MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1901: Exiled cattle


At this time, Wuji also saw that the core of the Templar team's tactics was Locke White, so he immediately issued an attack order to everyone in the mob team.

The three represent, control, output and nuclear deterrence respectively.

Although his body was caught, Wang Yu was still able to move his hands and feet.

Chunxiang, Mingdu, Wang Yu.

"God! What did I see!"

Of course, the spectators are spectators after all, and their level is not at the level of top players, nor can they feel the significance of Wang Yu's power that can determine the outcome of a game to the players on both sides.

Locke watched all directions with blank eyes and listened to all directions. When he saw the evildoers running amok and the two charged towards them, he quickly shouted and gave instructions to his teammates around him.

During Wang Yu's struggle, Wang Yu was submerged in the sky full of rubble, and all the rubble piled up in mid-air, turning into a huge stone ball.


Seeing this scene, the Templar team was dumbfounded at the time.

"Protect me!"

Now within the scope of the battlefield, there are only three people left in the mob team. Wuji, evildoer, Yang Na, a priest, a fighter, and an archer can only form the most basic offensive and defensive formation.

The moment the stone ball was smashed into the portal, Wang Yu finally broke free from the seal, but it was too late.

What's going on in these guys' heads? So many tricks, so it's just to deal with this fighter

At this moment, whether in terms of numbers or overall strength, the mob team is at an absolute disadvantage.

"Attack Locke White!"

Except for Yang Na, the rest of you are basically melee output, and Yang Na is also a melee archer.

Seeing this, Luo Luobai's face turned pale with shock. If Wang Yu was allowed to go on like this, Wang Yu would probably kill everyone in a short time.

At the same time, all the gravel in midair pressed towards Wang Yu.

With Wang Yu's punches and kicks, Locke's white blue bar dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, one-third of it disappeared.

With such a professional configuration, it is a bit difficult to play in an ordinary team, not to mention that standing opposite now is the Templar team, which is a top-level opponent in terms of professional equipment and strength operation.

Following Wuji's order, Yang Na and the evildoer jumped out and rushed straight to Luo Kebai.

But for the Temple team, being able to expel Wang Yu from the battlefield, the game has already been won by more than 80%.

"Jeff! Come on, he's getting away!"

The space behind the stone ball was torn open a huge portal.

This shit is even more nerve-wracking than fighting a boss.

Locke White condensed the last bit of mana, and pointed his right staff at the stone ball in the sky and stretched it forward.

Such an unimaginable scene was almost unheard of.

The two attacked the assistant one by one, and easily suppressed Yang Na out of Locke White's safe range.

Both of them are masters among masters, and their strengths are almost the same, and they fought inextricably for a while.

After being temporarily safe, Locke White once again manipulated more gravel and flew into the air.

In an instant, the stone chips smashed by Wang Yu's fists and feet flew around Wang Yu, surrounded by smoke, and none of them successfully hit Wang Yu.

At this moment, only Yang Na is the only player that can be attacked by the ragtag team, and besides Locke White and Jeff, the Templar team also has the Priest Templar Heart and the Archer Cannon.

At this moment, Lockebai turned his head and shouted at Jeff who was beside him. Jeff stared at the stone ball in midair with all his attention, and pulled his arms.

"Gravity seal!"

After the apostle of the Holy Church knocked Wang Yu into the air, he kept his eyes on the evildoer rampage, and when he saw the evildoer rampage rushing out of the team, he went up to meet him without saying a word.

The cooperation between well-trained professional masters is quite perfect. Teaming up against the enemy is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Although Yang Na can gain the upper hand in a one-on-one pair, with the cooperation of the opponent, Yang Na Na has no advantage at all.

Locke White's gravitational puncture is Locke White's killer skill. No matter whether he is fighting against a player or fighting a boss, he has never seen anyone who can resist this skill, but Wang Yu is lucky. Locke White's invincible skill was abruptly blocked.

Locke White's gravity technique also costs mana to manipulate the crushed stones. Although mana is not much consumed to manipulate objects directly, once the target's resistance is too strong, Locke White's mana consumption will increase accordingly.

After a few rounds, Bao Sanji and Aoyin's second child were killed one after another under the coordinated attack of several members of the Holy Temple team. Except for the two assassins who were killed by Wang Yu and the evildoer at the beginning, the Holy Temple team only had only one assassin. Only one person was injured.


The audience was also dumbfounded when they saw that the Temple team put in so much effort just to teleport Wang Yu to the edge of the arena.

However, there are still seven people in the Temple team, and there is basically no loss in the combat occupation configuration.

It can be said to be the three most important elements of the ragtag team.

Anyone else would have been crushed to death by these gravels on the spot, but what a master Wang Yu is.

Bao Sanjiao and the others were entangled by the members of the Templar team. At this time, the only one who could attack was Yang Na, the only long-range output, and the evildoer who was protecting the back row.

If Wang Yu hadn't been caught by the gravity technique, even if he couldn't resist such an attack, he would still be able to run away, but now Wang Yu is fixed in place and cannot move, no matter how powerful his feet are, he can't stop this overwhelming smash stone.

Everyone has played games for so many years, and they have never been so tired as today.

Seeing that Wang Yu was successfully exiled, everyone in the Templar team let out a long mouthful, feeling the pressure drop suddenly.


Especially Locke White and Jeff sat down on the ground as if they had collapsed.

Jeff's portal was closed, and the scene before Wang Yu's eyes flickered, and he was teleported to the edge of the map.

As the magic chanted, Luo Kebai's open hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and the mana value of the blue bar jumped suddenly, and fell to the bottom in an instant.

The Holy Temple team has been in the world for many years. It has never seen what kind of formation, what kind of master has never fought, but it is the first time that the whole team has devoted all its strength to exile a player like today.

The stone ball was hit by the light, and slowly rolled into the portal next to it.

The staff turned into a ray of light and hit the stone ball.

Although everyone was prepared for Wang Yu's strength from the beginning, they never expected that Wang Yu could be so strong.


Facing the crushed stones flying towards him, Wang Yu's fists and feet flew up and down, the dance was so airtight that water couldn't get in, let alone these crushed stones

Now Chunxiang and Mingdu were cut off in the first round, and Wang Yu was teleported to nowhere, and the battle formation of the mob team instantly lost its support.