Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 80: Small victory


The impact was so violent that the two of them were almost stuck together!

The blood warrior's long sword rested on the arm shield of Qianye's left hand, and it had been distorted and deformed by the impact, and the blade cut himself. Qianye yelled again, and pushed his whole body hard, finally pushing the blood warrior back staggeringly!

All the blood warriors were stunned for a moment, and the original joint attack formation immediately lost its effect. In a head-to-head wrestling, they actually lost to humans of the same level? This is simply unbelievable!

What Qianye waited for was the moment when he penetrated their formation, pushing the blood warrior in front of him and rushing forward for dozens of steps before stopping. At the same time, the hand ax swung out with lightning, splitting the blood warriors who were unable to return to the sword from shoulder to chest.

Qianye didn't pause at all, took a step with his left foot to the side, turned around, and the blood warrior who rushed up behind him flew into the air. The companion who was standing side by side with the blood race collided with Qianye head-on, and the dull sound of flesh-cracking erupted continuously.

When the two separated again, Qianye flew upside down and landed steadily, but the blood warrior fell to the ground exhausted in the same place.

The old man of the blood clan frowned. The figure of this human race was even a little thin, but the huge power that burst out even surpassed these selected blood clan warriors! Moreover, the opponent's strikes are extremely fierce, and often life and death can be seen in one blow.

The old man of the blood race didn't want to lose any more soldiers under his command. He drew his saber backhand, driven by the power of blood, the blade gradually became transparent, and a dense red light evaporated, and a faint whistling sound came out.

He signaled his subordinates to start on the defensive, and then walked towards Qianye. But as soon as he started, he suddenly felt a sense of weakness, a big hole seemed to appear in his body, and the abundant blood power was lost in an instant, and his hand was so weak that he couldn't even hold the long sword anymore, and fell to the ground with a bang!

The old man of the blood clan was taken aback, looked down, his face suddenly became extremely pale, and he exclaimed!

With the strong physique of the blood race, the wound on his arm should have been closed to stop the bleeding, but now instead of closing, it has expanded even more. The flesh and blood in the wound rolled up, and black and purple blood continued to ooze out, and the muscles were rotting away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The blood of the blood race is bright red and full of powerful vitality. But the purple-black blood at the wound was full of the smell of rancid death.

As soon as he smelled this smell, the old man felt dizzy for a while. He understood in a blink of an eye, and shouted: "Poison! Very poisonous!"

The blood clan old man shook, couldn't stand up anymore, and fell to the ground.

The blood warriors who besieged Qianye were suddenly shocked. Some wanted to escape from the battle circle and ran over to check, while some had just changed their defensive positions and were in a hurry to attack.

In the chaos, Qianye burst out, seizing every little gap to wedge, explode, flash, and shift, killing two people in an instant.

The battle ended in the blink of an eye, Qianye beheaded all the blood warriors, and he also had several wounds on his body. Once these blood warriors fight hard, it will be very troublesome.

The wound on Qianye's body was burning hot, with blood and white gas continuously emitting, while the deep flesh and blood appeared charcoal black as if it had been scorched.

The long swords of this batch of vampires are all etched with the original force array, which can allow the dark original force to hurt the opponent through the blade. Qianye's wound was caused by the dark force. Based on Qianye's past experience, this kind of injury is the most troublesome. If the dark force is not removed, the wound will not heal. And the longer the dark force stays, the heavier the injury will be.

The wound was painful, but the pain was stimulating Qianye's nerves, making him more and more excited. Qianye only felt that the blood in his body was about to boil, and the strong hunger, thirst and excitement were intertwined, making him feel like he was going crazy.

The blood clan warrior's corpse fell to the ground, blood continued to overflow, thick blood aura soared into the sky, lingering around Qianye's nose. Qianye took a deep breath subconsciously, and immediately knew it was broken!

The smell of fresh blood instantly ignited his consciousness, and all the blood in his body began to boil!

Intense hunger and thirst became an overriding will in an instant, and when Qianye couldn't hold his breath and took another mouthful of thick blood, it was like a person who had been thirsty for a long time suddenly drank a mouthful of luscious water, and it was as if he had never touched it before. The first time a woman's little virgin entered the body of her beloved goddess, the instant satisfaction and pleasure immediately made Qianye groan in a low voice.

Qianye threw himself directly onto the corpse of a blood warrior, opened his mouth wide, and was about to bite down on the side of his neck!

However, in the depths of Qianye's consciousness, there is another voice that is constantly shouting, trying to stop him. The voice was very weak, but it was extremely tenacious, neither hunger nor pleasure could completely suppress it.

At this moment, a rotten smell wafted from Qianye's nose, which immediately spoiled his appetite. Qianye raised his head abruptly, and saw the old man of the blood clan stood up at some point, holding a sword in both hands, tremblingly wanting to cut him down!

Without saying a word, Qianye bowed and slammed into the arms of the blood clan elder, grabbed his neck and lifted him up!

At this moment, the blood energy in Qianye's body was boiling, and the gold and purple blood energy even emerged from the blood tide like a flying fish out of water, which made his physical strength surge again.

In this world where only a thin layer of original force is consumed at dawn, the black sun looms indistinctly from nothingness, as if it will break through the barrier in the next moment, but the resonance of the original force is still transmitted, pulling the bloodthirsty Coldness and tyranny swept through every corner.

Without hesitation, Qianye exerted strength with his left hand and crushed the neck bone of the vampire elder with a click! He let go of his hand slowly, watching the blood clan old man's body fall to the ground, the intense excitement in his heart was vented, and he gradually calmed down.

The smell of rancidity was getting stronger and stronger from this vampire's body, Qianye squatted down, turned his body over, and then saw the wound on his upper arm. At this time, the wound had completely rotted away, exposing a piece of Bai Sensen's arm bone. And the old man's skin also began to appear abnormally large bluish-purple, blood was constantly oozing out of his mouth, and the color of the blood was also bluish-black.

The old man of the blood race was too careless, relying on his strong body defense to block Qianye's force bomb. However, the original force bombs made by Qianye all contain a trace of blood, which is extremely lethal to dark races, especially blood races. Especially when boiling blood became a part of cultivation, the effect became more and more obvious.

Qianye suppressed his blood-sucking desire and began to search the battlefield. The rich blood energy still exuded an energy-rich taste, just like delicious food that cannot be eaten at present. Since that werewolf totem mission, Qianye has realized that due to his blood physique, blood sucking may become the most effective recovery potion, but he still restrains himself from taking it, no matter what race it is.

The long swords used by these blood warriors are all fine workmanship. The original force array etched on the sword body is specially designed for the dark original force. If it is powered by the dawn original force, its power will be discounted, but if it is bought on the black market, the price will still be much higher than that of ordinary weapons.

Each of these long swords can be sold for at least ten gold coins. It's just that in the violent battle like a storm, more than half of the long swords were distorted and damaged by the huge force of the collision, and only two were intact.

The long sword used by the old man is gorgeous in style and exquisite in workmanship, and it is the best of the best. Qianye tried this sword, and when he input the original force mixed with blood, a thick blood color suddenly lit up on the blade of the sword! In Qianye's hands, the sword was actually more powerful than in the old man's hands.

But Qianye weighed it again, but felt that the lightness of the sword was really worthless, and immediately disliked it a little. He put the long sword back into the scabbard, continued to search the old man, and found a second-level force pistol, and an exquisite leather bag containing more than a dozen crystal coins. There is also a leather breastplate on the old man, which is also a fine product etched with the original force array.

Naturally, there was no reason for Qianye to let go of such a good thing, so he quickly peeled it off. As for the armor on the blood warriors without the force array, Qianye didn't think much of it.

Qianye took a final inventory of the trophies. There were six Force guns in total, except for the old man who was wearing a Level 2 Force gun, the rest were Level 1 Force guns. There are about fifty crystal coins, and then there is a set of breastplate and three force swords. Finally, knock down the blood-sucking fangs of all the vampires, and the battlefield will be cleared.

Looking at the bulging backpack, Qianye realized for the first time that money came from killing and robbing so quickly. In the past in the Red Scorpion, the spoils of war would be collected and processed by the legion in a unified way, and the soldiers would get merit points according to the post-war military merit evaluation. At that time, all kinds of training and learning, and even the auxiliary products for cultivation required a lot of points, so Qianye was always in a state of being penniless. And a large number of points have gradually become part of his own strength.

Now that he has these trophies, Qianye can exchange for some resources, especially those rare medicines that can speed up the cultivation of force. Although he has advanced quickly in practicing the Bingjue and has reached the level of the King of Soldiers, but don't forget that the original force he has cultivated now needs to supply two copies. One is naturally the dawn force, and the other is used as food to feed blood.

What blood energy brought to Qianye was an earth-shaking change. Pupil technique, night vision and blood clan physique are very practical abilities, and the tyranny of the body has also made Qianye's progress in practicing the art of war has been qualitatively improved.

Since blood energy has become a part of the body, Qianye can only recognize it.

After quickly clearing the battlefield, Qianye glanced at the direction where the Red Scorpion lifeboat crashed on the other side of the mountain, and suppressed the strong emotions that arose. The little rookie is the last survivor, and judging from the team led by the vampire elder, there must be a powerful clan operating nearby.

Qianye approached this blood clan team out of a fierce desire to avenge the Red Scorpion warriors, and finally wiped out all the opponents with a little luck, and he also suffered serious injuries. This made him calm down a little bit. Red Scorpion's task was never a simple opponent, and with his current strength, he could only do so.

Qianye scanned the battlefield for the last time, then turned and left, running into the wilderness. Not long after he left, more than a dozen blood warriors appeared on the mountain one after another.