MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 111: Level 5 group attack magic (fourth update


Level 5 group attack skills!

The biggest difference from the fourth-level and third-level group attack skills is its range of influence and incidental effects! This is because many players, after seeing the fifth-level skills and magic information frequently announced on the official website, know the most about fifth-level skills, which is the fifth-level group attack skills---because ordinary single attack skills are similar to the third-level upgrade to the fourth level. What is improved is only the attack range, duration, and the most basic attack power and attribute damage...

These are the most basic and well known!

But the fifth-level group attack skill comes with an unprecedented attack effect!

This kind of attack method is no longer just a matter of increasing pure damage. Based on the former, it even has a tendency to exceed the maximum attack limit range...

Although in fact, the law truly spreads the damage too widely, its impact is not only on the target within the largest range!

Take this scene in Devil’s Swamp!

When the giant devil crocodile roared up to the sky and summoned the death meteor, an unprecedentedly strong light rose from the deepest part of the devil swamp like a small sun!

The darkness within a hundred meters was instantly forcibly dispersed and even shattered by this unusually strong light! At the same time, this strong light also deeply hurt the eyes of every player present! Even Qin Ruo, who had entered the state of transforming water, felt at that moment the panic of being exposed to everything, and the illusion that his eyes were almost blinded, and his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat...

That moment. \\\\\\Everyone made the same move as Qin Ruo!

Close your eyes quickly! !

But the members of the Eight Gods who were within the scope of the death meteor couldn't make it in time. They were the group of people closest to the explosion of the death meteorite. The dazzling light directly blinded them, and they all exclaimed in horror! A small part of this was due to being frightened by the bad luck of death, but the biggest reason came from the huge vortex above their heads that looked like the stars in the night sky!

In the whirlpool, there is a steady stream of majestic pressure, abnormally hot heat waves, and overwhelming gravity. \\\\\\Overlapping and pressing on the shoulders of every member of the Yagami within thirty meters of the devil crocodile...

Just imagine!

Suddenly someone is flashed with a flash of light that makes you close your eyes and cry, and then you feel an irresistible pressure pushing your whole body down, as if you are soaking in boiling magma. What does it feel like—— Bent over, soaking in the sauna with tears in his eyes, unable to move, feeling like a thorn in his back, it felt like the end of the world was coming, and everyone would be killed at the slightest sign...

This scene happened when everyone closed their eyes. It is deeply ingrained into the depths of their hearts.

The next second!

boom! ! ! !

The entire Devil's Swamp seemed to tremble, and the strong shock wave made everyone on the battlefield inevitably have the illusion of being hit. ^^First release^^Staggering for a while...

No one could witness the spectacular scene of the Death Meteorite's arrival, but the powerful momentum of the prelude alone shocked everyone present.

Qin Ruo is one of them.

Although the shock wave did not cause any situational damage, at that moment, the system prompted him that the water transformation state was forcibly lifted, allowing him to be exposed on the battlefield who originally planned to split up with everyone. If it weren't for The battlefield situation was too chaotic, and everyone's eyes were attracted to the giant devil crocodile. No one noticed that he was a third-level water controller, and he might have been discovered by the members of the Eight Gods long ago. ****

Qin Ruo was not the only one who was forced to reveal himself...

Sister Qianqian and her younger brother, another thief player in the base area, were also forced to reveal their hiding places under the strong shock wave.

This situation was not something Qin Ruo could have planned. He knew very little about the characteristics of fifth-level skills. In addition, during the last encirclement and suppression operation, he did not see the devil giant crocodile unleash such a powerful trick;

Unprepared, a group of players who tried to take advantage of the chaos to rush into the battlefield to search for war windfalls were exposed to the glare of the eyes...

Seeing that the number of casualties has soared to more than 300. ^^ ^^Iori gritted his teeth. My heart started to bleed; the members of the Eight Gods around me also felt very uncomfortable.

But now there is no better way, we can only fight hard!

Anyway, every time the devil giant crocodile shows off its power, it must accumulate for a period of time before it can explode again. It is impossible to continue to use such powerful group attack magic...

All kinds of attack skills and magics arrived one after another, falling intensively on the giant devil crocodile with little movement.

However, at this time, the rookie who caused them the most headache began to cause chaos to their front-line battlefield from several directions...

What about ice walls, earth walls, tornadoes, dark mist, flashes? In short, as long as it is an attribute magic that can create chaos in the battle situation, it can be thrown into the main battlefield for free, and the first-line defense and main attack force will be thrown away. It made my heart tremble and my veins tremble! With the strength of these rookies, it is impossible to destroy the giant devil crocodile. They should have waited until their entire army was wiped out and gave up the idea before taking over. Alas... Now they are really forced to ride a tiger and be unable to get off!

Nowadays, not only do we need to be more cautious when dealing with the devil giant crocodile, but we also need the strength of at least two teams to deal with this group of people. Moreover, because of the onlookers, they cannot take the initiative to PK to kill the red... Yagami has failed several times. He almost lost his temper and issued an order to massacre the whole place - he had been tricking people so many times with his hands and feet tied, and ordinary people would have been driven crazy. \\\\\\

However, the tactics used in the base area have become outdated. ^^First release^^

After the Yagami people made some targeted defensive arrangements, the situation gradually improved;

Some players placed on the front line immediately rushed over to fight back after being maliciously attacked; or they directly let the elemental masters of the water, thunder, earth, and wind elemental factions use double defense magic to directly intercept those mischievous people, also using only attributes. Magic, don't hurt anyone, do it one on one!

In the case of pk, the base area is obviously at a disadvantage.

To truly resurrect, it will not only take time, but also consume MP and equipment. The second wave of harassment in the base area cannot start immediately...

Seeing that after restraining the giant devil crocodile, the brothers were about to take control of the entire battlefield, but at this moment Yagami saw a group of shameless things carefully breaking into their main battlefield;

Completely ignoring the fierce battle that was going on around him, he grabbed equipment from the ground into his backpack at an extremely fast speed, looking like he was desperate for money rather than his life!

"Fuck!" Yagami's eyebrows twitched when he saw it, and he couldn't help but cursed:

"Stop them! Quickly pick up all the equipment of the fallen brothers!!" Seeing those dozen players shamelessly continuing to search for equipment on the ground, many members of the Yagami almost vomited three liters of blood...

Although the devil giant crocodile is their most important target this time, the brothers here are all fourth-level professions, most of them are family elites, and the attributes of the explosive equipment are not bad! It adds up to quite a fortune!

After losing these equipment, so what if we get the Devil's Giant Crocodile? Who among the members of the Yagami will be truly happy

After Qin Ruo emerged from the water-melting state, he fortunately followed the team and rushed into the most dangerous and chaotic battlefield. At the edge, he scooped up pieces of equipment within reach into his pocket--even if he died anyway, There are also people who are resurrected and only lose their worthless third-level equipment. What is there to worry about? However, after just grabbing a few pieces of equipment, an unusually cold air flow hit from the side...

Someone is attacking!

Qin Ruo almost subconsciously controlled the water element in the swamp under his feet, condensing a fairly thick water shield in the direction of the attack. ^^ ^^\\\\\\


The attack penetrated the water shield and hit Qin Ruo's water barrier. At the same time, Qin Ruo learned the identity of the attacker: "He was maliciously attacked by the player Ice Heart Demon and entered a defensive counterattack state..."

At the same time as the system prompt came, Qin Ruo also discovered that the other party was using second-level ice magic, and the sneak attacker was actually a fellow ---- water controller!

Shocked, Qin Ruo quickly glanced in the direction of the source of the attack. The result is conceivable. In a normal state, how could he accurately target the player attacking him from a battlefield full of people

In an environment with abundant water elements, the preset trajectory of the water controller's attack is basically traceable.

But from the fact that the player named Bing Xin Demon only used second-level magic to attack him, it can be seen that the opponent should be very strong and confident; most importantly, the opponent's intention is not to kill him.

It's a pity that Qin Ruo, who is a water control master, activated the water barrier and quickly controlled the water shield to weaken the ice's attack strength. Naturally, it was impossible for the opponent to succeed.

However, Qin Ruo's quick and accurate reaction surprised the attacker, and a slightly surprised sound came from a team of eight gods... "Found it!"

In a matter of seconds, an imperceptibly fine spider web radiated out from Qin Ruo's feet, using the surrounding swamps, and locked onto the source of the sound - a fourth-level water control master of unknown rank. .

I will upload four chapters in the early morning, totaling 12,000 words, for everyone to read first; I will upload six more chapters after I get up.

Please give me a guaranteed monthly pass in your hands to help Xiao Hei Chong fight his way through the new book monthly pass battle in April!