MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1887: Linglongmeng's counterattack


"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, the distance between the two was less than three meters!

Seeing that Killing was chasing after Linglong Meng, everyone in the Temple team was very excited and applauded.

It stands to reason that going in circles will not shrink the circle, otherwise the distance from the target will get closer and closer, and the unlucky one will definitely be the one who escaped. Linglongmeng is not a fool, making the circle smaller and smaller is like committing suicide Lu's behavior, but she did so, obviously with a plan.

Linglongmeng is using skills after all, the blue bar will be used up eventually, and it will only be a matter of time before she is caught up, running in circles is meaningless at all.

It stands to reason that going in circles will not shrink the circle, otherwise the distance from the target will get closer and closer, and the unlucky one will definitely be the one who escaped. Linglongmeng is not a fool, making the circle smaller and smaller is like committing suicide Lu's behavior, but she did so, obviously with a plan.


However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"


When Luo Bai saw this, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "It's not good, the circle is getting smaller and smaller, there must be fraud! Killing is going to be a routine!!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

You must know that Linglong Meng is not an agile archer, and basically waits to die when her skills are exhausted.

Seeing that Killing was chasing after Linglong Meng, everyone in the Temple team was very excited and applauded.

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

After all, killing is a top fighter, and a mere trap is like catching him, which is indeed a bit ironic.

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.


However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

Although everyone doesn't have a good impression of the mob team, Linglong Meng looks like a good-looking girl after all, and many people are more inclined to Linglong Meng subjectively.

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.


Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

However, when everyone was worried about Linglong Meng, Linglong Meng herself let out a smile.

"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.


Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

Slaughter was overjoyed when he saw this, and descended from the sky holding a big sword.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

In the past, there was really no technical content, you chased me and ran away, but now at least with the parkour effect, it still looks quite impressive.

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

Finally, the distance between the two was less than three meters!

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

Accompanied by Linglongmeng's command, countless black shadows stretched out from all directions, like a long snake, instantly binding the leaping carnage firmly in the air.

After a short meeting, the pursuit of the two turned into a circle around the woods.

After all, killing is a top fighter, and a mere trap is like catching him, which is indeed a bit ironic.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"

Seeing that Killing was chasing after Linglong Meng, everyone in the Temple team was very excited and applauded.

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

Linglongmeng is using skills after all, the blue bar will be used up eventually, and it will only be a matter of time before she is caught up, running in circles is meaningless at all.

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Hmph!" Killing snorted coldly and said, "You underestimate me!"

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"


Just as everyone in the rabble was talking, the shrinking of Linglongmeng's circle became more and more obvious.

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

Even the members of the mob team felt a little overwhelmed when they saw this.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

The reason why Linglongmeng went around in circles was because she was not fast enough and needed to change direction to get away from the target.

You must know that Linglong Meng is not an agile archer, and basically waits to die when her skills are exhausted.

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

In the past, there was really no technical content, you chased me and ran away, but now at least with the parkour effect, it still looks quite impressive.

Running away to delay the time is to get rid of the opponent and not give the opponent a chance to kill himself, but the opponent is chasing after him like a mad dog, which is a bit disturbing.

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

After all, killing is a top fighter, and a mere trap is like catching him, which is indeed a bit ironic.

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.

Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.


"Hmph!" Killing snorted coldly and said, "You underestimate me!"

You must know that Linglong Meng is not an agile archer, and basically waits to die when her skills are exhausted.

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

Running away to delay the time is to get rid of the opponent and not give the opponent a chance to kill himself, but the opponent is chasing after him like a mad dog, which is a bit disturbing.

Just as everyone in the rabble was talking, the shrinking of Linglongmeng's circle became more and more obvious.

After all, killing is a top fighter, and a mere trap is like catching him, which is indeed a bit ironic.

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.


However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

"Hmph!" Killing snorted coldly and said, "You underestimate me!"

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

Seeing that Killing was chasing after Linglong Meng, everyone in the Temple team was very excited and applauded.

"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Even the members of the mob team felt a little overwhelmed when they saw this.

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"


Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.

After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

The reason why Linglongmeng went around in circles was because she was not fast enough and needed to change direction to get away from the target.

While speaking, Killing suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Linglongmeng's trap was crushed, and then he raised his weapon and slashed at Linglongmeng with a leap.

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"

Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

Just as everyone in the rabble was talking, the shrinking of Linglongmeng's circle became more and more obvious.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.


"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

Slaughter was overjoyed when he saw this, and descended from the sky holding a big sword.

Linglongmeng is using skills after all, the blue bar will be used up eventually, and it will only be a matter of time before she is caught up, running in circles is meaningless at all.

When Luo Bai saw this, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "It's not good, the circle is getting smaller and smaller, there must be fraud! Killing is going to be a routine!!"

It stands to reason that going in circles will not shrink the circle, otherwise the distance from the target will get closer and closer, and the unlucky one will definitely be the one who escaped. Linglongmeng is not a fool, making the circle smaller and smaller is like committing suicide Lu's behavior, but she did so, obviously with a plan.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.


After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

Just as everyone in the rabble was talking, the shrinking of Linglongmeng's circle became more and more obvious.

After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

Slaughter was overjoyed when he saw this, and descended from the sky holding a big sword.

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.


"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

While speaking, Killing suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Linglongmeng's trap was crushed, and then he raised his weapon and slashed at Linglongmeng with a leap.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

When Luo Bai saw this, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "It's not good, the circle is getting smaller and smaller, there must be fraud! Killing is going to be a routine!!"

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

When Luo Bai saw this, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "It's not good, the circle is getting smaller and smaller, there must be fraud! Killing is going to be a routine!!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

In the past, there was really no technical content, you chased me and ran away, but now at least with the parkour effect, it still looks quite impressive.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.

Running away to delay the time is to get rid of the opponent and not give the opponent a chance to kill himself, but the opponent is chasing after him like a mad dog, which is a bit disturbing.

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.

Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

Finally, the distance between the two was less than three meters!

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

Finally, the distance between the two was less than three meters!

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.

However, because Linglongmeng's speed is slightly lower, every time Linglongmeng is about to be chased by the killing, she has to change direction.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

Moreover, this girl is not as tough as Yang Na, if she is chased by the killing, she will probably die.

Even the members of the mob team felt a little overwhelmed when they saw this.

Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

Linglong Meng's figure flashed, and she jumped from the tree to the ground.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Everyone asked in puzzlement after hearing the words.

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

Running away to delay the time is to get rid of the opponent and not give the opponent a chance to kill himself, but the opponent is chasing after him like a mad dog, which is a bit disturbing.

"Well, that's it, old man, don't give him a chance!"

"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Even the members of the mob team felt a little overwhelmed when they saw this.

Fortunately, Linglong Meng belonged to the fleeing party and had the initiative, otherwise she might have been caught by the killing at this moment.


The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

Slaughter was overjoyed when he saw this, and descended from the sky holding a big sword.

After a short meeting, the pursuit of the two turned into a circle around the woods.

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.

While speaking, Killing suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Linglongmeng's trap was crushed, and then he raised his weapon and slashed at Linglongmeng with a leap.

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

In comparison, Killing's movement speed was even higher than Linglong Meng's, and at this time it was gradually approaching Linglong Meng's.

After a short meeting, the pursuit of the two turned into a circle around the woods.

Even the members of the mob team felt a little overwhelmed when they saw this.

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

After watching too much parkour, the audience was also a little bored. Seeing the two started to go around in a boring circle, the audience said one after another: "It's better to surrender than to waste time like this!"

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

"What's wrong with going around in circles?" Everyone was at a loss again.

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.


Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

Who would have thought that Linglongmeng didn't panic at all when seeing the killings falling from the sky, instead she smiled slightly and took a step back.

It stands to reason that going in circles will not shrink the circle, otherwise the distance from the target will get closer and closer, and the unlucky one will definitely be the one who escaped. Linglongmeng is not a fool, making the circle smaller and smaller is like committing suicide Lu's behavior, but she did so, obviously with a plan.

Slaughter was overjoyed when he saw this, and descended from the sky holding a big sword.

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.


Just as everyone in the rabble was talking, the shrinking of Linglongmeng's circle became more and more obvious.

Linglongmeng was able to shuttle through the woods, relying on her own skills, so although the moving distance was longer, the skills had a CD, and there would be a brief moment of stiffness when using the skills.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

Just at this moment, a crisp voice sounded, Killing suddenly felt his feet sink, and he didn't know when there was an extra trap under his feet.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

Seeing this, the audience raised their foreheads and smiled wryly: "How can there be such a circle? Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

"This..." After listening to Wang Yu's words, everyone finally realized the key point of the problem.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.



I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"


In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

It stands to reason that going in circles will not shrink the circle, otherwise the distance from the target will get closer and closer, and the unlucky one will definitely be the one who escaped. Linglongmeng is not a fool, making the circle smaller and smaller is like committing suicide Lu's behavior, but she did so, obviously with a plan.

In terms of the mana of an archer, Linglongmeng's magic value is already terrifying, but an archer is an archer, and sooner or later when the mana bar is used up, sixty-four skills must already be the limit of Linglongmeng.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

I have to say that this guy, Lockebai, is very keen in terms of vision and thinking. When he realized that Linglongmeng's circle was getting smaller and smaller, he immediately noticed Linglongmeng's thoughts.

After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"

Although everyone knows that Linglong Dream is full of intelligence and the mana bar is very long, but this unique skill is also quite mana-consuming, and it is impossible to last for thirty minutes.


However, when everyone was worried about Linglong Meng, Linglong Meng herself let out a smile.

The audience couldn't help but sweat for Linglong Meng.

Running away to delay the time is to get rid of the opponent and not give the opponent a chance to kill himself, but the opponent is chasing after him like a mad dog, which is a bit disturbing.

However, bystanders are fans of the authorities.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

You must know that Linglong Meng is not an agile archer, and basically waits to die when her skills are exhausted.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

In the past, there was really no technical content, you chased me and ran away, but now at least with the parkour effect, it still looks quite impressive.

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

However, when everyone was worried about Linglong Meng, Linglong Meng herself let out a smile.

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.


Accompanied by Linglongmeng's command, countless black shadows stretched out from all directions, like a long snake, instantly binding the leaping carnage firmly in the air.

You must know that Linglong Meng is not an agile archer, and basically waits to die when her skills are exhausted.

"Hmph!" Killing snorted coldly and said, "You underestimate me!"

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglongmeng's circle shrunk to the extreme.

In this way, the two leaped through the woods, chasing each other. Although it was a boring hide-and-seek game like the previous games, this time it was very entertaining.

After all, killing is a top fighter, and a mere trap is like catching him, which is indeed a bit ironic.

Slaughter glanced at the trap at the bottom of his feet with a sneer, and asked Linglong Meng in unfamiliar Mandarin, "This, is your last resort?" (The team leader is Mengxi, so it's not surprising that the players of the Templar team can speak Mandarin.)

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"

While speaking, Killing suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Linglongmeng's trap was crushed, and then he raised his weapon and slashed at Linglongmeng with a leap.

While speaking, Killing suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Linglongmeng's trap was crushed, and then he raised his weapon and slashed at Linglongmeng with a leap.

"Can Lao Meng run like this for thirty minutes?"


After chasing for so long, Killing has been counting the release of Linglongmeng's skills. From the beginning to now, Linglongmeng's displacement skills have been released a total of sixty-four times.

Linglongmeng didn't dodge or dodge, opened and closed the palm of her right hand, and shouted violently: "Take it!"

"Haha! Finally there is no blue!"

Linglong Meng put away her crossbow, hugged her shoulder with her right hand, put her chin on the back of her left hand and smiled charmingly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"Thinking that if you want to run away, you won't be able to last thirty minutes." Wuji waved his hand and said, "But Lao Meng obviously doesn't want to run away."

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Oh... this girl is a bit silly."

"Hmph!" Killing snorted coldly and said, "You underestimate me!"

"Didn't you see it?" Without waiting for Wuji to explain, Wang Yu pointed to Linglong Meng in the venue and said, "Didn't you see Lao Meng going around in circles?"

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Accompanied by Linglongmeng's command, countless black shadows stretched out from all directions, like a long snake, instantly binding the leaping carnage firmly in the air.

The displacement of killing depends on the basic jumping ability. Not to mention the lack of skill CD, it is also very natural to cast. Although the moving distance is not far, it can jump continuously endlessly.

At this moment, Killing focused all his attention on Linglong Meng who was running away, he only noticed the distance between the two, and didn't realize that Linglong Meng's circle was getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, the killing was getting closer and closer to Linglong Dream, and it was too late to be happy, so how could he pay attention to other things.

"The circle is getting smaller and smaller and you haven't noticed?" Wang Yu asked again.


Archers are notoriously low blood and blue, so relying on skills to move like Linglong Meng obviously can't last long.