MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1853: Let another round


We must know that there is not much difference in strength between top experts.

"This... this guy..."

So what if the fifth game is not allowed? No, still lose a game

"Unexpected..." After figuring this out, Sanshan Wuyue sighed again: "These guys are so insidious."

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone in the Liberty Team was stunned.

In the face of absolute power suppression, Wade felt powerless. It was absolutely meaningless to go on like this, and he could only be ravaged like a rat.

"Damn it, can't it?" Sanshan Wuyue said in astonishment, "This group of unscrupulous guys will give up another game. Do they really think that the world-class professional league is so easy to mess with?"

"Otherwise?" Wu Hu Si Hai raised his eyebrows and said, "Do they still have any masters who can do it?"

In the fourth game, the mob team won.

Hearing what Sanshan Wuyue said, Wuhusihai shook his head and said: "Wuji is an extremely shrewd guy. They didn't do this because they looked down on other teams. On the contrary, they value other teams extremely."

At this moment, even an idiot can see that Wade and Wang Yu are definitely not on the same level of opponents. Wang Yu and Wade's one-on-one fight now is completely playing Wade like a cat catching a mouse.

At this point in the game, the first game is coming to an end, and the ragtag team is currently overwhelming their opponents 3-0.

"You win! I admit defeat!"

"Nonsense, doesn't it sound familiar? In the knockout round, against the Arirang team, the mob team conceded a game. Even what their captain said was copied and pasted by the author."

In general, there are only four players who can make the top experts of the Kyushu team fearful.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

In addition to Wang Yu's three unfathomable masters, the other is the insidious and cunning Wuji.

As an agility profession, Assassin has the highest technical and operability among all professions. Such a master Wade represents not only the pinnacle of Assassin, but also the operational limit of the entire game of "Rebirth".

Seeing that Wang Yu didn't go up to chase, but taunted him calmly, the audience couldn't help being taken aback.

The audience on the field almost didn't choke to death.

At this time, all three of them had already left the scene, and the rest were relatively a mob.

To be reasonable, although the strength of the mob team is high, far superior to ordinary players, but the level of strength is just that in the eyes of top experts.

But he never expected that the reality would be so heartbreaking, not to mention playing against other top teams. At this moment, an amateur team is rubbing their own team on the ground.

"I… "

But now facing a weak fighter class, Wade is being hanged and beaten all the way. This kind of scene is something that no one dares to imagine.

But hearing Wang Yu's provocation, Wade immediately calmed down. After several rounds of fighting, Wade also felt Wang Yu's unfathomable strength, and at the same time realized Wang Yu's true intentions.

Wade is the captain of the Liberty team. If this continues, not only will the team's morale drop, but Wade's status as the captain in the hearts of the players will also fall into the abyss.

"Leave a game? So crazy?"

Especially the Kyushu team, which is also the Huaxia National Team, doesn't know how to express their feelings.

What a mess, he would either die miserably or be played like a mouse, and the best result would be to run around on the stage and make a fool of himself. This kind of competition has no gaming experience at all.

There is a saying in Huaguo that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Rather than being defeated by others, it is better to pretend to be generous and deliberately let a round go out. This will not only put pressure on the opponent by bluffing, but also cover up the weaknesses and shortcomings of the rabble team's own few masters as much as possible.

"This..." Hearing the words from all over the world, the three mountains and five mountains suddenly fell silent.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai took a meaningful look at Wuji and said, "With this man's strategy and the strength of that iron bull, this year's competition will be even more exciting than imagined."

Wade is also a decisive person. After realizing this, Wade simply gave up resistance, raised his hand and clicked surrender.

Everyone in the Liberty Team felt like a phoenix defeated by a rooster in a fight. From the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, they had already begun to doubt life.

However, Wuji's insidiousness is insidious, and his strength can only be displayed in the team competition, but in the heads-up competition, Wuji's insidious effect is still very limited.

Looking at the record on the field, everyone in the free team felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

"No! This group of guys are so arrogant, otherwise they dare to say that they are here to win the world championship?"

As top players, everyone is extremely confident in their own strength. Before coming to the competition, the Liberty team had thought about countless possibilities, and even imagined pushing themselves to the Pantheon to win the world championship.

If you directly kill the opponent, the opponent will only receive physical damage at most, but if you play with the opponent like Wang Yu, it will damage the opponent mentally.

In the fifth game, Liberty didn't know who to play.

All the masters of the major teams present here have their eyes above the top, but unless their profession is completely restrained, no one dares to say that they can win with certainty. Otherwise, wouldn't there be no suspense in this game.

Naturally, Wade was not a fool. Although being beaten to the ground by Wang Yu was not as terrifying as the previous rounds, it was still very embarrassing for a master.

Originally, the mentality of the free team players was a little bit broken, but now seeing Wang Yu playing Wade like this in the ring, one can imagine his mood.

However, when everyone in the Liberty team didn't know who to play in the fifth game, Wang Yu, the captain of the opposing team, suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Our team is here to win the world championship. How can a third-rate team like yours come?" It is an honor for you to play against us, but for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, we don't want your record to be too ugly, so we specially let you play one game, and we abstained in the last game."

The other teams have never fought against the mob team, so they don't know the strength of the mob team, but the Kyushu team has fought head-to-head with the mob team, so they have a thorough understanding of the mob team.

Therefore, only Wang Yu, Yaoxie rampant and Yang Na are the only masters who can stand against the mob.

"What the hell, how does this sound familiar?"

"Oh? How do you say it?" Sanshan Wuyue was still puzzled and said, "It's all over, why do you still value it?"

"No, it's not!"

But Wang Yu showed a completely overwhelming advantage in front of Wade at this time.

Not only the audience was surprised, but the big teams in the audience also expressed their expressions of bewilderment at the actions of the mob.