MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1879: Iron Bull in European clothes


"It can no longer be described as powerful!"

The energy expended in practicing a paladin profession is almost equivalent to connecting several professions at the same time, whether it can be practiced well is another matter.

Regarding Wang Yu's question, Wuji frowned and said, "This guy can only be described as terrifying."

The ten-minute intermission was over quickly.

"Holy apostle? Could it be that holy apostle?"

Looking at the apostles on the ring, Wuji couldn't help becoming nervous.

In the previous few battles, the Templar Apostle has been hiding in the substitute team, not among the main players, so no one noticed him when he was introduced, but who knew that the Templar team, which had just lost three games in a row, had a break at halftime? At that time, he was actually replaced.

So much so that the Paladin profession has an extremely low appearance rate in the professional arena...

Therefore, the status of the paladin profession in ordinary teams is rather embarrassing.

As a well-known panacea support job, paladin is a very tangled job.

"One of the players in the mob team is called Yaoxie rampant, and his profession is a fighter."

An ordinary person can play the game to this level, his game talent is evident.


Seeing that Meng Xi said that he would leave as soon as he said it, Mingdu roared angrily: "If it weren't for seeing that she is a woman, and she is also Daoxue's girlfriend, I would have killed her a long time ago!"

Yaoxie Rampant has a remarkable record in several games, and he has great characteristics. Everyone still has a deep impression of him.

Not only the spectators off the court, but even the masters of the major teams widened their eyes when they heard the word Holy Apostle.

A golden light spread from the totem to the surroundings, and at the same time the fist of the apostle of the Holy Church emitted a dazzling blue light.

Because of this, the paladin is also known as the second child of ten thousand years.

It hurts even more to use it for PVP. Due to the characteristics that paladins can use holy light to transform various weapons, and skills need to be blessed by spells, the operation of paladin professions is quite cumbersome.

It is quite surprising that such a profession suddenly appeared in the S-level professional league.

"It turned out to be him... It seems that the old demon is a bit difficult to fight this time."

"What a waste!" Everyone despised again.

In the professional arena, of course, an absolute winning rate must be guaranteed. Naturally, not many people specialize in this kind of profession that is difficult to practice and slow to develop, and the investment and income are not proportional.

"Really?" Wang Yu couldn't help but look at the apostle in surprise when he heard this.

"I'm stupid!" Mingdu was shocked, and said quickly: "I was just bragging, bragging, do you understand?"

It looks very comprehensive, but in fact it can't be the main force, only a substitute.

Facing the rampant monsters approaching, the Templar Apostle looked very calm, and saw him unhurriedly take out a spell and stick it on the scepter.

According to regulations, each team consisted of at least twelve people, but only ten people participated in the battle, and the rest were all substitutes except for the team leader.

The game is like playing cards, Wang Zha has always been placed behind.

Seeing the players from the Temple team, the audience was a little dazed.

In the fourth game of the Crowd Team, it is natural that monsters are rampant, while the Templar team is playing a holy knight in silver-white armor.

Kyushu Team, a top team like Team Kyushu, basically starts with a formation of 20 people.

As a veteran team, the Temple team has as many as two teams participating in the competition this time, and there are seven or eight substitute players.

The two teams returned to the field again, and the game continued to the fourth game.

Being able to use a big sword is not as good as a weapon with an attack talent, being able to use a shield but not being proficient in a shield, being able to milk blood is not as good as a priest's milk.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders, and it is unexpected to meet such strange people while playing a game.

The tank is dead, the paladin is on top, the output is dead, the paladin is on top, the nurse is dead, the paladin is on top...

But everyone understands.

The ragtag team is sparsely populated, and it is not easy to gather twelve members. In addition, there are no more than twenty support members. It is really shabby in this level of competition.

"Almost equivalent to you in the European server."

After the players from both sides enter the field, it is customary to introduce the players.

Call him strong, but compared to other professional professions, he is always a bit weaker.

The others curled their lips when they heard the words: "Do you know his background? If you dare to make a move, our team will probably have fewer people tomorrow..."

Although the Apostle of the Holy Church is a veteran expert, Yaoxie rampant is a businessman of the national server, and his customer base is all players of the national server. For Quanzhen sect players who are not well-known in the national server, Yaoxie rampant is a treasure. With his eyes darkened, he naturally wouldn't recognize the apostle.

Even fighters can enter the professional arena, paladins are better than fighters anyway.

"How scary?"

Wuji said firmly: "And he is also the head of the Holy Temple team. The Holy Temple team is named after his ID. Although the Holy Temple team has won and lost records, this Holy Church apostle has never lost a single game, even if it is a team. In every battle, Kankan can only be suppressed by three or more masters, even if it is the Pantheon, he will have a headache when encountering him."

"Stop farting you!"

Although the evildoer rampant is not as strong as Wang Yu, but the evildoer rampant is Wang Yu's younger brother, and Wang Yu still has some understanding of his strength.

But listening to what Wuji said, this apostle of the Holy Church looks stronger than the rampant evildoers.

After the match started, the monstrosity walked over as swaggeringly as before.

"Is this guy very powerful?" Wang Yu asked puzzled.


Just when everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the Holy Apostle, the competition in the ring had already begun.

If you don't practice well, a paladin is just a piece of trash. If you practice well, you're a decathlon god.

"One of the players in the Temple team is called the Apostle of the Temple, and their occupation is the Holy Knight."


Call him weak, but he can fight and resist energy.

Team battles are basically 10v10 battles, where three or more masters join forces to suppress one person, which is almost equivalent to ordinary strength, which shows how strong the Templar Apostle is.

"No..." Wuji spread his hands and said, "This is a foreign country. You think it's the law and order in China? Here, the underworld is a legal profession. Just find a few gangsters and you will be silenced."

"Damn! I thought this guy didn't come."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Wang Yu asked Wuji in surprise.

The scepter immediately turned into a gleaming golden totem, and then the apostle of the temple stabbed the totem into the ground.

Aside from other things, the evildoer rampant is considered a rare opponent among the younger generation. Except for Wang Yu himself, Wang Yu has rarely seen anyone as an opponent of the evildoer rampage.

"Damn! This girl must have a brain problem!"

However, when the monstrous opponent Paladin was introduced, the audience suddenly became silent.