MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1892: The importance of the field to the Gravity Warlock


Luo Luobai looked down at Chunxiang on the ground, waved his left hand slightly, and made an attack gesture indifferently.

Looking at the huge trees lined up in the sky under Locke Bai's control, the others also gasped.

As Locke White grabbed the broken wood on the ground into the air, the entire arena went dark.

Chunxiang only felt that when the light in front of his eyes dimmed, the sky above his head was covered by the big tree controlled by Luo Bai.

Holy Light Shield! !

"Rebirth" is a very rigorous game. Does the system not care about a profession with such a bug

Then, Locke White raised his left hand again.

Chunxiang now has less than ten blood points on his head, not to mention that such a big tree fell head-on, even if a branch fell on Chunxiang's face, he could be taken away directly.

This time, it was even bigger than the previous one.

All the tree trunks on the ground were grabbed by Locke White to the sky by gravity.

Needless to say, in the face of Locke White's attack, turning around and running is the most correct choice.

At this moment, only a clear sound was heard, and Chun Xiang got out of the ruins, with a faint golden light emitting from his body.

The big tree thrown by Luo Bai smashed the trees directly in front of him, but Chunxiang took the opportunity to distance himself from Luo Bai, and threw continuous healing techniques on his head, recovering more than half of his blood volume .

Immediately afterwards, Locke White raised his left hand upwards.

The terrain in the forest is extremely complex, and every tree may be a bunker.

In the forest, the only weapons that Luo Bai can manipulate are the trees around him, but at the same time, the forest is densely packed with trees everywhere.

Seeing that Chunxiang avoided his attack by using the terrain and came back alive from the brink of death, Locke showed an unexpected expression on his face.

Locke White smiled slightly: "I forgot you still have this hand, but this time you will definitely not be able to escape."

Looking down from a high position, Locke can see all the scenes in his eyes.

"Boom, boom!"


Chun Xiang, who was dodging around on the ground, was also clearly seen by Luo Kebai.

Locke White floated in mid-air, waved his hand lightly with a blank face, and created such a big momentum, it felt like a god could destroy the world with a gesture of his hands, making his force straight up, and everyone in the audience was amazed Unlimited longing.

Except for people, there was not much scene debris on the field, and most of the things Locke threw were smashed floors. Although it was a bit too strong, it didn't make people feel how perverted the profession of gravitational warlock was.

Gravity technique, to put it bluntly, is to use attraction to attack, defend and control.

Facing Locke White's throwing attack, Chunxiang also cheered up. Before the big tree threw him, Chunxiang turned around and ran into the depths of the forest. While running, he desperately hit his head Throw healing.

What is the concept of hundreds of trees floating in the air? Even hundreds of people in the sky can be described as covering the sky and blocking out the sun, let alone a tree that is much bigger than a person

"Hula la!"


But in this forest terrain, Locke White's gravity technique can be said to have found the most suitable battlefield. What's more, even big trees can be pulled up and hit people. Isn't Locke White's weapons everywhere in this big forest.

Compared with Chunxiang's various attack methods, which are poisonous, control and explosive, the attack method of the gravity technique is quite simple. Simply put, it just picks up things on the ground and hits people.

All the trees add up to hundreds of them.

As the game started, Locke White slightly raised his hand, and a big tree beside him was uprooted under the control of Locke White's gravity technique.

"Then, let me open your eyes!"

"Fuck, shit, shit!"


Luo Luobai smiled slightly, pointed the five fingers of his left hand at the broken tree on the ground and snapped it.

But in the forest, it's a little weak.

"I'm damn!"

Then Locke waved his hand and threw it at Chunxiang.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ao and Ming Du almost didn't jump up.

With a loud bang, more than a dozen big trees fell to the ground at the same time, and the ground trembled slightly from the smashing. Locke White's attack razed all the trees in a radius of tens of meters to the ground. All the trees within the attack range were smashed to the ground. Lie all over the ground.

In the attack just now, there were more than a dozen trees that were broken, but at this moment, more than a dozen trees that are as thick as bowls are floating in the air at the same time, the visual effect can be imagined.

The moment Locke White's attack hit him, Chunxiang activated his invincibility, and forcibly withstood Locke White's attack.

At the same time, the broken wood on the ground was once again caught in the air by the gravity technique.

The tall trees scattered all over the ground suddenly shook together.

"Huh? Isn't he dead yet?"

But accidents are accidents, Lockebai's strength is more than that, at this moment, Lockebai's expression is still indifferent, without the slightest panic, only to see Lockebai's staff pointing to the ground, and the whole person floats in the air.

Chunxiang didn't have any movement skills, so he couldn't dodge such a large attack range, and was instantly overwhelmed by the attack falling from the sky under the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this, the audience all opened their eyes wide, not knowing how to describe their mood at this time.

In an instant, more than a dozen big trees fell from the sky and smashed towards Chunxiang.

Locke, who was in the sky, couldn't help but frown when he saw that the system hadn't announced the result of the game, so he looked puzzled in the direction where Chunxiang was hit.

In the previous few games, Locke White fought in a small platform like the ring.

Pulling up a big tree and hitting people is already a shameless rogue move, but at this moment he has controlled more than a dozen big trees at once, can this gravitationalian be more shameless.


A tree has a big target, and if it is used as a throwing weapon on an endless plain, it must be infinitely powerful.


It has to be said that it doesn't matter whether the gravitational warlock is powerful or not, the important thing is that this is an extremely pretentious profession.

Invisible pretense, this is the highest state of playing games.


As soon as Chunxiang ran into the depths of the forest, the trees in the forest blocked Luo Bai's attack.


Except for the dozen or so trees thrown down by Locke White just now, even the trees that were broken by the attack just now were all caught in the air by Locke White's gravity technique.

With this blow, attack power aside, the attack range is definitely at the level of a forbidden spell. It is estimated that the strongest mage output currently does not have such a large skill coverage.

Seeing Locke White's brutal methods, the audience was shocked, and the mob was also dumbfounded.

What the hell, this bastard is too sloppy!