MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1881: We are different


After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.

Breaking Hammer! !

Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."

The initiative in the arena was immediately transferred from the evildoer to the apostle of the temple.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

Holy Fist Hammer! !

Seeing this scene, the shock in the hearts of the audience is absolutely indescribable.

Xiangquan, two stage floating.

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

Xiangquan, two stage floating.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

"No! We are different!"

Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.


The enhanced version of Holy Fist Hammer can be used in conjunction with the swing skill, which is more powerful than Holy Fist Hammer.


With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.


A line of Chinese characters appeared on the head of the apostle.

"No! We are different!"

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

Xiangquan, two stage floating.

Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.

Rampage is not easy to do. After jumping in mid-air, Rampage's ability to move suddenly decreased. At this time, the apostle of the temple has already rushed under the body of Rampage, and Rampage is naturally unavoidable.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

Except for the special effects, it seems that there is no fancy skill at all, but it turns out to be the awakening skill of the apostles! !

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

Holy Fist Hammer! !


The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

However, being able to be evaluated by Wuji as an iron bull in the European service, the strength of the Templar Apostle is naturally unmatched.


"No! We are different!"

Breaking Hammer! !

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

Rampage is not easy to do. After jumping in mid-air, Rampage's ability to move suddenly decreased. At this time, the apostle of the temple has already rushed under the body of Rampage, and Rampage is naturally unavoidable.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !


"No! We are different!"

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.


Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.


In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

However, being able to be evaluated by Wuji as an iron bull in the European service, the strength of the Templar Apostle is naturally unmatched.


The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.


Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.

Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.


The evildoer didn't know the attributes of this skill, but after playing the game for so long, the evildoer also understood the principle of hiding from the ground, so he jumped back and jumped out of the shock wave range of the holy fist hammer.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

Holy Fist Hammer! !

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Except for the special effects, it seems that there is no fancy skill at all, but it turns out to be the awakening skill of the apostles! !

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.



There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

Holy Fist Hammer! !

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.



Seeing this scene, the shock in the hearts of the audience is absolutely indescribable.

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.


The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.

Holy Fist Hammer! !


After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

The evildoer didn't know the attributes of this skill, but after playing the game for so long, the evildoer also understood the principle of hiding from the ground, so he jumped back and jumped out of the shock wave range of the holy fist hammer.

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.

Although this title is not very pleasant to hear, it also reflects the status of evildoers in the hearts of the audience from the side.

I saw the blood bar on the evildoer's head drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Unexpectedly, the apostle of the Holy Temple seemed to have known that the rampant monster would dodge like this. At the same time that the rampant monster jumped back, the apostle swooped down to the feet of the rampant monster with a swing, and punched him again. on the ground.

After floating the target, the apostle bent his back, like a boxer, with both fists shielding his chest, and a jab landed on the evildoer.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

But at this moment, an inconceivable expression appeared on the face of the apostle of the Holy Church.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

Breaking Hammer! !

"it's over!"

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.


A line of Chinese characters appeared on the head of the apostle.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

The enhanced version of Holy Fist Hammer can be used in conjunction with the swing skill, which is more powerful than Holy Fist Hammer.

The initiative in the arena was immediately transferred from the evildoer to the apostle of the temple.

Straight fist, floating and stiff.

The enhanced version of Holy Fist Hammer can be used in conjunction with the swing skill, which is more powerful than Holy Fist Hammer.

"Oh! NO!!"

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

But this strangely dressed paladin in front of him doesn't even have a weapon, and he beats such a ruthless person like a sandbag with his bare hands. It's unbelievable, this... the level of the S-level professional league this year is too special It's high.

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

But at this moment, an inconceivable expression appeared on the face of the apostle of the Holy Church.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

Rampage is not easy to do. After jumping in mid-air, Rampage's ability to move suddenly decreased. At this time, the apostle of the temple has already rushed under the body of Rampage, and Rampage is naturally unavoidable.

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

"Oh? Don't you play games?"

After floating the target, the apostle bent his back, like a boxer, with both fists shielding his chest, and a jab landed on the evildoer.

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."

As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.


The evildoer rolled up his cuffs solemnly, his expression and movements were exactly the same as Wang Yu's.


At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

The enhanced version of Holy Fist Hammer can be used in conjunction with the swing skill, which is more powerful than Holy Fist Hammer.

Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.

Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

"it's over!"

As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.

"No! We are different!"

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."

After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.


At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

Unexpectedly, the apostle of the Holy Temple seemed to have known that the rampant monster would dodge like this. At the same time that the rampant monster jumped back, the apostle swooped down to the feet of the rampant monster with a swing, and punched him again. on the ground.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

The initiative in the arena was immediately transferred from the evildoer to the apostle of the temple.

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

The enhanced version of Holy Fist Hammer can be used in conjunction with the swing skill, which is more powerful than Holy Fist Hammer.


Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Breaking Hammer! !

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

After floating the target, the apostle bent his back, like a boxer, with both fists shielding his chest, and a jab landed on the evildoer.

Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

After floating the target, the apostle bent his back, like a boxer, with both fists shielding his chest, and a jab landed on the evildoer.

"No! We are different!"

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.


Xiangquan, two stage floating.

With the cooperation of swing skills, the apostle's movement is extremely flexible, each punch can be connected with incomparable precision, and each punch can be just right to attack the most difficult part of the rampant monster.

I saw the blood bar on the evildoer's head drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After floating the target, the apostle bent his back, like a boxer, with both fists shielding his chest, and a jab landed on the evildoer.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

Even Wuji and the others couldn't help sighing: "It's worthy of being the most fierce person in the European server! This dog is really strong enough, I didn't expect that even the old demon is not his opponent."

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

Straight fist, floating and stiff.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

"it's over!"

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

"Oh! NO!!"


With the cooperation of swing skills, the apostle's movement is extremely flexible, each punch can be connected with incomparable precision, and each punch can be just right to attack the most difficult part of the rampant monster.

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

Breaking Hammer! !

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

Holy Fist Hammer! !

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

The evildoer didn't know the attributes of this skill, but after playing the game for so long, the evildoer also understood the principle of hiding from the ground, so he jumped back and jumped out of the shock wave range of the holy fist hammer.

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.

"Oh! NO!!"

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

I saw the blood bar on the evildoer's head drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

"Oh! NO!!"

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

Seeing this scene, the shock in the hearts of the audience is absolutely indescribable.

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

With the cooperation of swing skills, the apostle's movement is extremely flexible, each punch can be connected with incomparable precision, and each punch can be just right to attack the most difficult part of the rampant monster.

But this strangely dressed paladin in front of him doesn't even have a weapon, and he beats such a ruthless person like a sandbag with his bare hands. It's unbelievable, this... the level of the S-level professional league this year is too special It's high.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

"it's over!"

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

I saw the blood bar on the evildoer's head drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.


Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.

Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

Rampage is not easy to do. After jumping in mid-air, Rampage's ability to move suddenly decreased. At this time, the apostle of the temple has already rushed under the body of Rampage, and Rampage is naturally unavoidable.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

But at this moment, an inconceivable expression appeared on the face of the apostle of the Holy Church.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.


"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.

A line of Chinese characters appeared on the head of the apostle.

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."


Except for the special effects, it seems that there is no fancy skill at all, but it turns out to be the awakening skill of the apostles! !

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Rampage is not easy to do. After jumping in mid-air, Rampage's ability to move suddenly decreased. At this time, the apostle of the temple has already rushed under the body of Rampage, and Rampage is naturally unavoidable.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

The evildoer rolled up his cuffs solemnly, his expression and movements were exactly the same as Wang Yu's.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

Straight fist, floating and stiff.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

Straight fist, floating and stiff.

Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

"No! We are different!"

Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

Seeing this scene, the shock in the hearts of the audience is absolutely indescribable.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

"Oh? Don't you play games?"

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.


Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

Although this title is not very pleasant to hear, it also reflects the status of evildoers in the hearts of the audience from the side.


Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

But this strangely dressed paladin in front of him doesn't even have a weapon, and he beats such a ruthless person like a sandbag with his bare hands. It's unbelievable, this... the level of the S-level professional league this year is too special It's high.


Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

But this strangely dressed paladin in front of him doesn't even have a weapon, and he beats such a ruthless person like a sandbag with his bare hands. It's unbelievable, this... the level of the S-level professional league this year is too special It's high.

Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.

"it's over!"

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

Even Wuji and the others couldn't help sighing: "It's worthy of being the most fierce person in the European server! This dog is really strong enough, I didn't expect that even the old demon is not his opponent."

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

Swinging fists, the momentum is heavy.

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

The strength of the evildoer is obvious to all. Although he didn't play many times, his record is extremely outstanding. Even the top masters can only use three moves at most in the hands of the evildoer. In addition to his rustic attire , so it was nicknamed "Farmer's Three Punches" by the audience.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"


"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Breaking Hammer! !

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

"Hehe, the game is not over yet!"


There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

With the cooperation of swing skills, the apostle's movement is extremely flexible, each punch can be connected with incomparable precision, and each punch can be just right to attack the most difficult part of the rampant monster.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

I saw the blood bar on the evildoer's head drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


However, being able to be evaluated by Wuji as an iron bull in the European service, the strength of the Templar Apostle is naturally unmatched.

A line of Chinese characters appeared on the head of the apostle.


With a loud noise, the apostle of the Holy Church fell to the ground forcibly, and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a crack in the ground.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.


Seeing this scene, the shock in the hearts of the audience is absolutely indescribable.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

But this strangely dressed paladin in front of him doesn't even have a weapon, and he beats such a ruthless person like a sandbag with his bare hands. It's unbelievable, this... the level of the S-level professional league this year is too special It's high.


As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.


Just when everyone thought that the monstrosity was about to be killed by the apostle with the final blow, Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

If this punch hits the target, the evildoer will definitely not have the slightest chance of surviving.

Breaking Hammer! !

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Except for the special effects, it seems that there is no fancy skill at all, but it turns out to be the awakening skill of the apostles! !

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.


The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

Fighter is a profession born for combos, and other professions also have unlimited combos, but due to the long time of skill cold spring, the error tolerance rate is extremely low, and the short CD of fighters allows this profession to make various fancy combos.


"Oh! NO!!"

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

Even Wuji and the others couldn't help sighing: "It's worthy of being the most fierce person in the European server! This dog is really strong enough, I didn't expect that even the old demon is not his opponent."

Although the Templar Apostle is still flying in mid-air, judging from the current flight trajectory of the Templar Apostle in mid-air, the monstrous rampant punch will definitely hit the Templar Apostle's face firmly.

The initiative in the arena was immediately transferred from the evildoer to the apostle of the temple.


The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

But at this moment, an inconceivable expression appeared on the face of the apostle of the Holy Church.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

Breaking Hammer! !

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.


Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.

Seeing that the holy apostle hit the target, everyone in the holy team cheered excitedly.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.


Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

Seeing that the evildoer was rampant and punched him, he only heard the holy apostle yell in mid-air, raised his hand and hit the ground with a punch.

Xiangquan, two stage floating.

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."

Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

Breaking Hammer! !


Xiangquan, two stage floating.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

But at this moment, an inconceivable expression appeared on the face of the apostle of the Holy Church.

As a fighter among the paladins, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy focuses on control. Holy Fist Hammer is a typical group control skill. The shock wave that spreads out can float all the hit targets into the air.

The apostle of the Holy Church punched the ground, and the evildoer took a solid punch, and was shocked to float in mid-air.

Although this title is not very pleasant to hear, it also reflects the status of evildoers in the hearts of the audience from the side.

A line of Chinese characters appeared on the head of the apostle.

The initiative in the arena was immediately transferred from the evildoer to the apostle of the temple.

After throwing the Holy Apostle back, the evildoer walked forward without stopping, stretched his right fist forward, and blasted out with a heavy punch.


The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.


If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.

"it's over!"

After a set of holy combo punches, the blood bar on the evildoer's head dropped to about 30%.

"It's the boss after all, who can completely suppress this evildoer!" In the temple team, Locke Bai and the others clenched their fists when they saw the temple apostle perform the final kill.

Prediction is the basic evaluation criterion for masters.

At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

If the evildoer's punch hits, the apostle of the templar can basically declare GG.



Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.

The evildoer floating in the air froze when he was beaten, and appeared in a state of rigidity, and then the apostle of the temple made a gorgeous combination of punches.

The evildoer didn't know the attributes of this skill, but after playing the game for so long, the evildoer also understood the principle of hiding from the ground, so he jumped back and jumped out of the shock wave range of the holy fist hammer.

"You're really strong!" The evildoer wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gave the apostle a thumbs up in amazement, and then said with a serious expression: "But you're just a gamer after all."

At the same time, a blue light spread from the apostle of the church to the surroundings.

Destroyer God Strike, as the name suggests, is an attack that can destroy even gods. With its strong attack power, it is definitely the strongest skill that the Templar Apostle can use at present.

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

Seeing this scene, everyone cried out almost at the same time.

Under the stunned eyes of the audience, the apostle of the Holy Church punched the evildoer rampant with his fist.

"Oh? Don't you play games?"



At this time, the apostle of the Holy Church heard the sound of landing behind him, and hurriedly turned around, only to see that the evildoer had landed firmly behind him.

Even though the evildoer's rampant equipment is good, he can't stand being beaten up by a top expert like the Templar Apostle.

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

Xiangquan, two stage floating.


Doppelgänger Phantom! ! It's a clone! !

"No! We are different!"

The apostle of the Holy Church seemed to be able to understand Mandarin, and he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows when he heard the words of the evildoer.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

Breaking Hammer! !


The evildoer rolled up his cuffs solemnly, his expression and movements were exactly the same as Wang Yu's.


Top players can even gain insight into the opponent's actions through a short fight, so as to make accurate judgments.


With the cooperation of swing skills, the apostle's movement is extremely flexible, each punch can be connected with incomparable precision, and each punch can be just right to attack the most difficult part of the rampant monster.

Awakening · Annihilation God Strike! !

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

"No! We are different!"

Even Wuji and the others couldn't help sighing: "It's worthy of being the most fierce person in the European server! This dog is really strong enough, I didn't expect that even the old demon is not his opponent."

While rolling up his cuffs, the evildoer said calmly, "I have already seen through your fist."

Seeing the evil spirits running rampant, the apostle let out a loud shout, his right fist burst out with dazzling light, and the audience could even see the holy light accumulating on the apostle's fist.

In an instant, the manic holy light gathered into a huge ball of light on the fist of the holy apostle, and the holy apostle swung his right fist forward violently, and blasted towards the monstrous evildoer.

There was a clear sound, and then the evildoer hit by the Annihilating God Strike ran rampant and turned into pieces all over the ground.