MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1926: final battle



"I'm laughing!"

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

"Retired? Why?"

"Athena, stop him!"

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was even more depressed. It's okay for the other party to be insidious and cunning, but there is another guy in my family who is cheap and good-looking.

Hearing Wuji's words, Uranus immediately froze.

The departure of Uranus and the evildoer really surprised and disappointed everyone.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

The boss plays the game himself? What the hell kind of operation is this crazy batch? Can it still be like this

After verification, the contract is true.

"Retired? Why?"

Following Wuji's instructions, Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, and threw his shield horizontally to block the people behind him.

This time, Uranus completely collapsed.

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

What's more, the extremely fast movement speed bonus can completely offset the deceleration effect on the map, and Poseidon also has a large-scale deceleration skill such as Frozen Thousand Miles. butchered

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

Hearing Wuji's words, Uranus immediately froze.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.


As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

"Leave it to me!!"

People who can invest in e-sports clubs are people with good money, and people like evildoers are naturally not comparable to people who work.

E-sports is a sacred competitive sport. It is absolutely forbidden to use such dirty means to win. What the audience hates most is playing fake games. No one can help Uranos after his behavior is confirmed. .

Following Wuji's instructions, Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, and threw his shield horizontally to block the people behind him.

But it was the first time Uranus had seen a main player who followed his team all the way to kill like the evildoer.

Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

"I… "

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

After verification, the contract is true.

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

"this… "

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

People who can invest in e-sports clubs are people with good money, and people like evildoers are naturally not comparable to people who work.

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

Hearing the monstrous decision, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

Under the discussion of the referee team, Uranus was forced to terminate the game and sentenced to a three-year suspension. Since the evildoer took the initiative to report, and there was no match-fixing behavior, there was no punishment, and he could return to the game to continue the game.

"I'm laughing!"

Europeans always like to have fun in time, and they don't have the habit of saving money. The same is true for Uranus. Although the salary is extremely high, the cost is also extremely high. If you really retire, you will definitely not adapt to a simple life.

"I'm laughing!"

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

"Hmph! If the evildoer rampage doesn't have this status, it's up to you?" Uranus said extremely dissatisfied.

"I… "

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

Hearing Wuji's words, Uranus immediately froze.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Wuji waved his hands and said, "The opponent is about to attack, so don't be careless."

This Nima is really unbelievable.

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

"Hmph! If the evildoer rampage doesn't have this status, it's up to you?" Uranus said extremely dissatisfied.

"Athena, stop him!"

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

"this… "

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

"this… "

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

"Leave it to me!!"

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

Seeing the curse on his body, Ming was upset and said, "If you choose this kind of map, the Pantheon is too bad."

"Hmph! If the evildoer rampage doesn't have this status, it's up to you?" Uranus said extremely dissatisfied.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

"I'm laughing!"

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

Wang Yu hugged Uranus humbly.

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.


"this… "


However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

Therefore, the grave is blessed with a dark attribute, as long as the player steps on the range of the grave, they will be forced to slow down.


What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

Seeing the curse on his body, Ming was upset and said, "If you choose this kind of map, the Pantheon is too bad."

What's more, the extremely fast movement speed bonus can completely offset the deceleration effect on the map, and Poseidon also has a large-scale deceleration skill such as Frozen Thousand Miles. butchered

This time, Uranus completely collapsed.

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Wuji waved his hands and said, "The opponent is about to attack, so don't be careless."

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

"this… "

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

This Nima is really unbelievable.

But it was the first time Uranus had seen a main player who followed his team all the way to kill like the evildoer.

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

Hearing Wuji's words, Uranus immediately froze.

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

After verification, the contract is true.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

"I… "


"What a big deal!" Wang Yu laughed and said, "If you don't step on the grave, you'll be fine."

After verification, the contract is true.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

E-sports is a sacred competitive sport. It is absolutely forbidden to use such dirty means to win. What the audience hates most is playing fake games. No one can help Uranos after his behavior is confirmed. .

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was even more depressed. It's okay for the other party to be insidious and cunning, but there is another guy in my family who is cheap and good-looking.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

But it was the first time Uranus had seen a main player who followed his team all the way to kill like the evildoer.

Under the discussion of the referee team, Uranus was forced to terminate the game and sentenced to a three-year suspension. Since the evildoer took the initiative to report, and there was no match-fixing behavior, there was no punishment, and he could return to the game to continue the game.

This time, Uranus completely collapsed.

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

Under the discussion of the referee team, Uranus was forced to terminate the game and sentenced to a three-year suspension. Since the evildoer took the initiative to report, and there was no match-fixing behavior, there was no punishment, and he could return to the game to continue the game.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

"Retired? Why?"

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

Hearing the monstrous decision, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

"What a big deal!" Wang Yu laughed and said, "If you don't step on the grave, you'll be fine."

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

"Athena, stop him!"

But it was the first time Uranus had seen a main player who followed his team all the way to kill like the evildoer.

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was even more depressed. It's okay for the other party to be insidious and cunning, but there is another guy in my family who is cheap and good-looking.

Hearing the monstrous decision, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

"I'm a Chinese!" The evildoer said with emotion: "I participated in the competition to win glory for the country, but I encountered this kind of thing. Someone wanted to pay me to deliberately lose the game. The competition industry is very disappointed. The feelings of family and country can actually be bought with money? Now that I have done this kind of thing, even if I continue to play in the e-sports circle, I am afraid that I will no longer have my position in the future. I believe that my teammates can do better good."

"What a big deal!" Wang Yu laughed and said, "If you don't step on the grave, you'll be fine."

Following Wuji's instructions, Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, and threw his shield horizontally to block the people behind him.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

"Athena, stop him!"

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

Europeans always like to have fun in time, and they don't have the habit of saving money. The same is true for Uranus. Although the salary is extremely high, the cost is also extremely high. If you really retire, you will definitely not adapt to a simple life.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was even more depressed. It's okay for the other party to be insidious and cunning, but there is another guy in my family who is cheap and good-looking.

After verification, the contract is true.

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Wuji waved his hands and said, "The opponent is about to attack, so don't be careless."

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

E-sports is a sacred competitive sport. It is absolutely forbidden to use such dirty means to win. What the audience hates most is playing fake games. No one can help Uranos after his behavior is confirmed. .

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

As soon as the two teams entered the arena, Qiqi was buffed on the map.

Hearing the monstrous decision, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

Wang Yu hugged Uranus humbly.

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

"Athena, stop him!"


Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

Seeing the curse on his body, Ming was upset and said, "If you choose this kind of map, the Pantheon is too bad."

The departure of Uranus and the evildoer really surprised and disappointed everyone.

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Wuji waved his hands and said, "The opponent is about to attack, so don't be careless."

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

"I… "

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.

Rows of tombs are neatly arranged in the cemetery, and ghosts and ghosts are real in this fantasy world.

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

The boss plays the game himself? What the hell kind of operation is this crazy batch? Can it still be like this

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

"Leave it to me!!"

Immediately afterwards, the feet of everyone in the Pantheon were wrapped in flames.

Rows of tombs are neatly arranged in the cemetery, and ghosts and ghosts are real in this fantasy world.

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

After verification, the contract is true.

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

"I'm laughing!"

Therefore, the grave is blessed with a dark attribute, as long as the player steps on the range of the grave, they will be forced to slow down.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.


The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

"this… "

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

The cemeteries in this map are next to each other, and there are very few places to step on. Who would look at their feet in a team battle, so this map is basically a full-screen deceleration map.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

"Athena, stop him!"

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.

Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

As soon as the two teams entered the arena, Qiqi was buffed on the map.


As soon as the two teams entered the arena, Qiqi was buffed on the map.

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

Cursed Lands: You are cursed by the Dark Soul, reducing your movement speed by 50%.

After verification, the contract is true.

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

Therefore, the grave is blessed with a dark attribute, as long as the player steps on the range of the grave, they will be forced to slow down.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

But it was the first time Uranus had seen a main player who followed his team all the way to kill like the evildoer.

Following Wuji's instructions, Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, and threw his shield horizontally to block the people behind him.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

"Hmph! If the evildoer rampage doesn't have this status, it's up to you?" Uranus said extremely dissatisfied.

Rows of tombs are neatly arranged in the cemetery, and ghosts and ghosts are real in this fantasy world.

The cemeteries in this map are next to each other, and there are very few places to step on. Who would look at their feet in a team battle, so this map is basically a full-screen deceleration map.

Seeing the curse on his body, Ming was upset and said, "If you choose this kind of map, the Pantheon is too bad."

"What a big deal!" Wang Yu laughed and said, "If you don't step on the grave, you'll be fine."

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

Wang Yu hugged Uranus humbly.

This time, Uranus completely collapsed.

"No rush!" Chun Xiang waved his hands and said, "Since everyone slows down, it's not much different from not slowing down."

Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

The boss plays the game himself? What the hell kind of operation is this crazy batch? Can it still be like this

Therefore, the grave is blessed with a dark attribute, as long as the player steps on the range of the grave, they will be forced to slow down.

Sure enough, this urgency is a group support skill!

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.


What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

The cemeteries in this map are next to each other, and there are very few places to step on. Who would look at their feet in a team battle, so this map is basically a full-screen deceleration map.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

"Let's rely on rely on rely on rely on!"

People who can invest in e-sports clubs are people with good money, and people like evildoers are naturally not comparable to people who work.

"this… "

Immediately afterwards, the feet of everyone in the Pantheon were wrapped in flames.


"I… "

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

This Nima is really unbelievable.

Sure enough, this urgency is a group support skill!

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

After verification, the contract is true.

"No rush!" Chun Xiang waved his hands and said, "Since everyone slows down, it's not much different from not slowing down."

Sure enough, this urgency is a group support skill!

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.

What's more, the extremely fast movement speed bonus can completely offset the deceleration effect on the map, and Poseidon also has a large-scale deceleration skill such as Frozen Thousand Miles. butchered

"I'm a Chinese!" The evildoer said with emotion: "I participated in the competition to win glory for the country, but I encountered this kind of thing. Someone wanted to pay me to deliberately lose the game. The competition industry is very disappointed. The feelings of family and country can actually be bought with money? Now that I have done this kind of thing, even if I continue to play in the e-sports circle, I am afraid that I will no longer have my position in the future. I believe that my teammates can do better good."

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.


The cemeteries in this map are next to each other, and there are very few places to step on. Who would look at their feet in a team battle, so this map is basically a full-screen deceleration map.

Immediately afterwards, the feet of everyone in the Pantheon were wrapped in flames.

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

"What a big deal!" Wang Yu laughed and said, "If you don't step on the grave, you'll be fine."

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

"I'm a Chinese!" The evildoer said with emotion: "I participated in the competition to win glory for the country, but I encountered this kind of thing. Someone wanted to pay me to deliberately lose the game. The competition industry is very disappointed. The feelings of family and country can actually be bought with money? Now that I have done this kind of thing, even if I continue to play in the e-sports circle, I am afraid that I will no longer have my position in the future. I believe that my teammates can do better good."

Cursed Lands: You are cursed by the Dark Soul, reducing your movement speed by 50%.

One of the two teams lost their command and the other lost their masters. They were all hurt, but the game still had to continue.

Wang Yu hugged Uranus humbly.

"I… "

What's more, the extremely fast movement speed bonus can completely offset the deceleration effect on the map, and Poseidon also has a large-scale deceleration skill such as Frozen Thousand Miles. butchered

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

Therefore, the grave is blessed with a dark attribute, as long as the player steps on the range of the grave, they will be forced to slow down.

E-sports is a sacred competitive sport. It is absolutely forbidden to use such dirty means to win. What the audience hates most is playing fake games. No one can help Uranos after his behavior is confirmed. .

Hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone was even more depressed. It's okay for the other party to be insidious and cunning, but there is another guy in my family who is cheap and good-looking.

Although the evildoer is a businessman, as a martial arts practitioner, the evildoer also has his arrogance and his bottom line. After all, even the wretched villains of the Quanzhen Sect will not be mercenary in this kind of thing. There is no room for sand in the eyes.

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

"Athena, stop him!"

"Day! It's too insidious!" Chunxiang felt depressed when he saw this.

The evildoer is powerful and young, at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly retire

Wang Yu hugged Uranus humbly.

Seeing the curse on his body, Ming was upset and said, "If you choose this kind of map, the Pantheon is too bad."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Wuji waved his hands and said, "The opponent is about to attack, so don't be careless."

What made Uranos even more unexpected was that the man and evildoer in front of him were actually two brothers. Thinking of his estrangement, Uranos felt a fever on his face.

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

Europeans always like to have fun in time, and they don't have the habit of saving money. The same is true for Uranus. Although the salary is extremely high, the cost is also extremely high. If you really retire, you will definitely not adapt to a simple life.

Following Wuji's instructions, Yin Laoer rushed to the front of the team, and threw his shield horizontally to block the people behind him.

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

Uranus has been in the e-sports circle for so long, and it is not uncommon for the boss to play a game, but most of the time, these bosses are just playing for fun, and they are just going on the stage when encountering weaker opponents.

"I'm laughing!"

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Uranus' expression, Wuji smiled and said, "You must not be convinced, are you?"

It seems that group fights at the graves are not so easy.

This Nima is really unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, Wuji turned his head and said: "We are ready to shout, Lao Niu is watching you this time!"

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

Europeans always like to have fun in time, and they don't have the habit of saving money. The same is true for Uranus. Although the salary is extremely high, the cost is also extremely high. If you really retire, you will definitely not adapt to a simple life.

However, the evildoer did not return to the arena, but announced his permanent retirement on the spot.

"I'm a Chinese!" The evildoer said with emotion: "I participated in the competition to win glory for the country, but I encountered this kind of thing. Someone wanted to pay me to deliberately lose the game. The competition industry is very disappointed. The feelings of family and country can actually be bought with money? Now that I have done this kind of thing, even if I continue to play in the e-sports circle, I am afraid that I will no longer have my position in the future. I believe that my teammates can do better good."

While talking here, the offline evildoer has already handed over the contract between the two to the referee team.

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

"Leave it to me!!"

"No rush!" Chun Xiang waved his hands and said, "Since everyone slows down, it's not much different from not slowing down."

The map scene in the third scene is called the Cemetery of Horror. It is not a big or small map, but this map is very distinctive.

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

Rows of tombs are neatly arranged in the cemetery, and ghosts and ghosts are real in this fantasy world.

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.

Europeans always like to have fun in time, and they don't have the habit of saving money. The same is true for Uranus. Although the salary is extremely high, the cost is also extremely high. If you really retire, you will definitely not adapt to a simple life.

"Hehe!" Wuji said indifferently: "When you have this idea, you will lose!"

Well, other bosses play teams to make up numbers, and let a group of masters play with themselves, but these two brothers play teams so that other people can make up numbers, and they bring their teammates to play...

As soon as Chunxiang finished speaking, the staff of Prometheus on the opposite side touched the ground, and a ball of flame spread around.

"I'm laughing!"

After all, the evildoer walked down the rostrum, leaving behind a chic back.

Speaking of this, Wuji pointed to Wang Yu and said, "Do you know who he is? He is the eldest son of our club investor... In other words, he is the younger brother of the evildoer."

"Athena, stop him!"

If evildoers run rampant and don't play games, the most they can enjoy is the fun of playing against top players, and if Uranus doesn't play games, he will directly lose a high-paying job.

"Leave it to me!!"

The cemeteries in this map are next to each other, and there are very few places to step on. Who would look at their feet in a team battle, so this map is basically a full-screen deceleration map.

The audience burst into applause as they watched the back of the evildoer rampantly leaving.

Everyone present knew Wang Yu's ability, and had no doubt that he had the ability to charge and kill the enemy line independently. Seeing Wang Yu jumping over at this time, Zeus hurriedly gave orders to Athena in the front row.

Under the arrangement of the system, the two teams were teleported to the final arena.

Family and country feelings, in fact, money can be bought? It is Wuji's teaching to expose the dirty words in the e-sports circle, but this sentence is made out of feelings of evildoers.

"this… "

Wang Yu nodded, jumped over the tomb, and jumped directly to the people in the Pantheon Hall.