MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 65: pair! King level BOSS (please vote)


The second-level Wind Spirit Fox is no threat to Qin Ruo at all. Even without the protection of the barrier, its own magic defense is enough to protect him from much damage; in comparison, physical attacks are more threatening.

After being discovered by Feng Linghu, Qin Ruo remained unhurried. He turned to one side and easily avoided the seemingly ferocious attack. After playing with the Gale Wind Wolf in the Kane Jungle for more than a month, how could he still treat this little kid like this? Does the 'little guy' No. 1 take him seriously

Qin Ruo now just wants to try his best to find out how close Feng Linghu has to wait for his water element body to be discovered, and... After discovering himself, how accurate is Feng Linghu's attack, and how can he judge his specific location? , and some information that I haven’t thought of yet but needs to collect.

While dodging the Wind Spirit Fox's attack, Qin Ruo still didn't get out of the water elemental state. He moved a few meters sideways and stood still again.

His ears twitched slightly, and after the Wind Spirit Fox landed, he turned around and saw a wind blade. The magic was fired quite crisply, with a unique whistling sound of the air being cut, and it flew towards it.

"Damn it! Are your ears so good?"

Qin Ruo cursed in his heart, but did not dodge, letting the wind blade pass by him...

The arm was slightly cold but not hurt.

He smiled and looked at the Wind Spirit Fox opposite, whose eyes gradually revealed a look of fear. Sure enough, this was what he was thinking. As long as he didn't move, it would be really difficult to be caught by the Warcraft in this light, and the Warcraft would lose its judgment again. ability.

Hey, now it’s fun.

With a wave of his hand, not far away, a transparent water strip quickly rose from a stream winding through the woods. Under Qin Ruo's control, it condensed into a round sphere directly above the stream.

On the third floor of the ruins, just before being killed by the Death Spider, Qin Ruo had once manipulated the water element, which was done while in the water element state. At that time, Qin Ruo felt that his body had not been released from the magical skill of 'Water Transformation'. Unfortunately, the Death Spider used dark magic to see through his hiding place and killed him instantly, but he did not catch this.

Before entering the woods here, Qin Ruo gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised to find that only using the first level of elemental control would not force him to release the water elemental state...

This discovery surprised Qin Ruo!

Now, just use this to test Feng Linghu’s reaction to this...

The first level of elemental manipulation had just begun. The natural wind elementalist 'Wind Linghu' immediately sensed it and traced the water ribbon rising from the stream to the location of the elemental operator that resonated with it!


At the same time that Feng Linghu jumped high and pounced, the wind blade shot towards him in the air...

This time, the accuracy of Wind Spirit Fox's attack has obviously been greatly improved. If Qin Ruo hadn't been prepared for this, he might have let the wind blade scratch his water element body;

Feng Linghu's magic attacks and pounces all missed, but he was not discouraged. He turned around and continued to attack with the wind blade. Although there was no lock-on situation, he seemed to be able to capture Qin Ruo's general location at all times, one after another. The wind blade was cast on the ground, and the small trees in the forest were constantly being destroyed. The fallen leaves were shattered and flew away amidst the hissing sound.

A minute passed, and Qin Ruo didn't even know how many wind blades and wind spirit fox attacks he had dodged, but the number of times he was hit was clear. Both wind blades hit his arms.

This shows that the accuracy of Wind Spirit Fox's attacks is still far from that of normal battles. Locked magic attacks are extremely difficult to avoid, especially the faster wind element magic, which is as fast as Li Xian's arrow. a fight;

Before his MP was exhausted, Qin Ruo interrupted the control of the water element, and the water ball that had been suspended above the stream suddenly fell into the water as if it lost its support;

As soon as the elemental control was interrupted, Qin Ruo saw an opportunity and stood still. The Wind Spirit Fox, which had been attacking with great enthusiasm and not showing signs of fatigue just now, immediately turned back into its original headless fly, making a "Woo-Woo" sound, stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, and slowly retreated in horror...

Qin Ruo was shocked again.

With a wave of his hand, the water ball reappeared, and Feng Linghu immediately became as excited as if he were smoking marijuana. The little guy behaved extremely arrogantly with wind blades and pounces, completely unaware that he was being treated as a clinical subject.

Hehe, this time he tried it right again. The wind spirit fox really determined his approximate location through element control. If he gave up element control, he would immediately lose his sense of direction.

A water ball casually froze Feng Linghu, and Qin Ruo walked out of the woods without looking back, and sat down beside the clear flowing stream. While quickly entering a meditative state to recover his MP, Qin Ruo mentally repeated the process several times like a movie...

A few minutes passed, Qin Ruo got up and entered the woods again.

In and out, he cycled dozens of times until the sound of fighting came from deep in the woods, which made Qin Ruo, who had gained a lot, temporarily suspend his personal practice.

About ten miles west of Baishui Town, there is a 'Death Valley'.

Compared with other areas in Whitewater Town, Death Valley is the most famous. Firstly, the third-level undead warriors, undead wizards, undead archers and orc undead are refreshed more concentratedly in the valley, unlike other leveling points which are unevenly distributed. Secondly, the black hole covered with green vines in the deepest part of Death Valley is connected to a huge cave. The owners inside are a group of huge centipedes who are proficient in earth element magic and dark element magic. Their strength is about level 40 to 45. between.

Outside Death Valley, there is a chance to spawn a king-level third-level boss - the Skeleton King; and two third-level elite mini-boss 'Skeleton Warlords'.

Inside the Death Valley, which is the Centipede Cave, I heard from many players in Whitewater Town that there is a fourth-level king-level boss - the 'Black Hell Centipede King' hidden inside.

Although there are not many players in Whitewater Town, every time these bosses are refreshed, you can see scenes of several players pupating together;

Especially today…

The Skeleton King and the Black Hell Centipede King were discovered at the same time! After the publicity and verification of several teams of players who were hooked back to the town, Whitewater Town was boiling, and dozens of player teams headed for Death Valley as quickly as possible!

These include some well-known family teams…