MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1872: The Hidden Strength of the Crowd Team


The detailed information of the major teams has already been mentioned yesterday, so there is no ink in today's conference, and it directly enters the topic and starts the competition.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

Thirty minutes later, after the first match, the Kyushu team took an overwhelming lead of 5-0.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

Back then, Wuhu Sihai invited Wuji to join the Kyushu team several times. Although Wuji was already busy with work as an excuse to veto it, one can imagine the level of the guy who was asked to invite Wuji from all over the world.

At this time, Jiutian Shenjian shook his head and said: "The remaining two teams, one counts as the other, and they are all heavyweights. I won't say that they are all experts at the level of Tie Niu. , even if other people have the level of our Kyushu team second team, this game is very easy to play, but with such a lot of burdens, it is difficult to win."

Team Kyushu, like Team Sanctuary, is a veteran team. From the day the e-sports industry emerged, Team Kyushu has represented the national team in various competitions. After several generations, it can be described as dazzling and outstanding.

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.


Just as the Kyushu team and the others were talking nonsense, the beams of light on the venue stopped and landed on the positions of the Temple team and the Rabble team respectively.

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

Not only has it won various awards, but it also once monopolized the S-level world champion. It is the team with the most fans and awards in the national server. When it comes to the Kyushu team, all players in the national server give their thumbs up and are proud of it.

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

Not only has it won various awards, but it also once monopolized the S-level world champion. It is the team with the most fans and awards in the national server. When it comes to the Kyushu team, all players in the national server give their thumbs up and are proud of it.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

As for the strength, the Kyushu team does not need to go far. Although in the new game mode, the previous record is negligible, but as a team that has directly faced off against the mob team, even a master like Wang Yu will evaluate them. They are all very high, and their level seems to have reached an extremely high level.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

Before the Quanzhen sect became famous, the guys from the Kyushu team knew Wuji, and their understanding of Wuji might not be much less than Wang Yu's.

Later, it was about Sansha Village. Although the internal fighting in Sansha Village was really fierce at that time, the emaciated camel was bigger than a dog. In front of a monster like Sansha Village, if Sansha Village was a camel, the Quanzhen Sect At most it was an ant.

Let's not talk about ordinary people, are evildoers rampant? He once suffered under the hands of the Kyushu team.

An hour later, after the second game, the Kyushu team scored eight points again.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

Fighting against this kind of opponent is not as easy as the previous few games.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

As members of the Kyushu team who had personally experienced that incident, it was at that time that they had the deepest impression of Wuji, and finally understood why all over the world wanted such a guy to join the team...

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.


Hearing the words, all over the world smiled and said: "I think they have a good chance of winning."

Below the arena, Sanshan Wuyue, who had finished the match, looked at the remaining three teams and said worriedly: "To be honest, at first I was afraid that they would lose face and didn't want them to play this match, but these guys It’s all here, and I still hope they can reach the top three... After all, it’s been a long time since our national server has had a second team that has reached the top four. I really hope that this wave will make the Pantheon and the Sanctuary fight each other , and we will have one less powerful enemy at that time."

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.

You must know that tactics and skills are different. If you change the game, the skills of the masters have to be adapted and updated. Tactical ability cannot be affected in any game or mode, and it will become more cunning and cunning with age. .

Not only has it won various awards, but it also once monopolized the S-level world champion. It is the team with the most fans and awards in the national server. When it comes to the Kyushu team, all players in the national server give their thumbs up and are proud of it.

An hour later, after the second game, the Kyushu team scored eight points again.

As for the strength, the Kyushu team does not need to go far. Although in the new game mode, the previous record is negligible, but as a team that has directly faced off against the mob team, even a master like Wang Yu will evaluate them. They are all very high, and their level seems to have reached an extremely high level.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

Fighting against this kind of opponent is not as easy as the previous few games.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

Hearing the words, all over the world smiled and said: "I think they have a good chance of winning."

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

Thirty minutes later, after the first match, the Kyushu team took an overwhelming lead of 5-0.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

An hour later, after the second game, the Kyushu team scored eight points again.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

Let's not talk about ordinary people, are evildoers rampant? He once suffered under the hands of the Kyushu team.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

At this time, there were only three teams left in the arena: the Pantheon, the Temple, and the Rabble.

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

Team Kyushu, like Team Sanctuary, is a veteran team. From the day the e-sports industry emerged, Team Kyushu has represented the national team in various competitions. After several generations, it can be described as dazzling and outstanding.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

Fighting against this kind of opponent is not as easy as the previous few games.

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

Back then, Wuhu Sihai invited Wuji to join the Kyushu team several times. Although Wuji was already busy with work as an excuse to veto it, one can imagine the level of the guy who was asked to invite Wuji from all over the world.

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

As members of the Kyushu team who had personally experienced that incident, it was at that time that they had the deepest impression of Wuji, and finally understood why all over the world wanted such a guy to join the team...

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

Fighting against this kind of opponent is not as easy as the previous few games.

Let's not talk about ordinary people, are evildoers rampant? He once suffered under the hands of the Kyushu team.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

The detailed information of the major teams has already been mentioned yesterday, so there is no ink in today's conference, and it directly enters the topic and starts the competition.

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

"Things are not so absolute."

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

Just as the Kyushu team and the others were talking nonsense, the beams of light on the venue stopped and landed on the positions of the Temple team and the Rabble team respectively.

"Things are not so absolute."

"Things are not so absolute."

An hour later, after the second game, the Kyushu team scored eight points again.

Below the arena, Sanshan Wuyue, who had finished the match, looked at the remaining three teams and said worriedly: "To be honest, at first I was afraid that they would lose face and didn't want them to play this match, but these guys It’s all here, and I still hope they can reach the top three... After all, it’s been a long time since our national server has had a second team that has reached the top four. I really hope that this wave will make the Pantheon and the Sanctuary fight each other , and we will have one less powerful enemy at that time."

At this time, Jiutian Shenjian shook his head and said: "The remaining two teams, one counts as the other, and they are all heavyweights. I won't say that they are all experts at the level of Tie Niu. , even if other people have the level of our Kyushu team second team, this game is very easy to play, but with such a lot of burdens, it is difficult to win."

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

Thirty minutes later, after the first match, the Kyushu team took an overwhelming lead of 5-0.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to fight."

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

At this time, Jiutian Shenjian shook his head and said: "The remaining two teams, one counts as the other, and they are all heavyweights. I won't say that they are all experts at the level of Tie Niu. , even if other people have the level of our Kyushu team second team, this game is very easy to play, but with such a lot of burdens, it is difficult to win."

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

Not only has it won various awards, but it also once monopolized the S-level world champion. It is the team with the most fans and awards in the national server. When it comes to the Kyushu team, all players in the national server give their thumbs up and are proud of it.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

As members of the Kyushu team who had personally experienced that incident, it was at that time that they had the deepest impression of Wuji, and finally understood why all over the world wanted such a guy to join the team...

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

"Things are not so absolute."

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

Hearing the words, all over the world smiled and said: "I think they have a good chance of winning."

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

Not only has it won various awards, but it also once monopolized the S-level world champion. It is the team with the most fans and awards in the national server. When it comes to the Kyushu team, all players in the national server give their thumbs up and are proud of it.

As members of the Kyushu team who had personally experienced that incident, it was at that time that they had the deepest impression of Wuji, and finally understood why all over the world wanted such a guy to join the team...

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

An hour later, after the second game, the Kyushu team scored eight points again.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.

Later, it was about Sansha Village. Although the internal fighting in Sansha Village was really fierce at that time, the emaciated camel was bigger than a dog. In front of a monster like Sansha Village, if Sansha Village was a camel, the Quanzhen Sect At most it was an ant.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

The detailed information of the major teams has already been mentioned yesterday, so there is no ink in today's conference, and it directly enters the topic and starts the competition.

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

Just as the Kyushu team and the others were talking nonsense, the beams of light on the venue stopped and landed on the positions of the Temple team and the Rabble team respectively.

Before the Quanzhen sect became famous, the guys from the Kyushu team knew Wuji, and their understanding of Wuji might not be much less than Wang Yu's.

At this time, there were only three teams left in the arena: the Pantheon, the Temple, and the Rabble.

"Things are not so absolute."

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

Team Kyushu, like Team Sanctuary, is a veteran team. From the day the e-sports industry emerged, Team Kyushu has represented the national team in various competitions. After several generations, it can be described as dazzling and outstanding.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.


Team Kyushu, like Team Sanctuary, is a veteran team. From the day the e-sports industry emerged, Team Kyushu has represented the national team in various competitions. After several generations, it can be described as dazzling and outstanding.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

Back then, Wuhu Sihai invited Wuji to join the Kyushu team several times. Although Wuji was already busy with work as an excuse to veto it, one can imagine the level of the guy who was asked to invite Wuji from all over the world.

At that time, the Pantheon gathered all the tough masters in the world at that time, and the end of the rebel team can be imagined.

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

Kyushu Team VS Rebel Team.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

"You have seen it too." All over the world pointed at Wang Yu and the three of them and said, "With three of them, it is relatively easy to win three points in the first game. In the second game, as long as any one of them is randomly selected, it is not difficult to score. In the last game A team match is about tactics, don't you forget who their tactical mind is... "

As for the strength, the Kyushu team does not need to go far. Although in the new game mode, the previous record is negligible, but as a team that has directly faced off against the mob team, even a master like Wang Yu will evaluate them. They are all very high, and their level seems to have reached an extremely high level.

You must know that tactics and skills are different. If you change the game, the skills of the masters have to be adapted and updated. Tactical ability cannot be affected in any game or mode, and it will become more cunning and cunning with age. .

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

As for the strength, the Kyushu team does not need to go far. Although in the new game mode, the previous record is negligible, but as a team that has directly faced off against the mob team, even a master like Wang Yu will evaluate them. They are all very high, and their level seems to have reached an extremely high level.

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.

At this time, there were only three teams left in the arena: the Pantheon, the Temple, and the Rabble.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.

Later, it was about Sansha Village. Although the internal fighting in Sansha Village was really fierce at that time, the emaciated camel was bigger than a dog. In front of a monster like Sansha Village, if Sansha Village was a camel, the Quanzhen Sect At most it was an ant.

Later, it was about Sansha Village. Although the internal fighting in Sansha Village was really fierce at that time, the emaciated camel was bigger than a dog. In front of a monster like Sansha Village, if Sansha Village was a camel, the Quanzhen Sect At most it was an ant.

Let's not talk about ordinary people, are evildoers rampant? He once suffered under the hands of the Kyushu team.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.

"Tactical mind..." Hearing the words from all over the world, everyone raised their heads one after another, glanced at Wuji, and their hearts were shocked.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

However, in terms of record, the Rebel team is obviously inferior. This is not to say that the Rebel team is not good, it can only be said that they are unlucky. The pantheon of rookie teams.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

Generally speaking, the Kyushu team is superior to the Rebel team in terms of individual strength and overall strength, and the game went without any disturbances.

"Oh... Can those guys from the Crowd Team do it?"

As members of the Kyushu team who had personally experienced that incident, it was at that time that they had the deepest impression of Wuji, and finally understood why all over the world wanted such a guy to join the team...

Wang Yu and others also felt the pressure.

Hearing the words, all over the world smiled and said: "I think they have a good chance of winning."

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

Naturally, everyone knows how tricky Wuji is.

Back then, Wuhu Sihai invited Wuji to join the Kyushu team several times. Although Wuji was already busy with work as an excuse to veto it, one can imagine the level of the guy who was asked to invite Wuji from all over the world.

In the next few years, the Rebel team didn't know what evil they did. They were upset every year and participated in the competition many times, and they stopped in the quarter-finals many times... Only this time they were lucky, and even entered the top five.

With a guy like this in charge of the battle, and with a master like Wang Yu in charge, it's really unlikely that a team battle will be lost.

Below the arena, Sanshan Wuyue, who had finished the match, looked at the remaining three teams and said worriedly: "To be honest, at first I was afraid that they would lose face and didn't want them to play this match, but these guys It’s all here, and I still hope they can reach the top three... After all, it’s been a long time since our national server has had a second team that has reached the top four. I really hope that this wave will make the Pantheon and the Sanctuary fight each other , and we will have one less powerful enemy at that time."


In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.


The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

Hearing the words, all over the world smiled and said: "I think they have a good chance of winning."

Just as the Kyushu team and the others were talking nonsense, the beams of light on the venue stopped and landed on the positions of the Temple team and the Rabble team respectively.

Relatively speaking, the Rebel team is relatively young. Although it has participated in many world-class competitions, it is still a rookie compared to an ancient team like the Kyushu team.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

Thinking of this, Sanshan Wuyue grinned and said, "Boss, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized that these guys are so powerful."

If the opponent was the Rebels, everyone might be able to easily get into the top three, but the two remaining teams are really super teams without the slightest moisture.

At this time, there were only three teams left in the arena: the Pantheon, the Temple, and the Rabble.

"Of course!" Wuhu Sihai said: "As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not difficult for the weak to defeat the strong. Obviously, the configuration of the mob team is absolutely perfect for them."

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for everyone in the mob team.

As soon as the light in the venue dimmed, two beams of light began to flicker among the five teams. After a few seconds, the two teams from the first match were selected.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the third team competition ended. Team Kyushu came to a perfect conclusion and scored another 20 points. They won with an absolute advantage and successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

In the domestic professional league, everyone's level was not very high, and the skill system and equipment were not perfect. The Kyushu team already has such a level. At this time, everyone's skill system and equipment have been formed, and their strength is naturally higher than before. know how much.

"Things are not so absolute."

Let's not talk about ordinary people, are evildoers rampant? He once suffered under the hands of the Kyushu team.

Before the Quanzhen sect became famous, the guys from the Kyushu team knew Wuji, and their understanding of Wuji might not be much less than Wang Yu's.

Just as the Kyushu team and the others were talking nonsense, the beams of light on the venue stopped and landed on the positions of the Temple team and the Rabble team respectively.

At that time, Wuji had such a level, and now there is no doubt about it.

"Why?" The others couldn't help asking in surprise.

But Wuji, an outsider, grasped this point in a daze, and with the power of a few people, the world's largest guild at that time was disrupted and disintegrated. With such a powerful mixing ability, there is absolutely no second in the world.