MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1900: Bull hunting plan


With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

Everyone felt that two rays of light flashed by, Mingdu and Chunxiang had no time to dodge, and they were kicked out of the court by one person.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.



Locke white opened his arms and closed them.


Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.

Without Chunxiang's big control and Mingdu's range output, the team fighting ability of the mob team has dropped a lot. Facing the rushing opponent, they can only rely on the front row to fight head-to-head.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

The Warrior Slaughter and the Shield Warrior Guardian of the Templar Team stood up against the rest of the mob team under the cover of the bow mobile phone cannon. With a blue light, he punched Wang Yu directly in front of him.

Being able to appear in this arena, the output of these two assassins is beyond doubt.

The Gobi Desert is full of gravel, and there are all kinds of strange rocks, just as the name of this scene introduces, a forest of gravel.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

As Wuji expected, the first target of the Temple team is none other than Wang Yu, the core of the mob team.

A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke White let out a wicked smile.

This battle is related to the fate of the two teams, and it is destined to be a battle of honor.

"No, flash!"

Everyone felt that two rays of light flashed by, Mingdu and Chunxiang had no time to dodge, and they were kicked out of the court by one person.


I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.


This battle is related to the fate of the two teams, and it is destined to be a battle of honor.

The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.


The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.

A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

Among the ragtag team, Lockebai's biggest headache is of course Wang Yu, but Wang Yu may not be more useful than these two professions in a team.


As soon as they entered the field, the teams of both sides drew up their formations, and everyone was at war, looking like they were ready to go.


With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.

A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

There was a loud bang.

The countdown ended and the game began, with the Templar team taking the lead.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

The Warrior Slaughter and the Shield Warrior Guardian of the Templar Team stood up against the rest of the mob team under the cover of the bow mobile phone cannon. With a blue light, he punched Wang Yu directly in front of him.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

As Wuji expected, the first target of the Temple team is none other than Wang Yu, the core of the mob team.

With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

There was a loud bang.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

As soon as they entered the field, the teams of both sides drew up their formations, and everyone was at war, looking like they were ready to go.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.


Without Chunxiang's big control and Mingdu's range output, the team fighting ability of the mob team has dropped a lot. Facing the rushing opponent, they can only rely on the front row to fight head-to-head.

Everyone felt that two rays of light flashed by, Mingdu and Chunxiang had no time to dodge, and they were kicked out of the court by one person.

Wang Yu, who was in the air, suddenly felt his body sink, and was caught in the air by a huge gravitational force. Before Wang Yu could break free, the gravel on the ground had already flown in front of Wang Yu from all directions.

The power of the gravitational technique depends entirely on the number of manipulable objects in the scene.

As for the life and death of the two assassins, it is not important to Locke White. After all, although the assassins are invincible in one-on-one battles, they can't play a big role in team battles. Being able to replace the opponent's two core occupations in team battles is already a well-deserved death, let alone Before the second assassin died, he also set a trap at Wang Yu's feet.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

The power of the gravitational technique depends entirely on the number of manipulable objects in the scene.


Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.


As a sorcerer, Mingdu is naturally the closest to the person who can protect him. Seeing that Mingdu was killed, the evildoer on the side shouted loudly, and slapped the assassin who assassinated Mingdu on the head, and slapped the assassin. Kill.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.

But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.

Since everyone's main target this time is Wang Yu, the tactical core of this battle is the cattle capture plan, and this map is also carefully matched for this plan.

Without Chunxiang's big control and Mingdu's range output, the team fighting ability of the mob team has dropped a lot. Facing the rushing opponent, they can only rely on the front row to fight head-to-head.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.

The power of the gravitational technique depends entirely on the number of manipulable objects in the scene.

Even if two assassins dared to charge, the arrogance of the opponents had already exceeded the endurance limit of everyone in the mob team.

The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.


But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

The Gobi Desert is full of gravel, and there are all kinds of strange rocks, just as the name of this scene introduces, a forest of gravel.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.

Under the control of Locke White, countless gravels flew into the air, and for a while, the people in the mob team were covered by dense gravels.




But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

Attracted and the shield moved upwards, protecting everyone in the mob team under the shield.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.


I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.

Shura Instant Prison Kill is an assassin's exclusive ultimate move, which has the characteristics of fast activation and short lead.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.


As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Everyone in the mob team reacted well. Seeing the falling stones, the mob team's formation quickly gathered into a ball. At this time, Yin Laoer's body flashed red, and he turned into a giant four or five meters high. It's huge.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.


The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

Attracted and the shield moved upwards, protecting everyone in the mob team under the shield.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.


Everyone in the mob team reacted well. Seeing the falling stones, the mob team's formation quickly gathered into a ball. At this time, Yin Laoer's body flashed red, and he turned into a giant four or five meters high. It's huge.

But at this moment, the air around the members of the mob team twisted for a while, and two assassins appeared on the left and right, holding daggers in both hands, and pierced Mingdu and Chunxiang's lower back with an instant prison kill.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

Shura Instant Prison Kill is an assassin's exclusive ultimate move, which has the characteristics of fast activation and short lead.

I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.

As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.


The power of the gravitational technique depends entirely on the number of manipulable objects in the scene.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke White let out a wicked smile.

And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

Being able to appear in this arena, the output of these two assassins is beyond doubt.

But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

Mage is an area of output occupation, and warlock is an area of control occupation. These two occupations are the most terrifying existence in team battles.

The Gobi Desert is full of gravel, and there are all kinds of strange rocks, just as the name of this scene introduces, a forest of gravel.

The Warrior Slaughter and the Shield Warrior Guardian of the Templar Team stood up against the rest of the mob team under the cover of the bow mobile phone cannon. With a blue light, he punched Wang Yu directly in front of him.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.

Being able to appear in this arena, the output of these two assassins is beyond doubt.

There was a loud bang.

"Your uncle!"

Since everyone's main target this time is Wang Yu, the tactical core of this battle is the cattle capture plan, and this map is also carefully matched for this plan.

Even if two assassins dared to charge, the arrogance of the opponents had already exceeded the endurance limit of everyone in the mob team.

There was a loud bang.

Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.

"No, flash!"

I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.


The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.

As soon as they entered the field, the teams of both sides drew up their formations, and everyone was at war, looking like they were ready to go.

Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

As soon as they entered the field, the teams of both sides drew up their formations, and everyone was at war, looking like they were ready to go.


The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.

Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.

Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.


Shura Instant Prison Kill is an assassin's exclusive ultimate move, which has the characteristics of fast activation and short lead.



Mage is an area of output occupation, and warlock is an area of control occupation. These two occupations are the most terrifying existence in team battles.

Everyone felt that two rays of light flashed by, Mingdu and Chunxiang had no time to dodge, and they were kicked out of the court by one person.

"No, flash!"


Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.


I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.

Being able to appear in this arena, the output of these two assassins is beyond doubt.

"Your uncle!"

The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.

But at this moment, the air around the members of the mob team twisted for a while, and two assassins appeared on the left and right, holding daggers in both hands, and pierced Mingdu and Chunxiang's lower back with an instant prison kill.

The Gobi Desert is full of gravel, and there are all kinds of strange rocks, just as the name of this scene introduces, a forest of gravel.

Even if two assassins dared to charge, the arrogance of the opponents had already exceeded the endurance limit of everyone in the mob team.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.


As a sorcerer, Mingdu is naturally the closest to the person who can protect him. Seeing that Mingdu was killed, the evildoer on the side shouted loudly, and slapped the assassin who assassinated Mingdu on the head, and slapped the assassin. Kill.

The countdown ended and the game began, with the Templar team taking the lead.

And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

There was a loud bang.

Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke White let out a wicked smile.

Shura Instant Prison Kill is an assassin's exclusive ultimate move, which has the characteristics of fast activation and short lead.

Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.


Without Chunxiang's big control and Mingdu's range output, the team fighting ability of the mob team has dropped a lot. Facing the rushing opponent, they can only rely on the front row to fight head-to-head.

And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

The fists and feet intersected, and the apostle was kicked slightly, staying in place, while Wang Yu pressed his hands on the ground fiercely, and using his feet to pounce forward, the whole person flew out into the distance.

The countdown ended and the game began, with the Templar team taking the lead.

But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

Among the ragtag team, Lockebai's biggest headache is of course Wang Yu, but Wang Yu may not be more useful than these two professions in a team.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.


Even if two assassins dared to charge, the arrogance of the opponents had already exceeded the endurance limit of everyone in the mob team.



Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke White let out a wicked smile.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Locke white opened his arms and closed them.

Mage is an area of output occupation, and warlock is an area of control occupation. These two occupations are the most terrifying existence in team battles.

"No, flash!"

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

"Your uncle!"

As for the life and death of the two assassins, it is not important to Locke White. After all, although the assassins are invincible in one-on-one battles, they can't play a big role in team battles. Being able to replace the opponent's two core occupations in team battles is already a well-deserved death, let alone Before the second assassin died, he also set a trap at Wang Yu's feet.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.

The fists and feet intersected, and the apostle was kicked slightly, staying in place, while Wang Yu pressed his hands on the ground fiercely, and using his feet to pounce forward, the whole person flew out into the distance.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.

Among the ragtag team, Lockebai's biggest headache is of course Wang Yu, but Wang Yu may not be more useful than these two professions in a team.

This battle is related to the fate of the two teams, and it is destined to be a battle of honor.

The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.


Attracted and the shield moved upwards, protecting everyone in the mob team under the shield.

With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

"Your uncle!"


As for the life and death of the two assassins, it is not important to Locke White. After all, although the assassins are invincible in one-on-one battles, they can't play a big role in team battles. Being able to replace the opponent's two core occupations in team battles is already a well-deserved death, let alone Before the second assassin died, he also set a trap at Wang Yu's feet.

A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

The fists and feet intersected, and the apostle was kicked slightly, staying in place, while Wang Yu pressed his hands on the ground fiercely, and using his feet to pounce forward, the whole person flew out into the distance.


Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.


Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.




Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

Wang Yu, who was in the air, suddenly felt his body sink, and was caught in the air by a huge gravitational force. Before Wang Yu could break free, the gravel on the ground had already flown in front of Wang Yu from all directions.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

Even if two assassins dared to charge, the arrogance of the opponents had already exceeded the endurance limit of everyone in the mob team.

With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.

Locke white opened his arms and closed them.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.


Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.


The Warrior Slaughter and the Shield Warrior Guardian of the Templar Team stood up against the rest of the mob team under the cover of the bow mobile phone cannon. With a blue light, he punched Wang Yu directly in front of him.


As Wuji expected, the first target of the Temple team is none other than Wang Yu, the core of the mob team.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.


I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.




And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

Wang Yu had also seen the instant kill attribute of Dimensional Space Slash, so he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it, so he immediately activated his internal energy surge with a loud shout, and a blue light flashed on his body, and he exerted force on his feet.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.

There was a loud bang.



A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

I saw Luo Luobai raised his staff upwards, and Wang Yu then cast the gravity technique.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.


With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke White let out a wicked smile.

Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.

Shura Instant Prison Kill is an assassin's exclusive ultimate move, which has the characteristics of fast activation and short lead.

Being able to appear in this arena, the output of these two assassins is beyond doubt.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.



With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

A white light flashed, and the two teams appeared on the field, and the mood of the audience was suddenly lifted.

The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.

The binding time of the trap lasted as long as three seconds. Seeing that Wang Yu was bound, Locke gave an order to Jeff behind him.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.

As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

As Wuji expected, the first target of the Temple team is none other than Wang Yu, the core of the mob team.

But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

But at this moment, the air around the members of the mob team twisted for a while, and two assassins appeared on the left and right, holding daggers in both hands, and pierced Mingdu and Chunxiang's lower back with an instant prison kill.

Without Chunxiang's big control and Mingdu's range output, the team fighting ability of the mob team has dropped a lot. Facing the rushing opponent, they can only rely on the front row to fight head-to-head.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.


Under the control of Locke White, countless gravels flew into the air, and for a while, the people in the mob team were covered by dense gravels.

Under the control of Locke White, countless gravels flew into the air, and for a while, the people in the mob team were covered by dense gravels.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.

Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.

The Warrior Slaughter and the Shield Warrior Guardian of the Templar Team stood up against the rest of the mob team under the cover of the bow mobile phone cannon. With a blue light, he punched Wang Yu directly in front of him.

But at this moment, the air around the members of the mob team twisted for a while, and two assassins appeared on the left and right, holding daggers in both hands, and pierced Mingdu and Chunxiang's lower back with an instant prison kill.

The fists and feet intersected, and the apostle was kicked slightly, staying in place, while Wang Yu pressed his hands on the ground fiercely, and using his feet to pounce forward, the whole person flew out into the distance.

As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

Mage is an area of output occupation, and warlock is an area of control occupation. These two occupations are the most terrifying existence in team battles.

The trap was crushed with one foot, and Wang Yu rolled back on the spot to avoid Jeff's attack.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

Wang Yu, who was in the air, suddenly felt his body sink, and was caught in the air by a huge gravitational force. Before Wang Yu could break free, the gravel on the ground had already flown in front of Wang Yu from all directions.

Wang Yu hurriedly pushed his hands on the ground, and kicked his feet back violently.

"No, flash!"

Seeing this, the other assassin turned around and was about to run away. Wang Yu jumped up and kicked the thunderbolt down from the sky, trampling the assassin to death.

As Wuji expected, the first target of the Temple team is none other than Wang Yu, the core of the mob team.

Attracted and the shield moved upwards, protecting everyone in the mob team under the shield.



Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.

Wang Yu, who was in the air, suddenly felt his body sink, and was caught in the air by a huge gravitational force. Before Wang Yu could break free, the gravel on the ground had already flown in front of Wang Yu from all directions.


There was a loud bang.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

The Gobi Desert is full of gravel, and there are all kinds of strange rocks, just as the name of this scene introduces, a forest of gravel.

Wang Yu kicked the fist of the apostle with both feet.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

As a sorcerer, Mingdu is naturally the closest to the person who can protect him. Seeing that Mingdu was killed, the evildoer on the side shouted loudly, and slapped the assassin who assassinated Mingdu on the head, and slapped the assassin. Kill.

As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.


The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Before Wang Yu, who was rolling, got up, the huge fist of the Templar had already hit Wang Yu's back.

The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.

At this time, the apostles of the temple rushed to the mob team with the front row occupations of the temple team.

As for the life and death of the two assassins, it is not important to Locke White. After all, although the assassins are invincible in one-on-one battles, they can't play a big role in team battles. Being able to replace the opponent's two core occupations in team battles is already a well-deserved death, let alone Before the second assassin died, he also set a trap at Wang Yu's feet.


The fists and feet intersected, and the apostle was kicked slightly, staying in place, while Wang Yu pressed his hands on the ground fiercely, and using his feet to pounce forward, the whole person flew out into the distance.


But at the moment when Wang Yu trampled the assassin to death, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Wang Yu looked down and saw a trap was planted under his feet.




As a paladin, the Holy Apostle's judgment is quite high, and even a fighter with all his strength cannot suppress him, let alone Wang Yu.

The target of the two was not Wang Yu. When Wang Yu sensed the existence of the two, their saber glows had already pierced the backs of Mingdu and Chunxiang.


Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.

And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

Immediately after Locke clasped his hands together, gravel fell from the sky and hit Wang Yu and the mob around him.

And it’s not as gorgeous as other professional ults, the instant prison kill is only one hit, it looks no different from a backstab, but the damage is indeed the highest among all professional ults, which is an instant burst damage.

This battle is related to the fate of the two teams, and it is destined to be a battle of honor.

Locke white opened his arms and closed them.

With one hand, Jeff used the Dimensional Space Slash to Wang Yu who was restrained.


The terrain of the dark forest forest is all wood, which can make Locke White's gravity say great power, not to mention the gravel Gobi Desert full of gravel.

"Your uncle!"

"No, flash!"



With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.

The originally lush and dark forest turned into an endless Gobi desert in an instant.

Among the ragtag team, Lockebai's biggest headache is of course Wang Yu, but Wang Yu may not be more useful than these two professions in a team.

Wang Yu, who was in the air, suddenly felt his body sink, and was caught in the air by a huge gravitational force. Before Wang Yu could break free, the gravel on the ground had already flown in front of Wang Yu from all directions.

Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.


Locke White, the first commander of the Temple team, is known as a world-class tactician. He knows the truth of attacking the enemy's weakness with his own strength. From the beginning of the game, Locke White put the focus of the battle on the last battle. , the last scene was naturally carefully deduced.

With the selection of the Templar Apostle map, the scene on the field began to change.

Lockebai knew that Wuji would definitely think that his target was Wang Yu, so he pre-emptively attacked and directly killed the two team battle cores of the mob team.

Seeing that Wang Yufei left the formation of the mob team and distanced himself from the others, the apostle of the Holy Church immediately shouted in the team channel.