MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1841: The tense Quanzhen religion


I don't know if it's because of excessive nervousness, or to ensure sufficient energy and physical strength. After dinner, all the otaku men and otaku women of Quanzhen did not play games for the first time, but returned to their rooms early to rest.

In particular, all of you here are world-class masters, and many of them are even their idols.

Without the insidious and cunning style of play of the ragtag team, the competition on the European server went very smoothly. Although the teams in the competition were all top experts, it was hard to distinguish the winners and losers at the moment, but soon the three teams qualified one after another.

"Deploy a fart!" Wuji rolled his eyes and said, "There is too much difference in strength, what's the use of tactical deployment? It's as if you can win by just playing tricks."

Wang Yu also looked puzzled.

Obviously, the members of the Liberty Team came here for Wang Yu, and Wang Yu dared to guarantee that he definitely didn't know these guys.

Facing so many powerful opponents, it is reasonable to feel unsure.

In terms of the general strength of the players like the mob, being able to break out of the knockout rounds to this point is already their limit, and if they want to go further, they basically belong to the level of a hundred feet.

The members of the Temple team are already very strong, but it is not easy to qualify. It can be seen that the level of the European server team is strong, which is obviously higher than the previous battles of the Asian server.

"I… "

If it weren't for Wang Yu's bug, a master of the Kyushu team's level would be able to beat the Quanzhen Sect with a fancy way of doing it.

At the end of the game, the teams of the three major servers and nine payout lines have been determined.

If you don't mind, it's still very reasonable.

Except for Wang Yu's ragtag team, these nine teams are all top veteran teams in the world. Pantheon, BTR team and Kyushu team have occupied the top three positions in the e-sports circle for several consecutive years.

"Bah! You're cute, your whole family is cute!" Ji Ao was furious.

"No need to analyze." Wuji waved his hand and said, "Didn't we watch the Liberty team's game? Let's observe carefully how the others play tomorrow."

Of course, it doesn't mean that the qualifying teams in the Asian server are low-level. The main reason is that the home teams are all single-player players. In the e-sports industry, the strength is indeed not up to the level compared with the top players.

In this way, those teams that plan to step on the ragtag teams to advance will weigh their own weight.

As for the Holy Temple team, the Quanzhen Sect who had been hunted down had no way to enter the sky and nowhere to go. Remembering that they were chased and killed by these bastards back then, everyone still has a shadow.

"Ahem!" Bao San coughed and said coldly, "Chicken, watch your words! You can scold him, but don't take me with you."

Speaking of this, Wuji said again: "The guys from the Pantheon Temple have fought Lao Niu before, and knowing that Lao Niu is not easy to deal with, they deliberately let the Liberty Team come to our thunderstorm, so we must show them some strength tomorrow. .”

It feels like an amateur football expert who is suddenly pulled to play with those top stars in the World Cup. It feels very subtle.

"Nonsense!" Wuji looked at Ji Ao with an idiot's eyes and said, "Chicken, you've been with us for so long, why haven't you made any progress at all, today the Liberty Team took the initiative to come to provoke you, tomorrow they will let us Play a game with another team first?"

To be reasonable, although Quanzhen taught this group of guys to have the courage to look higher than the top, but when they really come to such a big scene, they will inevitably feel a little guilty.

The guys from Quanzhen Sect are really in a hurry. Usually when they play games, other teams have to analyze their opponents and make various arrangements before the game. Just sit there drinking tea and watching TV, everyone began to accuse Wuji of being irresponsible.

Being despised by Wuji, everyone grinned angrily and said, "Then you have to analyze your opponent anyway."

"Since you don't know them, then they must have heard of you from others." Wuji stroked his chin and said, "In the circle of professional masters abroad, you should know people from Pantheon."

In addition to the All-Star team Pantheon, the second team to qualify is King (Emperor). As for the last team to qualify, it is also an old acquaintance of Quanzhen Sect. .

"During the knockout round..."

After a lot of competition, the S-level World Professional League finally officially kicked off.

"But I don't know them at all."

In this case, it is necessary to be prepared for every game, because the opponent is not as good as before, as long as you are not paying attention, you may lose the normal game.

After all, the guys from Quanzhen Sect are all realists, and they understand better than anyone else that no matter how thick their thighs are, they are not as strong as themselves.

"Depend on!"

As soon as they returned to the hotel, everyone from the Quanzhen Sect frowned.

As for the previous tactics of hiding Wang Yu and other masters to preserve strength, obviously it will no longer be effective in this situation, and it is better to bluff than to hide strength.

"Team Liberty? How do you know that our opponent tomorrow is Team Liberty?" Ji Ao asked puzzled.

The Quanzhen sect has also come into contact with these top teams. Although the Kyushu team was defeated in the past, everyone naturally knows how to win.

"My mother." Wuji covered his face with one hand and touched Ji Ao's head with the other, speechless: "What kind of head is this, we don't necessarily have to be someone else's opponent even if we go all out, you still want to hide your strength? What do you think?"

"That's right." Wuji said firmly: "It must be the people from the Pantheon who are playing tricks, and the mentally retarded members of the Liberty Team don't even know that they are being used as guns."

Wang Yu nodded.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, everyone entered the competition venue under the reception of the staff.


"That's called tactics! Show the enemy to be weak, understand?" Wuji sighed, "Use the same move twice and you'll pretend that everyone else is as cute as you?"

"How should we fight tomorrow, old dog Wuji, don't you want to learn how to deploy from other teams?"

Now there are nine opponents at this level, and they will be playing tomorrow, so it must be bragging to say that there is no pressure in their hearts.

Eyes above the top also need strength. Quanzhenjiao's group of guys are naturally aloof in front of other players, but they are still a little weaker in front of these professional-level masters.


"Aren't you hiding your strength?" Ji Ao asked again.

They are the Rabble Team, Kyushu Team, and BTR Team in the Asian server, the Rebel Team, the Freedom Sci-Fi Team in the American server, and the Pantheon, Emperor, and Templar teams in the European server.