Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 124: retreat


With a dignified expression, Bao Zhengcheng directly pricked a shot of stimulant in his thigh, then picked up the storm and began to recharge. Even if this nerubian was two levels higher than him, Bao Zhengcheng believed that the "storm" in his hand would give it a hard time.

With an earth-shattering roar, the spider demon moved its eight long legs and rushed towards Bao Zhengcheng like the wind!

At this moment, a thunderous gunshot suddenly sounded over the battlefield! The unique and clear sound, the soldiers have heard it familiarly these days, is the eagle strike, and the entire 131 company has only one eagle strike!

The spider demon's huge body suddenly tilted slowly, a large cloud of blood sprayed from its upper body, and a left arm and half of its shoulder disappeared! It screamed in pain for a long time, completely lost its balance, turned over and fell off the city wall.

Of course, Bao Zhengcheng would not let this opportunity go, and rushed to the edge of the guard wall. "Tempest" began to roar, and poured more than fifty rounds of origin force bombs on the Nerubian in one breath, leaving it riddled with holes.

This spider demon could no longer get up, but its sharp jointed limbs were still paddling desperately, digging up all the stones and dirt within reach. Debris flew everywhere, and even the base of the wall was dug out a big hole, and its vitality was terribly tenacious.

Qianye appeared next to Bao Zhengcheng at some point, pressed the "storm" in his hand, then took out a force grenade, lightly tossed it, and threw it on the spider demon.

"Damn it!" Bao Zhengcheng only had time to curse before jumping off the wall with Qianye and falling to the ground. Qianye's original force is extremely thick, and the power of the grenade charged by him will be increased by a full 30%.

There was an earth-shattering explosion behind him, and the entire guard wall fell down like collapsed building blocks, revealing a nerubian the size of a hut. This powerful creature finally became silent.

The sixth-level spider demon is the leader of the stronghold. After killing it, the rest will be much easier. An hour later, the stronghold of the dark race composed of werewolves and nerubians was basically wiped out. The 131st company only took ten minutes to clean the battlefield, and after obtaining the record certificate and the most valuable loot, they left in a hurry.

In the guerrilla-style field mobile warfare in the area controlled by the dark race, the surprise attack is not the most difficult part. As long as there is enough accurate information and a reasonable combat team, the possibility of success is quite high. The key lies in how to avoid the patrols before the battle, lest the surprise attack become a storm, or even worse, be surrounded by the reverse. The other is how to retreat smoothly after the war.

The removal of the entire stronghold will definitely anger the dark race commander in this area, and the team will face a powerful pursuit force, as well as the encirclement and suppression of the dark race forces who received news from the surrounding areas along the way. As long as they can escape back to the human-controlled area in time, this operation will be a complete success.

Therefore, the 131st company does not love fighting at all, and fully implements the tactical thinking of running after fighting. Anyway, they are here to earn achievements, not to make money. Qiqi's actions are arms worth tens of thousands of gold coins, and she must not pay attention to the spoils of a stronghold.

Not far to the south of the stronghold is the mountainous area. Qianye led the troops to run for two hours, finally ran into the mountainous area, and then ordered to rest for an hour. He himself continued to go out for reconnaissance, to find out whether there was any danger on the planned withdrawal route.

Running smoothly into the mountains without any obstacles, their return journey is considered half successful. In the use of complex terrain, Qianye can be said to be an expert-level master.

At this moment, he half-arched his body, using the cover of various terrains, to move forward like a ghost. But the further he went, the more solemn his face became, and an indescribable sense of danger was becoming stronger and stronger.

Qianye suddenly stopped, raised his head to the sky, and sniffed vigorously.

In the night wind, there was a faint stench.

The hairs on Qianye's whole body stand on end, this is the unique smell of spider demons! He suddenly accelerated, rushed to the top of the mountain, then leaned down and leaned out bit by bit to prevent his shadow from being cast out suddenly, and then carefully looked to the other side of the mountain.

In the valley, an army of dark races is advancing silently. This army is led by several humanoid nerubians, and the main force is hundreds of giant sword spiders. This army was like a black tide, almost blending with the night, surging forward along the valley.

Qianye suddenly gasped! The sword spider is an official warrior in the nerubian group. This two-meter-tall giant spider moves like the wind, and its two forelimbs are as sharp as swords. It has the strength of a first-class human soldier. The combat power of this unit is enough to swallow the 131st company.

Doubts arose in Qianye's heart. Could it be that there was another battle happening around, otherwise how could there be such a Nerubian troop secretly marching? This scale is much larger than ordinary patrols.

But this is not what needs to be considered at the moment. The important thing is that if this nerubian team continues to move forward, their scouts will find the 131st company that is still resting!

Qianye backed away quietly, then rushed back at full speed, and immediately issued an order as soon as he arrived at the camp: "Everyone is finished resting, and set off immediately!"

Bao Zhengcheng stood up and asked, "Don't you clean up the traces?"

Qianye said: "It's too late! Anyone who can't keep up in a while will use the stimulant himself!"

Three minutes later, the 131st company formed a long line, and was speeding through the night under the leadership of Qian Ye. Beyond the two mountains is the nerubian army. Rushing to the position Qianye had chosen for a long time, the whole team gathers and lurks quietly, waiting for the two sides to pass by dangerously, and then the whole team rushes forward, fleeing at full speed.

Bao Zhengcheng ran to Qianye's side, and asked in surprise, "Why did you suddenly have a Nerubian sword spider team?"

"It may be an omission of information, or maybe the other party is about to transfer. This is also normal. You continue to lead the team, and I will go to the front to have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Qianye climbed up and down a mountain ridge beside him, and disappeared in the night in a blink of an eye. Bao Zhengcheng's face was stern, and the intuition formed by years of fighting made him feel that something was wrong. Fortunately, Qianye is more familiar with mountain warfare than the most experienced scout in the team, and his physical strength is also better, able to support such a high-intensity night reconnaissance, otherwise he would have run into the nerubian team head-on.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw Qianye coming out of the night again, and said in a low voice, "All turn to the left!"

The whole procession made a sharp turn, jumped over the low hill, and sprinted down the valley on the other side. Bao Zhengcheng finally found an opportunity and asked, "What's ahead?"

Qianye's face could not be seen clearly under the night, only a soft voice drifted into his ears with the wind, "Werewolves, there are four werewolves in all tribes."

Bao Zhengcheng's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Werewolves are the kings of the mountains. In this kind of place, they are targeted by the werewolf tribe with a superior force. The entire 131 company, including their two fourth-level soldiers, may not be able to escape. go out.

Qianye led the team over another mountain ridge, and then rushed along the valley. At this time, soldiers have exhausted their physical strength one after another, and the non-commissioned officers of the soldier level will take one with them, gritted their teeth and ran wildly with the troops.

Two hours later, the edge of the mountain was already in sight, but after several major turns in the middle, it was far from the scheduled exit.

"What should I do?" Bao Zhengcheng could almost confirm that something was wrong. In this area, in just half the night, they had encountered two Nerubians and two werewolf teams in succession!

Qianye pointed to the distance, and said: "There is a fulcrum of our border defense line in that direction. Go there at full speed, and there may be a glimmer of life."

Bao Zhengcheng took a long breath and said, "I know that place, but if we want to escape there, we have to... we have to abandon the wounded and those who can't run."

He finally used the word escape. Although relying on Qianye before, the 131st company avoided all encounters without any risk, but they had no time to erase the traces of the march. The fighting power of the dark race in that area is so dense that it is very unlikely that they will not be discovered. I am afraid that there is already a team chasing after them.

"I'll give the order!" Qianye walked towards the napping team.

At this time, Bao Zhengcheng stretched out his big hand, stopped Qianye, and said in a deep voice, "No! I will give this order!"

Bao Zhengcheng walked up to the soldiers, glanced at the exhausted faces, and said slowly: "We have to march forty kilometers in a hurry before we can return to the nearest stronghold here. Now, who wants to stay behind? "

The soldiers were silent for a while, and no one spoke. They were all experienced veterans, and they had already discovered that the situation was not good during the previous rapid march. Then all the wounded walked out by themselves, and then the soldiers who had exhausted their physical strength also came out one after another, standing together with the wounded.

The corners of Bao Zhengcheng's mouth twitched. Looking at these dozens of soldiers, his eyes were red. He turned around suddenly and shouted: "Leave all the grenades to these brothers! Let's go!"

After speaking, he didn't look back, let go of his big strides and ran away first. A soldier who was still able to run took a deep look at his comrades, and then followed Bao Zhengcheng.

Qianye didn't move. He looked at the remaining soldiers and said, "I'll walk this journey with you!"

A commando with a long-range sniper is completely different.

After a while, there was a continuous roar in the mountain area, and gunpowder smoke rose and filled the entire canyon. The strong light emitted by the exploding force grenade almost illuminated the dark night sky!

In the wilderness, the soldiers of the 131st company ran wildly. They didn't need to look to know that behind every explosion, there would be a comrade-in-arms holding the force grenade tightly and rushing towards the enemy.

Bao Zhengcheng finally led the soldiers of the 131st company to this small town called Tucheng Castle. There were only fifty-four people left who could follow him here, not even half of what they had when they set off.

Most of the casualties came from the Battle of Duanhou.

The town has a population of about a thousand, and another five hundred expeditionary troops are stationed. Due to its proximity to the front line, the earthen castle defenses were well constructed. Most of the buildings in the town are made of thick stones, and the alleys are densely covered, most of which are very narrow. This was prepared for street fighting. Most of the Nerubian giant spiders could not squeeze into these two-meter-wide alleys, and the transformed high-ranking werewolves would also feel constrained.

Bao Zhengcheng climbed to the watchtower and looked at the direction of the mountains from a distance, his heart sank to the bottom. It is unusual for so many dark race forces to move at night. But according to the latest information obtained, this area is clearly an empty area!

Thinking back now, the last two dark race teams they encountered were only twenty minutes apart, which was almost a sign of the mobilization of the opposing army. Does the military headquarters of the Xichang City Theater know about this situation

A shadow gradually enveloped the heart of this middle-aged soldier.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that a figure appeared on the horizon, heading towards the earthen castle.