MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1851: Ace vs. Ace


As we all know, the most terrifying thing about Wuji is not that there are no traces of his strategy, but that this guy is the best at controlling people's hearts.

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.

The intensification of conflicts within the free team is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

In the opening game, Wade challenged the amateur team, which was a decision that puzzled the rest of the Liberty team.

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.


If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

To be honest, everyone had to be prepared to fall asleep watching the Crowd team's game. Half of the ten bastards in this group of bastards were not here for the game, but made up their twenty.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.

As a master, Wade is still very powerful.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

Wang Yu responded, turned into a beam of white light and teleported to the ring at the same time as Wade.

As a master, Wade is still very powerful.

Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

"And... this trick again?"

Of course, the masters were not surprised by Wang Yu's dodging posture, but why Wang Yu was able to dodge at that time.

The intensification of conflicts within the free team is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.

As a master, Wade is still very powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

However, while the audience was sweating for Wang Yu, Wang Yu's teammates did not lose their panic at all. At the same time, the three mountains and five mountains of the Kyushu team couldn't help but sigh for Wade.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

"After losing three games in a row, the opposite side is already in harmony. Wade will definitely go up on his own if he can't mobilize his players. In the fourth game, the old bull will directly beat their captain and make them fall apart."

To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

The intensification of conflicts within the free team is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

Of course, the masters were not surprised by Wang Yu's dodging posture, but why Wang Yu was able to dodge at that time.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.


"I got it!"

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

Wang Yu responded, turned into a beam of white light and teleported to the ring at the same time as Wade.

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

"After losing three games in a row, the opposite side is already in harmony. Wade will definitely go up on his own if he can't mobilize his players. In the fourth game, the old bull will directly beat their captain and make them fall apart."

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.


You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.


Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.


At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

Seeing Wang Yu and Wade play, the audience was excited and couldn't help cheering.

If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

Could it be that the standard evasion skill of the mob team couldn't

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

To be honest, everyone had to be prepared to fall asleep watching the Crowd team's game. Half of the ten bastards in this group of bastards were not here for the game, but made up their twenty.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

Like the Invisible Man in the first game, this person is also an assassin. His nickname is Spider-Man, and he is also known as the two benchmarks in the assassin world along with the Invisible Man. He is also the master of the Freedom Team.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.


However, as a rare master in the mob team, Wang Yu's game will definitely not be that boring.

Seeing Wade rushing to Wang Yu's back so quickly, everyone couldn't help but sweat for Wang Yu.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

Like the Invisible Man in the first game, this person is also an assassin. His nickname is Spider-Man, and he is also known as the two benchmarks in the assassin world along with the Invisible Man. He is also the master of the Freedom Team.

Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.

To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

"And... this trick again?"

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"


Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

You must know that the opponent Wade challenged was an amateur team, but the record in the first game has the most direct impact on Wade, because the biggest responsibility lies in the captain's poor command.

Could it be that the standard evasion skill of the mob team couldn't


Seeing Wang Yu and Wade play, the audience was excited and couldn't help cheering.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

Like the Invisible Man in the first game, this person is also an assassin. His nickname is Spider-Man, and he is also known as the two benchmarks in the assassin world along with the Invisible Man. He is also the master of the Freedom Team.

"And... this trick again?"

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

Unlike Wang Yu, who only cares about fighting, Wade, as the boss of the free team, naturally has more burdens on his body than Wang Yu.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

Wade hit the air with a backstab.

The intensification of conflicts within the free team is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.


Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

You must know that the opponent Wade challenged was an amateur team, but the record in the first game has the most direct impact on Wade, because the biggest responsibility lies in the captain's poor command.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

Unlike Wang Yu, who only cares about fighting, Wade, as the boss of the free team, naturally has more burdens on his body than Wang Yu.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

"After losing three games in a row, the opposite side is already in harmony. Wade will definitely go up on his own if he can't mobilize his players. In the fourth game, the old bull will directly beat their captain and make them fall apart."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

"I got it!"

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

Seeing Wade rushing to Wang Yu's back so quickly, everyone couldn't help but sweat for Wang Yu.

However, as a rare master in the mob team, Wang Yu's game will definitely not be that boring.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

Unlike Wang Yu, who only cares about fighting, Wade, as the boss of the free team, naturally has more burdens on his body than Wang Yu.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

In the opening game, Wade challenged the amateur team, which was a decision that puzzled the rest of the Liberty team.


Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

The assassin's style of play is basically stealth, and Wade is no exception. When the countdown to the game ended, Wade immediately launched stealth, and disappeared into the ring in a flash.

"I got it!"

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.

Wang Yu responded, turned into a beam of white light and teleported to the ring at the same time as Wade.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

Wade hit the air with a backstab.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

Seeing Wade rushing to Wang Yu's back so quickly, everyone couldn't help but sweat for Wang Yu.

Of course, the masters were not surprised by Wang Yu's dodging posture, but why Wang Yu was able to dodge at that time.

With such a sure-fire strike, Wade's eyeballs are about to fly out. He has been invisible all the time, how can he be dodged? Does the opponent have insight into the stealth skills.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

Like the Invisible Man in the first game, this person is also an assassin. His nickname is Spider-Man, and he is also known as the two benchmarks in the assassin world along with the Invisible Man. He is also the master of the Freedom Team.

If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.

Unlike Wang Yu, who only cares about fighting, Wade, as the boss of the free team, naturally has more burdens on his body than Wang Yu.


In the opening game, Wade challenged the amateur team, which was a decision that puzzled the rest of the Liberty team.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.


"After losing three games in a row, the opposite side is already in harmony. Wade will definitely go up on his own if he can't mobilize his players. In the fourth game, the old bull will directly beat their captain and make them fall apart."

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.

You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.

Could it be that the standard evasion skill of the mob team couldn't

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

As we all know, the most terrifying thing about Wuji is not that there are no traces of his strategy, but that this guy is the best at controlling people's hearts.

Fighters are not rough-skinned professions. Now that Wade has appeared behind Wang Yu, with the high damage of the backstab and the output bonus from the back, Wade only needs one backstab, and Wang Yu probably will have to be killed. It's half dead, not to mention a set of skill explosions.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

"After losing three games in a row, the opposite side is already in harmony. Wade will definitely go up on his own if he can't mobilize his players. In the fourth game, the old bull will directly beat their captain and make them fall apart."

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

If Wang Yu cannot be won in this round, not only will the morale of the team collapse completely, but Wade, the captain, will probably lose his prestige. Must win.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

Seeing Wade rushing to Wang Yu's back so quickly, everyone couldn't help but sweat for Wang Yu.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

However, while the audience was sweating for Wang Yu, Wang Yu's teammates did not lose their panic at all. At the same time, the three mountains and five mountains of the Kyushu team couldn't help but sigh for Wade.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.


In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

Therefore, there is a half chance that the games of the ragtag team will be boring enough to make life worse than death.


Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

However, as a rare master in the mob team, Wang Yu's game will definitely not be that boring.

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

Wang Yu responded, turned into a beam of white light and teleported to the ring at the same time as Wade.


To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.


Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

Just now everyone has just gone through a stinky and long duel, and now it's time to wash your eyes.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Yu shifted his feet and twisted his figure, and assumed an extremely strange posture.

Fighters are not rough-skinned professions. Now that Wade has appeared behind Wang Yu, with the high damage of the backstab and the output bonus from the back, Wade only needs one backstab, and Wang Yu probably will have to be killed. It's half dead, not to mention a set of skill explosions.

The intensification of conflicts within the free team is not accidental, but an inevitable result.

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.

Wade hit the air with a backstab.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.



But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

However, while the audience was sweating for Wang Yu, Wang Yu's teammates did not lose their panic at all. At the same time, the three mountains and five mountains of the Kyushu team couldn't help but sigh for Wade.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.

Wade hit the air with a backstab.

You must know that the opponent Wade challenged was an amateur team, but the record in the first game has the most direct impact on Wade, because the biggest responsibility lies in the captain's poor command.

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.

"And... this trick again?"

To say that this Wade is also unlucky, he was run off by the Pantheon before the game, thinking that he had found a reason to bully the amateur team, but who knew that the game was less than a third of the time, and his team was about to be disbanded .

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

"And... this trick again?"

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

As we all know, the most terrifying thing about Wuji is not that there are no traces of his strategy, but that this guy is the best at controlling people's hearts.

Could it be that the standard evasion skill of the mob team couldn't

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

"Oh... this Wade really doesn't know how to live or die."

Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.

At this moment, not only the audience was extremely surprised, but also all the professional masters were stunned.

"And... this trick again?"

To be honest, everyone had to be prepared to fall asleep watching the Crowd team's game. Half of the ten bastards in this group of bastards were not here for the game, but made up their twenty.

Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

With such a sure-fire strike, Wade's eyeballs are about to fly out. He has been invisible all the time, how can he be dodged? Does the opponent have insight into the stealth skills.

Facing an opponent whose overall strength is several grades stronger than his own, Wuji must of course focus on his heart.

Of course, the masters were not surprised by Wang Yu's dodging posture, but why Wang Yu was able to dodge at that time.

However, as a rare master in the mob team, Wang Yu's game will definitely not be that boring.

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

In the opening game, Wade challenged the amateur team, which was a decision that puzzled the rest of the Liberty team.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

You must know that whether it is the first game or the second game, the opponent's attack from the back is aboveboard, and the dodgers are also prepared, but Wade behind Wang Yu entered the stealth state at the beginning of the game, backstabbing. Out of the stealth state at the moment before contact.

As for Wang Yu's opponent, Wade, to be the captain of a top team like Liberty, he is naturally a top player.

You must know that the opponent Wade challenged was an amateur team, but the record in the first game has the most direct impact on Wade, because the biggest responsibility lies in the captain's poor command.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

But Wang Yu seemed to know early on that his opponent was going to appear behind him, and made a timely dodge move, which is really unbelievable.

Wade hit the air with a backstab.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field stared wide-eyed.

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.

Could it be that the standard evasion skill of the mob team couldn't

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

Could it be that Wade noticed the moment he backstabbed and reacted? This is even more unbelievable than the anticipation of the enemy plane just now, okay

Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.


Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.

Wang Yu's evasive movement is no stranger to the audience. From the first game to the present, in less than an hour, it has appeared three times on the field, and each time he avoided it just right. the skills behind it.

Fighters are not rough-skinned professions. Now that Wade has appeared behind Wang Yu, with the high damage of the backstab and the output bonus from the back, Wade only needs one backstab, and Wang Yu probably will have to be killed. It's half dead, not to mention a set of skill explosions.

In the opening game, Wade challenged the amateur team, which was a decision that puzzled the rest of the Liberty team.

Although there is no figure of Wade on the ring, Wade's phantom can be seen from the perspective of the audience.


Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

You must know that the opponent Wade challenged was an amateur team, but the record in the first game has the most direct impact on Wade, because the biggest responsibility lies in the captain's poor command.

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

In such a state, everyone in the Liberty team naturally began to shirk responsibility from each other, and the final responsibility was pushed to the captain Wade.


If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.

Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.

With such a sure-fire strike, Wade's eyeballs are about to fly out. He has been invisible all the time, how can he be dodged? Does the opponent have insight into the stealth skills.

Hearing the words of the three mountains and five mountains, a question mark popped out of the head of the rebel captain of the rebel team next to him.

Unlike Wang Yu, who only cares about fighting, Wade, as the boss of the free team, naturally has more burdens on his body than Wang Yu.


Assassin's output ranks second among all professions, second only to Faye. Its burst output is as high as any non-tank occupation of the same level in seconds.


Seeing Wang Yu and Wade play, the audience was excited and couldn't help cheering.

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.


Seeing Wang Yu and Wade play, the audience was excited and couldn't help cheering.

Immediately afterwards, Wade, who was sneaking, started to run towards Wang Yu at an extremely fast speed, and Wade rushed behind Wang Yu in an instant.

If it's really a soft persimmon, it's fine. At most, everyone despises Wade, the captain, but Wuji took a fancy to this. He threw four A's and four 2's at the beginning. The people of the Liberty Team were beaten up.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.


As a master, Wade is still very powerful.

With such a sure-fire strike, Wade's eyeballs are about to fly out. He has been invisible all the time, how can he be dodged? Does the opponent have insight into the stealth skills.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

If an ordinary person heard Wang Yu's laughter behind him, he would turn his head subconsciously, but Wade dodged Wang Yu's attack by rolling on the spot without thinking.

"Ah... so fast! Is this the end?"

At this moment, they are confronting Wang Yu, the captain and master of the mob team, and it can be called trump card vs. trump card.

As a master, Wade is still very powerful.

Wade on the ring had already backstabbed Wang Yu in the back.


With such a sure-fire strike, Wade's eyeballs are about to fly out. He has been invisible all the time, how can he be dodged? Does the opponent have insight into the stealth skills.

Before the rebels opened their mouths to ask why they made such a statement.

At the moment of tumbling, Wade's head was facing down, his hands were facing Wang Yu, and two silver silk threads were shot towards Wang Yu.


Now that the first game has been played for three rounds, the ragtag team is already far ahead, and the morale of the free team is not only low, but everyone's emotions are also facing collapse.

At this time, Wuji is in the right place to arrange the players to play in the next game.

Just when Wade was surprised, he smiled slightly, and slapped Wade behind his back.