MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1927: The dragon flicks its tail


"What are you, you dare to order me?"


True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

Although the spell strength of Mingdu is extremely high, there are three top mages on the opposite side, and the three protective shields of ice, fire and thunder are still insufficient.

Wang Yu signaled everyone to take a few steps back, his figure swayed slightly, and five rays of red, purple, blue, gold, and blue burst out.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.


"Stand back!"

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

Wang Yu, who had already quietly moved not far from Prometheus with the clone phantom, was also pushed back by the shield.

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

Usually he is shameless, but this time he met someone even more shameless than himself.

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.

"Is this even okay???!"

"this… "

"There is only one way now!"

Wang Yu signaled everyone to take a few steps back, his figure swayed slightly, and five rays of red, purple, blue, gold, and blue burst out.

"I come!"

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.


They are all masters, why should I listen to you

They are all masters, why should I listen to you

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

"Boom, boom!"


Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

Seeing Wang Yu flying in front of Prometheus, Athena and Ares shot at the same time.

Usually he is shameless, but this time he met someone even more shameless than himself.

This is why Wuji wants to get Uranus down.

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

"you mean?"

Burning flames! open!

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.


Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

"There is only one way now!"

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

Even if the people of the Pantheon lined up, someone personally directing it for a while may not be able to win Wang Yu, not to mention that now there is no backbone, and the Pantheon has become a mess.

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.



They are all masters, why should I listen to you



In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly bound by the iron chain.

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.

Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

These three mages are the auxiliary control and output of the Pantheon, and they are the core of the Pantheon. All tactical arrangements revolve around these three mages. As long as these three mages are killed, there is basically no suspense in this battle. .


"Thunder sky!"

At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.

"Boom, boom!"

Subduing Dragon Palm! open!

"come back!"

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

"you mean?"

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

Seeing Wang Yu flying in front of Prometheus, Athena and Ares shot at the same time.

Even if the people of the Pantheon lined up, someone personally directing it for a while may not be able to win Wang Yu, not to mention that now there is no backbone, and the Pantheon has become a mess.

"Ice Guardian!"


"you mean?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.


Even if the people of the Pantheon lined up, someone personally directing it for a while may not be able to win Wang Yu, not to mention that now there is no backbone, and the Pantheon has become a mess.

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

"Is this even okay???!"

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

Both the javelin and the sickle flew behind Wang Yu.

Wang Yu, who had already quietly moved not far from Prometheus with the clone phantom, was also pushed back by the shield.


Wind, thunder and anger! open!

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.


"Depend on!"

Flame Barrier! !


Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

"Depend on!"

"Ice Guardian!"

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

"Old cow! Don't worry!"


At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.



Seeing such a shameless Guisuo in the barrier, everyone in the mob team looked unhappy.

"Is this even okay???!"

Usually he is shameless, but this time he met someone even more shameless than himself.


They were used to seeing Wang Yu's abnormality, and seeing Wang Yu shoot down his weapon without even looking at it, Athena and Athena were also slightly taken aback.

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

"There is only one way now!"


At the time of Wang Yu's block, Poseidon's spell was chanted, and the staff smashed to the ground.

At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

"Boom, boom!"

Wind, thunder and anger! open!

Seemingly feeling the emotions of everyone in the mob team, Prometheus provocatively said in the barrier.

"this… "


"come back!"

"No, it's a clone!"


At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

Flame Barrier! !

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.

"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

Immediately, Athena and Ares looked at each other and exerted force on their hands.

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"


With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.


Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

"Stand back!"

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.


Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.

Wang Yu couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly bound by the iron chain.

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

"I come!"

At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

"I come!"

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

"Stand back!"

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.


Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

"you mean?"

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

"this… "

Burning flames! open!

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.

With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

Seemingly feeling the emotions of everyone in the mob team, Prometheus provocatively said in the barrier.



"No, it's a clone!"


After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.

At the time of Wang Yu's block, Poseidon's spell was chanted, and the staff smashed to the ground.

"Is this even okay???!"

"It doesn't matter if you cheat!"

At the same time, the Quanzhen Sect group also slowly moved not far from the Pantheon.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

Immediately, Athena and Ares looked at each other and exerted force on their hands.

Flame Barrier! !

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

"come back!"


"Stand back!"

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

Ming Du said: "Their shields have the ability to absorb magic, and my attack has no effect at all."

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

Hearing Wuji's words, everyone was stunned.



This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

"Is this even okay???!"


Wang Yu, who had already quietly moved not far from Prometheus with the clone phantom, was also pushed back by the shield.

Seeing such a shameless Guisuo in the barrier, everyone in the mob team looked unhappy.

"Old cow! Don't worry!"

"Depend on!"

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.


Flame Barrier! !

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

Wang Yu couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly bound by the iron chain.

At the same time, the Quanzhen Sect group also slowly moved not far from the Pantheon.

At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

"Then let the melee class go!"

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.

"Thunder sky!"

Seemingly feeling the emotions of everyone in the mob team, Prometheus provocatively said in the barrier.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.

Chunxiang summoned a row of evil spirits to stand in front of the formation, and then Mingdu stood up, using his staff to use the awakening skill Profound Storm at the opposite Pantheon.

"Thunder sky!"

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

"you mean?"

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

"you mean?"

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

"Boom, boom!"

"It doesn't matter if you cheat!"


Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."


Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

Both the javelin and the sickle flew behind Wang Yu.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

"Old cow! Don't worry!"

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

These three mages are the auxiliary control and output of the Pantheon, and they are the core of the Pantheon. All tactical arrangements revolve around these three mages. As long as these three mages are killed, there is basically no suspense in this battle. .

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

Hearing Wuji's words, everyone was stunned.

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.


"Ice Guardian!"

Seemingly feeling the emotions of everyone in the mob team, Prometheus provocatively said in the barrier.

These three mages are the auxiliary control and output of the Pantheon, and they are the core of the Pantheon. All tactical arrangements revolve around these three mages. As long as these three mages are killed, there is basically no suspense in this battle. .

Inner breath surging! open!

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.

"this… "

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

At the same time, the Quanzhen Sect group also slowly moved not far from the Pantheon.

"Thunder sky!"

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

They were used to seeing Wang Yu's abnormality, and seeing Wang Yu shoot down his weapon without even looking at it, Athena and Athena were also slightly taken aback.


At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

"Ice Guardian!"

"Is this even okay???!"

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.



Although the spell strength of Mingdu is extremely high, there are three top mages on the opposite side, and the three protective shields of ice, fire and thunder are still insufficient.

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"


Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.

"Stand back!"

Seeing such a shameless Guisuo in the barrier, everyone in the mob team looked unhappy.

Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

Wind, thunder and anger! open!

Usually he is shameless, but this time he met someone even more shameless than himself.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.


This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

"What should I do?" Seeing that this enchantment is so difficult to deal with, everyone, look at me, and I will see that you have nothing to do.

This is why Wuji wants to get Uranus down.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.


Inner breath surging! open!

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

Seeing Wang Yu flying in front of Prometheus, Athena and Ares shot at the same time.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.


"Stand back!"

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

Subduing Dragon Palm! open!

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

Seemingly feeling the emotions of everyone in the mob team, Prometheus provocatively said in the barrier.

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.


The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"


"Depend on!"

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.

Even if the people of the Pantheon lined up, someone personally directing it for a while may not be able to win Wang Yu, not to mention that now there is no backbone, and the Pantheon has become a mess.


The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.

They were used to seeing Wang Yu's abnormality, and seeing Wang Yu shoot down his weapon without even looking at it, Athena and Athena were also slightly taken aback.

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.

Even if the people of the Pantheon lined up, someone personally directing it for a while may not be able to win Wang Yu, not to mention that now there is no backbone, and the Pantheon has become a mess.

"Boom, boom!"

This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.


Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.


Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.

With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.

"Boom, boom!"

Wind, thunder and anger! open!

They were used to seeing Wang Yu's abnormality, and seeing Wang Yu shoot down his weapon without even looking at it, Athena and Athena were also slightly taken aback.


"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.

"Depend on!"

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

"There is only one way now!"

True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

Both the javelin and the sickle flew behind Wang Yu.



At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.

"There is only one way now!"

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

Burning flames! open!

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

"Depend on!"

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.

"Old cow! Don't worry!"

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."


"Damn! Is this shameless?"

Flame Barrier! !

"Then let the melee class go!"

Immediately, Athena and Ares looked at each other and exerted force on their hands.

At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

Ming Du said: "Their shields have the ability to absorb magic, and my attack has no effect at all."

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

"this… "

Ming Du said: "Their shields have the ability to absorb magic, and my attack has no effect at all."

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

At the time of Wang Yu's block, Poseidon's spell was chanted, and the staff smashed to the ground.

"There is only one way now!"

Seeing Wang Yu flying in front of Prometheus, Athena and Ares shot at the same time.


"Then let the melee class go!"

As a result, when Zeus talked too much, Athena also lost her temper.


Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

This is why Wuji wants to get Uranus down.

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

Although the spell strength of Mingdu is extremely high, there are three top mages on the opposite side, and the three protective shields of ice, fire and thunder are still insufficient.


"Ice Guardian!"

Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.

Inner breath surging! open!


Both the javelin and the sickle flew behind Wang Yu.

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

Inner breath surging! open!

At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

"come back!"


"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.


"Thunder sky!"

An ice wall rose up, blocking Prometheus and blocking Wang Yu.


Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

"this… "

Immediately, Athena and Ares looked at each other and exerted force on their hands.

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

This is why Wuji wants to get Uranus down.

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

"What should I do?" Seeing that this enchantment is so difficult to deal with, everyone, look at me, and I will see that you have nothing to do.

With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.

"Thunder sky!"

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

Seeing such a shameless Guisuo in the barrier, everyone in the mob team looked unhappy.

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.

"There is only one way now!"

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

"you mean?"

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

At the time of Wang Yu's block, Poseidon's spell was chanted, and the staff smashed to the ground.

At this time, Zeus swung his staff, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Yu's head.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.

"What are you, you dare to order me?"

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

"you mean?"

"Then let the melee class go!"


"you mean?"


This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

"Then let the melee class go!"

Hearing Wuji's words, everyone was stunned.

"It doesn't matter if you cheat!"

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

"Surrender! Our barrier can last until the end of the game!"

"Depend on!"

"What should I do?" Seeing that this enchantment is so difficult to deal with, everyone, look at me, and I will see that you have nothing to do.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.

Wang Yu couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly bound by the iron chain.

"this… "

"He said let us surrender!" Wuji then translated the words on the other side.

Seeing such a shameless Guisuo in the barrier, everyone in the mob team looked unhappy.

"What are you, you dare to order me?"

"Ice Guardian!"

Hearing Wuji's words, everyone was stunned.

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.

Moreover, the new protective cover is extremely weird. The thundercloud storm fell on the protective cover and was absorbed. Not only did the protective cover not appear to be destroyed, but it became stronger.

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

They are all masters, why should I listen to you

"It doesn't matter if you cheat!"

"I come!"

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

These three mages are the auxiliary control and output of the Pantheon, and they are the core of the Pantheon. All tactical arrangements revolve around these three mages. As long as these three mages are killed, there is basically no suspense in this battle. .

"Stand back!"

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

On the side of the mob team, after the evildoers run rampant, only Mingdu with a strong output and one person can fight against three top experts, it will definitely not work.

Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.


Usually he is shameless, but this time he met someone even more shameless than himself.

This is not going to work. Now Pantheon is far ahead. If they can't win the last game, the Rabble team will lose this game.

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

"Old cow! Don't worry!"

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.


Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

Chunxiang summoned a row of evil spirits to stand in front of the formation, and then Mingdu stood up, using his staff to use the awakening skill Profound Storm at the opposite Pantheon.

At the same time, the Quanzhen Sect group also slowly moved not far from the Pantheon.

"Depend on!"

"It doesn't matter if you cheat!"

Wuji waved his hand and said: "I always feel something is wrong! Since they chose this map, are they still using the enchantment to delay the time? I think it must be a fraud!"

Without a leader, this group of guys must have no one who can command them to move.

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

"There is only one way now!"

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

When Wang Yu heard the words, he stood up directly.

"Thunder sky!"

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

"Stand back!"

"Boom, boom!"

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.


These three mages are the auxiliary control and output of the Pantheon, and they are the core of the Pantheon. All tactical arrangements revolve around these three mages. As long as these three mages are killed, there is basically no suspense in this battle. .

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.


True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

Inner breath surging! open!

Inner breath surging! open!

Hearing Wuji's statement, Wang Yu sneered and said, "It's just a mere barrier, if anyone can stop it, Mingdu just keep attacking!"

As soon as Wang Yu's words came out, everyone in the mob team burst into excitement.

This protective shield was jointly cast by three top archmages. Its defensive power must be extremely amazing, and it does not consume magic, so it is not easy to smash it with one blow.

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

"What are you, you dare to order me?"

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

Just when the shield was about to be broken up, two rays of light rose up, one blue and one purple, and merged with the flame shield to form a stronger barrier.

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

"Is this even okay???!"

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.


In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu couldn't dodge in time, and was firmly bound by the iron chain.

"Stand back!"

Burning flames! open!

Or if there are too many capable people, it won't work. These guys are really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept the other.

They were used to seeing Wang Yu's abnormality, and seeing Wang Yu shoot down his weapon without even looking at it, Athena and Athena were also slightly taken aback.

"No, it's a clone!"

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

Wang Yu signaled everyone to take a few steps back, his figure swayed slightly, and five rays of red, purple, blue, gold, and blue burst out.

With a loud noise, Wang Yuan was scattered by the thunderstorm.

As Bao San said, he walked up and struck the barrier with his sword.


"I come!"

"That's right!" Wuji said: "As long as the barrier can be destroyed with one blow, the damage will not rebound."

"come back!"

Wang Yu said flatly, "As long as I don't die, they won't survive."

The moment Bao San's long sword landed on the barrier, a ball of flames spurted out on the barrier, burning half of Bao San's blood.

Burning flames! open!

In a master's fight, a one-second error can determine the outcome, and Athena's stupid kung fu was overwhelmed by Wang Yu.

"Damn! Is this shameless?"

"Ice Guardian!"

It has to be said that Wang Yu's fearless aura has been infecting the Quanzhen Sect guys all the time.

Inner breath surging! open!

Wang Yu signaled everyone to take a few steps back, his figure swayed slightly, and five rays of red, purple, blue, gold, and blue burst out.

Without looking back, Wang Yu kicked the weapons of the two of them with both feet in the air.

"What did he say?" Wang Yu asked in bewilderment.

Wind, thunder and anger! open!

Two iron chains crossed and wound around Wang Yu's body.


"Ice Guardian!"

The dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts descended from the sky, bombarding the flame shield, making the shield crumbling.

"Then let the melee class go!"

Subduing Dragon Palm! open!


At this moment, Wuji frowned and said: "The damage reflection is based on the effect of the target's undead state. If the target disappears, there will be no rebound effect."

Flying over Athena's head, Wang Yu went straight to the three mages in the back row.

"Depend on!"

Flame Barrier! !

After turning on the four major states, Wang Yuanfei kicked the martial arts forcefully at the barrier in front of him and kicked it.

The javelin and lock sickle were kicked off by Wang Yu.

Just hearing Prometheus yell, a huge flame shield spread from his body to protect everyone in the Pantheon in the middle.

At this time, everyone finally saw that this enchantment is soft and hard. Not only does it not eat magic, but it can also rebound physical attacks.

"this… "

Seeing Wang Yu rushing over, if Zeus hadn't spoken, Athena would have gone up to meet him alone.

Prometheus is definitely not bragging. The enchantment is a continuous consumption spell that can be maintained as long as it has mana. The three opponents are all top mage masters. It is very easy to take turns to last until the end of the game.



True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Pantheon Hall was startled, and quickly retreated to gather their formation to protect the mage behind them.

"Depend on!"

Ming Du said: "Their shields have the ability to absorb magic, and my attack has no effect at all."

True, Profound Truth, Shenlong Wagging Tail! ! ! !

Hearing what Prometheus said, Wuji cursed depressingly.