MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1862: tall man


"I go?"

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

Such a crucial thing should be handed over to the most confident people.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

"yes… "

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

"yes… "

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

"Uncle Yao, go..." Ji Ao watched the evildoers run rampant.

Such a crucial thing should be handed over to the most confident people.

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"


Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

"But...but I'm scared alone." Ji Ao said with a guilty conscience.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the mages in the back row of the free team suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and the iron plate they were stepping on suddenly sank.

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

There is a large gap in the front row, and a main output is missing in the rear row.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.


Such a crucial thing should be handed over to the most confident people.

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.

In the chaos, Yin Laoer held up his shield to protect Chunxiang, and the others took the opportunity to attack.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

"I x your uncle's Mowgli old dog!"

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

"Uncle Yao, go..." Ji Ao watched the evildoers run rampant.

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

"I go?"

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

The iron plate on the ground is a bit evil. No matter how you hide, you can't avoid the sinking of the iron plate. It's like opening a self-aiming plug-in. The accuracy of the judgment is simply appalling.


Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

The iron plate on the ground is a bit evil. No matter how you hide, you can't avoid the sinking of the iron plate. It's like opening a self-aiming plug-in. The accuracy of the judgment is simply appalling.

When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.


Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

"Forehead… "

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the mages in the back row of the free team suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and the iron plate they were stepping on suddenly sank.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

The reason why they are close to the mob team and others is because the sinking of the iron plate does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If everyone is mixed together, the coordinates must be extremely chaotic.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

"I go?"

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

"I go?"

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

At this time, Chunxiang glanced at the members of the Liberty team on the opposite side, and immediately reported two coordinates in the team channel: "2.16, 7.15."

9.19, 11.16.


"Forehead… "

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

At the same time, everyone in the Liberty team on the opposite side has already opened up and rushed towards the mob team.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

8.12, 10.13.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

There is a large gap in the front row, and a main output is missing in the rear row.

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

"But...but I'm scared alone." Ji Ao said with a guilty conscience.

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

"Forehead… "

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.

In the chaos, Yin Laoer held up his shield to protect Chunxiang, and the others took the opportunity to attack.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

Obviously, there must be some masters in this mob team.

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

The reason why they are close to the mob team and others is because the sinking of the iron plate does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If everyone is mixed together, the coordinates must be extremely chaotic.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

At the same time, everyone in the Liberty team on the opposite side has already opened up and rushed towards the mob team.

The iron plate is dropped according to the coordinates, and it is not locked to a certain player. This thing is like a non-directional skill, which can be avoided as long as you move.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

"I x your uncle's Mowgli old dog!"

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

"yes… "

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"


At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.


In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

Obviously, there must be some masters in this mob team.

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

The reason why they are close to the mob team and others is because the sinking of the iron plate does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If everyone is mixed together, the coordinates must be extremely chaotic.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

"Uncle Yao, go..." Ji Ao watched the evildoers run rampant.

9.19, 11.16.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

The iron plate is dropped according to the coordinates, and it is not locked to a certain player. This thing is like a non-directional skill, which can be avoided as long as you move.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

At the same time, everyone in the Liberty team on the opposite side has already opened up and rushed towards the mob team.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

At this time, Chunxiang glanced at the members of the Liberty team on the opposite side, and immediately reported two coordinates in the team channel: "2.16, 7.15."

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.


9.19, 11.16.

9.19, 11.16.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the mages in the back row of the free team suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and the iron plate they were stepping on suddenly sank.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.


Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

Obviously, there must be some masters in this mob team.

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.

The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"


The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

"I go?"

The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

That's right, the console in mid-air is used to operate the remote control on the grid of iron plates on the ground. In the background story, the production of purgatory demon seeds needs to be soaked and tempered with purgatory magma, and the main function of this factory is to quench Purgatory purgatory demon seed.

"It stands to reason that it should be Lao Niu's." Wuji said: "But everyone has seen the strength of the opponent. Without Lao Niu, we will definitely not be able to beat it."

"yes… "

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

"But...but I'm scared alone." Ji Ao said with a guilty conscience.

The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

There is a large gap in the front row, and a main output is missing in the rear row.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

Jiao is speechless, I have never seen this map for the first time, and I will certainly not know how to operate it. Letting a person who can’t operate to play the console is no less than letting a person who has never even seen a car drive. This shit Not only harming others but also harming oneself.

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

Or say it is a master, the ability to adapt to changes is strong, and the countermeasures are made in an instant.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.


Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

The iron plate is dropped according to the coordinates, and it is not locked to a certain player. This thing is like a non-directional skill, which can be avoided as long as you move.

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

8.12, 10.13.

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

The reason why they are close to the mob team and others is because the sinking of the iron plate does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If everyone is mixed together, the coordinates must be extremely chaotic.

Of course, whether it's Ji Ao or others, although they always talk against Wuji, in fact, everyone is very obedient.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

The iron plate is dropped according to the coordinates, and it is not locked to a certain player. This thing is like a non-directional skill, which can be avoided as long as you move.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

Everyone is not Wang Yu, and they are powerful enough to despise all conspiracies and tricks, so naturally they will not make themselves uncomfortable.

As long as Chun Xiang is given a safe pre-judgment environment, Chun Xiang will be able to prevent his opponent from escaping the pre-judgment.


For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

Just in the middle of the disrupted rhythm, the long-range occupations on the mob team's side are facing the front with a brainless output.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.


When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.

There is no way, if you don't listen to him with Wuji's behavior, there will be no good end. When he said that Ji Ao should die first, he was definitely not joking.

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

Yin Lao Er raised his shield and pushed it upwards, and Ji Ao easily jumped onto the console with the help of a double jump.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

As long as Chun Xiang is given a safe pre-judgment environment, Chun Xiang will be able to prevent his opponent from escaping the pre-judgment.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

8.12, 10.13.

"But...but I'm scared alone." Ji Ao said with a guilty conscience.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

9.19, 11.16.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.

Such a crucial thing should be handed over to the most confident people.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

9.19, 11.16.

The console is suspended in the air, so grabbing the console must be separated from the team.

At the same time, everyone in the Liberty team on the opposite side has already opened up and rushed towards the mob team.


The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

The evildoer rampant looked confused: "This is the first time I have visited this map."

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

"Don't move away!!"


As long as Chun Xiang is given a safe pre-judgment environment, Chun Xiang will be able to prevent his opponent from escaping the pre-judgment.

"I go?"

"yes… "

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the mages in the back row of the free team suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and the iron plate they were stepping on suddenly sank.

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

"I x your uncle's Mowgli old dog!"

Being threatened by Wuji, Ji Ao immediately burst into tears, "Damn it, who is this, it's too bad...

Everyone in the free team couldn't dodge in time, and fell into it.

9.19, 11.16.

The churning magma instantly engulfed the two of them.

Before rushing to the mob team, almost everyone in the free team was burned by magma.

It doesn't matter if the shield fighters and mages fall into the magma, the formation that was already formed is directly disrupted.

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

In the chaos, Yin Laoer held up his shield to protect Chunxiang, and the others took the opportunity to attack.


That's right, the console in mid-air is used to operate the remote control on the grid of iron plates on the ground. In the background story, the production of purgatory demon seeds needs to be soaked and tempered with purgatory magma, and the main function of this factory is to quench Purgatory purgatory demon seed.

The iron plate on the ground is a bit evil. No matter how you hide, you can't avoid the sinking of the iron plate. It's like opening a self-aiming plug-in. The accuracy of the judgment is simply appalling.

For example, Brother Chun, he is a first-class calculation genius in the world, and his budgeting ability has reached the peak.

When the opponent is unprecedentedly strong, it is of course the most secure to be in a group. Isn't it the one who is alone on the console? Moreover, the console is the most important place on this map, so if you go up like this, you may be targeted by the opponent immediately.

Although the scene damage of magma is not so high, it is still very high.

In fact, blood loss is relatively insignificant for top players. The important thing is that the front row shield battle and the back row output are the basic elements of a formation.

After a few rounds, the mage in the back row of the Liberty team who fell into the lava first, was emptied of blood by Yang Na with an arrow and flew out of the field.

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

A series of coordinates were posted on the Crowd Team channel, and the iron plates on the ground sank into the magma one by one.

There is a large gap in the front row, and a main output is missing in the rear row.

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

"But...but I'm scared alone." Ji Ao said with a guilty conscience.

"Don't move away!!"

The shield warrior is good against high blood and thick, the blood bar on the head jumped slightly after being burned by the magma, and only lost 10,000 blood, but the mage was more miserable, the blood bar on the head was burned by the magma Directly cut in half.

"She is a remote output..." Wuji looked at Ji Ao with contempt and said, "Chick, can you do it, a big man pushes this kind of thing on women."

Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, holding up his shield to block everyone in the mob team behind him.

There is a large gap in the front row, and a main output is missing in the rear row.

That's right, the console in mid-air is used to operate the remote control on the grid of iron plates on the ground. In the background story, the production of purgatory demon seeds needs to be soaked and tempered with purgatory magma, and the main function of this factory is to quench Purgatory purgatory demon seed.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the target walks a few steps in front of Chunxiang, Chunxiang can calculate the target's moving speed, so that he can make an accurate prediction of the target's movement, even if the opponent is a world-class master like Liberty .

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

At this time, Wade finally felt something was wrong.


"Then Sister Xue?" Ji Ao looked at Yang Na again.

The iron plate on the ground is a bit evil. No matter how you hide, you can't avoid the sinking of the iron plate. It's like opening a self-aiming plug-in. The accuracy of the judgment is simply appalling.

At the same time, everyone in the Liberty team on the opposite side has already opened up and rushed towards the mob team.

The iron plate on the ground is a bit evil. No matter how you hide, you can't avoid the sinking of the iron plate. It's like opening a self-aiming plug-in. The accuracy of the judgment is simply appalling.

When playing the map of Purgatory Factory, the Quanzhen Sect group suffered a lot. The most critical part of this map is the console.

After all, the players in the Liberty team are all top players. Wade realized what was going on in this scene instantly after losing a round, so he pointed to the mob team and said, "Everyone, hurry up, don't stand where you are, and try to get as close to the enemy as possible." Get closer."

"Forehead… "

Hearing Wuji's instruction, Ji Ao said in surprise: "I'm not kidding, shouldn't Uncle Niu be the one to go to such an important job?"

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

As soon as the game started, Ji Ao jumped towards Yin's second child who was under the console.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.

Obviously, there must be some masters in this mob team.

After a face-to-face meeting, everyone in the Freedom Team was beaten to shame.

"Look at what you said." Wuji curled his lips and said, "It seems that we are not afraid if you let Lao Niu and the others go up, hurry up, or I will let you die first when you are down there."

Before the members of the Liberty Team heard the screams and had no time to look back, the shield fighters in the front row had nothing to do with their feet, and they also fell into the magma.

However, what everyone in the Liberty team didn't expect was that although the strength of the mob team could be said to be very low except for a few people, all of these guys were talented.

Others were also puzzled and said: "You can't do things well if you have no hair on your mouth. Wuji, you let Xiaoji go to the operating table. Isn't that cheating us?"

Only the mage screamed and fell into the magma.