Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 100: Female men also have spring


Qianye is still in a deep sleep, he is struggling against the suffocation in his sleep, his consciousness is still submerged in the deep sea, and the world above the water seems to be out of reach.

But in Yu Yingnan's eyes, there was such a big commotion, how could Qianye have not woken up, she must have pretended to be asleep on purpose, obviously she still needs to take the initiative further.

"Fuck! Do you want me to come by myself?"

Yu Yingnan muttered indistinctly, and then threw himself beside Qianye. She was lying on her back, listening to the heartbeat in her chest, each note beating like a drum. She looked sideways at the person next to the pillow, thought for a while, stretched out her arms, pulled the person over, turned over and pressed herself on top of her.

Qianye's seemingly thin body was extremely heavy. Yu Yingnan's breathing stopped for a moment, but the heavy feeling came up with a full heart. She stretched out her arms, embracing the steel-like body wrapped in brocade, and her beating heart calmed down a little.

Only then did Qianye open his eyes, with a look of astonishment, obviously unable to understand the situation in front of him.

"Pretend! Continue to pretend for my mother!" Yu Yingnan gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart.

However, she still squeezed out a smile as gentle as possible on her face, but seeing Qianye's expression of not being in the slightest, she knew that her efforts were all in vain.

"What's wrong with you?" Qianye reached out and touched Yu Yingnan's forehead. Her whole body was hot, but it didn't look like she had a fever, it should be from drinking too much alcohol. The strong aroma of wine mixed with the sweet aroma of milk made the air in the small guest room seem a little damp.

This was the heaviest blow, and Yu Yingnan's fiery temper was finally ignited.

She simply put aside all pretentious postures and expressions, tightly clasped Qianye's thin and powerful waist, and said through gritted teeth: "I want to find a man tonight, do you want to?"

Qianye was stunned, and he didn't really understand until Yu Yingnan repeated it again.

The meaning of this sentence couldn't be more straightforward, as long as you are a man, you can understand it. It's just that when it comes out of Yu Yingnan's mouth, it looks extraordinarily weird. Qianye never imagined that one day, this mighty and domineering female huntress would say such a sentence.

He looked at Yu Yingnan carefully, for the first time from the perspective of a man looking at a woman. If one ignores her expression and imposing manner, then she does look pretty good, she is already a beauty with only facial features, and she also has a good figure.

Such close contact without the slightest gap, Qianye once again felt the amazing elasticity of the body below him, as if every line could bounce him up at any time.

The last time Qianye accidentally pinned her down, what Qianye felt was the lethality of this body. No wonder she reached the fourth level at a young age. But now, Qianye finally realized that it was a body of the opposite sex, and it was sexy and alluring.

Plus, she smells as good as ever. The energy-rich milky sweetness was very attractive to Qianye whose body suddenly became extremely hungry and thirsty in the past two days.

But none of that matters, what matters is that tonight things seem to have gotten to the point where they have to be sorted out. If nothing is done under such circumstances, it is obvious that the two of them will break off their friendship in the future.

Yu Yingnan kissed Qianye's lips clumsily, but she didn't grasp the strength properly, and actually hit Qianye with a little pain. But this action was like a match, igniting Qianye's masculine instinct at once, and with just a few simple tearings, Yu Yingnan became completely defenseless.

The pure skin-to-skin contact made the temperature continue to rise, and the surrounding air seemed to be filled with flames almost instantly. And Qianye tested the position a few times, then pushed forward with all his strength, and deeply invaded the position that he longed to be occupied for a long time!

This is a more intense feeling of pleasure, the instinct is constantly expanding and quickly overwhelms the reason, and every exchange of breath seems to be igniting a fire. Qianye stopped rubbing lips with Yu Yingnan, tilted his head, rubbed twice, and found the source of longing on the side of his fair neck. His white teeth gently rubbed against the skin, underneath was a strong, full of The pulse of life force.

The golden blood energy that had been entrenched all this time suddenly moved, exuding an unprecedented bloodthirsty desire, Qianye's hunger and thirst suddenly increased, and he wanted to bite it down immediately!

"No!" Qianye was shocked, he suddenly woke up from the drunken state, and clearly realized that the person in front of him was Yu Yingnan, not other strangers.

Immediately, he forcibly suppressed his bloodthirsty hunger with the will that he had honed over the years of fighting the pain. However, Qianye was very clear about the wave after wave of desire that repeatedly impacted his rationality. Blindly suppressing it was not the answer, and he needed to use some tricks to trick his body.

So he licked Yu Yingnan's neck heavily, and the rich scent of blood rolled from the tip of his tongue into his throat, immediately satisfying Qianye a little bit, and immediately became even more excited. But Yu Yingnan was surprised by this attack, let out a scream, and subconsciously hugged Qianye tightly, obviously this part of her was extremely sensitive.

Her whole body was tensing up, which instantly made Qianye's joy multiply. He didn't care about anything else, he galloped vigorously, every wanton sprint would make this beautiful body convulse and scream involuntarily!

Yu Yingnan's hands grasped Qianye's back vigorously, and his fingers sank deeply into the texture of the muscles, but no scratches were left. But the man who controlled everything began to become more and more tough, so tough that it was unreasonable, leaving her with no other choice but to scream.

Yu Yingnan's screams lasted for several hours. Some neighbors couldn't bear the harassment and wanted to rush over and smash the door to protest, but they were blown out by the trap.

After the explosion sounded, the people around gave up the idea of asking the teacher for the crime. So some of them looked for their own women, some for other people's women, and some for a man. In short, they did whatever they wanted to do.

When Yu Yingnan reluctantly climbed into the bathroom and turned on the shower to start rinsing, what he saw in the mirror was a very satisfied and feminine face. She touched the side of her neck, bit her lower lip, and looked very attractive. Qianye is so bad, she must have discovered that her neck is her weak point, so she has been attacking here all night, almost driving her crazy.

She has indeed fulfilled her wish, and now even looks forward to the future a little bit. Thinking of the happy place, she grinned, and couldn't help but show her middle fingers in the mirror.

Then, the dream woke up.

Yu Yingnan stared blankly at himself in the mirror showing his domineering aura again, and sighed heavily. She remembered her original decision. As for the future she was looking forward to, it was a real dream. Now that her wish was fulfilled, it was time to return to the real world, so she turned back into that wanton hunter again.

When she finished taking a shower, Qianye was still fast asleep. His face was tired, and he was obviously weak. It seemed that he was really tired recently. Of course, if it was any man who fought fiercely for several hours, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better.

Qianye was still frowning in his sleep, as if he had encountered some unsolvable trouble. Yu Yingnan stretched out his hand lightly, stretched out the tangled lines little by little, and then looked at his face carefully.

It was the first time she discovered that this man was so beautiful. In Yu Yingnan's memory, the deepest impression of Qianye is that he was jerky when they first met, and that he used his body to receive the spear of the sky snake without moving. As for Qianye's appearance, it was rather vague.

Good-looking is not a bad thing. She thought about it, then leaned over, gently kissed Qianye's cheek, put a note beside Qianye, packed her luggage, and left in the night.

When Qianye opened his eyes, there was sunshine outside the window. The mechanical clock was heading toward twelve noon.

sleep so long? Qianye was taken aback, turned over and sat up. He saw the note beside him, picked it up and glanced at it. On the note is Yu Yingnan's handwriting. Her handwriting is not so physical, but every stroke is very powerful, which is exactly her style.

"Qianye, I'm going to help you with a mission. This mission is very suitable for you, and the details will be discussed in detail when I get back. Don't travel far these days, wait for me!"

Yu Yingnan didn't elaborate on what the task was, but Qianye believed that she would never harm him, so it wouldn't hurt to wait a few more days. If he continued to stay in Dark Blood City, the elusive Yu Renyan might be a little trouble, but Qianye felt that he might not be able to win, but he might not necessarily lose either.

Qianye got up from the bed, looked in the kitchen, and wiped out almost all the food in one meal, so he was only half full after eating one. Qianye felt extremely weak and was also hungry very quickly. When he was about to go out to replenish his food reserves, he realized that he only had dozens of silver coins left on him. The last gold coin was given to the girl whose name was unknown.

I have to find a way to make money again, Qianye thought helplessly.

At this time, Second Master's voice sounded outside the door: "Is Qianye there?"

Qianye opened the door of the guest room, and the second master was already standing in the hall. After the two of them sat down, the second master handed a list to Qianye and said, "This is what you asked me to find for you earlier, you can check it yourself."

Qianye took the list and glanced at it, feeling slightly startled. The first part of the list lists all the medicines developed by the imperial military to speed up the cultivation of force, and it has a great effect against the generals before the level. It can be regarded as an advanced version of Zhu Yanxue.

The second part of the list is all about armaments. Includes a set of light armor, and a tactical scope. The armor is based on the standard armor of the main army of the empire, with improvements to reduce its bearing capacity and a redesign of its appearance design, which is also a common method in the black market arms trade. The tactical scope can be used alone as a telescope, or it can be added to standard weapons such as sniper rifles.

This tactical scope is actually Force equipment! A special force array is attached to it. When the force is input, it can switch between four different fields of view. In addition to vampires and werewolves, a special reconnaissance mode for nerubians and demons has also been added. Although only two special reconnaissance modes have been added, the complexity of the force array has increased geometrically. So the price of this tactical scope has reached an astonishing eight hundred gold coins!

Its materials and production costs are of course not so expensive, but there are not many people who are capable of producing this kind of equipment that is only allocated to the elite army in the imperial army, and then send it to the Evernight Continent. Therefore, this kind of equipment has always had a price but no market, and the price of the upper continent is only a reference. And the value of an all-race scope in the Eternal Night Continent is far from being able to replace it with money.

If it wasn't for the second master's channel, Qianye, who has already experienced the black market price of weapons in the Dark Blood City, believes that this scope will not be worth a thousand gold coins.

Of course, the other items on the list were not cheap either. The set of standard armor cost two hundred gold coins, and a potion cost fifty gold coins. Don't think that the price of the potion is expensive, it is especially helpful for hitting the node barrier, but the problem is that, like Zhu Yanxue, one potion must be consumed every day before the potency is saturated.

Qianye put down the list with a wry smile, and said, "This is indeed what I need, but..."

When Qianye asked Second Master for a price, he hadn't thought about engaging in Eagle Strike. Now that Eagle Strike is in place, nothing on this list is something he can afford right now.

The second master took the list back, brushed and circled most of the things on it, including armor, scopes and half of the potions, and said, "I've ordered these for you, and the goods will be available within a month." .”

Qianye was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute..." Don't talk about so many things, he can't afford any of the items on this list right now.

The second master seemed to know what Qianye wanted to say, interrupted him, and said, "I know you don't have any money, but you will soon. There is a mission, as long as you continue, the deposit you get will be enough to pay for it." There are plenty of things."

"Mission?" Qianye instinctively felt that something was wrong.