MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 71: Surprise, discovery (please vote)


For thieves, poor light conditions have pros...and cons.

The darker the light, the more advantageous it is for the thief's "invisibility technique" to be more effective in hiding; but if it is too dark, it will be difficult for the thief to see too far away, which is more troublesome - especially in the dark. When sneaking alone to perform a mission, you must always be alert to your surroundings to avoid exposing your hiding place.

Although after being discovered by the Warcraft, as long as you hide in time, you can easily avoid the Warcraft's reconnaissance sight, but once the Warcraft is really alerted, it will be troublesome for the two of them. In this case, if they do not withdraw outside the Warcraft's warning range in time, they will continue to If you choose to be invisible, more than 90% of them will be discovered by Warcraft...

Only by retreating invisibly to a certain distance, waiting for the monsters to calm down, and then passing them invisibly can you be safe. Of course, this is for Warcraft within a certain level. For example, if a fourth-level thief wants to pass by a monster with level five strength, or a boss of level three or above, he will definitely be beaten to death.

As long as ordinary fourth-level monsters don't have special abilities, this method is still feasible. Although it’s a bit of a waste of time, safety comes first!

But if you are in a centipede cave with only one road and an environment full of giant centipedes, although you can save some MP by using temporary invisibility, it is simply difficult for you.

As far as Qin Ruo is concerned, meeting such a stingy guy is really a very bad thing!

After entering the passage more than a hundred meters deep, elemental perception discovered the existence of a fourth-level thief, one of the thieves hired by the archer;

This person is really too wretched!

After discovering the giant centipede, he immediately became invisible, stepped back tens of meters very carefully to escape from the invisible state, and then paused for more than ten seconds before entering the invisible state again, passing by a five-meter-long, dark-brown giant centipede...

When I passed by the giant centipede, I deliberately tiptoed! He looked like he was being a thief and was afraid of waking up the centipede. Qin Ruo almost turned over on the spot: When will this progress be complete

If it weren't for the purpose of arousing the vigilance and suspicion of the thieves, he really wanted to go over and freeze the centipedes one by one, and then run to find the black snake grass and the earth spirit demon by himself. Qin Ruo was also very nervous when he learned that sixth- and fifth-grade magic herbs grew deep in Centipede Cave...

Not to mention that a plant of 'Nigeria' combined with some low-grade materials can refine a set of large magic potions; a piece of 'Earth Spirit Demon Essence' can refine a set of powerful detoxifications that can eliminate most potent poisons. Even if you sell the medicine as raw materials, you can earn more than a thousand gold coins.

Why miss the opportunity to earn gold coins

But if you want to capture the black angustifolia, earth spirit demon spirit, and higher-level magic herbs before these thieves, you must not let the other party discover you, so as not to alert the snake and force the thieves behind to chase you in and kill you.

After the thief walked away, Qin Ruo faced the first centipede lying in front of him - the level 40 'Iron-backed Centipede'.

Looking from a distance, this big thing, which is five meters long, is lying stiffly in the passage, eyes closed, motionless, as if it has entered hibernation in advance. Qin Ruo touched his nose: If he hadn't seen it suddenly jumping up and running after the thief at high speed, he might have thought that it had died of sleep.

He planned to wait until the thief was far away before Qin Ruo gradually approached...

Fifty meters!

There was no movement;

Forty meters… Thirty-five meters… Thirty meters…

At the moment when it entered the maximum long-range attack distance, the iron-backed centipede still didn't react at all. It lay there like a dead thing. Qin Ruo, who was already prepared to be 'discovered', hesitated and stared at the iron-backed centipede in astonishment for a long time. I don't know whether I should just walk over like this, or put a barrier on myself or something just to be on the safe side.

"The dead reptile...can't you really see it?"

Qin Ruo was beating a small drum in his heart, and wanted to test it out, but was worried that the iron-backed centipede would suddenly jump up and stop him.

Qin Ruo suddenly discovered that if the iron-backed centipede suddenly jumped up to greet him, he might feel much more relaxed and just freeze it. Anyway, the water element in this place is very abundant, and no matter how hard it is, he can build several ice walls. Create obstacles for it…

But now... what is this

Dilemma! Qin Ruo was a little undecided: Should he gamble

After going back and forth quickly in and out of the Iron-backed Centipede thirty meters away several times, Qin Ruo finally chose to 'gamble' - the damn Iron-backed Centipede should not have such a high IQ, not that cunning, and not similar to the 'Wind Spirit Fox' Dog nose.

So, silently muttering "You can't see me, you can't see me", Qin Ruo mustered up the courage to touch the iron-backed centipede lightly, very slowly and very cautiously; holding his breath, staring at the iron-backed centipede, he would look at it at any time. Prepare to react…

Fortunately... the iron-backed centipede didn't open its eyes from beginning to end, nor did it make any scary movements like snoring.

After walking the entire distance with difficulty, Qin Ruo couldn't help but think of the thief he saw before who was walking in a very wretched way. Alas, he finally understood the other person's mood at that time. Alas, he might have been like that just now.

After sighing for a while, Qin Ruo began to run forward into the passage with ease - the iron-backed centipede couldn't feel his presence, so what was there to worry about? While there are only iron-backed centipedes in the nearby area, quickly throw the thieves away, and then search for the magic herb. Until now, three bottles of medium-sized magic potion have been filled. Although there is a considerable 'spiritual' gain, But when there’s a chance to find a magic herb to make up for lost money, why not

Half a minute later…

Qin Ruo left the thief sitting cross-legged in the passage and passed a dozen iron-backed centipedes sleeping immobile. Finally, with the help of water element perception, he found a black plant in a slightly wider cave in front. Serpentine grass.

However, the situation nearby made Qin Ruo depressed: "Nn, it's not easy to make money. Isn't it just a sixth-grade black angustifolia... Do you need to arrange a group of iron-backed centipedes to guard it?"