Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 32: Small town lighthouse


Although the War of Dawn has ended for 1,200 years, hatred is increasing every moment and everywhere.

For 1,200 years, the dark race and human beings have never stopped fighting, and bloody conflicts occur every moment, every inch of the cross-border area.

Although the Land of Eternal Night has been abandoned by the empire, with the return of the dark race, this continent has become a battlefield everywhere. And the situation is extremely complicated.

The human race and the dark race are fighting to the death here, and the human race and the dark race are also fighting internally. Human beings and the dark race also compete for living space with various native beasts. And perhaps because the trajectory of this abandoned land is too far away from the sun, there will occasionally appear various terrifying ominous creatures from outside the region.

It seems that the only meaning of life here is to fight.

The flames of war are everywhere, and on the gray Eternal Night Continent, the most worthless thing is life.

At the moment, on a wasteland, a group of seven or eight people are walking quickly in a line. The clothes on them are all kinds of strange things, they are all randomly sewn together with rags and rotten skins, and some people even put a few rusty metal plates on the heart, back and other vital parts as armor.

Several people were carrying big backpacks, and they were the most common scavengers on the Evernight Continent. Risking their lives, they venture into the wasteland and deep into the ruins in search of something that might be of value. In their backpacks are all their wealth.

In front of the team, the outline of a small town appeared faintly, and they involuntarily quickened their pace.

The most eye-catching building in the town is a tall lighthouse. This is a building that is almost completely welded with metal, with several thick pipes climbing on the outer wall.

The burning flame on the top of the lighthouse can be seen from a long distance, so this town is called Lighthouse Town. At this time, a large amount of steam was suddenly released from the middle of the lighthouse, and the huge gears exposed in the damaged shell began to rotate with difficulty, driving the hammer on the tower to swing slowly, hitting the old-fashioned copper bell, making a deep and long sound.

When, when, when!

The sound of the bell spread far away, and the team of scavengers quickened their pace again.

One of the burly and strong men looked at the sky and said, "It's only three o'clock and it's going to be completely dark, and it's killing people!"

An old man walking in the front said with some indifference: "Isn't this the case in the dark season?"

The strong man looked up at the sky, there were several huge black shadows in the sky that blocked the sunlight, and it was only three o'clock, making the surroundings as dark as dusk.

He spat heavily, and said with half envy and half jealousy: "If I could live up there for a few days, I would be willing to lose ten years of my life!"

Another scavenger said: "Come on, buck-toothed six! That's a place only for big shots. You have no hope in this life. Just pick up trash here!"

Before the buck-toothed six had an attack, a valve opened on the other side of the lighthouse in the distance, emitting a large amount of steam. All of a sudden, the middle section of the lighthouse was surrounded by white mist, and the flames became indistinct for a while, and the sharp and long siren sounded suddenly, making people's hearts beat.

"Why is it closing so early?!"

"What the hell is that baldy doing?"

The scavengers panicked all of a sudden, quickened their pace, and ran all the way to the town. Fortunately, they moved fast enough to rush through the gate in time.

The exhaust pipes on both sides of the tower were spewing out large groups of dark and turbid gas, the huge gears and winches were creaking, and the heavy cast iron gates fell slowly, smashing into the steel trough with a bang. The town is closed.

The team of scavengers was out of breath. One of them stood on the street, gasped for breath with his hands on his knees, and then raised his head and shouted to the tower: "Why is the door closed so early? We were almost locked out!"

A bald head gleaming with oil protruded from the city tower, with a hideous face.

He pointed to the sky and shouted unceremoniously: "I told you that it is not peaceful outside during this time! Look at the color of the moon in the sky! If you don't even want to die for a few copper coins, you deserve to die !"

There was a huge full moon hanging in the sky, and the edge of the moon disk was already as red as blood. In a few days, it would become a full blood-colored moon.

On the night of the crimson moon, all creatures on the wasteland will be restless and extremely aggressive. According to legend, whenever the moonlight turns scarlet, a disaster will happen somewhere, and only after enough blood has been shed, the god of disaster will leave contentedly.

The scavengers were cursing, but these mad dogs on the wasteland really didn't dare to do anything to the bald man on the tower. He was the only sheriff in the town, and he was a first-class soldier. It was easy to clean up their group of mad dogs. So these people could only complain while walking into the town.

There is a bar in the town, which is the only bar here, and there are a few rooms at the back. There is the destination of scavengers, and the only paradise that can bring happiness and women.

In order to save energy, there are almost no lights in the town, so in the night, the faint light emitted from the bar signboard is particularly eye-catching, although only the Chinese character "沙" is lit on it.

The prototype of that signboard was a section of bearing removed from the bottom of the engine room. I don’t know how the bar owner put the words on it, and even smeared it with luminous stone powder, but after rain and wind, it will always fade away gradually.

People in the town know that the name of the bar is Manshushahua, but no one understands the meaning of these four characters together, and among the thousands of people in the town, there are less than five people who can recognize these four characters. .

The lights in the bar are dim, the tables and chairs are very old, and the walls are full of various graffiti, but it has a strange beauty.

The bar counter is made of steel plates and rivets, which looks like a tough guy of the times. All the ingredients in this bar can be found in the wasteland outside. In fact, the most worthless things in the Abandoned Lands are scrap steel and scrap metal, which are everywhere in the wasteland garbage dumps, and metal mountains are piled up in the airship cemetery.

The bar smelled of low-quality alcohol, tobacco, and sweat, and several women with heavy makeup also emitted a pungent smell of perfume, which made people sick.

There was a young man standing behind the bar, his figure was thin and slender, and his complexion was sickly pale.

The young man wore a battered jacket and trousers, and his long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. His face is very beautiful, very beautiful, and exuding too much youth. At first glance, he looks like a shy but friendly boy next door.

He stood behind the bar, quietly watching the dozen or so guests in the bar who were venting their desire and pressure.

Just looking at his appearance, no one would have thought that this young boy would be the owner of this bar and hotel. He's afraid, no, he must be under eighteen.

At this time, the half-closed door of the bar was pushed open, and the team of scavengers who had just entered the city poured in. As soon as they entered, the bar was immediately quiet, and many people looked at these scavengers with wary eyes.

In the Badlands, scavengers have a bad reputation, and they have many nicknames, including vultures, scavengers, mad dogs... and so on.

Scavengers are always on the verge of life and death. They have no shame or credit and can do anything. Many scavengers have their own circles and secret communication methods. If outsiders approach this group rashly, they are likely to be gnawed to the bone.

Although this small town named Lighthouse Town has prospered largely by relying on the large number of scavengers around it, the aborigines in the city do not welcome scavengers and will not accept them sincerely.

Where there are scavengers, there is trouble. In the wilderness, the word trouble often means that a group of people will lose their lives, otherwise how could it be shameless to call it trouble

This team of scavengers came to Manshushahua for the first time. They sat down at a table and announced the name of their favorite wine loudly. The young man behind the bar turned around and took a few bottles of wine from the wine rack, and began to mix them skillfully.

The stainless steel shaker fluttered up and down between his long white fingers, as if it had a soul of its own.

At this moment, a scavenger with a huge scar on his face came over, leaned heavily on the bar, and said in a strong nasal voice: "I heard that you have a kind of wine called Manhuahua that is very strong! Give it to me!" Have a big drink!"

The young man didn't move, but said, "One imperial silver coin."

"Ho!" exclaimed the scavengers exaggeratedly, and said, "My ears heard right? An imperial silver coin!! Am I drinking the blood of a virgin? Well, now that I'm here, I have to try, see Is your wine as good as you say! Boy, I don’t have silver coins, but I can use this to pay the bill, as long as you dare to take it!"

With a snap, the scavengers took out a musket and slammed it heavily on the bar.

The musket is already filled with powder pellets and ready to fire. The handle of the gun was covered with a thick sheet of iron, and it was still stained with blackened blood, as well as some other dirt that could not be identified as brain or bone marrow. This heavy musket is obviously not only capable of bombardment, but the handle is also a powerful weapon, and it may be used more times.

The bar suddenly fell silent, and many people's eyes were on the scavengers and young people.

The young man had already mixed the wine, finished the glasses slowly, then put his hands on the bar, glanced at the musket, and said lightly: "For the sake of your eating guy, I can count it as worth it." Half a silver coin. Are you sure you want to use it as a payment?"

The corners of the scavenger's eyes twitched, his upper body slowly leaned forward, and he approached the young man until the tip of their noses were almost touching, before he said, "What will happen if I don't pay the bill?"

The young man didn't move at all, and still said in a calm voice: "Then I will explode your head."

The scavengers stared intently at the young man's eyes. In those deep black eyes, no fluctuations could be seen, just like two bottomless deep lakes. The scavengers looked down at the young man's hand again. Those were a pair of unusually clean hands, completely free of calluses, and the skin was unbelievably delicate, with no signs of rough labor or cultivation at all.

The young man's hand was placed on the bar, which was an awkward position, a little far away from everything, even if he hid a weapon under the bar, it seemed that he would not be able to get it in time.

The young man's coarse shirt was only buttoned up with two buttons, revealing a huge ugly scar on his chest, which seemed out of place with his appearance.

The corners of the scavenger's eyes kept twitching. For some reason, the chill in his heart became more and more intense, and the sweat suddenly rolled down. This is the wild dog's instinct for danger.