
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 is born


Feng Yeran sat slumped in the unlit room, the gray air was like turbid river water, submerging the entire room, making it suffocating. The only ray of light shone through the slightly fluttered dark curtains on the paper sheets on the carpet, and the dust was stirred by the heating and danced in the dark golden light, like a small, hideous ghost. The clock ticked, ticked, and time passed minute by minute.

After an unknown amount of time, Feng Yeran stretched out his pale hand and fumbled for the remote control buttons on the messy coffee table. His fingers were thin and slender, and the skin illuminated by the flickering beam was white and reflective, and the interlaced blue blood vessels gathered on the back of his hand and gradually disappeared into his arms. The moment the image was turned on, the entire room was illuminated.

This is an extremely messy room, full of bookshelves, coffee tables, books scattered on the ground, messy clothes, white lab coats on the old sofa, ashtrays full of cigarette butts... And Feng Yeran obviously has no interest in these. Turning a blind eye, he stared at the TV, which was playing a piece of news at the moment.

"The gene experiment of Feng Boran, a famous researcher at SW University, has achieved unprecedented success, and the world's long-awaited first 'new housekeeper' has been born! The 'new housekeeper' has 2.78% of the genes of the Adeser family, IQ and mobility It has reached 1.2 times that of ordinary humans... "

"Feng Boran is really young and promising, and he has achieved such an achievement at the age of 35. He deserves to be the son of Feng Mu!"

Feng Boran is Feng Yeran's half-brother. Although he is also the son of Feng Mu, the director of the SW top research institute, Feng Yeran's twelve-year-old Feng Boran was born in the main room, while Feng Yeran Being the son of his mistress, Feng Boran's status was naturally much higher. Feng Boran had a smooth journey and excellent grades. Now he inherited the family business and married Feng Yeran's favorite woman. On the other hand, Feng Yeran ran away from home because of his mother's death and the loss of his favorite woman.

Feng Yeran picked up the paper on the ground and stared at the words on it in the flickering room. As if he couldn't understand it at all, he watched it for at least ten minutes, his lips moved slightly - stomach cancer.

Is this a joke? He was only twenty-three years old.

He still has so many things to do, his research has not yielded results, he has not been able to prove that he is better than Feng Boran, he has failed to fight for his mother, he has failed to win back the woman he loves, and he has failed to realize his dream in life... He Haven't done anything yet!

a year? two years? Five years? ten years? ! How much time does he have left

The stomach started to ache again, and the nausea came up. Feng Yeran ran to the bathroom and started retching.

He obviously didn't eat anything, and the strong sour and pungent gastric juice was disgusting. He only vomited out the liquid, his stomach was cramping, he was shaking all over, his eyes and nose were hot, and his tears fell uncontrollably.

It shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be like this! His life will never end like this!

The phone rang, Feng Yeran tried to control his emotions and answered the phone as if he was okay: "Hello."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very excited: "Ye Ran!! Come here quickly! Matrix 347 has started to contract! She is about to give birth!"

At this moment, Feng Yeran rekindled hope.

Yes, he still has his experiments! He and his team spent three full years sampling, scoured almost all the information they could find, and paid almost everything in order to create a fetus that could inherit the Adesel bloodline.

About the Adesel, it has always existed in human myths. Some people say that their royal sphinx is extremely powerful; some people say that they are the legendary blood family, beautiful and innumerable; some people say that they are like the Frankenstein Frankenstein, just crazy The products of scientists are nothing but ugly; some even say that they are the sons of the gods, with boundless mana. Myths and rumors are a bit exaggerated, but in the scientific community, it is generally believed that the Adesel people have extremely high IQs, docile personalities, good looks, and infinite potential. When creating "new human beings", if a little bit of Adesel's genes can be integrated, even if it is a defective and defective product, it may bring earth-shaking changes to the human world. It's just that the Adesel people are now extinct, and their frozen genetic remnants can only be found in extremely cold places. And because the genes of the Adeser people and human beings are extremely repulsive, extracting even 0.01 of their genes was considered impossible for a long time, which is why Feng Boran's experimental results are so sensational .

And Feng Yeran has bigger ambitions. He doesn't want to just create a defective product that incorporates a little bit of the defective genes of the Adesel people, what he wants to create is a new human with more than 80% of the Adesel bloodline.

Although he has failed too many times... too many times! But he always believed in success!

Maybe it will be successful this time! !

He washed up indiscriminately, put on a thick sweater, grabbed his white coat, and ran into the heavy snow, as if he was still a very healthy teenager.

It only took him ten minutes to run to the door of the very familiar operating room, his hands and feet were freezing, but he didn't care at all. After dressing and disinfecting, he was ready to deliver the baby, but he was stopped outside by the director.

"Feng Yeran, what are you doing here?"

"Number 347 is about to be born, I'll deliver."

"This is not your responsibility."

"What?" Feng Yeran was very surprised, "I was always in charge of doing this before."

Yes, Feng Yeran has always been in charge of this project, from gene collection to in vitro cultivation, from maternal selection to fetal cultivation.

As soon as he finished speaking, several colleagues behind the director laughed sullenly. One of them came over and patted Feng Yeran kindly on the shoulder and said, "Yeran, your health is not very good, so Gao Chuan will be responsible for this in the future..."

A fire suddenly ignited, and it almost burst out on Feng Yeran's cheek. No one in the unit knew that Feng Yeran was suffering from stomach cancer, so he regarded his discomfort as squeamishness, arrogance, laziness and even pretending. But what's the point of telling them? Tell yourself that you still want to do experiments even if you have advanced gastric cancer and don’t choose treatment? He endured and endured before he broke out, and then just stood at the door of the surgery, watching the lights come on and the door closed, but he couldn't say anything. He just felt sad.

Embryos 347 are the ones he values the most, and the ones he thinks are the most promising. From the day the embryo was detected, he looked at it every day, talked to it, prepared music for it, and read stories to it, as if it were his own child. The moment it opens its eyes, it should see him. It was the fruit of his dream, which took five full years to have...

But now, he is not qualified to welcome its birth!

Feng Yeran ignored other people's gossip and walked around outside the surgery door.

He started to worry again. Is it a boy or a girl, will it die at birth just like the previous embryos? Congenital deformities? I really hope it makes it through the first level...


A scream spread throughout the institute, Feng Yeran was stunned for several seconds, then he heard the sound of glass shattering, the lights in the operating room went out, the door was slammed open, and a female nurse crawled out with difficulty, Blood spilled from the snow-white door...

"Something happened! Help..."

"Monster ah..."

At this moment, the back of almost everyone's head was in pain, as if they were being oppressed by something. Tinnitus in both ears, and a sound similar to electric current can be heard from time to time.

The nurses of the institute ran out of the operating room in embarrassment. However, Feng Yeran had a blank head and quickly ran towards the operating room.

As soon as I walked into the operating room, I smelled a strong rancid odor, blood, and a faint, burnt smell.

The mother on the bed was already mutilated. Gao Chuan stood in the corner of the room with a look of horror, trembling all over.

"Where's the child?!" Feng Yeran asked.

In place of the answer, Takakawa's howl. Gao Chuan's hand flew out, hit the window, and slowly slid down. Gao Chuan was about to collapse. In front of him, a piece of rotten flesh slowly wriggled towards him. This speed was even pleasant, like a cat catching a mouse.

Feng Yeran saw with his own eyes that the piece of rotten flesh was gradually splitting, and the blood was gurgling like its feet, flowing towards Gaochuan. It has a vortex in the center, which is probably its mouth. It gradually split and grew larger, rushing towards Gao Chuan's neck—


Feng Yeran yelled.

The entire operating room seemed to freeze, and for a few seconds, the monster really didn't move. Then, it turned its "head" and seemed to observe Feng Yeran, from top to bottom, not letting go of every corner. At this moment, Feng Yeran's goosebumps arose. He knows what he should do, he should give the monster a shot right away, he must stop this bloody incident, he should run away! But he felt an indescribable oppressive force, almost like a chain, binding his whole body, he couldn't move, and even felt an unbearable headache!

He watched helplessly as the monster gradually retracted the foot that attacked Gao Chuan and slowly approached him.

Feng Yeran felt terrified. Extreme fear.

The blood has formed a cobweb-like stream in the entire operating room, intertwined with each other. The mutilated body is quickly eaten and digested in the stream, and the stench is getting stronger and stronger, and the small minced meat scattered everywhere flows back along the gurgling blood stream. , gradually gathered in front of Feng Yeran. Some were screaming, some were calling the names of Feng Yeran and Gao Chuan at the door, and some were crying.

Feng Yeran breathed heavily, sweating profusely.

The mind was working intermittently in fear... Only now did he realize that the creature that was approaching it was the "fruit" of his experiments that he had spent so many years in, and the treasure he had spent with him every day for a whole year. But what went wrong and how could it fail like this - not only does it not have the slightest Adesthel trait, it's just a bloodthirsty monster...

It doesn't even count as a monster, it's just a disgusting piece of carrion.

His breathing became quite heavy, and the disgusting sound of the carrion moving along with the strange electric sound became more and more terrifying. He can seem to imagine that the next moment this piece of meat will open his mouth and swallow himself clean...

- But he's going to die anyway. Is there a difference between dying of illness and being eaten by one's own achievements


The sound of electricity kept ringing.

The surrounding equipment was shaking slightly, like an earthquake. Including the surgical lights, which seemed ready to go out at any moment. It was clearly a scene of extreme fear, but Feng Yeran was a little relieved. There was even a familiar sense of dizziness.

The piece of meat finally moved to him, and the "mouth" in the center gradually opened, revealing hideous teeth.

Feng Yeran closed his eyes.

Then, in the midst of the noisy electric current, he heard a vague voice:

"Zizzizi... Ye'er... Ye'er... Zizizi..."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Long time no see, everyone. Almost three years later, I finally started to fill this hole. The idea has changed a lot from that year, probably from a short story to a small novel = = but it is still a dark/suspenseful article, offensive and charming, the overall style is more like a dark/fairy tale, I hope it will bring you some move.

This is the first draft and may be revised at any time. I am currently thinking about weekly updates, and I will update them occasionally. If they are updated regularly, I will notify you on weibo >

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