Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 4: Welcome to hell


Time flies, and soon a month has passed.

A heavy roar suddenly sounded outside an ordinary valley, and a huge military heavy truck was spewing thick black smoke, and was speeding towards it from a distance. There are no roads outside the valley, and the endless plains are full of natural ditches. But the truck's four pairs of huge tires, which are as tall as a person in diameter, are no longer an obstacle.

The truck rushed to the mouth of the valley at full speed, and only when it braked suddenly, the body as huge as a monster trembled violently, and it even swung across, plowing a deep arc-shaped mark on the ground, and then stopped. There was a crackling noise from the power box at the front of the car, and the black smoke from the thick pipes at the rear stopped, but a large cloud of steam was spit out from a valve.

The door of the truck cab opened, and a soldier in his thirties looked out, then jumped down from the two-meter-high cab, and put a little boy in his arms on the ground.

The little boy was born with delicate features, and his soft black short hair was stuck to his forehead, which was already wet with sweat. His little face was pale, and he was desperately trying to hold back his nausea. It was obvious that he had been tossed a lot by the wild driving of the heavy truck along the way. He swayed, stood firmly, and wrapped the black cloak around his body tightly to resist the howling wind.

At the valley entrance, there was already a man standing, a one-eyed man.

In the razor-sharp wind, his upper body was bare, his hands were behind his back, and his feet were evenly spaced, shoulder-level. The most basic military posture in this army, he stood up extremely domineering and tyrannical.

He alone blocked all the roads leading to the valley.

The middle-aged soldier led Qianye until he was within a few meters of the one-eyed man, then stopped and said, "Long Hai, you are still the same."

Long Hai grinned wide, revealing a mouthful of gold or silver teeth, and said, "Shi Yan, you're three minutes late."

Shi Yan said: "I met a dark race team on the road, and I wasted a little time in order to kill them all."

Long Hai sneered and said: "A dark team can make you late, it seems that your strength hasn't improved much in these years! Did you work as a dog in the Lin family for too long, and you dropped all your skills?"

Shi Yan was not angry, but said flatly: "Shuai Lin is the mainstay of the empire, and I am satisfied to be the commander's personal attendant. You don't understand such things."

Long Hai snorted, instead of arguing with Shi Yan, his eyes fell on Qianye, and said, "This is the child mentioned above? Why does it look like a little girl! Can it be used?"

Shi Yan smiled and said, "Anyway, he will be training under you in the future. If you don't like him, who can control you?"

Long Hai snorted again, and said, "You should know that in our place, no matter who comes, no matter what identity or background they have, they are treated equally."

"Of course I know that."

"Then don't waste time, let him come over!"

Shi Yan squatted down in front of Qianye, with a barely visible smile on his stone-like face, touched Qianye's head, and said, "Go, follow Instructor Long. Remember, first, in the No matter what he asks you to do inside, you must do it immediately! Second, that is, I hope that in a few years, I can still be in this place and see you come out alive."

Although Qianye was a little dazed, he could also hear the heaviness in his words, so he nodded emphatically.

Shi Yan smiled. Along the way, he already liked this little guy very much.

Qianye is a quiet child most of the time, but his personality is so stubborn that he is almost stubborn. But once he promises something, he will definitely do it.

There was a slight surprise on Long Hai's face, and he said, "I've known you for twenty years, and I've never seen you smile so many times!"

When he stood up, Shi Yan was already stern and expressionless, and said, "How can I smile when I see you?"

A few thick blue veins on Long Hai's temples jumped a few times.

A moment later, the heavy-duty truck roared away, while Qianye followed Long Hai and walked into the valley. The mountain road is rugged and narrow, and after walking for almost two hours, it still seems to have no end at all.

Qianye looked to both sides, and suddenly saw a line of bloody characters on one side of the mountain: Welcome to hell!

Qianye couldn't recognize these words, but his eyes seemed to be attracted, and he couldn't move his eyes away. As he walked forward, he gradually turned his head until he could no longer see that line of characters. Although that line of big characters could not be seen, it was deeply imprinted in his young heart, every stroke was dripping with blood!

The sky was getting dark, and the valley was like a giant beast with its mouth wide open, waiting for Qianye.

It wasn't until late at night that Qianye realized that he was already in a place more terrifying than hell: Huangquan Training Camp.

The hands of the clock moved to twelve o'clock. At this time, most people should fall asleep, but for the children in the Huangquan training camp, this is the beginning of a day of hell.

In a cold hall, Qianye was crowded with hundreds of children of similar age, listening to Long Hai's lecture.

Long Hai walked back and forth in front of this group of children, stopping occasionally, his gloomy gaze swept one or two back and forth among the crowd, "Here, you only need to remember three things, first, obey, and second , is obedience, third, or obedience! Here, the order will only be said once, and you only have one chance! Now, all stand against the wall, and no one is allowed to move or speak until there is no new order!"

A group of children pushed each other chaotically and stood against the wall one after another. However, they did not wait for further orders.

With his hands behind his back, Long Hai left the hall with big strides, and then closed the iron door with a bang.

For the first ten minutes, the entire hall was spent in silence. But after another ten minutes, some restless children couldn't help it.

A little boy on the right side of Qianye looked at him, and suddenly whispered: "My name is Liu Kai, and my family is doing business in Jianzhang Province. I heard that this place is scary, let's be friends in the future! My father said, two people It’s easier than living alone.”

What Qianye thought of at this time was Shi Yan's parting confession: You must listen to Long Hai's words.

Long Hai just said, don't move, don't speak.

Seeing that Qianye didn't respond, Liu Kai next to him didn't give up: "Hey! No one is watching us anymore! Can you at least tell me your name?"

Seeing Qianye standing like a statue without even moving a finger, Liu Kai mumbled a few words helplessly.

Half an hour passed, and some children began to whisper, while others swayed from side to side, moving their sore legs and feet.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the corner of the hall, and the children got into an argument for some unknown reason, and then quickly wrestled together, rolling and making noise.

The commotion was already so loud, and no instructor appeared to stop it, so the children became more relaxed. After fighting for a while, the children who were fighting separated and returned to their original positions. At this time, more children started chatting and activities, and the hall gradually became noisy.

When the clock pointed to one o'clock, the iron door suddenly opened, and Long Hai strode in. Behind him, followed by a group of fierce and ferocious big men, each carrying a whip in his hand.

The temperature in the hall dropped suddenly, and the children who had been having fun just now were all pale and trembling.

Long Hai's one-eyed glance swept across the audience, nodded and said: "Okay! Very good! There were some fighting and some talking. I was worried that I wouldn't leave a deep impression on you, but looking at it now, my worries are unnecessary!"

Long Hai's face suddenly sank, he pointed at the children who had just participated in the fight, and said, "Catch them out and tell others what will happen to them if they disobey the ban!"

This sentence sounds a little strange. Many children are still at a loss, but some smart children suddenly understand something, and they are so frightened that they are about to collapse to the ground.

The six fighting children were dragged to the center of the hall like chickens, and stood in a row.

Long Hai suddenly showed a ferocious smile, and said, "Here, there is only one consequence for violating the prohibition, and that is...death!"

A big man picked up a strange gun and pointed it at one of the children. The thick muzzle could fit into a child's fist!

A thick red light suddenly shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and the huge gunshot echoed in the closed hall, almost deafening people's ears!

A red light flashed, and the little boy's upper body had disappeared, only his legs remained in place! The blood splashed more than ten meters, and even sprayed onto the opposite wall.

The big man showed a bloodthirsty and cruel smile, turned his gun, and aimed at the next child.

That little boy with a rebellious face, finally panicked and shouted: "No! I don't want to die, my uncle is a general of the empire! He..."

The gunshot roared again, interrupting the rest of his sentence.

"Imperial General? Hehe, he is the son of the Imperial Marshal. As long as he enters here, he will have the same fate as violating the ban!" The big man sneered.

Gunshots continued to roar, and after six shots, the center of the hall was already soaked in blood and minced meat.

Long Hai said again at this time: "Now, the person who just spoke up, stand up, take off his clothes, and then get down! You are lucky, as long as three whips are punished. However, if anyone wants to cheat If I say it, then the end will be the same as those six brats!"

The children looked at each other, and many tremblingly walked to the center of the hall, took off their clothes, and got down on the ground. And there were less than twenty people still standing against the wall.

"Is there really no one else?" Long Hai asked again.

The two children who had been leaning against the wall came out tremblingly.

Long Hai nodded, and said, "You two, five lashes each!"

The faces of the two children turned pale immediately, but it was too late to regret.

Long Hai suddenly stretched out his hand towards the four children standing against the wall one by one, his tone turned cold: "Since you dare to lie to me, then go die."

Four crying children were dragged into the center of the hall, and then four deafening gunshots rang out.

In this way, on the first night of coming to the Huangquan training camp, Qianye understood most clearly what would happen if he violated the prohibition. Also on the first night, the number of new students in this batch dropped by one tenth.

At three o'clock in the morning, Qianye was driven into a large room with the other children.

There were rows of bunk beds, and each child silently chose a bed and lay down to sleep. No one spoke, and no one cried.

Qianye lay down on his back as usual, but was suddenly pricked by the sharp pain in his back and sat up.

The painful groans of children continued to be heard in the darkness, but they were obviously suppressing the volume.

Qianye turned over and laid down on the bed cautiously, not letting the welts on his back be stimulated.

Qianye also received a whip.

There were only eleven children who obeyed the order as strictly as he did, and these eleven children received special treatment: they were only given a whip.