Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 76: lone wolf


The black wolf approached the cave carefully, sniffed it vigorously, then observed the traces on the ground for a while, and said, "He has already left. You two, go in and have a look."

The two people appointed by Hei Lang entered the cave, and after a while, their shouts came from inside: "He spent the night here!"

Before the words were finished, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the cave, and the air wave even rushed a person out of the cave!

"Damn it!" Hei Lang immediately bent down and hugged his head, but was also sent flying several meters by the blast wave, and when he landed, his center of gravity was unstable and he fell to the ground.

Hei Lang turned over and jumped up, feeling extremely annoyed. The two people sent into the cave are masters in tracking and surviving in the wild, so why did they still fall into a trap? Once these two people died, the tracking would become very difficult with him alone.

Before Hei Lang could stand still, a ray of light suddenly flashed from the corner of his eyes. He suddenly lost his mind, this is the light of the original force bomb!

This shot came out of nowhere, and the shooting range was only a hundred meters away. Hei Lang couldn't dodge it no matter what, so he could barely move away from his vitals.

Amidst the screams, Hei Lang was sent flying backwards, and the arms on the chest guard were already bloody. Hei Lang tried his best to flip and fell to the ground. However, before his legs touched the ground, the light flashed in his vision, and it was another force bomb!

Heilang's mind went blank for a moment, only one thought remained: How many people are there in the other party? What a rate of fire! ? How could it be done by one person

No matter what Heilang was thinking at that moment, the force bullet still hit the same part of his chest. This time, the original force of the black wolf's body was completely blasted away, and his arms flew into the sky.

Before Hei Lang fell, he finally saw where Qianye was shooting.

Qianye hid among the rocks more than a hundred meters away. The rocks there are jagged, but the slope is not high, and the plants are sparse and scattered, and you can see everything at a glance when there is any movement. It is not a suitable place for Tibetans, so Hei Lang didn't pay special attention when he checked the surrounding environment. And Qianye buried himself under the soil layer, and did not move from head to toe, only then did he hide it from the black wolf, and the surprise attack was successful.

Qianye threw down the empty assaulter and jumped up from his hiding place, like a lone wolf hunting for prey, rushing towards the Sky Snake Gang at full speed! On the way, the butcher and the hand ax fell into Qianye's left and right hands respectively.

boom! The butcher opened fire from ten meters away, and the ejected force bullets sent a member of the Sky Snake gang flying backwards.

And Qianye rushed through the last ten meters like lightning, and plunged into the crowd of the Heavenly Snake Gang who were still in a panic looking for the enemy. While the butcher whirled, Qianye grabbed the barrel of the gun, and slammed the handle inlaid with steel blocks on the other person's forehead!

A first-rank soldier of the Heavenly Snake Gang was a little farther away. At this moment, he picked up the Force Rifle and tried hard to aim at Qianye. The lines on the gun continued to light up one by one, and it was about to be fully charged.

Qianye suddenly let out a low growl, and slammed into him. The distance of more than ten meters came in the blink of an eye.

Amid the sound of bone cracking, the chest of that first-level soldier sank, and under Qianye's enormous strength comparable to that of a fifth-level soldier, he was instantly knocked into a near-death state. Qianye grabbed the rifle that was about to be fully charged, and threw it with his backhand, which landed on another member of the Sky Snake Gang.

That member of the Heavenly Snake Gang was also a first-class soldier, and just now they staggered and rushed to the side, narrowly avoiding Qianye's attack. At this moment, he hadn't fully stood still yet, when he saw the origin force gun whirling towards him, he subconsciously reached out to catch it, and then the flickering light on the gun pierced his eyes, he suddenly realized, and his face changed drastically!

With a bang, the force gun whose charging was interrupted in the middle exploded suddenly, and the Sky Snake soldier fell backwards with his face covered in blood.

Qianye panted violently and looked around. Around him, there was no enemy who could stand up.

Qianye slowly walked up to Hei Lang, looked down at him, and asked, "Are you Hei Lang?"

Hei Lang was hit by two original force bullets, lost his arms, didn't even have the strength to sit up, and replied weakly: "Do you recognize me?"

"You are one of the four masters of the Heavenly Snake Gang. Since there is a war between us, of course we must check the background information of each of you." Qianye said lightly.

Hei Lang said with difficulty: "You... are not an ordinary hunter! Who are you...?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Do you have anything else to say?"

Hei Lang showed a miserable expression, and said: "If possible, I hope... to die under the force gun. This is the destination I should have."

Qianye picked up the butcher, and slowly operated the weapon, the force arrays in the gun body were lit up one by one, revealing a huge muzzle.

Qianye pointed to Hei Lang's heart, and then pulled the trigger. With a bang, the yellow glow pierced through the body, and a fountain of blood more than one meter high spewed out from Hei Lang's chest!

Qianye simply cleaned the battlefield, and only took away Hei Lang's second-level force gun and the gold coins on them. Then Qianye walked to a slope a few hundred meters away to the east, and after some arrangement, it gradually merged with the surrounding environment.

Half an hour later, another group of Sky Snakes appeared, led by Asuka. When he saw corpses all over the ground in front of the cave from a distance, his expression changed drastically and he rushed over directly.

But when Asuka saw clearly that it was Hei Lang's body, he suddenly stopped suddenly, and raised his hand at the same time, all the Sky Snakes behind him immediately stopped, and then dispersed, each looking for a battle position, and entered the fighting state in a blink of an eye.

Asuka stood ten meters away from the black wolf's body and never moved forward. He scanned the traces on the battlefield, and after a while, his eyes landed on the exact location where the black wolf was blown away for the first time. He silently observed and calculated for a while, then looked at the position where Qianye's initial attack was.

Asuka bowed slightly, as light as a civet cat, and walked towards Qianye's sniper position suddenly and slowly. It was naturally empty there. The earth pit where Qianye hid had already been filled, and a few stones were pushed onto it.

Asuka's eyes landed on a small piece of grass with an awkward posture between the two stones. He raised his head and looked along Qianye's sniping line, and then scanned the entire rock clump.

The wind on the wasteland gradually increased in the afternoon, and the vegetation in the open area tilted slightly along the direction of the wind, but this small grass was also pressed to the side in the gap between two big rocks. It seems that this is Qianye's original hiding place, and traces have been eliminated afterwards.

Asuka took two steps, leaned over to check the traces of camouflage left by Qianye. An excellent hunter can judge the opponent's habits from these clues, so as to take advantage of the next encounter.

But just as he bent down, he bounced off the ground as if bitten by something! But it was already too late, and from the corner of Asuka's eye, he saw a ray of light flying towards him, and then the gunshots began to roar into his ears!

The light exploded, and the bird was thrown out like a rag bag. He flipped and barely landed, but one left hand was already hanging limply by his side, and he couldn't lift it up anymore, his whole arm was bloody.

On a gentle slope hundreds of meters away, Qianye stood up from his hiding place, looked at Asuka from afar, cut his throat, then turned around and climbed the mountain.

Asuka's face was pale, and he slowly stood up straight. The Heavenly Snake gang wanted to chase them, but he stopped them all.

Qianye obviously consumed too much force and was unable to swallow them all in one gulp, so he chose to retreat after wounding Asuka with a single shot. But if the members of the Heavenly Snake Gang chased them down without flying birds, they would only be defeated one by one by Qianye in the mobile battle.

Asuka bandaged the wound, then inspected the entire battlefield, including the inside of the cave, before climbing up the ridge and looking in the direction Qianye left. There was bloodthirsty madness in his eyes, but there was also deep guard.

Qianye ran all the way, keeping an eye on his back from time to time, seeing that Asuka didn't come after him, he felt a chill in his heart, knowing that this opponent was very difficult to deal with. However, Asuka was shot and broke his arm bone. This kind of injury will not heal within a week. If Asuka refuses to return and still chases after him, his combat power will be greatly affected.

After running for dozens of kilometers in a row, Qianye slowed down and began to proceed cautiously. This place has been out of the control of Dark Blood City, and there are often dark race activities. The human race hunts the dark race, and the dark race will also come to capture the human race. The difference is that the human race is always on the diet of most dark races, especially the human beings who cultivate powerful force, which is a rare delicacy for some races.

As Qianye moved forward, he searched for a hiding place. At last he found a sheltered cave in a low bushy cliff, slipped in, camouflaged the opening, and relaxed.

Qianye took out a map, checked it for a while, and then drew out the route for tomorrow, and marked several important places, and finally checked it again from beginning to end.

If Asuka followed Qianye along this route, then he who was injured would deeply appreciate the hardships of the wasteland. After both sides have exhausted a lot of physical strength, Qianye will give the preparation Asuka an impressive encounter. On the wilderness, the relationship between hunter and prey has never been absolutely static.

After completing the preparations, Qianye began to practice Bingjue. The tide of force that he can withstand each time he warms up the node has increased from twenty to twenty-five rounds. In the foreseeable future, he is expected to use the tide of force of the soldier king level for daily practice.

Qianye was somewhat looking forward to such a prospect. The cumulative impact of thirty rounds of force tides was so great that it could almost shatter any barriers to the cultivation of warriors. In other words, before reaching level nine, there is no bottleneck for the soldier king. Although the blood in Qianye's body would still consume a small amount of original force during the warming process, his original force was already condensed and thick, and this loss only brought him to the level of an ordinary cultivator.

During Qianye's Xinggong practice, the blood energy in the body still acted on its own, and the gold and purple blood energy became active again, strangling and swallowing an ordinary dark red blood energy respectively. Their activities are gradually becoming more frequent, and almost become a small episode every time they are warmed up. Qianye has almost turned a blind eye to it, and regards it as part of his cultivation.

After the training was over, Qianye began to maintain the gun and refilled it with a new force bullet. After making all the preparations for battle, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, quietly waiting for the dawn.

Tonight, as always, is not quiet, there will be long wolf howls, beast roars, gun roars, and rumbling roars from time to time. Under the deep and seemingly eternal night, human races, dark races and ferocious beasts are all killing each other in order to struggle for a living place.

The assaulter and the butcher were at hand, and the battle ax was within reach. Qianye's fingertips could feel the coldness and solidity of the metal at any time, and his mood was very peaceful. As long as he can fight, as long as he is alive, he will never give up.

Qianye gradually fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly found himself standing in a forest. The surrounding area was dark and there was nothing, but he could feel the murderous intent, piercing his bare skin like needles, arousing goose bumps one after another.

There was a sudden rustling sound in the bushes, and Qianye immediately lowered his body, like a hunting beast, holding his breath and staring at the place where the sound came from.