MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1823: The thief who stole the boss



Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

Of course, there are also very few sluts who send messages to be sarcastic.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

"Call me!"

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.


For example, Dugu Nine Spears, this grandson sent a message to Wuji in a strange manner: "I watched your game, you played well, you have a lot of characteristics, and it cured my insomnia for many years."

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

Dugu Nine Spears is also cheap, if you have nothing to do, ask Wuji to play tricks, Wuji replied lukewarm: "Your insomnia is caused by your inability to participate in the World Professional League."

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

This little brother is also very good at speaking. If he is wiped out by others, he will be wiped out, and he said lightly that he didn't stop him.

But this time, the people were so unruly, not only killing people, but also taunting them. Such behavior directly changed the nature of this matter.

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.


Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

"I don't care which master he is!" Dugu Jiuqiang said angrily, "Even if you dare to steal the boss of our last days, even the king of heaven, where are they now? Hurry up and ask someone to kill them!"

Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.


Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

The big guild has not pulled up a team yet, and the leveling area is the important resource of the guild.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

"I do not know!"

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

"It's at the BOSS refresh point." Brother Guang said: "Our people are entangled with them. These guys are very powerful. We can't hold it anymore."

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

Of course, there are also very few sluts who send messages to be sarcastic.

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

"No hurries."

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.


For example, Dugu Nine Spears, this grandson sent a message to Wuji in a strange manner: "I watched your game, you played well, you have a lot of characteristics, and it cured my insomnia for many years."

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

Dugu Nine Spears is also cheap, if you have nothing to do, ask Wuji to play tricks, Wuji replied lukewarm: "Your insomnia is caused by your inability to participate in the World Professional League."

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

Of course, there is no weak player who dares to stroll on Long Island, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of collecting money in the last days of the world.

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

"It's different this time."

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

"I don't care which master he is!" Dugu Jiuqiang said angrily, "Even if you dare to steal the boss of our last days, even the king of heaven, where are they now? Hurry up and ask someone to kill them!"

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.



The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

"But… "

"It's at the BOSS refresh point." Brother Guang said: "Our people are entangled with them. These guys are very powerful. We can't hold it anymore."

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

This little brother is also very good at speaking. If he is wiped out by others, he will be wiped out, and he said lightly that he didn't stop him.

"Call me!"

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

"But… "

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

"It's fine if you don't stop them. Since they are all masters, there's no need to get too stiff with them." Dugu Jiuqiang said indifferently.

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

But this time, the people were so unruly, not only killing people, but also taunting them. Such behavior directly changed the nature of this matter.

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

This little brother is also very good at speaking. If he is wiped out by others, he will be wiped out, and he said lightly that he didn't stop him.

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

At least when dealing with masters back then, Lonely Nine Guns was much more forgiving.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

"It's different this time."

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."


Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

"But… "

As soon as the little brother said this, the anger of Dugu Jiuqiang burst out in a flash.

For example, Dugu Nine Spears, this grandson sent a message to Wuji in a strange manner: "I watched your game, you played well, you have a lot of characteristics, and it cured my insomnia for many years."

"But… "

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

Not long after it went online, the message boards of Wang Yu and others also became busy.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

"It's fine if you don't stop them. Since they are all masters, there's no need to get too stiff with them." Dugu Jiuqiang said indifferently.


But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

For example, Dugu Nine Spears, this grandson sent a message to Wuji in a strange manner: "I watched your game, you played well, you have a lot of characteristics, and it cured my insomnia for many years."

"It's at the BOSS refresh point." Brother Guang said: "Our people are entangled with them. These guys are very powerful. We can't hold it anymore."

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

But this time, the people were so unruly, not only killing people, but also taunting them. Such behavior directly changed the nature of this matter.

As soon as the little brother said this, the anger of Dugu Jiuqiang burst out in a flash.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

Dugu Jiuqiang is also a ruthless person, he doesn't care who the group of guys in front of him are, seeing that they have already opened the boss, Dugu Jiuqiang gave the command to attack without saying a word.

Dugu Jiuqiang is also a ruthless person, he doesn't care who the group of guys in front of him are, seeing that they have already opened the boss, Dugu Jiuqiang gave the command to attack without saying a word.

"Boss is bad, someone stole the BOSS, and the evil dragon Malphite was attacked!"

Of course, there is no weak player who dares to stroll on Long Island, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of collecting money in the last days of the world.

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

For example, Dugu Nine Spears, this grandson sent a message to Wuji in a strange manner: "I watched your game, you played well, you have a lot of characteristics, and it cured my insomnia for many years."

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

Of course, there is no weak player who dares to stroll on Long Island, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of collecting money in the last days of the world.

"Too arrogant?"

"It's at the BOSS refresh point." Brother Guang said: "Our people are entangled with them. These guys are very powerful. We can't hold it anymore."

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

Dugu Nine Spears is also cheap, if you have nothing to do, ask Wuji to play tricks, Wuji replied lukewarm: "Your insomnia is caused by your inability to participate in the World Professional League."

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.

At least when dealing with masters back then, Lonely Nine Guns was much more forgiving.

That's why anyone with a little bit of skill will sharpen their heads and drill into the big guilds.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.


After all, ridicule is just a matter of face, and a big boss like Malphite is a real benefit.

"Call me!"

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."


Those masters who broke into the island are not fools, and they must be able to see Dugu Jiuqiang's thoughts.


Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

After all, ridicule is just a matter of face, and a big boss like Malphite is a real benefit.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

But this time, the people were so unruly, not only killing people, but also taunting them. Such behavior directly changed the nature of this matter.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

"I don't care which master he is!" Dugu Jiuqiang said angrily, "Even if you dare to steal the boss of our last days, even the king of heaven, where are they now? Hurry up and ask someone to kill them!"

As soon as the little brother said this, the anger of Dugu Jiuqiang burst out in a flash.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

"It's fine if you don't stop them. Since they are all masters, there's no need to get too stiff with them." Dugu Jiuqiang said indifferently.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

"But… "

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

It felt as if his wife had been slept by someone else, and he was even more angry than the guild who had just heard that someone mocked him.

"Too arrogant?"

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

In the last days of the world, he is also a local snake. He has never been humiliated like this before.

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

In the last days of the world, he is also a local snake. He has never been humiliated like this before.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

The big guild has not pulled up a team yet, and the leveling area is the important resource of the guild.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

The big guild has not pulled up a team yet, and the leveling area is the important resource of the guild.

Dugu Nine Spears is also cheap, if you have nothing to do, ask Wuji to play tricks, Wuji replied lukewarm: "Your insomnia is caused by your inability to participate in the World Professional League."

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you


But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.


"But… "

"Too arrogant?"

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

Dugu Jiuqiang asked angrily: "Where are they going now?"

Dugu Jiuqiang is also a ruthless person, he doesn't care who the group of guys in front of him are, seeing that they have already opened the boss, Dugu Jiuqiang gave the command to attack without saying a word.


In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

At this time, when he heard that the boss raised by his guild was stolen by others, one can imagine Dugu Jiuqiang's mood.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

"Too arrogant?"

"I do not know!"

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Of course, there is no weak player who dares to stroll on Long Island, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of collecting money in the last days of the world.

But this time, the people were so unruly, not only killing people, but also taunting them. Such behavior directly changed the nature of this matter.

Seeing Wuji's news, Dugu Jiuqiang's originally good mood suddenly became depressed.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

"Boss is bad, someone stole the BOSS, and the evil dragon Malphite was attacked!"

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

"I do not know!"

"Boss is bad, someone stole the BOSS, and the evil dragon Malphite was attacked!"

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

"It's different this time."

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

It is not unreasonable for Dugu Nine Spears to be ridiculed by the Quanzhen Sect as Dugu Congxin.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

"But… "

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

"I don't care which master he is!" Dugu Jiuqiang said angrily, "Even if you dare to steal the boss of our last days, even the king of heaven, where are they now? Hurry up and ask someone to kill them!"

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

It felt as if his wife had been slept by someone else, and he was even more angry than the guild who had just heard that someone mocked him.

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

The big guild has not pulled up a team yet, and the leveling area is the important resource of the guild.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.

"Boss is bad, someone stole the BOSS, and the evil dragon Malphite was attacked!"

Dugu Nine Spears is also cheap, if you have nothing to do, ask Wuji to play tricks, Wuji replied lukewarm: "Your insomnia is caused by your inability to participate in the World Professional League."

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.

"No hurries."

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

"It's fine if you don't stop them. Since they are all masters, there's no need to get too stiff with them." Dugu Jiuqiang said indifferently.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

This little brother is also very good at speaking. If he is wiped out by others, he will be wiped out, and he said lightly that he didn't stop him.

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

At least when dealing with masters back then, Lonely Nine Guns was much more forgiving.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

Dugu Nine Spears had just had a bad nose at Wuji's place, and there was no place to vent his anger. Now he heard that someone was provoking the end of the world, and Dugu Nine Spears' anger was finally aroused.

Dugu Nine Spears has seen a lot of breaking into the empty door. The reason why everyone broke into the empty door is because the transfer fee is too high. Of course, Dugu Nine Spears is well aware of this.

That's why anyone with a little bit of skill will sharpen their heads and drill into the big guilds.

At least when dealing with masters back then, Lonely Nine Guns was much more forgiving.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

At this time, when he heard that the boss raised by his guild was stolen by others, one can imagine Dugu Jiuqiang's mood.

The only way to go to Dragon Island is in Tianlong City.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

After all, as the president of a big guild, Dugu Nine Spears has to be much more prudent in doing things, and he certainly can't do whatever he wants like the Quanzhen Sect.

Having fought against the Quanzhen sect for so many years, Dugu Jiuqiang also knew how troublesome it would be to offend a small group of masters. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he was scared of being beaten by Wang Yu.

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

At this time, when he heard that the boss raised by his guild was stolen by others, one can imagine Dugu Jiuqiang's mood.

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

"Who is so daring, dare to steal the owner's BOSS."

Small guilds don't like it, so they throw it to casual players. The later the game is like this, the harder it is for casual players to mix.

It felt as if his wife had been slept by someone else, and he was even more angry than the guild who had just heard that someone mocked him.

Just when Dugu Jiuqiang was depressed, suddenly a younger brother rushed in from the door and shouted loudly.

That's why anyone with a little bit of skill will sharpen their heads and drill into the big guilds.

In the last days of the world, he is also a local snake. He has never been humiliated like this before.

After all, ridicule is just a matter of face, and a big boss like Malphite is a real benefit.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

Dugu Nine Spears was taken aback when he received the news, and replied with a frown.

"I do not know!"

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

In the last days of the world, he is also a local snake. He has never been humiliated like this before.

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

There are at least dozens of people who visit the island every day. Dugu Jiuqiang seems to be used to it, and even a little impatient.

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

Dugu Jiuqiang asked angrily: "Where are they going now?"

"It's not good, boss! Someone broke into Dragon Island!"

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

In the game, people can be resurrected, and life is not too valuable, but killing people and provoking them is a matter of character.

The big guild has not pulled up a team yet, and the leveling area is the important resource of the guild.

After all, ridicule is just a matter of face, and a big boss like Malphite is a real benefit.


In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

But when the guild takes shape in the game, the boss becomes the guild's private property.

Dugu Jiuqiang asked angrily: "Where are they going now?"

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.

Having said that, Brother Guang sent another message: "But judging by their appearance, they should not be masters of the national server."

When breaking through the empty door, everyone will be merciful to the end-of-the-world players who block the way.

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

The content of the news was the same, they were all congratulating the rabble for qualifying.

Of course, big guilds are not big enough to contract all the bosses. Big guilds like those ordinary bosses are looked down upon, and only small guilds will contract.

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

"I don't care which master he is!" Dugu Jiuqiang said angrily, "Even if you dare to steal the boss of our last days, even the king of heaven, where are they now? Hurry up and ask someone to kill them!"

The evil dragon Malphite is one of them.

Dugu Nine Guns waved his hand and said, "If you kill him, you'll be fine. You still need me for such a trivial matter?"

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

"It's at the BOSS refresh point." Brother Guang said: "Our people are entangled with them. These guys are very powerful. We can't hold it anymore."

"But… "

So over time, there was an unwritten rule for going to Dragon Island from Tianlong City.

However, before the younger brother could answer, suddenly the message board of Dugu Nine Spears lit up.

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

Logically speaking, things like bosses have always been ownerless, but that's all for the early game.

Therefore, if he could get past the expert players, Dugu Jiuqiang would not be willing to offend him to death, and most of the time he just turned a blind eye.

After all, ridicule is just a matter of face, and a big boss like Malphite is a real benefit.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be there!"

Hearing Dugu Jiuqiang's words, the little brother said with a sad face: "Those guys killed hundreds of our brothers, and even laughed at us that the end of the world is full of trash."

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

Brother Guang said anxiously: "The names of these masters have never been heard, and they are not our old opponents."

Dugu Jiuqiang asked angrily: "Where are they going now?"

That is, the rich spend money, and the capable rely on their ability.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

Dugu Jiuqiang opened it and saw a message from Brother Guang appeared in front of his eyes.

After saying that, Dugu Nine Spears sent an assembly message on the guild channel, gathered hundreds of people and went to Long Island in a mighty manner.

Damn, if you can't take care of Quanzhen Dog, can't you also take care of you

"Too arrogant?"

As soon as the little brother said this, the anger of Dugu Jiuqiang burst out in a flash.

"No hurries."

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

When Dugu Nine Spears brought people to the refresh point of the evil dragon Malphite, Brother Guang's group had been slaughtered, and a group of tall, blond strangers were chatting and laughing and opened the boss.

The little brother shouted anxiously: "The guys who broke into the island are very powerful. We stopped them, but we didn't stop them."

"I do not know!"

As the lord of Tianlong City, the Doomsday Guild under Dugu Nine Spears controlled this important road, and specially collected tolls here.

"Call me!"

In "Rebirth", there are not many masters who have the ability to dare to fight against the end of the world, and all of them are famous masters, and people in the end of the world are no strangers.

It felt as if his wife had been slept by someone else, and he was even more angry than the guild who had just heard that someone mocked him.

Big guilds with tens of thousands of people like the end of the world have always raised some big bosses as their own resources.

"But… "

Dugu Jiuqiang is also a ruthless person, he doesn't care who the group of guys in front of him are, seeing that they have already opened the boss, Dugu Jiuqiang gave the command to attack without saying a word.

"No hurries."


After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the last days of the world. If they really want to target someone, a small team will certainly not be the opponent of the last days of the world.