MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 16: Blood Demon Spider Demon


Blood Demon Spider Demon, a mutant among the Blood Demon Spider Clan; has level 40 elite mini-boss strength; 40,000 HP points; good at dark elemental magic; 'Blood Demon Spider Summon'; its overall strength is not inferior to ordinary fourth-level bosses, and it is also The most difficult monster on the second floor of Erics Ruins!

There are five 'Blood Demon Spider Monsters' in total, and they appear once a day at a certain time, and the location is near the spawning point of the five seven-headed Blood Demon Spiders. It is these uncertain factors that forced Redbud and Netherworld Ghost Claw to give up. Wait 24 hours for five points to make money... and transfer them to the members of the alliance for processing.

Because the 'Blood Demon Spider Demon' is not as good as the Blood Demon Spider, it is a long-range attack boss, so the geographical advantage of the cave is useless to it; plus the summoning ability of the Blood Demon Spider Demon, and the spawning of nearby Blood Demons Spider, even if a dedicated treasure-hunting team of ten were standing here, the situation would be quite dangerous!

Facing the Blood Demon Spider Monster that was flying towards this side at an extremely fast speed, Qin Ruo's heart suddenly lifted. A fourth-level mini-boss plus a dozen Blood Demon Spiders, this kind of lineup was not what their five-person lineup was like. The team can handle it.

The five people rushed out of the cave at once, and faced the blood demon spider that had just been wiped out. By then, everyone would truly be the turtle in the urn.

Fortunately, the spirit of cooperation on the second floor of the ruins was good. After the player team not far away discovered the existence of the Blood Demon Spider Demon, a group of people rushed over from the cave without saying a word...

"Heart-killing! Hold on!!"

The other party actually knew Killing Heart, which gave Qin Ruo a bit of a surprise that he had survived a desperate situation!

He quickly cast Water Barrier and Water Shield on himself to give himself enough insurance, and then extracted enough water elements to be ready to support the captain who was about to enter a fierce battle at any time.

Huo Meigui and Ai Xiaojian were not idle either. They stood outside the cave and faced the blood demon spider demon that was speeding over. A scorching heat wave and a trembling sound began to appear in the air.

Two seconds... four seconds...

The attacks of Fire Rose and Ai Xiaojian are ready.

There was a dull arrow whistle, and the bright arrow light flew out with purple tail flames, drawing a beautiful arc on the edge of the second floor of the ruins, and engulfed the body of the blood demon spider demon;

The Blood Demon Spider Demon, who had just brought everyone into the attack range, suddenly stopped, and a soft purple web of energy emitted from the arrows, binding the Blood Demon Spider Demon into it;

At that moment, Lu Xin and Xiao Qing didn't wait for Ai Xiaojian to shout out the binding effect of the 'Moon Demon's Binding' on the blood demon spider demon. They all launched 'Crazy Transformation' and 'Fighting Qi', one red and one green. Jumped over extremely fast.

At the same time, the team of players who came from not far away also separated into two people. With the blessing of the Light Priest, they rushed towards the Blood Demon Spider Demon at a faster speed. It seemed that they also knew the meaning of the death of lips and teeth. As for killing How the 'Blood Demon Spider Demon' distributes the spoils is a matter for later.

When the remaining two elements, an archer and a priest of light, joined Qin Ruo, the four of them glanced at Qin Ruo and frowned:

"Level 3 water control? Where is Alan?"

Pastor Guangming asked hurriedly.

"She ran away with her boyfriend! Tsk, I didn't expect to be so unlucky. She met the Blood Demon Spider Demon within an hour of practicing. She's going to die here today. I won't be able to spare her if I go back."

As expected, Huo Meigui had a hot temper and had already begun to plan her death, which made the others feel ashamed.

"Faint, I saw that you guys cooperated well just now. I thought Alan was here. You know..." At this point, the light priest of this team showed a hint of bitterness.

Qin Ruo also smiled bitterly in his heart.

He heard it. The other party was obviously very aware of the strength of the Heart Killing team. He thought that the mm priest named Alan was in the team, so he came to cooperate with the Blood Demon Spider Demon.

Two priests, four warriors, and five long-range professional outputs can still deal with the blood demon spider demon to a certain extent, but there is a third-level water control person present... This situation is really bad! Not only is his auxiliary ability very poor, his remote output is also useless against a boss of this level, and he is basically a liability.

"You wouldn't have come here if you knew, right?"

Ai Xiaojian unceremoniously revealed the hidden meaning of the other person's second half of the sentence, making the person laugh and said, "How could it be? Am I the kind of person who refuses to save someone even if I die?"

Having said this, Huo Meigui's face straightened:

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Our water controller is responsible for increasing the health of Killing Heart and Xiao Qing. You can assist them. Hurry! Otherwise, everyone will be doomed if the Blood Demon Spider spawns."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ai Xiaojian's Moon Demon Binding began to fail. The blood demon spider demon struggled violently, and dark elements surged violently from his body...

"The Wrath of Vulcan!"

Suddenly, a huge flaming hand appeared above the blood demon spider demon out of thin air. Without any pause, it took a fierce photo! !

boom! !

The poor blood demon spider demon who had just been released from the restraint state was immediately knocked back, and the magic was forcibly interrupted, giving the four approaching warriors a chance...

The next second, 'Killing Heart' suddenly accelerated!

Close! !

Roar! !

As soon as he gets started, Killing Heart uses all his strength without mercy! A dull thumping sound began to play.

Djinn strikes!


The dragon raises its head!

Thunder cracks and flashes!

As expected of the mighty Giant Spirit Berserker, his domineering power was vividly displayed. Even the fourth-level elite mini-boss was knocked back frequently, making the players of the two teams feel a little more confident;

Xiao Qing is a speed-type close-quarters fighter. Although he is not as powerful and domineering as Killer Heart, and his attacks are not as good as those of the Giant Spirit Berserker, but wrapped in fighting spirit, a broad sword inherits the speed properties of the wind element and the thunder element. The nature of thunder and lightning, the sound of wind and thunder exploded frequently, the sword came out like wind, and returned like lightning, it was extremely fast, and combined with the heart-killing combo, it stabbed several bloody holes in the body of the blood demon spider demon...

Compared with Killing Heart and Xiao Qing, the two warriors from the other group didn't look so dazzling. Although with the help of the priest, the attack output was higher than that of the two, unfortunately, the coordination was not very good. No matter the momentum, number of attacks, and total damage... were not as good as the former.

The strength of the two teams can be judged at a glance...

However, the ability of the Guangming Priest who just spoke to everyone is indeed very good. In just the blink of an eye, he added status to Lu Xin and Xiao Qing. This made the 'pseudo priest' Qin Ruo feel ashamed for a while:

He is indeed a professional nanny.

With the blessing of the Light Priest, the situation seemed to be getting better; however, the attacked Blood Demon Spider Demon seized the moment when the attack paused, and a dark mist suddenly swept out;

At this moment, Qin Ruo finally saw the true face of the blood demon spider demon...

She has a devilish figure that can make most women jealous to death. It is well-proportioned and full of strange charm and temptation from the neck down. If it is paired with an angel's face, even a naive warrior like Killing Heart will not bear to take it. Hammer to strike...

It just so happened that that head had an extremely ugly face, with six pairs of eyes staggered in two rows. Below it was an ugly, black mouth. The black mist spewed out from this big mouth, instantly Devouring the surrounding warriors.

"Oops! It's the dark mist..."

"Quit now! I can't see you people..."

Several people here changed their expressions at the same time and shouted anxiously!

The dark mist not only has a blinding effect, but is also an attribute-based attack magic that has a certain hypnotic effect on targets within the range. It also reduces the target's defense, attack, and speed. It is one of the blood demon spider demon's trump cards.

Without the blessing of the priest, the soldier's situation suddenly became extremely dangerous!

Not to mention that, the Blood Demon Spider Demon seemed determined to destroy the four warriors who were close to it and threatened it. There was a strange scream, and four groups of dark and shiny lights suddenly appeared in the dark mist...