Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 98: An encounter with no end


Sure enough, the girl's scent was light with a little aroma, as if the pine wood slowly warmed up in the sun and evaporated the herbal fragrance, which Qianye liked very much.

Qianye said for no reason: "Sit down!"

The girl looked a little panicked, but she didn't refuse or struggle, she just turned her head and looked at the bar.

The man behind the bar who was mixing drinks gave the girl a hard look, nodded vigorously, then tilted his head again, and gestured to the wine bottle beside him.

Qianye saw all of this in his eyes, and he didn't need to think too complicated to understand what was going on.

"I want another bottle." Qianye said, a silver coin flew out from his fingertips, drew an arc and landed on the wine bottle on the bar, then spun around the mouth of the bottle without falling, fiddled with a small round of silver coins. Light.

The flesh on the bar owner's face twitched a few times. This move requires not only skill, but also a very deep force to do it.

He turned around and took out a bottle of spirits, opened it, and threw it away with a wave. The bottle rolled over the crowd and landed firmly on Qianye's table with a bang. During the whole process, the wine in the bottle was not spilled. This move is not bad, but it can't compare with Qianye.

The girl was three points stiff, but she still tried very hard to show a smile, and then sat down, from helping to pour the wine, to drinking with Qianye, and finally softening her body and slowly leaning on Qianye. In the bar, all this is so natural that even the loud volume will make people lean together involuntarily, otherwise it is impossible to hear what each other is saying.

From the first cup, Qianye entered a strange state of being slightly drunk. This feeling made him very comfortable, his tense nerves were completely relieved, and the initial dullness and irritability seemed to melt away without a trace. The girl's body that was close to her was boiling hot, and every time her skin was touched, she could feel the vitality and elasticity. Her smell made Qianye very comfortable. Gradually, every breath seemed to be filled with a refreshing fragrance.

Naturally, desire arises.

Qianye now feels that what he says and does seems to be at will, such as this sentence: "Will you follow me?"

Alcohol is indeed a wonderful thing.

The girl didn't know what she was thinking, and suddenly blushed, then nodded subtly.

Without delay, Qianye took the girl out of the bar. But he didn't notice that there were two pairs of eyes watching him from the corner of the bar. Qianye, who was in a half-drunk state, would turn a blind eye to many things, only his instincts were still awake, and he remained sensitive to danger and murderous intent.

At a small table in the corner, sat Yu Yingnan and Second Master.

There are several fresh scars on Yu Yingnan's face and body, which are the masterpiece of the two traps set by Qianye. The huntress was already in an inexplicably bad mood, but this time it was even worse, so she ran back and insisted on dragging the second master out for a drink.

Maybe it was an unspeakable fate, they happened to walk into the same bar and saw Qianye. Yu Yingnan didn't go over to say hello, because there was another strange girl on Qianye's table, that docile but shy girl was still leaning on Qianye's body.

The second master wanted to leave, but Yu Yingnan pulled him hard and found a seat in a remote corner to sit down.

Qianye didn't make any unnecessary movements, he was just drinking in silence, occasionally looking around in a daze. Several times, Yu Yingnan felt that Qianye's eyes had turned to his side, but his expression didn't change at all, he just turned a blind eye.

Finally, she saw Qianye get up and leave with the girl. They passed through the crowded and noisy lobby. The young man's slender and straight body was actually full of strength. He lifted his left arm slightly to separate the crowd easily, while the slender but youthful figure tightly grasped the young man's arm, as if that is the only one to rely on. Soon the two snuggling figures disappeared into the dimly lit street, and the night outside was still long.

Yu Yingnan drank the full glass of spirits in one gulp, filled it up silently, and poured it into his throat with his head raised again. When she was about to pour herself a third cup, the second master held her hand.

"This is a man." She was unexpectedly calm.

"It's no big deal." The second master said, then took Yu Yingnan's glass of wine, poured it into his mouth, sighed contentedly, and said, "It tastes good."

After drinking a glass of strong wine, the second master's interest also increased a lot, and said: "Men are impulsive sometimes, especially when they drink too much. When he wakes up tomorrow, he will definitely look down on that little girl." Tsk tsk, you said she has no breasts and no butt, what's the fun!"

"You said Qianye drank too much?"

"Obviously! You can tell by the way he looks."

Yu Yingnan smiled, with a bit of sarcasm and bitterness in his smile. If Qianye could drink too much with just a few bottles of wine, she would not believe it anyway.

Yu Yingnan snatched the empty wine glass from the second master, poured himself another half glass, drank slowly, and looked at the women in the bar who were twisting their waists and buttocks vigorously.

In order to save her, Qianyehui was willing to block the Heavenly Snake's spear with his body, but he never thought of seducing her into bed.

"Sure enough, no man wants a woman like me..."

Of course Qianye didn't go to Yu Yingnan's place, but returned to his little house by instinct. The inside was unexpectedly clean, there was no mess, and even the bed was well made.

With a wave of Qianye's hand, the girl fell down as light as a feather, and pulled him down by the way. Her skin is pale with blue, lacking in blood, but it is firm and smooth at this age, and the tentacles are like stroking a piece of silk satin.

The instant satisfaction and relaxation made Qianye feel extremely happy, especially the satisfaction from scratch, which stimulated him into confusion! That kind of pleasure is comparable to the delicacy of blood when the energy is exhausted!

Qianye closed his eyes tightly, letting his instinct lead him, as if the whole world and the stars were spinning. From the beginning to the end, the pine-like fragrance filled all his senses, and the girl's suppressed crooning was like a light song, flowing high and low.

Joy is like the force of the tide, waves pile up one after another, and finally it's time to hit the limit! When the unimaginable happiness was captured like a raging wave, Qianye's last sanity was also overwhelmed.

From between his teeth, a warm and sweet liquid suddenly flowed, mixed with the fragrance of a girl!

Qianye suddenly opened his eyes!

He actually bit the girl's neck, and a stream of blood was rushing into her mouth. Qianye was shocked, and suddenly bounced off the girl.

"Don't move!" Qianye held down the girl who was also panicked, and looked at the wound on the side of her neck. Fortunately, the wound was very shallow, only a little bit of skin was broken, and the artery was not damaged. Moreover, after Qianye woke up, she immediately instinctively gathered her blood energy, and the dark blood hadn't had time to contaminate her.

Qianye broke out in a cold sweat, secretly calling it a fluke. He got out of bed immediately, fetched the collected medicines, treated the girl's wound, and then bandaged her up.

During the whole process, the girl just wrapped her arms around herself, shivering, and let Qianye manipulate her.

In the process of treating the wound, Qianye had already recalled everything that happened tonight, and really didn't know what to say. But since the matter has already happened, it's okay, not to mention the girl's fragrance is indeed very attractive to him. Fortunately, it didn't pollute her, otherwise, if Qianye's blood energy entered her body, she wouldn't know whether it was a first embrace or pure pollution.

Qianye wrapped the girl's clothes around her, and asked softly, "Are you scared?"

Hearing Qianye's soft voice, the girl dared to raise her head. She stared at Qianye, for a moment, even showing a little fascination. Qianye doesn't have a face and temperament that can't be disguised, and he is as dazzling as a star in the sky in the lower society of Dark Blood City.

The girl put on her clothes silently.

Qianye walked to the table, then folded back on the bed, holding a money bag in his hand. He tilted the purse, poured dozens of silver coins from it into the palm of his hand, handed it to the girl, and said, "It's for you."

The girl was taken aback, but she shrank her body back and murmured, "It's...too much."

The girls in the bar spend the night with the guests, usually for one silver coin, and some very popular girls will charge regular customers two. What Qianye gave was ten times more than the normal price.

Qianye grabbed the girl's palm and spread it out. As soon as he let go, the silver coin clanged into her palm and said with a smile, "Take it, you deserve it."

"Also, I like your smell very much." Qianye added.

The girl subconsciously grasped the silver coin tightly, and there was an expression of relaxation and fear intertwined on her small face.

"What's wrong?" Qianye asked.

"I... I thought you were a vampire. You scared me just now." The girl patted her chest and exhaled. Since Qianye grabbed such a large handful of silver coins and gave them to her, he couldn't be a vampire.

In fact, commoners have limited understanding of the dark race, some are exaggerated, such as the possibility of infection if they are close to blood slaves, some are ignorant, such as vampires cannot touch silver. In fact, silver is a kind of poison to blood physique, and since it is poison, there are methods of poison resistance or detoxification. When Qianye's blood physique has advanced, as long as there is no blood, he is no longer afraid of ordinary silver, let alone this kind of imperial silver coins with extremely low silver content.

Qianye smiled, instead of continuing to entangle on this issue, he asked, "Is this the first time you come out with a guest?"

The girl's face flushed immediately, and she nodded subtly after a while, saying, "I'm really short of money, and it's also because... it's you."

Qianye thought for a while, shook the purse, and rolled out a gold coin from the inside. He directly handed the gold coin to the girl and said, "This is yours now, there is no need for it in the future, don't go out with the guests anymore."

However, the girl clenched her fists tightly and did not take the gold coin. Instead, she raised her eyes to look at Qianye, and mustered up her courage to ask, "Then will you still come to me?"

Qianye smiled and said, "I will leave here soon, and I may never come back again."

The girl lowered her head and said softly, "Then I don't want gold coins. The money is enough. I won't go to bars in the future. Maybe I can find a job as a hotel waiter."

Qianye stuffed the gold coin into the girl's hand and said, "If you want, you can help me clean this house when you have time in the future. This gold coin is considered as my salary for hiring you for one year. If I pay you back after one year If you don’t come back, then you don’t need to clean it anymore, you can dispose of this place as you like.”

"Will you fight to the death?"

The girl asked a question that surprised Qianye.

Qianye thought carefully, and then said softly: "I am a warrior, and it is the responsibility of every human warrior to fight against the dark race. As a warrior, dying on the battlefield is our inherent destiny, and I cannot avoid it. "

The girl suddenly hugged Qianye, kissed him on the lips, and said: "I can't do anything, but if... if you are willing to go back to Dark Blood City to take a look, this place must be clean!"

After speaking, the girl ran out and disappeared into the night.

Qianye sat quietly for a few minutes, remembered something, took his gun, and followed the girl.