MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 86: Ice wall, tomb (please recommend)


His back hit the hard, cold wall firmly. Crazy Blood Bottle's body staggered, and the force transmitted to the ice wall reverberated back. If he hadn't known that there were brothers from the Netherworld Ghost Claw behind him and his own people, he would have thought that It was a sneak attack by someone.

The back road was blocked, and the enemy was not found for a while. Crazy Blood Bottle felt horrified, and his mind was in vain. It was extremely serious. For the first time, he really looked at this opponent - he did not expect that this person was a rookie in his opinion. The synonymous 'third-level water control master' is actually so crazy when it comes to fighting. Even when facing a fourth-level opponent, he fights so ferociously!

The thought flashed across his mind, and the Crazy Blood Bottle subconsciously moved to the side. Although the opponent's momentum had already risen, when it came to strength, he was always stronger than Qin Ruo, and he definitely couldn't be beaten by him like this.

But as soon as his body moved, another two-meter-high ice wall was quickly erected here, blocking his way again...


After hitting the wall twice, Crazy Blood Bottle finally couldn't help shouting angrily, and a mental storm fell into the ice and snow that was about to subside. Since Qin Ruo could pull the ice wall away from him, it proved that he must be within thirty meters.

However, the attack radius of the mental storm is not large. If you attack it with one strike, you will catch everything...

As a result of the impulse, an ice wall was erected on the other side of him, which was closely connected with the first two walls, forming a semi-encircled ice house. If it were less than one side, it would be able to completely seal him inside.

The rapid appearance of the third ice wall finally made Crazy Blood Bottle realize the deep meaning of Qin Ruo's actions. His face turned pale and he yelled "bastard!". He no longer cared about continuing to gather demons and hurriedly struggled to escape from the three ice walls. Breaking out of the encirclement...

Although he didn't think these ice walls could cause much harm to him, he knew that he could never be completely surrounded!

Moreover, there is another reason why he is afraid!

Qin Ruo's control ability is too terrifying, too fast! !

From the beginning of the battle until now, he has only released one mental storm and one mental piercing, but the opponent has already used four first-level elemental manipulations and a third-level 'ice blast';

At this moment, he suddenly realized what an unwise decision it was to fight a third-level water controller in the snowy area - here, the water controller doesn't even need to condense the extracted water element into ice, he can just take it directly from the ground. The second-level ice wall and the third-level ice blast are almost easy to use, and he is too fast!

This kind of battle is simply...

Crazy Blood Bottle has a hard time saying that he and Qin Ruo originally had an absolute advantage in strength, but fighting in such a place, it now seems that his advantages have been completely wiped out. If he is not careful, he will lose. It really could be him!

Even if he is riding a tiger, he cannot stop the battle or choose another place to fight when he is at a disadvantage, otherwise he will lose all face...

You can only fight hard!

But unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, the three ice walls behind him also moved - obviously faster than his moving speed. Qin Ruo seemed to know the direction of his escape. The three ice walls kept following him, even if He ran as fast as he could but was still surrounded by an ice wall, heading towards the opposite ice wall...


The ice and snow on the opposite side had completely subsided, but Qin Ruo was still nowhere to be seen. And where he was running wildly, an ice wall two meters long and wide appeared at some point, and was surrounding it at the same speed...

bump! !

Under the astonished gazes of more than 20 players, the four ice walls were completely merged together - the poor crazy blood bottle was imprisoned by Qin Ruo's crude ice wall into an ice room of less than four square meters...

"Do you want to continue?"

Qin Ruo walked out from behind the ice wall, looked at the group of people on the Tiezhuo Hengjiang River, and asked.

Before the group of people on the Tiezhuo Hengjiang side opened their mouths, someone among the people brought by the Crazy Blood Bottle started to scream...

"Fuck! You're not talking nonsense! You think you can trap the blood bottle boss with a few ice walls? Little trash... "

As if in response to this person's words, a hammer with golden light suddenly appeared in the sky above one of the four neatly arranged ice walls. It weighed more than ten thousand pounds and slowly smashed down.

The next moment, dense cracks suddenly appeared on the entire ice wall, and finally turned into powder with a soft bang...

"How's it going, little trash!"

"Well done, Boss Blood Bottle!"

The people in the crazy blood bottle team were in great spirits, but they didn't notice the disdain in the eyes of Tiezhuo Hengjiang's group; they didn't realize that even their own people, 'Black Eclipse' and 'Bawang Wan', were also frowning. He frowned, still serious.

Qin Ruo didn't bother to be like those idiots. Almost at the moment when the ice wall completely turned into powder and collapsed, the three ice walls rotated rapidly and were squeezed away by the collapsed ice. The gap turned one hundred and eighty degrees. Spend.

Crazy Blood Bottle was ready to rush out of the igloo at full speed, but he didn't expect the exit to move behind him. Before he could react... a wall of ice as clean as ice rose from the ground! Seal the exit again!

A warning hammer requires more than four seconds of concentration time, but Qin Ruo's first-level control can be done anytime and anywhere. No matter how he plays, he can't beat Qin Ruo's.

For a moment, he was so angry that he almost wanted to vomit blood, and he cursed angrily in the igloo:

"M, Qin Ruo! Just fight me head-on, don't always use such petty tactics!"

Not only him, but also several crazy blood bottle boys were yelling and cursing from the outside, and even had the urge to enter the field directly and kill Qin Ruo, that bastard—if it hadn't been for Tiezhuo Hengjiang's previous warning.

"Okay!" Qin Ruo sneered coldly. This time he was really annoyed. Originally he just wanted to let the crazy blood bottle retreat as he did at the entrance of the ruins. Unexpectedly, this guy really couldn't drop the coffin without seeing it. Tears, even though it's like this, I still have a hard mouth.

People who cannot afford to lose prefer to classify others as trash. snort!

Feeling angry, Qin Ruo no longer planned to be polite to them, and turned towards Tiezhuo Hengjiang with a cold face: "Since you don't admit it, okay, let him send me a duel application..." Anyone with some experience can say this. Knowing that Qin Ruo planned to kill the Crazy Blood Bottle, completely shut their mouths, and invite them to a duel, just to avoid being famous for killing.

If Qin Ruo hadn't already shown considerable strength, with just these arrogant words, people around him would definitely label him as arrogant and arrogant!


Still ranked 16th, only a few hundred votes behind.

Please vote! Why does a location seem so far away... (Xiao Hei sadly hid in the corner and drew circles)