Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 38: virtual fighting


After the truck entered the city, it went straight to the east block, where there was a large area of abandoned factory buildings, which was an excellent place to do some shady things, and it was also the location of the underground fighting arena in Heiliu City. Most of the gambling fights between the forces of more than a dozen villages and towns around Heiliu City to resolve disputes were held here.

The behind-the-scenes owner of this underground fighting arena is said to be a big figure in the expeditionary army. Within the sphere of influence of the Eternal Night Continent Empire, the Expeditionary Army is an unrivaled ancient behemoth, the de facto emperor of this land, so no one dares to mess around in this underground fighting arena.

Each of the abandoned factory buildings in Heiliu City is more than ten meters high and covers an area of thousands of square meters. Five tall factory buildings are neatly arranged together, with a magnificent momentum. These behemoths built of alloy steel and concrete have survived countless wars and are still standing. From the scale of these factories, we can see the glory of the empire's former large industry.

It's just that as people researched the original force and developed the derivative technology of extracting black crystals from black stones, the first generation of power represented by black stones and steam gradually stagnated, and no leapfrog technological inventions appeared.

The second-generation energy technology that releases black crystal energy to simulate the original energy is called the original power. But this technology is limited in many environments, especially in the lower continents far away from the sun and planetary belts where the force is weak. As the highest level of driving energy in the empire, it is of course included in the list of strategic materials, and the control is extremely strict.

Of course, what really hinders the use of black crystal technology is the price.

The original power drive device is too expensive. A set of chariot engines can buy the entire Lighthouse Town. Although the Land of Eternal Night is worthless regardless of land or human life, a small town is a lot of wealth. And this kind of thing is basically a smuggled product, and the price has doubled as soon as it leaves the middle and upper continents.

Qianye wrapped his windbreaker tightly, followed Mr. Zhao and his party into the underground gambling arena. He is in charge of the virtual fighting part, which is a competitive fighting skill that does not require blood. For ordinary disputes, just a virtual fight is enough, but since this is a big gamble, two bloody fights will be added.

Mr. Zhao was dressed in formal attire, walked to the left side of the fighting arena, sat down on a sofa there, lit a cigar, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the opponent on the other side.

Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man with dense tattoos on his bare arms and a sinister face. He was unbuttoned, and there were scars all over his chest.

There are about a few hundred seats in the fighting arena, and it is basically full now.

There are also several boxes above where the fight can be seen most clearly. The box is equipped with one-way glass, the inside can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside. This kind of box is only used by real big shots, and it is said that the owner of this underground fighting arena will occasionally come to watch the battle. But only the battles of real masters will attract him. Of course, it is impossible to attract such big men at the level of today's village and town fights.

As soon as the time came, the bell rang in the underground fighting arena, and the three referees entered the arena silently. Their faces were expressionless, their murderous aura was condensed, and they were all second-level soldiers! The referee is also the maintainer of order.

One person in the middle is wearing a special pistol, and the pattern of the original force on the gun body is clearly visible. With the force gun in hand, the authority of the referee can be guaranteed.

Qianye glanced over the three referees, then lowered his gaze, and stood silently behind Mr. Zhao. According to Qianye's judgment, these three referees can completely kill the hands of both sides.

The premise is that Qianye does not make a move.

At this time, a referee announced loudly: "The fight begins."

Mr. Zhao exhaled a puff of smoke ring, then smiled evilly, and said, "Tiger Yan, since you dare to bet so big, why don't we come and see some blood first?"

Yan Hu laughed suddenly, the sound was deafening, and then he slapped his thigh hard: "Seeing blood? Okay! I like seeing blood the most! Zhao, just don't pee your pants in fright! Dare to fight me, Yan Hu! Dou, sooner or later, I will cut off your hands and feet, soak you in a cesspit, let you howl for a few days before you die!"

Mr. Zhao took another puff of cigarette, and said leisurely: "Many people miss me, but unfortunately I am still alive and well, but those guys don't know where they are. Oh, maybe it won't be long, You will also disappear inexplicably, who knows?"

Yan Huo grinned grimly, all the scars on his chest were trembling and writhing, and said: "Okay! I'll see if you can make me disappear! Which one of you will go down first and chop off the two paws of that kid surnamed Zhao?" "

The two big men behind Yan Hu slowly got up and walked down the fighting arena. Their steps are steady, their faces are expressionless, and their knuckles are covered with calluses. At first glance, they look like cruel people who kill people with a heart as hard as a stone.

Seeing these two people, Qianye's heart sank slightly. These two people obviously have the iron and blood atmosphere of soldiers, and I am afraid that they can be regarded as elite veterans in the Imperial Expeditionary Army.

Qianye's gaze immediately swept over the person behind Yan Baihu, and then dropped it again.

It was an ordinary-looking man in his thirties with short, stiff hair. Except for his sharp eyes, he has nothing special about him. But Qianye saw that he was only sitting on half of the stool, his waist was straight, his legs were slightly apart, his hands were on his knees, and he was as stable as a rock. This sitting posture was clearly a master in the army.

He seemed to sense Qianye's gaze, and raised his eyes to look at Qianye, but he didn't find anything. Under the torment of the blood of darkness, Qianye has undergone considerable changes from his temperament to his appearance. Now he looks like a handsome boy, and he can no longer find a member of the elite legion like Red Scorpion with blood on the battlefield. Cold and cruel.

The corners of Mr. Zhao's eyes twitched slightly when he saw the two big men coming off the stage. He paused in the air, pointed to the field, and said, "Chop them up!"

The two fighters who were in the same car as Qianye also stood up, entered the arena, each picked an opponent, and began to confront each other.

After the bell rang three times, the four of them pulled out their weapons at the same time and rushed towards their opponents!

Bloody combat allows the use of short-edged weapons such as daggers and gloves. One of the two people on Mr. Zhao's side used a serrated dagger, while the other held the double daggers backwards. But the two big men on Yanhu's side all used triangular army bayonets.

The four of them are all first-class fighters, regardless of their strength and speed, they are far superior to ordinary people. As soon as they fight, they will be bloody!

The fighter with the two daggers swung the knife like the wind, and cut more than ten wounds on the opponent's body in an instant. But the big man only protected his vitals, and he slammed into him forcefully, the military thorn pierced into the opponent's heart so hard that the point of the thorn came out from the back!

One hit kill!

This is obviously military style. Qianye's heart beat a little faster, but calmed down again.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao's subordinate on the other side was a real master. He took advantage of the gap between his opponent's brave pounce, and suddenly threw away the dagger, and a catch broke the big man's arm. Then he struck like the wind, strangled the opponent's limbs respectively, and only then broke the neck bone of the big man and won the match.

This person is actually a master of unarmed combat, but instead of using finger pricks, he brought a dagger into the arena, causing his opponent to make a mistake in his judgment, and even rushed to fight him in close quarters, so he suffered such a big loss. It can be seen that Mr. Zhao's subordinate is not only ruthless, but also cunning.

Both Yan Huhu and Mr. Zhao's eyes twitched. It is hard to find warrior-level masters, and it costs a lot of money to recruit one. Now that one of the two sides has died in battle, it is naturally heart-wrenching.

Yan Huhu snorted, and said, "The surname is Zhao, you're lucky! Now it's one-on-one, so it's a virtual fight to decide the outcome!"

Mr. Zhao's expression was obviously relaxed, and he smiled and said, "You know that I have good fighters here, but you still dare to fight with me in a virtual fight? I think you are already confused, so you should hand over the territory!"

Yan Huo glanced at Qianye, and said with a sneer: "Do you think I'm a kid? But, you're not the only one who has virtual fighting masters! Instructor Liu, go teach that kid a lesson!"

The man with an ordinary face stood up and walked towards the end of the fighting arena. His steps are steady, his movements are concise, and every step is shoulder-length, which is a typical style of the imperial army.

"Is it really a combat instructor in the army? I don't know which legion it is from the expeditionary army." Qianye thought silently. He took off his long coat, walked to the other end of the arena, and stood on a round platform.

Two staff members activated the switch, and the huge instantaneous power demand caused the lights of the entire fighting arena to dim suddenly, and then gradually returned to normal.

The round platform under Qianye's feet gradually raised a dark green light curtain to surround him. When the light curtain rose, a warrior composed of green light appeared in the fighting arena at the same time. The man on the opposite side also stood on the round platform, so another virtual fighter appeared in the fighting arena.

This virtual combat system is a product created by the empire using original energy drive technology. It can fully capture the movements of the players on the round platform and synchronize them to the virtual fighters. All the data of the virtual fighters on both sides of the fight are exactly the same.

The original intention of the virtual combat system was to study some extremely lethal combat techniques. If this kind of combat technique is used in actual combat, once it hits, it will either kill or injure, but there is no way to study it thoroughly. In addition, since the data of the virtual fighters is completely consistent, it can create an absolutely fair environment for both sides to hone their combat skills.

The virtual fighting system has been around for more than 500 years, and it has trained countless fighting masters for the empire. Up to now, it has spread to every corner of the human territory, even Heiliu City has got a set, although it is only the most basic version. It is said that the truly advanced virtual fighting system can even simulate fighting at the general level.

Because of the great role of the virtual fighting system, the dark race paid a heavy price four hundred years ago, snatched the original design of the system, and began to build a virtual fighting system suitable for them. The two sides have since stood on the same starting line.

Qianye clenched his fist, and the virtual fighters in the field also clenched their fists at the same time. Two virtual fighters approach each other and punch each other. Qianye felt the power fed back from the original force field, and his heart shuddered slightly. The man opposite also had a serious face, and he glanced at Qianye.

Boxing is a routine test before starting the virtual fighting system. Qianye gestured to the referee, indicating that the system is normal and can start.

The two virtual fighters began to circle slowly, as if they were actually fighting. Qianye was already familiar with the virtual combat system when he was in the Red Scorpion Army, and if the opponent was really an instructor of the expeditionary army, even if it was a retired instructor at the lowest level, he would not lack experience in using it.

The two sides tested each other for a few laps, and suddenly moved at the same time, and rushed towards the opponent fiercely!

Instructor Liu's movements are simple and direct, wide open and wide open, no matter whether he punches or kicks, he goes straight to the vital point. He wins entirely with speed and strength, with very few tricks.

This is the fighting style in the army again, it seems simple, but you will find it extremely difficult to deal with if you really have to fight. This Instructor Liu's style is as calm as a mountain, he has rich combat experience, and there are very few flaws in his advances and retreats. Even if there is a slight flaw, the feedback delay in the virtual fighting system is enough to make up for it, so it is difficult to be exploited.

Most of the audience present knew some fighting skills, and immediately some people began to see the taste and applauded loudly.

Some people in the box began to pay close attention to the battle.