MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1889: Insidious Chunxiang



Moreover, warlocks belong to the cloth armor profession, and their defense and blood volume are generally not too high. Such a profession with thin skin and heavy stuffing is definitely the favorite of assassins.


After all, Linglongmeng's output is all in skills. At this time, Linglongmeng has no mana, and can't even do the most basic consumption. If it continues, it will only let the opponent see more of its weaknesses.

Everyone knows what would happen if someone grabs your feet while running. Poor greed thought that the game would be over after dispelling the dark barrier. There is actually a field of vines hidden under the dark barrier.

In this game rules, the assassin has been greatly weakened, and the cooldown time of stealth skills has been extended a lot.

After dodging the opponent's attack, Chunxiang quickly condensed into a solid body, pointing the staff at Greedy, a cloud of green poisonous mist enveloped Greedy's head.

Even if it is the rival tank class, it will be helpless against the assassin due to the rules of the game. As for other classes, it is basically difficult to be the opponent of the assassin.


Although Poison Nova is a full-screen ability, it can be blocked by obstacles.

Greedy was about to step forward to catch up, but his feet sank again, and vines wrapped around Greedy's legs.

In this complex forest terrain, if Greed is far away from Chunxiang, he can naturally use the trees to avoid the attack of the poisonous nova.


Chunxiang's yin man is not just shady, this old boy has almost reached the peak level of skill calculation and control. Once he digs a hole, it will be a series of holes. Yin to death.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded in Greed's ears, and a black barrier rose from the ground, appearing between Chunxiang and Greed.

So keeping the distance seems to give him time to wait for his skills to cool down, but at the same time it also gives Chun Xiang time to arrange the scene.

But who knew that the moment Chunxiang was stabbed by the dagger in Greedy's hand, Chunxiang's body suddenly turned into a puff of smoke.

Greedy only felt his feet sink, the dagger that had already been lifted to Chunxiang's chin could no longer move an inch, and Greedy himself was firmly nailed to the ground.

Not to mention the Warlock.

Is Chunxiang an ordinary person


In the last game against Linglongmeng, Greed had already used Stealth and Backstab, and both skills were cooling down.

Dark Barrier! !

With a soft sound, a circle of green light spread around Chunxiang.

However, it was a joke for Chunxiang, a profession with basically zero melee combat skills, to fight hand-to-hand with a master of melee combat like an assassin.


Caught off guard again, Greed was once again staggered, and apparently fell into the mud on the street.

Greedy, as a professional player, naturally studied the opponent's information before the game, and knew what kind of person Chun Xiang was. The seemingly reckless play at this time was actually a very smart choice.


Being able to prescribe the right medicine is an essential quality for a master.

Greed was inattentive and almost plunged into the ground.

But at this moment, from the corner of his greedy eyes, he caught a glimpse of the slightly raised corner of Chunxiang's mouth.

Not waiting for greed to rejoice, Chunxiang turned the staff in his hand and smashed it on the ground.

However, Greedy has already rushed to Chunxiang's side, less than two meters away from Chunxiang. With such a distance, there is no bunker or obstacle between the two of them. Of course, Greedy, the poisonous nova, is full.

After being poisoned by Chunxiang, Chunxiang dyed Greedy from head to toe into a green man on the spot.

Seeing Greed directly rushing over, Chunxiang smiled in surprise.


"Hehe! Pretty smart."

After Linglongmeng was killed, the beam of light for selecting candidates flickered again, and Chunxiang was teleported to the arena immediately after.

When it comes to PVP, Assassin is definitely king-level, and Assassin hardly has any natural enemies in this kind of arena.

"Oh, the luck of this mob team is really bad enough."

After all, greed is a young man. Compared with calm killing, greed lacks a kind of stable temperament unique to masters.

Although Chunxiang performed well in the previous competitions, but now it is the final stage, and every player on the field is a world-class top player. Its opponent is another assassin.

Chunxiang smiled slightly, and took a step back slightly, just in time to dodge the greedy attack.

"Poison Nova!"

Attacking from behind has an output bonus, and the assassin's attack bonus from behind is doubled. If this knife is stabbed firmly, it will definitely be enough for Chunxiang to drink a pot.

Stealth is one of the most important skills of an assassin.

Then Greedy grabbed the handle of the dagger with both hands and passed it forward to Chunxiang, and then ransacked him.

Chunxiang is naturally not the kind of person who just sits and waits to be killed. Seeing greed stabbing him, Chunxiang hastily raised his staff to block.

Greedy reaction is also very fast, he pressed the ground with his left hand, forced his body to stabilize, and then rolled backwards to Chunxiang's feet, grabbed the dagger with his right hand and swung it upwards, a saber light directed at Chunxiang from bottom to top His jaw went up.

The distance between the two of them was only about ten meters. After the assassin turned on the sprinting state, his speed was extremely fast. Greed rushed to Chunxiang's side with a phantom in no time. He stabbed Chunxiang in the chest.

Indeed, as a rule, it is standard practice for non-stealthed assassins to distance themselves and wait for the cooldown to end, but it was for ordinary people at that time.

Seeing this, Greed suddenly thumped in his heart.

This occupation itself does not belong to the combat occupation sequence. Like the priest, the positioning of the warlock belongs to the auxiliary field control.

To say that Greedy is worthy of being a top expert, bounded by Chunxiang's dark knot behind him, Greedy stretched his arms to the sides without thinking, and a black light burst out from Greedy's body, dispelling the immobilization effect.

Seeing Chunxiang enter the stage, the audience couldn't help shaking their heads.

Greedy for the dagger, short in stature, quickened his feet, bypassed Chunxiang's staff and came to Chunxiang's back, grabbed the dagger with both hands and stabbed down Chunxiang's back fiercely.

The super-long skill set predetermines the weakness of this class in duels. Unless it is a team battle or PVE, the warlock class is basically useless.

This old guy's style of play can be said to be the limit of obscenity. Although he doesn't have trap skills, he digs holes everywhere. As long as Chun Xiang is given time, this guy can dig holes.

According to the normal style of play, Greed should keep a distance from Chunxiang first, and wait for the cooldown of the stealth skill, but this kid didn't retreat but advanced. At the beginning of the game, Chunxiang rushed over with a dagger in his hand.