Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 58: extreme escape


"No. The scene was very clean, without leaving any clues. The person who shot must be an expert."

Wu Zhengnan walked back and forth in the room twice, his murderous aura continued to overflow, causing the temperature in the office to drop rapidly.

He suddenly stood still in front of the window, looking at the soldiers who were still practicing below, Senhan said: "If your people can't find out, it doesn't mean that there are no clues. You don't have to worry about it anymore, I will let the people of Dark Blade Take over!"

Hearing the dark blade, Qi Sicheng's cheeks twitched, this is by no means a pleasant word.

Wu Zhengnan thought about it again, and said: "Go and find out if Qi Yue has done anything recently and offended anyone. It is also possible that someone has been following him and found out about this incident by the way. trade."

"Yes!" Qi Sicheng secretly admired that Wu Zhengnan's appearance was tough and bold, but in fact he had a ruthless personality and was impeccable in his work, so he was able to stand for many years without falling down.

When Qi Sicheng left, Wu Zhengnan pressed the summoning bell in the corner of the desk, and a moment later a man with a strange appearance walked in.

The man was nearly two meters tall, but very thin, with exceptionally long hands and feet. His skin was pale, his eyebrows and hair were a pale yellow, so pale that it was almost invisible. And this person has a pair of strange amber eyes and erect pupils, which look like the pupils of some kind of reptile.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "General, who are you going to kill this time?"

"Qi Yue is dead. You go and find out who killed him, and then bring that person back and try to live. If it is not convenient to bring him alive, then he is fine. My request is only one thing, no Let him die too happily! Besides, whatever you do, you don't need to worry about the other party's identity!" Wu Zhengnan said fiercely.

In front of this person, he was able to let go of his emotions.

The weird man was taken aback, and said, "It turns out that the young master is dead! Okay, how many people can you give me?"

Wu Zhengnan waved his hand: "The dark blade is at your disposal!"

The strange man stretched out his long scarlet tongue, licked his own nose, and said with a smirk, "Don't worry, no matter who he is, he won't escape from me, Yu Renyan."

"Go! I'll wait for your good news."

Yu Renyan exited Wu Zhengnan's office, and when he passed by the female adjutant, his upper body suddenly twisted into a strange angle and almost touched her cheek, and his long tongue licked hard on Bai Nen's neck!

The female adjutant was caught off guard, her little face turned pale for an instant, but then she came to her senses and tried her best to stand upright, not only daring not to yell out, but also daring not to show her intention to dodge.

Yu Renyan let out a shrill laugh, glanced at her sideways from the corner of his eyes, and walked away.

Half a day later, Yu Renyan brought more than a dozen people to the place where Qi Yue was killed and investigated carefully. Qi Sicheng's subordinates had rummaged through it several times, but nothing extra was found.

Then they went to the wreckage of the blood race.

Yu Renyan squatted down suddenly, picked up a piece of corpse, slowly checked it over and over again, then raised his fingers, and picked out a broken hair from it.

He suddenly stuck out his tongue, curled the broken hair into his mouth, ate it like this, savored it for a long time, and said, "This is that person's hair, I already remember his taste."

Yu Renyan showed a cruel smile, he likes hunting living things the most.

The man left surprisingly few traces and was clearly a good hand. But only such an opponent would be interesting to kill. He threw the corpse high again, and suddenly opened his mouth very wide, swallowing it in one gulp. Then he casually picked up another piece, and it seemed that he liked the taste very much.

But Yu Renyan didn't put the new body part into his mouth, but savored the body part he had just swallowed carefully, his face became more and more weird, suddenly he opened his mouth, and spit out all the things he had already swallowed.

This time it was out of control, Yu Renyan finally lay down on the ground and vomited in a daze!

Although those dark blades who were all wrapped in black robes were used to seeing Yu Renyan's various weird actions, they had never seen this appearance before.

It looked like he had eaten something bad, and everyone couldn't help but looked at each other. Who has ever seen Yu Renyan eat his stomach badly? Like a vulture, he lived entirely on carrion. But since Yu Renyan didn't speak, no one dared to go up and ask.

Yu Renyan vomited non-stop until he vomited out even the sour bile, and then he collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

He gasped for breath, then suddenly laughed nervously, and said to himself: "Interesting! Really interesting! There is actually a poison that specifically targets the power of black blood, but I don't know what it is! I have some ability, that's it It's fun to play! Come with me!"

He suddenly jumped up from the ground, flipped over in the air, and landed on all fours, moving swiftly against the ground like a big bug. His face was almost pressed to the ground, the tip of his nose was constantly sniffing, and he headed north all the way.

The Dark Blade fighters knew that Yu Renyan had found the clue, so they followed him silently.

These people are rare elites in the expeditionary army, and Yu Renyan is their leader. He once had the opportunity to enter the top ten special forces, but in the end he chose the expeditionary army, just because here he can really do whatever he wants and indulge himself.

Qianye in the distance didn't know that a group of truly vicious and cunning wolves had been attached to his back.

He has been running at a constant speed of forty kilometers, and has been running for almost ten hours. This is a way to get rid of the pursuit, and quickly move away by running close to the limit for a long time, so as to get rid of possible pursuers. This method does not have any tricks, it is to compare the tracking and anti-tracking capabilities of the two parties, as well as physical strength and willpower.

In the past, Qianye ran for four hours in a row to achieve the purpose of transferring the area. The minimum standard for Red Scorpion's extreme running is three hours, or more than 120 kilometers. But now that Qianye's original force has been promoted to the third level, and he has the strong physique of a blood race, his battery life has been doubled. He simply used his endurance to the limit, and ten hours later he officially stepped into the rock territory.

At the border, Qianye stopped for a while, rested for an hour, and then continued on.

A bald eagle flew by high in the sky, its sharp eyes fixed on the lonely figure below. On the vast wasteland, that figure kept running forward, and the speed remained unchanged.

The eagle hesitated for a while, and finally felt that this person's behavior was too weird, which made him feel an inexplicable trembling feeling. So it let out a long cry, turned around and flew away, abandoning this obvious prey.

A day later, Yu Renyan also appeared at the border of the Rock Territory.

At this time, his face was even paler, dust was all over his face, his hair was dirty, and he was obviously very tired. He mistakenly ate the corpse of the blood clan that was stained with Qianye's blood, and as a result, he would vomit up and down after a while, causing serious damage to his vitality.

Then Yu Renyan found out that the other party used extreme running to escape during the tracking, and couldn't help feeling anxious. He is a true field tracking master, and he knows that his departure time is at least half a day late, and if he is thrown too far away, he may completely lose the other party's whereabouts.

This is a completely unacceptable failure.

Yu Renyan could only use the most stupid and most effective method to pursue at full speed. However, things didn't go well from the very beginning, and the other party was running all the time, as if his physical strength was endless!

It wasn't until the fifth hour that Yu Renyan finally couldn't hold on and rested on the spot for a full three hours before continuing to pursue.

When they reached the border of the Panshi Territory, there were only three Dark Blade fighters who set out together at the beginning, and the rest were all left behind.

Yu Renyan finally discovered that the other party was also resting here, and this discovery made him happy or worried. The joy is naturally that those extremely small traces prove that he has not pursued the wrong direction, and the other party is still a human being after all. What is worrying is that this guy's performance in extreme escape is really different from normal people, even the monsters of those elite legions are nothing more than that.

Yu Renyan simply stopped moving forward, but chose to camp at the place where Qianye had rested.

He has already discovered that the distance of most of the first half a day has been thrown away to one day, which means that he will definitely not be able to catch up with the opponent's speed. And that person is obviously an expert, leaving very few traces, and the distance of a day makes the smell extremely thin. If this continues, the clues will be completely broken in a short time. What's more, as long as the opponent enters any of the four major cities in the Panshi Territory, he will immediately disappear without a trace like a drop of water falling into the sea.

Instead of wasting physical energy in vain, it is better to regain physical energy and plan to move later.

But this does not mean that Yu Renyan wants to give up, on the contrary, this kind of difficulty stimulates him to be extremely excited, as if he is in an orgasm all the time, and he can't help but want to moan.

Yu Renyan is determined to hunt down to the end! On this dilapidated continent, there were really not many targets worthy of his full strength as a sixth-level tracking and assassination expert.

When Qianye walked into a small town, he looked like a young mercenary.

He had a full meal in the busiest restaurant in the town, and had a drink in the most crowded bar. By the way, he squeezed the round buttocks of the bar girl, got into the toilet, and left quietly through the side door of the bar after a while.

When he walked out of the town, he turned into a middle-aged man with a short beard.

With such a turn in the small town, Qianye believed that even if someone followed him, the clue would be broken when he got here. He continued on without stopping, and after three days and three nights, he finally arrived at the Dark Blood City at the border of the Rock Territory.

The scale of this city is grand, and there are four huge perpetual towers in the four corners of the city, and a huge steam turbine set lying down on the base. Huge overhead pipelines with a poor overall design are spreading over people's heads, extending to every corner of the city like a spider web, providing power and heat for defense facilities all over the city.

This extremely messy basic energy layout of the city is almost impossible to destroy unless the entire city is flattened. Perhaps this is the original intention of the architect

Dark Blood City is located on the front line of the conflict with the dark race, and is the most important supply base for expeditionary forces, hunters, and pioneers.

The degree of chaos in the city's order is exactly the same as its air ducts, and even the expeditionary force can only maintain the highest jurisdiction in name. All sorts of crimes are happening here all the time, and many people are dying without anyone noticing.

This is a paradise for adventurers, a paradise for outlaws, but a hell for the weak.

Nearly a thousand years ago, there was a great battle between the human race and the blood race here. In that war, the two sides mobilized millions of troops. In the end, the human race killed more than 600,000 blood race fighters at the cost of 1.1 million deaths, and won the victory. This battle lasted for a full eight months.

After this battle, the human race was able to establish a fortress city here. The blood of the soldiers on both sides soaked into the soil, and the color of thousands of miles would not fade for a hundred years, so this city was named Dark Blood City.

This is also Qianye's chosen shelter.

It was Qianye's first visit to Dark Blood City, and when he saw the majestic city wall as high as 30 meters and the huge city tower with a height of more than ten floors, he couldn't help being shocked!