MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1843: female archer


In terms of occupation, assassins basically have no natural enemies other than tank occupations, especially the most restrained crispy occupations such as archers.

Although the name sounds silly, it is well-known in the e-sports circle.

"Miss Qingxue, I'm watching you for the first game!"

Seeing Yang Na, an archer, rushing towards him, the invisible man was also stunned. Even he wondered if his sponsor had stuffed the opponent with money.

Click, click!

Now some players have started conspiracy theories, and rumors have been fabricated, saying that the mob team received money from the Liberty team, so they deliberately gave points.


It's that simple for assassins to deal with squishy occupations.

The invisible man was pushed back two steps by a strong force, and the stealth was forcibly interrupted.

Hey, hey, big sister, you are an archer, shouldn't you run back to increase the distance? How about running forward? Can you die in such a hurry

"What picture do you choose for the first game?"

The scene in the venue changed, and the holographic projections of the two teams appeared on the field.

What's more, this archer is still a woman.

Being stupid while being bad at the same time is something that happens all the time in the game. Combined with the comparison between the previous style of the rabble team and the current style, there are really a group of fools who believe in this.

After confirming the teams of both sides of the competition, the two teams entered the competition room under the leadership of the staff.

At first Wang Yu thought he was teasing the assassin's stealth ability, but later he realized that he was referring to the invisible man.

Arena is the smallest map in the game, but Archer, the most remote class, is a map-hungry class.

As I said just now, there are many opportunities to lose points later, and the points that can be obtained in the front must not be lost.

It is the basic quality to be calm in the face of danger. If Yang Na can't rush to her, the invisible man will activate the stealth technique and disappear into the air.

Such a temperament makes everyone have a bright feeling.

"Competitive arena? Is this going to fight head-on?"

"Archer? Or a female archer?"

"Could it be that they really took the money?" Ares on the side asked in surprise.

Wang Yu also knew that the individual strength of the mob team was far from that of other teams, so map selection couldn't be done casually, so he turned his head to seek Wuji's opinion.

"Yo Yo Yo, beautiful lady!"


As soon as Yang Na came to the stage, everyone couldn't understand what the group of people in the ragtag team were thinking.

After choosing the map, Wuji turned his head and greeted Yang Na.

Even the two commentators were stunned: "That's not right, when did this mob team get so tough."

Seeing the Invisible Man on the field, everyone was even more convinced that the Rabble team took money from the Liberty team.

The mob team chose a tough map out of nowhere, and threw a female archer up. Could it be that they came to deliver food

One can imagine the result of a female archer against a world-class assassin.

Since the Rabble is the one being challenged, the Rabble has the home court advantage, and the Rabble will choose the map for the first heads-up match.


"Don't listen to those mentally retarded rumors." Uranus rolled his eyes at Ares and said: "The Freedom Team is also a very powerful professional team. Professional masters still spend money to fight amateur teams? You really look down on the Freedom Team, right? It should be a coincidence."

Seeing that the map on the field turned into a ring, the audience was once again amazed.

As we all know, archers and people PK, most of the time rely on terrain and speed to fly a kite with the opponent, and continue to output damage to the opponent. On the map of the competitive arena, the speed advantage of the archer can be directly cut by more than half.

As the crossbow bolts were pressed into the magazine, the crossbow machine in Yang Na's hand made a very rhythmic clicking sound.

With a loud noise, the crossbow arrow shot straight at the invisible man's chest.

Facing the ridicule of the invisible man, Yang Na didn't say a word, she concentrated on looking at the crossbow in her hand, and meticulously pressed the crossbow arrows into the magazine one by one.

Seeing this scene, everyone was at a loss.

Although Wang Yu is the captain of the mob team, Wang Yu is a simple and rude person with a relatively simple mind.

The invisible man on the stage was also a little surprised to see that his opponent was a female archer, and said with a random smile: "I advise you to surrender yourself. As a gentleman, I don't want my knife to draw on your face. .”

Sneak, backstab, take away in one set!

After all, Wuji is the dog-headed strategist of Quanzhen Sect.


With the countdown of the ear system, the battle begins.

As a martial arts practitioner, Yang Na has always acted neatly. After receiving Wuji's order, she lightly responded and teleported directly to the ring.

"It's awesome! It's awesome! It's unexpected that the mob team is so kind."

But seeing the invisible man disappear, Yang Na didn't panic in the slightest. With a slight lift of the crossbow in her hand, a crossbow flew out with a white light.

It's not that every assassin is an invisible person. This sentence is often mentioned even by gamers like Wang Yu when they first entered the game.

In the game, female players and female drivers are basically on the same level, and they are derogatory terms.

"Competitive arena!" Wuji said firmly: "The chances of losing points in the future are too high, and we can't lose any points we should get."

The player on the side of the free team is an assassin, and the assassin's name is very secondary, called the invisible man.

At this time, Yang Na was only a few meters away from the invisible man, and the crossbow arrow arrived in an instant.

"Yeah!" Wang Yu nodded and chose the competitive arena.

Yang Na looks serious, like a cold sniper on TV.

This is not that players can belittle women, but that holographic simulation games are different from keyboard and mouse games. In this mode, the player's fighting level has a lot to do with the real fighting level. In this regard, women's fighting level It is indeed slightly lower than that of male players.

Seeing the disparity in strength between the two on the stage, Luo Ji couldn't help sighing: "What is this mob team thinking? In the competitive arena, the archer vs. the assassin is basically the winner."

"3, 2, 1... fight!"

Indeed, according to the past style of the Rabble team, as long as they are at home, they will definitely choose a big map. After all, in terms of the strength of the Rabble players, it is considered a victory if they do not allow their opponents to score, but this time they chose a map as tough as the competitive arena. It was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

But a master is a master after all.

In the past, there were many female players in professional e-sports leagues, but this time there were very few female players.

As soon as the battle started, Yang Na rushed forward with the crossbow in her hand.

In such a small area, let alone relying on the terrain, there is no condition for even flying a kite.