MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1868: promotion


"This dog is a bit fierce..."

Pentakills... Pentakills in an S-level event, such a record, is also the first time in history.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

The teams that can participate in the world-class professional league are naturally the strength of top experts, and the gap in strength is not too big.

What is a hidden job? It is a profession that is different from conventional professions.

The teams that can participate in the world-class professional league are naturally the strength of top experts, and the gap in strength is not too big.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

It’s nothing more than a bombardment with all kinds of gorgeous and whistling magic. At first glance, it is very eye-catching. After a long time, it is easy to get tired of the aesthetics. In fact, it is not very interesting to remove the special effects rendering. It is not as good as the fists of fighters. It's even less exciting than the thrill of an assassin.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

The third game is even easier.

After watching the game for a day now, everyone finally understands how big the gap is between top players and ordinary players.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

It’s nothing more than a bombardment with all kinds of gorgeous and whistling magic. At first glance, it is very eye-catching. After a long time, it is easy to get tired of the aesthetics. In fact, it is not very interesting to remove the special effects rendering. It is not as good as the fists of fighters. It's even less exciting than the thrill of an assassin.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

The five teams of the Crowd, the Temple, the Kyushu, the Rebellion and the Pantheon, which had a bye in the first round, successfully advanced to the next round.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

The five teams of the Crowd, the Temple, the Kyushu, the Rebellion and the Pantheon, which had a bye in the first round, successfully advanced to the next round.

The third game is even easier.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

With strong group control and terrifying output, the result can be imagined.

Then came the second game.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

In less than three seconds after playing, he cut the opponent into two ends with a dimensional space slash.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

Everyone in Jeff's ragtag team has suffered a lot from him. This kid is also a cunning and cunning master. Although he doesn't talk much, he is extremely powerful. His space magic is unparalleled, and his strength is not inferior to that of Locke White.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Wang Yu and his team took advantage of the chaos to leave the stadium and returned to the hotel early.

In less than three seconds after playing, he cut the opponent into two ends with a dimensional space slash.

The real game and the game are synchronized. At the end of the last game, the names of the five qualifying teams have spread throughout the game.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

The real game and the game are synchronized. At the end of the last game, the names of the five qualifying teams have spread throughout the game.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

I don't know if the BTR team in the new mode is not as strong as it was back then, or this year's Templar team is too strong.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

In comparison, the other teams were much more elegant, and they couldn't say they played brilliantly, but compared to the first two teams, they were quite satisfactory.

The other contestants expressed their understanding of this. After all, seeing Jeff's sudden space crack, everyone was frightened. No one was sure that they could escape this weird attack.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

The next is the third and fourth games.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

The real game and the game are synchronized. At the end of the last game, the names of the five qualifying teams have spread throughout the game.

The teams that can participate in the world-class professional league are naturally the strength of top experts, and the gap in strength is not too big.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

The teams that can participate in the world-class professional league are naturally the strength of top experts, and the gap in strength is not too big.

After watching the game for a day now, everyone finally understands how big the gap is between top players and ordinary players.

Space spells are the most powerful spells in "Rebirth", they are activated quickly, and they are invisible. What's more, this kind of magic can only be learned by hidden professions.

In comparison, the other teams were much more elegant, and they couldn't say they played brilliantly, but compared to the first two teams, they were quite satisfactory.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

Then came the second game.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

The five teams of the Crowd, the Temple, the Kyushu, the Rebellion and the Pantheon, which had a bye in the first round, successfully advanced to the next round.

Pentakills... Pentakills in an S-level event, such a record, is also the first time in history.

In comparison, the other teams were much more elegant, and they couldn't say they played brilliantly, but compared to the first two teams, they were quite satisfactory.

With strong group control and terrifying output, the result can be imagined.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

Of course, this is not to say that the BTR team is weak, the main reason is that they were too unlucky to meet Jeff, a space mage, and it was still on a relatively small field.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

In comparison, the other teams were much more elegant, and they couldn't say they played brilliantly, but compared to the first two teams, they were quite satisfactory.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

The third game is even easier.

Space spells are the most powerful spells in "Rebirth", they are activated quickly, and they are invisible. What's more, this kind of magic can only be learned by hidden professions.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

What is a hidden job? It is a profession that is different from conventional professions.

In less than three seconds after playing, he cut the opponent into two ends with a dimensional space slash.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

Everyone in Jeff's ragtag team has suffered a lot from him. This kid is also a cunning and cunning master. Although he doesn't talk much, he is extremely powerful. His space magic is unparalleled, and his strength is not inferior to that of Locke White.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

The next is the third and fourth games.

Then came the second game.

The real game and the game are synchronized. At the end of the last game, the names of the five qualifying teams have spread throughout the game.

The skills, styles, and routines of regular occupations are all basic common sense, while hidden occupations are relatively mysterious.

As soon as Jeff got started, he used the space magic that everyone had never seen before. This immediately confused the members of the BTR team. Of course, if you don’t understand space magic, you can’t deal with it. It is reasonable for Jeff to kill five people in a row .

I don't know if the BTR team in the new mode is not as strong as it was back then, or this year's Templar team is too strong.

I don't know if the BTR team in the new mode is not as strong as it was back then, or this year's Templar team is too strong.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles, and information inequality is the most critical factor that directly affects the outcome.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Of course, this is not to say that the BTR team is weak, the main reason is that they were too unlucky to meet Jeff, a space mage, and it was still on a relatively small field.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles, and information inequality is the most critical factor that directly affects the outcome.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

As soon as Jeff got started, he used the space magic that everyone had never seen before. This immediately confused the members of the BTR team. Of course, if you don’t understand space magic, you can’t deal with it. It is reasonable for Jeff to kill five people in a row .

The other contestants expressed their understanding of this. After all, seeing Jeff's sudden space crack, everyone was frightened. No one was sure that they could escape this weird attack.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Wang Yu and his team took advantage of the chaos to leave the stadium and returned to the hotel early.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

As soon as Jeff got started, he used the space magic that everyone had never seen before. This immediately confused the members of the BTR team. Of course, if you don’t understand space magic, you can’t deal with it. It is reasonable for Jeff to kill five people in a row .

The other contestants expressed their understanding of this. After all, seeing Jeff's sudden space crack, everyone was frightened. No one was sure that they could escape this weird attack.

Pentakills... Pentakills in an S-level event, such a record, is also the first time in history.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles, and information inequality is the most critical factor that directly affects the outcome.

It’s nothing more than a bombardment with all kinds of gorgeous and whistling magic. At first glance, it is very eye-catching. After a long time, it is easy to get tired of the aesthetics. In fact, it is not very interesting to remove the special effects rendering. It is not as good as the fists of fighters. It's even less exciting than the thrill of an assassin.

The third game is even easier.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

As soon as Jeff got started, he used the space magic that everyone had never seen before. This immediately confused the members of the BTR team. Of course, if you don’t understand space magic, you can’t deal with it. It is reasonable for Jeff to kill five people in a row .

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

Locke White's Gravity Technique is a skill with its own group taunt, as long as it is within the range of the skill, it can forcefully attract the target.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

One is an amateur team defeating a professional team with a weak victory, and the other is to shave a bald head for a team of the same level, so that the audience can deeply feel their strength.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

Of course, this is not to say that the BTR team is weak, the main reason is that they were too unlucky to meet Jeff, a space mage, and it was still on a relatively small field.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

The two Asian server teams that have been promoted are both Chinese server teams, which makes all Chinese players very excited.

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

Of course, this is not to say that the BTR team is weak, the main reason is that they were too unlucky to meet Jeff, a space mage, and it was still on a relatively small field.

Of course, this is not to say that the BTR team is weak, the main reason is that they were too unlucky to meet Jeff, a space mage, and it was still on a relatively small field.

Afterglow City, as the hometown of the Rabble team, once again shined brilliantly.

The third game is even easier.

With strong group control and terrifying output, the result can be imagined.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Space spells are the most powerful spells in "Rebirth", they are activated quickly, and they are invisible. What's more, this kind of magic can only be learned by hidden professions.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

Such an overwhelming oppressive advantage made all the audience deeply remember this terrifying team.

The third game is even easier.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Wang Yu and his team took advantage of the chaos to leave the stadium and returned to the hotel early.

The next is the third and fourth games.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

The teams that can participate in the world-class professional league are naturally the strength of top experts, and the gap in strength is not too big.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

The two Asian server teams that have been promoted are both Chinese server teams, which makes all Chinese players very excited.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

The five teams of the Crowd, the Temple, the Kyushu, the Rebellion and the Pantheon, which had a bye in the first round, successfully advanced to the next round.

One is an amateur team defeating a professional team with a weak victory, and the other is to shave a bald head for a team of the same level, so that the audience can deeply feel their strength.

It’s nothing more than a bombardment with all kinds of gorgeous and whistling magic. At first glance, it is very eye-catching. After a long time, it is easy to get tired of the aesthetics. In fact, it is not very interesting to remove the special effects rendering. It is not as good as the fists of fighters. It's even less exciting than the thrill of an assassin.

With strong group control and terrifying output, the result can be imagined.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

In less than three seconds after playing, he cut the opponent into two ends with a dimensional space slash.

The Crowd Team and the Temple Team became the dark horses in this competition.

The two Asian server teams that have been promoted are both Chinese server teams, which makes all Chinese players very excited.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

Afterglow City, as the hometown of the Rabble team, once again shined brilliantly.

Especially the scene of Locke White floating in the air and stabbing Sanskrit to death left a deep impression on everyone present.

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

One is an amateur team defeating a professional team with a weak victory, and the other is to shave a bald head for a team of the same level, so that the audience can deeply feel their strength.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

Everyone in Jeff's ragtag team has suffered a lot from him. This kid is also a cunning and cunning master. Although he doesn't talk much, he is extremely powerful. His space magic is unparalleled, and his strength is not inferior to that of Locke White.

After watching the game for a day now, everyone finally understands how big the gap is between top players and ordinary players.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

What is a hidden job? It is a profession that is different from conventional professions.

The next is the third and fourth games.

In comparison, the other teams were much more elegant, and they couldn't say they played brilliantly, but compared to the first two teams, they were quite satisfactory.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

Space spells are the most powerful spells in "Rebirth", they are activated quickly, and they are invisible. What's more, this kind of magic can only be learned by hidden professions.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

The real game and the game are synchronized. At the end of the last game, the names of the five qualifying teams have spread throughout the game.

The two Asian server teams that have been promoted are both Chinese server teams, which makes all Chinese players very excited.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

Space spells are the most powerful spells in "Rebirth", they are activated quickly, and they are invisible. What's more, this kind of magic can only be learned by hidden professions.

The game was played in one round. In the first round, they played five rounds in a row. The opponents of the Templar team were stronger than the other. After five rounds, BTR did not win a single round. Even their captain, A Guo, was smashed by the opponent's mage's skill. After eating the meatloaf, the audience and other contestants were dumbfounded.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

Locke White's Gravity Technique is a skill with its own group taunt, as long as it is within the range of the skill, it can forcefully attract the target.

The two Asian server teams that have been promoted are both Chinese server teams, which makes all Chinese players very excited.

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Locke White's Gravity Technique is a skill with its own group taunt, as long as it is within the range of the skill, it can forcefully attract the target.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

It seems that this year's competition is even more exciting than expected.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

But Locke White's battle just now changed everyone's appreciation for the PK of legal professions.

Afterglow City, as the hometown of the Rabble team, once again shined brilliantly.

Locke White's Gravity Technique is a skill with its own group taunt, as long as it is within the range of the skill, it can forcefully attract the target.

What is a hidden job? It is a profession that is different from conventional professions.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Wang Yu and his team took advantage of the chaos to leave the stadium and returned to the hotel early.

What is a hidden job? It is a profession that is different from conventional professions.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Inside the hotel, everyone in the mob team was not complacent because of today's victory. On the contrary, everyone looked very serious... Even Wang Yu frowned.

To be reasonable, although the mage profession has strong output in the game, the appreciation of mage PK is very average.

The next is the third and fourth games.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

The game lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and the four games finally came to an end, with four teams qualifying one after another.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

Jeff is also a ruthless person, without saying a word, he slashed five dimensions in a row, and completed the pentakill cleanly.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

"Tomorrow's game is not easy." After a long period of silence, Wuji was the first to break the silence.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

The next is the third and fourth games.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

It’s nothing more than a bombardment with all kinds of gorgeous and whistling magic. At first glance, it is very eye-catching. After a long time, it is easy to get tired of the aesthetics. In fact, it is not very interesting to remove the special effects rendering. It is not as good as the fists of fighters. It's even less exciting than the thrill of an assassin.

The next is the third and fourth games.

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Seeing Fanyin's classmate being "pierced by thousands of swords" on the ring, the audience were all in awe.

Then came the second game.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

In this S-level professional league, even if you can win the opponent, in most cases, you will come and go, and win with difficulty, but the scene where the Holy Temple team crushes the opponent on the ground with overwhelming strength is still unprecedented. Second-rate.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

In the second match, I don't know whether it was the bad luck of the BTR team or the luck of the Templar team. The first one randomly picked Jeff.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

The third game is even easier.

In the past, everyone was just a spectator, and they didn't know much about the top players, and there was such a mountain as Wang Yu, and they didn't pay attention to other people, so they couldn't feel the pressure if they didn't stand in the current position.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

For this kind of mysterious profession, even the top masters still have a half-knowledge and can't figure it out.

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

As soon as Jeff got started, he used the space magic that everyone had never seen before. This immediately confused the members of the BTR team. Of course, if you don’t understand space magic, you can’t deal with it. It is reasonable for Jeff to kill five people in a row .

Afterglow City, as the hometown of the Rabble team, once again shined brilliantly.

Miss Mengxi is a showman. Seeing that the players in her team are so eye-catching, Mengxi's expression is very proud.

After watching the game for a day now, everyone finally understands how big the gap is between top players and ordinary players.

In the second game, the Templar team was still an old acquaintance, space mage Jeff.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Jeff's space magic is even more terrifying when used for output. It can kill with one hit.

"This dog is a bit fierce..."

Coupled with the fact that Luo Luobai is wearing a long robe and can move automatically without wind, that forceful style almost exploded the sky.

Leaving aside the other few battles, just the big battle of the Templar team allowed Wuji and the others to see what it means to be a master.

Such a clean and appalling way of killing once again detonated the audience.

Everyone watched today's game from the beginning to the end, and have a good understanding of the strength of the top players.

Afterglow City, as the hometown of the Rabble team, once again shined brilliantly.

Because they know that the game will become more and more difficult to play in the future.

The poor BTR team is also a first-line team. After three games, they didn't score a single point. They were shaved bald by the Templar team and exited in a disastrous defeat.

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

As top experts, all the contestants here basically know all professions like the back of their hands.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Wang Yu and his team took advantage of the chaos to leave the stadium and returned to the hotel early.