MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1865: Scary monster


"There's no reason, I've met that kid Jiao, when did he become so perverted?" Sanshan Wuyue was a little puzzled.

The Kyushu team naturally understood Wang Yu's toughness, but they only stayed at the level of a master who was stronger than himself. However, after such an analysis from all corners of the world, everyone suddenly found that their understanding of this guy was just an iceberg It's just a corner, and I don't know where the scum of the Quanzhen Sect got such a terrifying monster.

"No way..." Sanshan Wuyue exclaimed, "When Jiao and Wufu were fighting on the console just now, that iron bull was also dealing with other people."

"Isn't it Jiao? Who is that?" The expression on Sanshan Wuyue's face became even more bewildered: "Just now Jiao beat Worf on the ground, but everyone saw it with their own eyes."

Especially the stand between Jiao and Worf on the console made everyone realize the third fighter of the Rabble team, and let everyone know one thing.

"this… "

Among the big teams at the scene, apart from the Liberty team that had just been defeated, the Kyushu team had formally fought against the mob team.

Only Wang Yu played with Wade lightly in the game, and his strength was completely indistinguishable.

A master of this level, there is one Wade in the world who can understand it. After all, the world is full of wonders, but another one jumped out in the third game, which made Wade a little shocked.

After a few battles, the strength of the Liberty Team and the Crowd Team also had a preliminary understanding.

The chances of two masters of this level appearing in the same team can be imagined... But the fact is right in front of us, and it is reasonable for Wade not to turn around for a while.


Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that they all said in disbelief: "You mean, someone is secretly directing Jiao!"

With this victory, the mob team has completely earned its reputation.

If you are an Assassin, you can fight casually as long as you pay attention to your steps.

When Ji Ao was in the domestic professional league, he also played a few times in the game. At that time, the crotch kicking competition, the three mountains and five mountains are still vivid in my mind. It is said that after a certain game, this kid was still pulled in his pants (for details, please go to Flip)... A guy with such a low style suddenly burst out with such unimaginable strength at this time, which really made the Kyushu team a little unbelievable.

Just when the three mountains and five mountains were wondering, the five lakes and four seas said calmly from the side.

Although Yang Na is strong, she can only be said to be slightly stronger in front of everyone in the free team. If she hadn't been caught off guard, Yang Na might not be able to win the free team.

Audiences who have watched the knockout rounds know that the main style of play of the Rabble team is mainly wretched. However, this time the game, the Rabble team has always been tough. Although the second game lost badly, but the first and third games , but it is very beautiful to win.

"Obviously, the pervert is not Jiao..."

"Is seeing the truth?" Wu Hu Si Hai smiled and said, "San Shan, raise your right hand."

Everyone in the Kyushu team was also amazed: "That kid Ji Ao is really hiding everything."

"That's right!" Wuhu Sihai turned his head to look at Wang Yu who had just walked out of the competition room, and said, "Wolf's level, none of you here can say that he can win steadily, can command Ji Ao and hang him. Mrs. Waugh has no one but that Iron Bull."

"It's really unexpected..."

"In the arena? You mean?"

If you meet a fighter... then pack up and prepare to run away, the fighters of the rabble team and other fighters are not playing the same game.

Although the evildoer is sure to win anyone in the free team, as an extreme fighter, he is not without flaws.

"That's right!" Wuhu Sihai nodded and said: "I know that Wuji, if Ji Ao is really as strong as he appears on the surface, he will definitely not give up in the first game and the last game."

Audiences outside the arena are from the perspective of God. In order to prevent cheating, any contact between outside and inside the arena is blocked.

The final score was 23:9, and the ragtag team won the victory with an absolute advantage.

They are all masters, and their perspectives on things are naturally on the same level. What Wade finds difficult to understand is exactly what other masters cannot understand.

"Who said that only people outside the arena can command?" All over the world said: "Is it impossible to command in the arena?"

Amid the warm applause from the audience, the two teams left the arena.

"What a negligence..."

"This is his horror." All over the world said with emotion: "No matter who he faces, or how many opponents there are, he always looks like he has never used his full strength, and he can even achieve double-sidedness with one mind and two talents. It can be seen that this guy Unfathomable."

"Ah?" Hearing the words, Sanshan Wuyue raised his right hand subconsciously.

That's right, the reason why the mob team can destroy the free team without any injuries has a lot to do with the map of Purgatory Factory.

If Worf had defeated Jiao on the console at that time, it would have been equivalent to controlling the battlefield. In the last match, whoever would win or lose might have won, but the fighter on the console was so powerful that even a master like Worf would be singled out. A slap in the face, this is definitely something Wade can't even think about.

As a world-class expert, Wade naturally has absolute confidence in the strength of himself and his companions.

"Did you see it?" All over the world pointed to the three mountains and five mountains and said to everyone in the Kyushu team: "Everyone understands what's going on."

Because they represent the highest level of operation.

The team that wins the team competition will have an additional reward of 10 points. Since the ragtag team eliminated the opponent without injury in the third game, a total of 20 points will be awarded in the third game.

effort? Could it be that what the kid keeps saying is true

When you encounter priests and warlocks, you must take them seriously, because they are not only shameless but also shameless.

After walking out of the arena, Wade still didn't recover from the previous match, and muttered over and over again: "Why is that fighter who has no sense of existence so good at fighting..."

Not only Wade doubted his life, but everyone in the other team was also very surprised by Ji Ao's strength.

Anyone who puts this matter on him will doubt life.

As soon as these words came out from all corners of the world, everyone in the Kyushu team gasped.

"But we can't communicate with each other outside the arena... Who is directing?" Sanshan Wuyue was still puzzled.