Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 101: Return to hometown


"Yes, a task that is very suitable for you. Yingnan has already negotiated with the other party. I think it will probably be successful. You just need to wait for the news."

"What kind of mission?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

Qianye frowned, he didn't like Second Master's secretive attitude, and said, "But why should I take this task?"

"Because you are suitable. Besides, why don't you make money if you have money? That's a lot of money, and the hunter's top missions don't even have such a high reward." The second master raised the list in his hand, and said: "Besides, this It is a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone. The above items are very suitable for your current situation, and you can get a lot of improvement in a short period of time. And I can prove the strength of the Hunter's House by eating this batch of goods, and I will be eligible to buy from that house in the future. The channels continue to get goods. Especially those medicines, which can attract top hunters with six stars or more for the hunter's home. And... this task is also good for Ying Nan."

Qianye frowned, nodded after a while and said, "Okay, I promise you. But how long will this mission take?"

"Maybe half a year, or even longer."

Qianye nodded, feeling that this was a bit reasonable. If a task that can earn thousands of gold coins only takes a month, then it is either a scam or a trap. In any case, it is impossible for him to receive such a task as a mere two-star hunter.

After seeing off Second Master, Qianye planned to stay at home and practice hard for a few days. There was something wrong with his body, and he was extremely weak.

That night, the second master sent someone to deliver five medicines. The packaged medicine box is made of special material, and the original force array is engraved inside to keep the power of the medicine from being lost. After the box is opened, all injections must be used up within a week, otherwise they will lose their effect.

Qianye purchased food reserves, re-examined the outer courtyard and interior of Yu Yingnan's house, and set up traps. After everything was ready, he opened the medicine box, took out an injection, injected it into his upper arm, and then began to practice the art of war.

The potion took effect very quickly, and Qianye obviously felt that his sensitivity to the original force was much sharper, and it was easier to absorb the original force through the three nodes. And the medicinal power itself will also release the original force in the veins. This kind of power not only makes the original force tide more active and surging, but can even be directly integrated into it.

Qianye's original force is much stronger than those of the same level. After breaking through the most difficult Qihai node, it will not be so difficult to activate other nodes, but it needs nearly twice the original force to successfully break through barrier.

Under the action of the medicine, the tides of the original force became more turbulent, more powerful, and easier to form. Twenty rounds passed in the blink of an eye, and when Qianye silently counted to the last number, he suddenly realized that reaching twenty rounds tonight seemed extraordinarily easy and fast.

He paid attention to the internal situation of his body, only to find that only two ordinary blood energies were constantly intercepting the original force, while the original seven blood qi were active, and the two special golden and purple blood energies were completely silent. Qianye suddenly had a feeling of absurdity, those two blood energies seemed to have thoughts, knowing that the ordinary blood energy was too little at this time, so he had to keep those two as seeds.

After a while, the heart shook, and a wave of newborn ordinary blood gushed out, and at this time the force tide was approaching thirty rounds.

Qianye's physique is no longer what it used to be, his internal organs and body strength have doubled, and the shock and pain caused by the thirty rounds of force tides are similar to those in the past twenty rounds. Qianye gritted his teeth, and successfully crossed the Bingwang Pass, no longer injured like the first time.

Under the dual effects of the medicine and the greatly enhanced physique, this time Qianye practiced all the way to thirty-three rounds of force tides before he couldn't hold on and stopped to rest.

Now Qianye has personally experienced why the imperial army would use the number of rounds to withstand the tide of the force to talk about heroes. Thirty rounds of soldier king training efficiency is twice that of the entry-level recruits of the elite army in twenty rounds, and after thirty rounds, the training efficiency will roughly increase by 10% for each additional round.

Generally speaking, cultivation methods are all about step-by-step, accumulation and accumulation. The further you practice, the more you will be affected by your talent. Those with slightly lower potential are almost everywhere bottlenecks, making it difficult to move forward. But Bingjue is just the opposite. From the very beginning, it has been brave and diligent, and after thirty rounds, the efficiency improvement is still not slow, and the warrior below almost ignores any bottlenecks.

If the military attack formula twenty rounds ago can be regarded as a top-notch skill in terms of quick completion, then after thirty-five rounds, the speed of the military attack formula can be compared with only a few secret methods in the entire empire. It's just that the vast majority of people can't last twenty rounds at all, and they will be shocked to death by the backshock of the force tide.

Qianye's blood energy is still in an abnormally weakened state. After recovering to seven levels, the blood energy will be able to protect the internal organs by itself. At that time, he may be able to try thirty-five rounds of the original force tide. In this way, even if the original force he cultivated would be swallowed by blood energy, his cultivation speed would not be much worse than that of the soldier king.

At the end of this round of training, Qianye was pleasantly surprised. He found that the original force node barrier in his left hand had faintly emerged. Obviously, the accumulation of original force was close to the critical point. The next step is the process of continuous accumulation and impact on the barrier. It will not take long before it can be ignited The fourth node.

Therefore, Qianye stayed at home for the next few days, as long as his body could bear it, he was always in a state of cultivation. The duration of the effect of each potion is a whole day, but it must not be wasted.

Thousands of kilometers away from Dark Blood City, Yu Yingnan was getting off a military airship. This airship base has a strong military style. Civilian passenger and cargo ships are crowded in a corner of the Northeast area. The airships that take off and land in most areas, and the running vehicles all carry a variety of dazzling legion emblems.

Yu Yingnan stood there for a few minutes. She was no stranger to those various military emblems, and could casually tell more than half of the exact affiliations. But she quickly looked away and walked towards a military station near the gate of the base.

She handed a metal nameplate to the sentinel and said, "I want to see Miss Kiki."

The sentry inspected the original force engraving on the nameplate, immediately became respectful, gave a military salute to Yu Yingnan, and said, "Please wait a moment, I need to report this to the officer."

Yu Yingnan nodded and said, "It's okay, I can wait."

The sentry then ran into the depot like the wind. A moment later, a light off-road vehicle drove out of the military depot. A captain was in the driver's seat. He smiled at Yu Yingnan and said, "Please come with me, Miss Qiqi is already waiting for you."

Yu Yingnan jumped into the back seat of the off-road vehicle and looked out the window in silence. The captain planted a flag on the front of the car, then started the engine and accelerated away. The wind pulled back the flag, revealing the eye-catching golden standard Teng snake logo.

This is the emblem of the main force of the Imperial Army. Vehicles with this flag have the military's second-level privileges. On the Eternal Night Continent, second-level privileges mean that they can ignore the traffic rules in most cities.

Sure enough, the captain drove the off-road vehicle as if it was flying. Has entered the downtown area, but he is still charging as if on the battlefield. Wherever the off-road vehicle passed, there were flying dogs and dogs flying all the way, pedestrians couldn't dodge in time, and several collision accidents occurred in order to avoid vehicles.

But people looked at the off-road vehicle with angry expressions and dared not speak out. Even if they were slightly injured, they could only admit that they were unlucky. On the Eternal Night Continent, the emblems of the expeditionary army with muskets and blood-stained bayonets can already run rampant, not to mention the main force of the empire.

Yu Yingnan looked out of the window, still seeing a familiar scene, and even most of the shops were still the same. She had been to this city a few years ago, when she had just set foot on the Eternal Night Continent.

This city of Xichang is less than 300 kilometers away from Weiyang, the largest city of the empire on the Eternal Night Continent. It can be reached in a few hours by airship, and even by long-distance bus, it is only a day's journey.

Weiyang City has a cross-domain airship base leading to the "Qin" land of the empire. In Xichang City, besides the military base where Yu Yingnan just arrived, there is also a small airship station, which can also be used for cross-domain airships to take off and land. Weiyang was controlled by the empire, while Xichang and several other similar cities were controlled by the upper class. The most powerful force here is not the military, but the great families.

In fact, when Qianye came to Eternal Night Continent, he also landed in the small airship station in Xichang City. These aristocratic families tend to turn a blind eye to many things as long as it is profitable. The airship carrying Qianye was obviously used for smuggling, but as long as the entry fee was paid, even the passengers would not be interrogated.

There are too many things like this in the sphere of influence of the family. The areas directly controlled by the empire are relatively good, and many things need to pay attention to a minimum of decency, but in the territory of the aristocratic family, often even the last fig leaf is not needed.

The off-road vehicle went on a rampage all the way, and even took a long detour. The captain seemed to enjoy this unscrupulous feeling, so he deliberately wanted to prolong the process. But in the end, the off-road vehicle stopped in front of a magnificent courtyard on the outskirts of the city.

The building complex in front of me is lined with high terraces and stretches of corridors and pavilions. It is obviously a private courtyard of a certain family, but the two rows of guards standing inside and outside the gate are actually soldiers of the Imperial Army. It belongs to the main army of the empire.

The captain jumped out of the driver's seat, turned to the back row and graciously opened the door for Yu Yingnan, and sent her to the steps of the gate. There stood a handsome lieutenant colonel, he greeted him with a smile, and said, "Miss Qiqi has been waiting for a long time."

This other courtyard adopts the most common courtyard layout in the upper continent, with gate towers, palace pavilions, flower walls, and moon gates advancing in an orderly manner along the central axis. It's just that perhaps due to the lack of light in the Evernight Continent, there are almost no trees in the landscaping plants, and most of them are bushes, which instead create a unique masculine beauty.

Yu Yingnan followed the lieutenant colonel all the way, and it didn't take long before he left the main building on the central axis and turned into a turning pavilion. She knew that her destination was just ahead, and she couldn't help but her heart tightened slightly. Immediately, the scenery ahead became more and more winding and deep, delicate and beautiful.

She suddenly saw no less than ten Imperial Army soldiers standing tall and straight on both sides of a corridor in front of them. They were almost the same height, and all of them were handsome and tall. This is a typical Qiqi style. Yu Yingnan can't tell if she is angry or funny, but the nervousness is no longer there, and a touch of sadness appears instead.

The lieutenant colonel leading the way stopped suddenly. In front of him was the Moon Gate covered with wisteria flowers. Looking farther into the distance, behind the hollowed-out screen wall was a lotus pond not much smaller than the lake. A long bridge leading to two short corridors could be vaguely seen on the water. Connected water pavilions.

The lieutenant colonel with a gentle smile refused to take a step forward, only saying that Miss Qiqi was inside.