MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 66: Alternative Skeleton


In Glory, bosses of the same level are divided into several levels - mini-boss, elite mini-boss, ordinary boss, elite boss, king-level boss, and super boss with certain special combat abilities.

Among them, the mini-bosses and elite mini-bosses are relatively common and have the largest number of refreshes; the common bosses and elite bosses are unique and have a high chance of releasing good equipment; the king-level bosses are even worse, as the refresh time is not fixed and the refresh points are not fixed. Fixed... Not to mention extraordinary strength, he is also guarded by several elite mini-bosses who are not weak in strength. He also has high-level wisdom. He has the power equivalent to the 'king of the clan' in a certain area and can command and control the clan to which he belongs; kill. King-level bosses have a certain chance of producing high-end top-quality equipment and special props.

But... encircling and suppressing the king-level boss is not something that ordinary ordinary teams can do casually! For example, a third-level king-level boss has a strength between an ordinary fourth-level boss and a fourth-level elite boss. Coupled with its terrifying mind and command ability, a team of players who are not very strong will basically encounter a team. situation of destruction.

As for the super boss, let alone it. It is often difficult to find a super boss in a city with a radius of hundreds of miles. This kind of absolute strongman who exists in dangerous areas, even the most powerful alliance in the Gods and Demons Continent, must Organize the strongest strength to take it seriously...

Just half a month ago, a fourth-level super boss was discovered in Ironback Canyon. The hundreds of high-level teams in this area at that time were all well-equipped experts.

As a result, the entire army was wiped out, and only a few remaining players fled the scene in panic...

After that, the super boss was smart enough not to stay where he was and wait for a stronger team of players to come over. Instead, he went deeper into the Ironback Canyon and completely disappeared.

The super boss is hard to beat, and the king-level boss is suddenly favored!

Especially the Death Valley where the two king-level bosses were refreshed at the same time attracted several adventurer teams and family teams...

Naturally, not many teams will pay attention to the fourth-level Black Hell Centipede King, and those who don't have the strength to go up to it will be seeking death; but the third-level king-level boss 'Skeleton King' is relatively much easier to deal with!

After hearing the news, the team of players who came over rushed to Death Valley without communicating with the players who were driven out of the valley. Teams of people rushed non-stop and rushed into Death Valley, fearing that the results would be snatched away by others!

Unfortunately, it is impossible for these players to get a good deal if they rush into the battlefield without preparation, especially when facing a king-level boss with a certain level of intelligence.

As soon as they entered the valley, these players were chilled by the sight in front of them!

In the Death Valley, how can the many third-level undead still look at all undisciplined at this moment? I saw hundreds of undead warriors arrayed neatly on both sides of the valley with shields, forming two solid barriers; behind them were densely arranged several rows of tall undead archers with bows and arrows; The bone poison arrows are like dots of black stars, aiming at the player team in the Death Valley passage, emitting a cold breath of death;

Dozens of players rushed into the valley, and were immediately frightened to a halt by the two armies of undead ambushing the side, and all the dead souls were gone! !

"Depend on!"


The players in front were full of fighting spirit and turned around one after another, but how could this undead army give them a chance to escape unscathed

A group of relatively weak undead wizards who were surrounded by undead archers took action...

Amidst the mysterious and gloomy chants, the valley passage was quickly filled with the breath of several dark elements. The land moved suddenly, and many players who turned around to escape suddenly felt their feet tightening, as if they were tightly grasped by something.

Looking down in shock, white skeleton hands quickly broke out of the ground! Originally there were only one or two, but when I looked at it, I immediately found more skeleton claws breaking out of the ground. Dozens of players around me experienced the same thing and were frightened again and again!

At this moment, several winds sounded...

Hundreds of arrows fired! !

The black undead appeared out of thin air in the valley passage, roaring recklessly, and the sinister wind gusted, using the undead impact to plunder the lives of the players trapped in place.

"Fuck! It's group magic!" The team behind the passage looked pale. They watched the players in front of them being attacked and killed by countless undead in the air one after another amidst the dense and terrifying hands of the undead. A hint of fear and vigilance.

"Damn! What did those idiots think? They actually gave Skeleton King time to integrate all the undead in the valley... This is going to be tricky."

A fourth-level mad warrior who seemed to be very familiar with Death Valley raised his thick eyebrows and cursed fiercely. He was telling his brothers to withdraw and form a formation. Suddenly, he heard the crisp sound of horse hooves approaching the passage quickly, and his expression suddenly changed. :


"Damn! Get out now!!"

At the same time, many people became distraught because they had seen the skeleton war horse galloping into the passage from the side, and an undead skeleton that looked no different from an ordinary skeleton warrior sitting astride the war horse at extremely fast speeds. into the passage.

The moment they entered the passage, the pair of deep, dark eyes of the undead skeleton suddenly lit up with a bright red light that looked like blood. The players present felt a chill at the same time, feeling like they were being penetrated by the coldness in their hearts!

Although this skeleton doesn't look special, it just has a giant gray-black cloak that bulges and flutters behind it while running, making it look very cool.

However, after seeing this striking skeleton, many players present screamed and turned around and ran away as if they were seeing the God of Death!

During this period, many people ran and yelled and cursed:

"Fuck! Why did it come out!?"

"...Who was bragging about doing it just now? Go ahead! Run a ball and run!!"

"You're still talking about me, but you yourself! Damn it! Where are the elementalists... The elementalists are all dead! Damn you are throwing magic scrolls. If you don't stop it, everyone will die!!"

The voice of shouting for the elemental master to cast the magic scroll has not yet settled, the undead skeleton on the skeleton horse has already chased behind him, letting out a series of loud and harsh "Jie Jie" strange laughter...

In the air, a blood-red giant sickle quickly appeared, more than ten meters long, and a sinister wind swept out. Dozens of players in the passage, except for a few, were all frozen, and their souls were forcibly stripped from their bodies. He collapsed in the narrow passage.

However, the undead skeleton seems to be still not satisfied and raises its head in vain...

There was a loud roar, and hundreds of undead rushed out of the passage like a torrent!


In the new week, I hope everyone will continue to support Xiaohei;

Use your votes to help Xiaohei get better results - I really want to be on the weekly list on the home page. (In his sleep, Xiao Hei was drooling...)