MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1849: Steady as Mount Tai


The profession of shield warrior and priest can be said to be a golden partner.

Priests and paladins are both priests, and many basic skills are the same. For example, paladins can heal the priests, and priests can also use the gravity technique of the paladins.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

When Yin's second child raises his shield as a skill, there will be a visual blind spot. In this gap, Gospel pinches his left hand and quietly throws three spells at his feet.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

Yin Laoer is also a fighting profession after all, and would usually take the initiative to attack after being humiliated by non-combat professions, but at this time, as long as Yin Laoer stepped into the range of the Gravity Talisman, he would be considered to have entered the trap of the Gospel.

Although shield combat is very powerful in all professions, whether it is judgment or defense, and the positioning of this profession in the game is also extremely important, but this profession has obvious flaws.


Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.

Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

This is why most priests increase their physical fitness and spirit to ensure their survivability.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

One, the damage is low.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Two, the speed is slow.

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Of course, even so, the priest's milk volume is fixed, and the highest output of a skill is only a few thousand damage. In this era when the level A is tens of thousands, this output is almost equivalent to scratching an itch, but at this time it has become a boon The only hope of victory.

Although I can't beat you, you still have to be beaten by me, and it's a low-level attack like spitting.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Two, the speed is slow.

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Two, the speed is slow.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

The skill or spell damage of ordinary occupations is based on the player's equipment bonus and attribute improvement, as well as the restraint of the opposing player.

Yin Laoer is also a fighting profession after all, and would usually take the initiative to attack after being humiliated by non-combat professions, but at this time, as long as Yin Laoer stepped into the range of the Gravity Talisman, he would be considered to have entered the trap of the Gospel.

This kid has a skill called "Considering one thing while losing another". After turning on this state, Gospel's healing skills can be used on any target, including local units.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Gravity Talisman is a low-level skill with low concealment (need to be hidden by players stepping on it) and low triggering. It seems that the cooldown time is not long. Death is also easy.

Although shield combat is very powerful in all professions, whether it is judgment or defense, and the positioning of this profession in the game is also extremely important, but this profession has obvious flaws.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

At this time, Gospel smiled and hooked his fingers at Yin's second child, made a provocative gesture, and then threw another holy light ball over.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.


This is why most priests increase their physical fitness and spirit to ensure their survivability.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

Priests and paladins are both priests, and many basic skills are the same. For example, paladins can heal the priests, and priests can also use the gravity technique of the paladins.

In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

This is why most priests increase their physical fitness and spirit to ensure their survivability.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

Obviously, compared to ordinary priests, the fixed healing mechanism is useless in heads-up matches, but it is useful for the gospel.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

However, the difference is that after the healing skill is released on the enemy unit, it will become an equivalent output skill.

Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

This kid has a skill called "Considering one thing while losing another". After turning on this state, Gospel's healing skills can be used on any target, including local units.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

However, the difference is that after the healing skill is released on the enemy unit, it will become an equivalent output skill.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

Of course, even so, the priest's milk volume is fixed, and the highest output of a skill is only a few thousand damage. In this era when the level A is tens of thousands, this output is almost equivalent to scratching an itch, but at this time it has become a boon The only hope of victory.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

Of course, even so, the priest's milk volume is fixed, and the highest output of a skill is only a few thousand damage. In this era when the level A is tens of thousands, this output is almost equivalent to scratching an itch, but at this time it has become a boon The only hope of victory.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.


Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

When Yin's second child raises his shield as a skill, there will be a visual blind spot. In this gap, Gospel pinches his left hand and quietly throws three spells at his feet.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Obviously, compared to ordinary priests, the fixed healing mechanism is useless in heads-up matches, but it is useful for the gospel.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

The skill or spell damage of ordinary occupations is based on the player's equipment bonus and attribute improvement, as well as the restraint of the opposing player.

The profession of shield warrior and priest can be said to be a golden partner.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

Gravity Talisman! !

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

Priests and paladins are both priests, and many basic skills are the same. For example, paladins can heal the priests, and priests can also use the gravity technique of the paladins.

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

As a healing profession, most of the priest's skills are recovery skills, and the healing amount of such skills is basically fixed under normal circumstances, and intelligence has only a mana-increasing effect on the priest.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

This kid has a skill called "Considering one thing while losing another". After turning on this state, Gospel's healing skills can be used on any target, including local units.

One, the damage is low.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

Although I can't beat you, you still have to be beaten by me, and it's a low-level attack like spitting.

The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.

The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.

Priests and paladins are both priests, and many basic skills are the same. For example, paladins can heal the priests, and priests can also use the gravity technique of the paladins.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

This is why most priests increase their physical fitness and spirit to ensure their survivability.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Of course, even so, the priest's milk volume is fixed, and the highest output of a skill is only a few thousand damage. In this era when the level A is tens of thousands, this output is almost equivalent to scratching an itch, but at this time it has become a boon The only hope of victory.

However, in the face of the provocation of the Gospel, Yin's second son just stood there without moving as if he hadn't seen anything.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

Obviously, compared to ordinary priests, the fixed healing mechanism is useless in heads-up matches, but it is useful for the gospel.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

Gravity Talisman! !

Gravity Talisman! !

When Yin's second child raises his shield as a skill, there will be a visual blind spot. In this gap, Gospel pinches his left hand and quietly throws three spells at his feet.

Some people will also say, now in the heads-up competition, what is the use of the skill mechanism of a priest profession with a fixed output? Could it be possible to win by giving blood to the opponent

Yin Laoer is also a fighting profession after all, and would usually take the initiative to attack after being humiliated by non-combat professions, but at this time, as long as Yin Laoer stepped into the range of the Gravity Talisman, he would be considered to have entered the trap of the Gospel.

The profession of shield warrior and priest can be said to be a golden partner.

Two, the speed is slow.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

When Yin's second child raises his shield as a skill, there will be a visual blind spot. In this gap, Gospel pinches his left hand and quietly throws three spells at his feet.

Like the Paladin's gravity spell, the target's movement speed will be greatly reduced in the gravity state, and the superposition of three gravity charms can make the target close to the fixed state.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

At this time, Gospel smiled and hooked his fingers at Yin's second child, made a provocative gesture, and then threw another holy light ball over.


Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

Gospel has only one purpose in doing this, and that is to anger Yin's second child.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Although I can't beat you, you still have to be beaten by me, and it's a low-level attack like spitting.

Although I can't beat you, you still have to be beaten by me, and it's a low-level attack like spitting.

At this time, Gospel smiled and hooked his fingers at Yin's second child, made a provocative gesture, and then threw another holy light ball over.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

For example, the healing amount of the first-level healing technique is 500, even if the spell power of the priest is as high as 1000, the healing effect is still 500, and this mechanism is irreversible.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.

However, the difference is that after the healing skill is released on the enemy unit, it will become an equivalent output skill.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Yin Laoer is also a fighting profession after all, and would usually take the initiative to attack after being humiliated by non-combat professions, but at this time, as long as Yin Laoer stepped into the range of the Gravity Talisman, he would be considered to have entered the trap of the Gospel.

This kid has a skill called "Considering one thing while losing another". After turning on this state, Gospel's healing skills can be used on any target, including local units.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.


With these two professions, it is enough to ensure the viability of the team. As the best support for the shield warrior, the priest naturally has a very deep understanding of this profession.

The two most important points of PVP are output and speed, which is completely absent in this profession.

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

Gravity Talisman is a low-level skill with low concealment (need to be hidden by players stepping on it) and low triggering. It seems that the cooldown time is not long. Death is also easy.

After burying the talisman, Gospel took a light step forward and stepped on the talisman. At the same time, Yin Laoer also finished blocking the holy light ball.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

Obviously, compared to ordinary priests, the fixed healing mechanism is useless in heads-up matches, but it is useful for the gospel.

Although shield combat is very powerful in all professions, whether it is judgment or defense, and the positioning of this profession in the game is also extremely important, but this profession has obvious flaws.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

With Yin Lao Er's attack power, even if a skill hits Gospel, it won't cause too much damage, but if Yin Lao Er triggers the Gravity Talisman, it will be impossible to run away.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

Because adding intelligence is not very useful except for battery life, anyway, how much blood you milk depends on the skill level.

After all, healing is not an instant skill, and on the contrary, healing is relatively slow, whether it is skill activation or singing.

Yin Laoer's short legs have no habit of dodging skills at all, but with a slight lift of the shield, the holy light ball becomes a little bit of light.

However, in the face of the provocation of the Gospel, Yin's second son just stood there without moving as if he hadn't seen anything.

The output of the priest profession is not high, but it has an incomparable advantage over other professions, that is, it has a fixed output mechanism.

Although shield combat is very powerful in all professions, whether it is judgment or defense, and the positioning of this profession in the game is also extremely important, but this profession has obvious flaws.

No matter how high the defense of Yin Lao Er is, it will not be effective in the face of fixed output damage.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Different from the Quanzhen Sect group of guys who have their own personalities and are rebellious, Yin Laoer's years of professional athlete career have given him a good habit of obeying orders.

In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

Two, the speed is slow.

In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

Obviously, compared to ordinary priests, the fixed healing mechanism is useless in heads-up matches, but it is useful for the gospel.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

The profession of shield warrior and priest can be said to be a golden partner.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

Although shield combat is very powerful in all professions, whether it is judgment or defense, and the positioning of this profession in the game is also extremely important, but this profession has obvious flaws.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

Two, the speed is slow.

Before taking the stage, Wuji reminded Yin Lao Er not to take the initiative to attack, because the opponent is a top expert, as a defensive battle, once he takes the initiative to attack, he will leak his flaws and be taken advantage of.

Two, the speed is slow.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.

As soon as the countdown to the game started, the Gospel staff was raised and a ball of holy light was thrown at Yin Lao Er from a distance.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".


In Quanzhen teachings, although Yin's second child is a little clever, he is the most obedient one at all times, and he is also the most commanding guy in Wuji.

Yin Lao Er, who was born as an athlete of the national team, has extremely high professionalism far surpassing everyone in the team. Facing the provocations of holy light balls thrown by Gospel, Yin Lao Er has always maintained a calm mind and just raised his hand to attack. After all, there was no stance to fight back.

Gravity Talisman! !

When Yin's second child raises his shield as a skill, there will be a visual blind spot. In this gap, Gospel pinches his left hand and quietly throws three spells at his feet.

Since the opponent will not stand there obediently and be beaten, then create conditions for the opponent to stand there and be beaten.


The holy light ball is one of the lowest level skills of the priest. Using this skill to continuously attack the target in the arena is equivalent to endless provocation.


Yin Laoer is also a fighting profession after all, and would usually take the initiative to attack after being humiliated by non-combat professions, but at this time, as long as Yin Laoer stepped into the range of the Gravity Talisman, he would be considered to have entered the trap of the Gospel.

Gravity Talisman! !

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

Although I can't beat you, you still have to be beaten by me, and it's a low-level attack like spitting.

Provocation is sometimes a two-way skill. Originally, Gospel threw the holy light ball to lead Yin Lao Er to the trigger range of the gravity talisman under his feet. It can be seen that Yin Lao Er is so indifferent. Yin Lao Er is not in a hurry, but Gospel is first. up.

When healing your teammates, your teammates will naturally not dodge stupidly, but it is more difficult to hit the enemy's target.

However, the difference is that the Paladin's Gravity Spell can be released directly at the target location, while the Priest's Gravity Talisman is a triggering skill. Like a trap, the target needs to step into the detonation range of the spell to take effect.

As a good boy and a former athlete, Yin's second child naturally knows the truth of not underestimating any opponent, and at this moment he is also bearing in mind the teachings of Boss Wuji.

Gospel's small calculations are not ineffective. Not only did he deduce the battle, but he also thought about Yin's second thought from another perspective.

Gravity Talisman is a low-level skill with low concealment (need to be hidden by players stepping on it) and low triggering. It seems that the cooldown time is not long. Death is also easy.

At this time, Gospel smiled and hooked his fingers at Yin's second child, made a provocative gesture, and then threw another holy light ball over.

The evangelists gave it the nickname "a mouthful of poisonous milk".

Fighting against bosses or shield fighters in team battles may be very powerful, but relatively speaking, its biggest feature at the heads-up level should be its resistance to beating.