MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1860: Reckless skills


Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.


Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.


After all, Beiming Youyu's earth escape technique is too sudden, and no one can guarantee that he will not be recruited in that situation.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.

Wade can be regarded as unlucky. Originally, with his strength and professional advantages, it should be difficult for him to lose in the professional arena. In the end, he met Wang Yu by coincidence... It was a bit embarrassing to lose in that match.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Next is the fourth game.

Still the same sentence, half of the assassin's strength is in stealth. In the last round, Beiming Youyu didn't need to sneak because he had a higher-end concealment technique such as earth escape. After attracting the opponent, he could attack the opponent's rear back.

This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

After all, e-sports is not table tennis, and world champions and national champions are not at the same level.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

When Ming Du said this, it seemed that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

The second player on Liberty's side was none other than Spider-Man Wade.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.


"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Wade can be regarded as unlucky. Originally, with his strength and professional advantages, it should be difficult for him to lose in the professional arena. In the end, he met Wang Yu by coincidence... It was a bit embarrassing to lose in that match.

Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.


"so close!"

The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

Use silver wire to create an invisible detection area with a range of 500, which can see all enemy units within the skill range.

This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Everyone in the mob team coughed and turned their faces away, expressing that they didn't recognize the sand sculpture in front of them.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Everyone in the mob team coughed and turned their faces away, expressing that they didn't recognize the sand sculpture in front of them.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

Still the same sentence, half of the assassin's strength is in stealth. In the last round, Beiming Youyu didn't need to sneak because he had a higher-end concealment technique such as earth escape. After attracting the opponent, he could attack the opponent's rear back.

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

If you are a fish in Beiming, be careful, you can still avoid using Earth Dungeon within the range of the enchantment. Compared with Earth Dungeon, which can't even be seen from the perspective of God, this skill is very standard, okay

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.


When Ming Du said this, it seemed that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

From a professional point of view, Beiming Youyu has no additional advantage over assassins. In terms of strength, although Beiming Youyu has the title of the king of mercenaries, he is only the king of the amateur group, while Wade is The genuine top-notch masters counted all over the world.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.

Having said that, the skill setting in "Rebirth" is like this. Even if there are more stupid skills, as long as they are within the allowed range of the system, they are all reasonable. Mingdu's protest is really a bit unreasonable.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

After all, e-sports is not table tennis, and world champions and national champions are not at the same level.


"so close!"

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

After all, e-sports is not table tennis, and world champions and national champions are not at the same level.

After all, e-sports is not table tennis, and world champions and national champions are not at the same level.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

"so close!"

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Wade can be regarded as unlucky. Originally, with his strength and professional advantages, it should be difficult for him to lose in the professional arena. In the end, he met Wang Yu by coincidence... It was a bit embarrassing to lose in that match.

But Wade doesn't use stealth, which is a bit exaggerated.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

Wade can be regarded as unlucky. Originally, with his strength and professional advantages, it should be difficult for him to lose in the professional arena. In the end, he met Wang Yu by coincidence... It was a bit embarrassing to lose in that match.

"so close!"

With a tough front, Beiming Youyu knew that he would definitely not be Wade's opponent, so Beiming Youyu took advantage of the situation and stabbed his head down, and used the earth escape technique.


Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

This silver thread enchantment is just a very common control skill, and the reason why it can catch Beiming Youyu is entirely because of its somewhat restrained attributes.


The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

Everyone in the mob team coughed and turned their faces away, expressing that they didn't recognize the sand sculpture in front of them.

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"


Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

This silver thread enchantment is just a very common control skill, and the reason why it can catch Beiming Youyu is entirely because of its somewhat restrained attributes.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Almost at the same time, the space behind Youyu Beiming suddenly twisted, and Wade stretched out a knife behind his back.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

"Fake! This is a shadow clone!"

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

And Beiming Youyu was overjoyed when he saw that Wade was so arrogant that he didn't even need to sneak.

This silver thread enchantment is just a very common control skill, and the reason why it can catch Beiming Youyu is entirely because of its somewhat restrained attributes.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

But Wade doesn't use stealth, which is a bit exaggerated.

Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

Still the same sentence, half of the assassin's strength is in stealth. In the last round, Beiming Youyu didn't need to sneak because he had a higher-end concealment technique such as earth escape. After attracting the opponent, he could attack the opponent's rear back.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Although the audience could see it clearly, Beiming Youyu, as the authority, didn't notice it at all.

Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"

At this time, Beiming Youyu had already handed in Stealth, and the assassin without Stealth would naturally face-to-face with his opponent.

But Wade doesn't use stealth, which is a bit exaggerated.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

The second player on Liberty's side was none other than Spider-Man Wade.

If you are a fish in Beiming, be careful, you can still avoid using Earth Dungeon within the range of the enchantment. Compared with Earth Dungeon, which can't even be seen from the perspective of God, this skill is very standard, okay

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.

Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.


Silver enchantment!

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

And Beiming Youyu was overjoyed when he saw that Wade was so arrogant that he didn't even need to sneak.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

From a professional point of view, Beiming Youyu has no additional advantage over assassins. In terms of strength, although Beiming Youyu has the title of the king of mercenaries, he is only the king of the amateur group, while Wade is The genuine top-notch masters counted all over the world.

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.


Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

Still the same sentence, half of the assassin's strength is in stealth. In the last round, Beiming Youyu didn't need to sneak because he had a higher-end concealment technique such as earth escape. After attracting the opponent, he could attack the opponent's rear back.

"so close!"



When Ming Du said this, it seemed that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

But Wade doesn't use stealth, which is a bit exaggerated.

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.


But Wade doesn't use stealth, which is a bit exaggerated.

Silver enchantment!

Silver enchantment!


This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

The second player on Liberty's side was none other than Spider-Man Wade.

Use silver wire to create an invisible detection area with a range of 500, which can see all enemy units within the skill range.

Almost at the same time, the space behind Youyu Beiming suddenly twisted, and Wade stretched out a knife behind his back.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

And Beiming Youyu was overjoyed when he saw that Wade was so arrogant that he didn't even need to sneak.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

Although the audience could see it clearly, Beiming Youyu, as the authority, didn't notice it at all.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

From a professional point of view, Beiming Youyu has no additional advantage over assassins. In terms of strength, although Beiming Youyu has the title of the king of mercenaries, he is only the king of the amateur group, while Wade is The genuine top-notch masters counted all over the world.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Next is the fourth game.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.


Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.


Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

You have been playing games for so long, and you have never seen such a brazen person.

The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

You have been playing games for so long, and you have never seen such a brazen person.

Although the audience could see it clearly, Beiming Youyu, as the authority, didn't notice it at all.

"Fake! This is a shadow clone!"

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Still the same sentence, half of the assassin's strength is in stealth. In the last round, Beiming Youyu didn't need to sneak because he had a higher-end concealment technique such as earth escape. After attracting the opponent, he could attack the opponent's rear back.

"so close!"

Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

At this time, Beiming Youyu had already handed in Stealth, and the assassin without Stealth would naturally face-to-face with his opponent.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

This silver thread enchantment is just a very common control skill, and the reason why it can catch Beiming Youyu is entirely because of its somewhat restrained attributes.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.


Beiming Youyu's highest record is just a national champion, so of course he is a bit weak in this world-class competition.

Almost at the same time, the space behind Youyu Beiming suddenly twisted, and Wade stretched out a knife behind his back.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.


Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.


"so close!"

Next is the fourth game.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.

After all, e-sports is not table tennis, and world champions and national champions are not at the same level.

Use silver wire to create an invisible detection area with a range of 500, which can see all enemy units within the skill range.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"

You have been playing games for so long, and you have never seen such a brazen person.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .


"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Seeing this scene, the venue couldn't help booing.

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Although the Assassin's style of play is highly operable, it can be regarded as simple and rough. The key is the use of stealth. However, after the game started, Wade didn't have the slightest intention of stealth. Instead, he hooked the opposite Beiming Youyu .

If you are a fish in Beiming, be careful, you can still avoid using Earth Dungeon within the range of the enchantment. Compared with Earth Dungeon, which can't even be seen from the perspective of God, this skill is very standard, okay

Reckless skills? Is there any more stupid skill in this game than Earth Dungeon

Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.

The second player on Liberty's side was none other than Spider-Man Wade.

When Ming Du said this, it seemed that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

Wade can be regarded as unlucky. Originally, with his strength and professional advantages, it should be difficult for him to lose in the professional arena. In the end, he met Wang Yu by coincidence... It was a bit embarrassing to lose in that match.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

At this time, Beiming Youyu had already handed in Stealth, and the assassin without Stealth would naturally face-to-face with his opponent.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

You have been playing games for so long, and you have never seen such a brazen person.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

With a tough front, Beiming Youyu knew that he would definitely not be Wade's opponent, so Beiming Youyu took advantage of the situation and stabbed his head down, and used the earth escape technique.

Next is the fourth game.



Almost at the same time, the space behind Youyu Beiming suddenly twisted, and Wade stretched out a knife behind his back.

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Reckless skills? Is there any more stupid skill in this game than Earth Dungeon

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

If you are a fish in Beiming, be careful, you can still avoid using Earth Dungeon within the range of the enchantment. Compared with Earth Dungeon, which can't even be seen from the perspective of God, this skill is very standard, okay


Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

"Silver Silk Barrier! Take it!!"

Having said that, the skill setting in "Rebirth" is like this. Even if there are more stupid skills, as long as they are within the allowed range of the system, they are all reasonable. Mingdu's protest is really a bit unreasonable.

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.

It's like the champion of the provincial team participating in the Olympics. The opponents are all international masters, and they are not at the same level as themselves.

Thanks to myself for hiding quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Wade's hands just now.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.


After all, Beiming Youyu's earth escape technique is too sudden, and no one can guarantee that he will not be recruited in that situation.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.

"Fake! This is a shadow clone!"




Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.


The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

From a professional point of view, Beiming Youyu has no additional advantage over assassins. In terms of strength, although Beiming Youyu has the title of the king of mercenaries, he is only the king of the amateur group, while Wade is The genuine top-notch masters counted all over the world.

Obviously, Wade wanted to pretend that Beiming Youyu had passed and forced him to pretend to come back. A professional-level master with the same knowledge as an amateur master is really cautious enough.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

With a tough front, Beiming Youyu knew that he would definitely not be Wade's opponent, so Beiming Youyu took advantage of the situation and stabbed his head down, and used the earth escape technique.

The silver-thread barrier is invisible, and Wade didn't move too much when he used his skills just now.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

Beiming Youyu knew the strength gap between himself and his opponent, but in this case, it was still unknown who would win.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Seeing Wade behind him, Beiming Youyu's heart skipped a beat.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.

From a professional point of view, Beiming Youyu has no additional advantage over assassins. In terms of strength, although Beiming Youyu has the title of the king of mercenaries, he is only the king of the amateur group, while Wade is The genuine top-notch masters counted all over the world.

Beiming Youyu reacted so quickly. After realizing that he had stabbed the wrong target, he canceled his skill and made a roll without thinking.

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"

Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Seeing a fish in Beiming being caught by Wade with a net, Ming couldn't help shouting loudly, which immediately attracted the audience's attention.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

Although the audience could see it clearly, Beiming Youyu, as the authority, didn't notice it at all.

You have been playing games for so long, and you have never seen such a brazen person.


Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.

Although he was kicked out of the ring, it's not too embarrassing for Worf to win two cities in a row.

"Damn! Is this skill so stupid? I protest, Liberty Team cheated, ban them!"


Reckless skills? Is there any more stupid skill in this game than Earth Dungeon




This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

Seeing that his opponent was Wade, Beiming Youyu felt a lot of pressure.

Almost at the same time, the space behind Youyu Beiming suddenly twisted, and Wade stretched out a knife behind his back.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Having said that, the skill setting in "Rebirth" is like this. Even if there are more stupid skills, as long as they are within the allowed range of the system, they are all reasonable. Mingdu's protest is really a bit unreasonable.

Beiming Youyu brought up an afterimage and stabbed Wade in the back of the waist with a knife. Little did he know that when Beiming Youyu stepped into the range of Wade's silver wire barrier, Wade had already seen it.

Everyone in the mob team coughed and turned their faces away, expressing that they didn't recognize the sand sculpture in front of them.

Beimingyouyu was extremely fast, just when Weidb cast the silver-thread barrier, Beimingyouyu had already turned behind Wade, and then picked up the dagger and started a backstab at Wade's. He stabbed in the back.

Beiming Youyu didn't understand what was going on, and was directly wrapped into a pupa by Wade's big net.

Wade crossed his arms, and the big net wrapped layer upon layer towards Beiming Youyu.


Reckless skills? Is there any more stupid skill in this game than Earth Dungeon

This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

The second player on Liberty's side was none other than Spider-Man Wade.

Seeing this, Wade slightly opened the palm of his right hand, and shot a phantom towards the ground.

This silver thread enchantment is just a very common control skill, and the reason why it can catch Beiming Youyu is entirely because of its somewhat restrained attributes.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

And Beiming Youyu was overjoyed when he saw that Wade was so arrogant that he didn't even need to sneak.


Beiming Youyu snorted coldly, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

However, Wade was still very excited that this round came to him randomly.

If you are a fish in Beiming, be careful, you can still avoid using Earth Dungeon within the range of the enchantment. Compared with Earth Dungeon, which can't even be seen from the perspective of God, this skill is very standard, okay

A huge net was drawn up on the ground, and it didn't matter if there was a fish in Beiming, it just happened to get into the net.

This is a game of shame. Worf was even more miserable than Wade before, and he can turn over his shame. At this time, no matter who plays, as long as they don't meet the perverts of the mob team, they can wash away the shame of the previous game.

Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

Whether it's demeanor or actions, they are exactly the same as Beiming Youyu in the previous round.

When Ming Du said this, it seemed that the state officials were only allowed to set fires and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

With a tough front, Beiming Youyu knew that he would definitely not be Wade's opponent, so Beiming Youyu took advantage of the situation and stabbed his head down, and used the earth escape technique.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

At this moment, the corners of Wade's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Having said that, the skill setting in "Rebirth" is like this. Even if there are more stupid skills, as long as they are within the allowed range of the system, they are all reasonable. Mingdu's protest is really a bit unreasonable.

Wade stretched out his palm to the ground and clenched his fist suddenly.

The moment the dagger pierced Wade's body, Beiming Youyu's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

At this time, there was only a clear sound, and the phantom centered on Wade, spread out like a spider web, covering all the ground within 500 range of Wade in an instant.

"Silver Silk Barrier, end!"

Seeing that there was a fish in Beiming dodging his attack, Wade was also slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, the assassin in front of him reacted very quickly. It seems that the ability to defeat Worf is not only due to the earth escape. surgery.