lose his life.

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

With a loud noise, Er Yueshuang, including her body and shield, was thrown to the ground by the evildoer.

"this… "

National server players accounted for 30% of the entire "Rebirth", and the national server team is also a cloud of masters. The mob team can fight all the way to the S-level professional league as amateur players, especially if they only know how to play tricks

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

A fighter is a crisp-skinned profession, and his blood volume is not much higher than that of an assassin, and he is a fighter who is rampant and full of strength. If he is crushed by this blow, he will probably lose his life.

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

This is what a winner should look like.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

Master against master, Er Yueshuang's fighting spirit was also aroused. She grabbed the shield with both hands and smashed it on the ground, opening the shield wall.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

The eyes of the audience are discerning, and it is clear at a glance which is higher and which is lower.

Obviously, these two fighters on the field at this time are the hard power at the bottom of the box for the mob team.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

Before it was too late, the evildoer stretched out his arms violently, grasping the edge of Er Yueshuang's shield with both hands, and at the same time leaned back and exerted force.

"this… "

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.


"Yo huh? It's not bad!"

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

"The fighter I fought against is really powerful!"

Before it was too late, the evildoer stretched out his arms violently, grasping the edge of Er Yueshuang's shield with both hands, and at the same time leaned back and exerted force.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.


This is what a winner should look like.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

This is what a winner should look like.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.


With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

At the same time, a line of words floated on Er Yueshuang's head - Awakening · Mountain Power, crush!

Even Er Yueshuang, who was off the court, couldn't help admiring: "I never expected that he could use the hell fire wheel to counterattack when I used my awakening skills, whether it is reaction or operation , are unheard of."


At that time, the evildoer ran amok, jumped on top of Er Yueshuang, and stepped down heavily.

Master against master, Er Yueshuang's fighting spirit was also aroused. She grabbed the shield with both hands and smashed it on the ground, opening the shield wall.

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

"It's nothing."

Sarcasm is a proper way to pull skills, and the judgment is irreversible. Being pulled by Er Yueshuang, the monstrous Bending Fist was forcibly interrupted, and the whole person was sucked into Er Yueshuang's shield.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

National server players accounted for 30% of the entire "Rebirth", and the national server team is also a cloud of masters. The mob team can fight all the way to the S-level professional league as amateur players, especially if they only know how to play tricks

After absorbing the evildoer, Er Yueshuang's shield slanted down, and the whole shield hit the ground heavily from top to bottom.


As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

There was silence at the scene.

At the same time, a line of words floated on Er Yueshuang's head - Awakening · Mountain Power, crush!

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

After absorbing the evildoer, Er Yueshuang's shield slanted down, and the whole shield hit the ground heavily from top to bottom.

Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.


The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

Hearing what Sanyue Feng said, Er Yueshuang suddenly showed a look of shock.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

"It's nothing."

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

A fighter is a crisp-skinned profession, and his blood volume is not much higher than that of an assassin, and he is a fighter who is rampant and full of strength. If he is crushed by this blow, he will probably lose his life.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

"No way." Er Yueshuang said with a look of surprise, "I'm afraid you didn't find a reason for your failure."


Before it was too late, the evildoer stretched out his arms violently, grasping the edge of Er Yueshuang's shield with both hands, and at the same time leaned back and exerted force.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.



If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

Hearing what Sanyue Feng said, Er Yueshuang suddenly showed a look of shock.

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

You must know that the PK ability of dual wielding weapons is much stronger than that of shield fighters, and at that time, Liu Yuexue's blood volume was also much higher than her own.

One grade higher than the top professional experts, how terrifying is this existence

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

National server players accounted for 30% of the entire "Rebirth", and the national server team is also a cloud of masters. The mob team can fight all the way to the S-level professional league as amateur players, especially if they only know how to play tricks

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.


After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.


Whether it is the floating kick or the rock-breaking kick, they are all very powerful and rare skills for fighters.

With a loud noise, Er Yueshuang, including her body and shield, was thrown to the ground by the evildoer.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.


Awakening Death Hot Wheels!

As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.


Not only the audience of the national server, but even the audience of the stick server were sincerely amazed.

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

"this… "

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.


Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

At that time, the evildoer ran amok, jumped on top of Er Yueshuang, and stepped down heavily.

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

You must know that the PK ability of dual wielding weapons is much stronger than that of shield fighters, and at that time, Liu Yuexue's blood volume was also much higher than her own.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Not only the audience of the national server, but even the audience of the stick server were sincerely amazed.

Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !


Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

However, as soon as these two fighters made a move, they showed the unparalleled charm of this profession.

With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

"this… "

Whether it is the floating kick or the rock-breaking kick, they are all very powerful and rare skills for fighters.

The eyes of the audience are discerning, and it is clear at a glance which is higher and which is lower.

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

One grade higher than the top professional experts, how terrifying is this existence

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

Before it was too late, the evildoer stretched out his arms violently, grasping the edge of Er Yueshuang's shield with both hands, and at the same time leaned back and exerted force.

As Er Yueshuang was trampled to death, the system prompted: The game is over, the winner is the rabble team.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

Even Er Yueshuang, who was off the court, couldn't help admiring: "I never expected that he could use the hell fire wheel to counterattack when I used my awakening skills, whether it is reaction or operation , are unheard of."

There was silence at the scene.


This is what a winner should look like.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

Not only the audience of the national server, but even the audience of the stick server were sincerely amazed.


Er Yueshuang's whole body was forcefully pulled up from the ground by the evildoer, and the two of them spun around in mid-air several times like a windmill.

The eyes of the audience are discerning, and it is clear at a glance which is higher and which is lower.


The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

After absorbing the evildoer, Er Yueshuang's shield slanted down, and the whole shield hit the ground heavily from top to bottom.

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

As for the BTR team and others, after seeing Wang Yu's strength just now, they were all shocked.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.


Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

As for the BTR team and others, after seeing Wang Yu's strength just now, they were all shocked.

However, everyone overlooked the most important point.

Liu Yuexue on the side also said firmly: "The fighter I fought with is even stronger."

Hearing what Sanyue Feng said, Er Yueshuang suddenly showed a look of shock.

However, as soon as these two fighters made a move, they showed the unparalleled charm of this profession.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.


Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.

Even Er Yueshuang, who was off the court, couldn't help admiring: "I never expected that he could use the hell fire wheel to counterattack when I used my awakening skills, whether it is reaction or operation , are unheard of."

With a loud noise, Er Yueshuang, including her body and shield, was thrown to the ground by the evildoer.

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

This is what a winner should look like.

No matter how hard Er Yueshuang endured the beating, she turned into a ball of white light on the spot when she had to face a set of skills from a master with all her strength, such as the monstrous rampage.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

"June is right." At this time, March's Feng interjected: "You didn't see it at the time, your opponent used the awakening skill to deal with your residual blood, but the fighter who fought against June , even the big move is useless."

With such a master, it is not a fluke that the mob team can win the Arirang team.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Sarcasm is a proper way to pull skills, and the judgment is irreversible. Being pulled by Er Yueshuang, the monstrous Bending Fist was forcibly interrupted, and the whole person was sucked into Er Yueshuang's shield.

"The fighter I fought against is really powerful!"

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

At the same time, a line of words floated on Er Yueshuang's head - Awakening · Mountain Power, crush!

"The fighter I fought against is really powerful!"

Even Er Yueshuang, who was off the court, couldn't help admiring: "I never expected that he could use the hell fire wheel to counterattack when I used my awakening skills, whether it is reaction or operation , are unheard of."

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

Even Er Yueshuang, who was off the court, couldn't help admiring: "I never expected that he could use the hell fire wheel to counterattack when I used my awakening skills, whether it is reaction or operation , are unheard of."

At that time, the evildoer ran amok, jumped on top of Er Yueshuang, and stepped down heavily.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Hearing what Sanyue Feng said, Er Yueshuang suddenly showed a look of shock.

A fighter is a crisp-skinned profession, and his blood volume is not much higher than that of an assassin, and he is a fighter who is rampant and full of strength. If he is crushed by this blow, he will probably lose his life.

"It's nothing."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.

As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

First, he was awakened by Mingdu's set, and then he was besieged by Bao San and others. Er Yueshuang didn't have a lot of blood, but was smashed to the ground by a hot wheel of death, and the blood bar on his head dropped to less than 20% in an instant. .

Whether it is the floating kick or the rock-breaking kick, they are all very powerful and rare skills for fighters.

Liu Yuexue on the side also said firmly: "The fighter I fought with is even stronger."

The rampage at this time is also very unexpected. I have encountered a lot of shield fighters, but it is the first time I have encountered a monster at Er Yueshuang's level.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

After all, the most important thing in the game is personal operation. Without hard power, even if you play tricks, you will be eliminated.

However, everyone overlooked the most important point.

"It's nothing."

"No way." Er Yueshuang said with a look of surprise, "I'm afraid you didn't find a reason for your failure."

Master against master, Er Yueshuang's fighting spirit was also aroused. She grabbed the shield with both hands and smashed it on the ground, opening the shield wall.

Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

"June is right." At this time, March's Feng interjected: "You didn't see it at the time, your opponent used the awakening skill to deal with your residual blood, but the fighter who fought against June , even the big move is useless."

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

"this… "

A few seconds later, there was warm applause and cheers from the auditorium.

"this… "

"June is right." At this time, March's Feng interjected: "You didn't see it at the time, your opponent used the awakening skill to deal with your residual blood, but the fighter who fought against June , even the big move is useless."

Whether it is the floating kick or the rock-breaking kick, they are all very powerful and rare skills for fighters.

Not only the audience of the national server, but even the audience of the stick server were sincerely amazed.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

After landing, the evildoer ran rampant without stopping at all, kicked up sideways, and made a move of floating in the air, and Er Yueshuang was kicked out of the floating air.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

Hearing what Sanyue Feng said, Er Yueshuang suddenly showed a look of shock.

With a loud noise, Er Yueshuang, including her body and shield, was thrown to the ground by the evildoer.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

As for the BTR team and others, after seeing Wang Yu's strength just now, they were all shocked.

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.


Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.

"June is right." At this time, March's Feng interjected: "You didn't see it at the time, your opponent used the awakening skill to deal with your residual blood, but the fighter who fought against June , even the big move is useless."

Having partnered with Liu Yuexue for so long, Er Yueshuang is well aware of Liu Yuexue's abilities. Although the evildoer defeated him, this kid also used awakening skills and various big moves, which shows that even if he is weak, he can Can't be too weak.


This is what a winner should look like.

But Wang Yu didn't even use a single ult to kill Liu Yuexue, which was obviously more than one level stronger than Liu Yuexue.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

After absorbing the evildoer, Er Yueshuang's shield slanted down, and the whole shield hit the ground heavily from top to bottom.

"this… "

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

You must know that the PK ability of dual wielding weapons is much stronger than that of shield fighters, and at that time, Liu Yuexue's blood volume was also much higher than her own.

But after only one round of fighting, Er Yueshuang felt afraid of the fighter in front of him.

Crack the rocks and break the sky! !

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

One grade higher than the top professional experts, how terrifying is this existence

As a top expert, Er Yueshuang has absolute confidence in her own strength.

As Er Yueshuang was trampled to death, the system prompted: The game is over, the winner is the rabble team.

Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

Fighter, from the beta of the game, has been a sewer profession, and it is almost negligible compared with such powerful professions as fighters.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

"No way." Er Yueshuang said with a look of surprise, "I'm afraid you didn't find a reason for your failure."

"No way." Er Yueshuang said with a look of surprise, "I'm afraid you didn't find a reason for your failure."

After these few games, it wasn't just Er Yueshuang. Most people on the field had misunderstood the members of the mob team, thinking that these amateur players were only playing tricks, and their real strength was just that.

Especially in the last wave of two-on-two combat between fighters and Wang Yu brothers, everyone on the scene was amazed and convinced.

Experts have a unique vision, not only Arirang and the others, but also several other teams were extremely surprised by Wang Yu's strength.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that this profession is not only handsome in appearance, but also so powerful.

A fighter is a crisp-skinned profession, and his blood volume is not much higher than that of an assassin, and he is a fighter who is rampant and full of strength. If he is crushed by this blow, he will probably lose his life.

Sarcasm is a proper way to pull skills, and the judgment is irreversible. Being pulled by Er Yueshuang, the monstrous Bending Fist was forcibly interrupted, and the whole person was sucked into Er Yueshuang's shield.

Needless to say, the Kyushu team, Wang Yu's strength has always been their shadow, and they even thought about the fucking routine of getting Wang Yu suspended one by one.

Whether it is the floating kick or the rock-breaking kick, they are all very powerful and rare skills for fighters.


"Yo huh? It's not bad!"

At that time, the evildoer ran amok, jumped on top of Er Yueshuang, and stepped down heavily.

If she doesn't cheat, Er Yueshuang is confident that all the top professional masters who have just been present will not fall behind.

After saying that, the evildoer kicked his feet on the ground fiercely, opened his Bengquan and rushed towards Er Yueshuang.

The evildoer sucked on the shield ran rampant, and suddenly felt an irresistible force pressing down on him.

If the mob team still played smart in the last game, even if they won the game, they would be despised by everyone. However, this wave of tactical operations in the last game saved a little face for the mob team, which had an extremely low reputation.

As for the BTR team and others, after seeing Wang Yu's strength just now, they were all shocked.

Obviously, these two fighters on the field at this time are the hard power at the bottom of the box for the mob team.

Er Yueshuang was trampled to the ground from the air, causing huge cracks on the ground.

However, everyone overlooked the most important point.