
Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Anger


It was midnight when Feng Yeran returned home. His face was flushed and his body was still hot. And he is still habitually sitting at the coffee table and writing a diary. Few people use traditional diaries to write diaries in this era, but he still stubbornly writes by hand. He likes to write down his life slowly, word by word, so that he can sort out his messy thoughts and calm him down. This is a pure black cowhide diary, very thick, with intricate classical patterns on the cover, and a simple gold font in the center: Diary II.

Before writing the diary, he browsed what he had written before, and his excitement calmed down a little:

October 9

I saw her today, and it was the first time I saw her alone in so many years. I was being interviewed on stage, and she stood in the crowd looking at me, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. After that, I was absent-minded and made several slips of the tongue. After the interview, I hurried to find her, only to find that she was gone.

October 10

Today's class reunion, she was very enthusiastic - it was like returning to the past, she sat beside me, kept talking to me, and talked to me about a lot of things that happened in the past. She talked about the debates in high school, and I don't remember it. She said that at that time, I responded very well and performed well, but I forgot that I actually performed very badly in the first game. I was very nervous, and what the other party said almost fell on my ears. During the break, she bought me a bottle of water and said, "If you behave well, go to the movies together at night." After that, she took out two movie tickets and showed them in front of my eyes. Then my mind was full of movies, and the tension disappeared completely. She is the one who makes me easy.

She didn't know how much I liked her back then. When I first entered high school, I saw her in the team, with a high ponytail, a casual white short-sleeved T-shirt and a black short skirt, she seemed to be jumping around at any time. She had been sitting on my right back in the first semester of high school. At first she hated me and said I was arrogant and domineering, but then we became the same table, and she gradually changed her attitude towards me. Sometimes when I touched her arm a little, she blushes, and she is very cute. A line was drawn in the center of the desk... After the end of the high school term, she kissed me by the campfire and ran away. I confessed to her in front of everyone, and we started dating that night. I dated her for a year and a half, and that was the happiest time of my life. At that time, I firmly believed that my other half was definitely her, and I planned to marry her after graduating from college. As long as there was her, no matter what happened at home, I didn't care.


In my third year of high school, when I came home, I happened to see her walking out of Feng Boran's room, her clothes were disheveled and her body had a hickey. She said that she had been dating Feng Boran for a year. She has been with me for a year and a half since that bonfire party. She said that the reason why she dated me was because she liked Feng Boran. She offered to break up.

I broke up with her.

On February 5th, my mother passed away.

Failed in high school.

…Why is she still in front of me? Why so enthusiastic? But am I really helpless? ! When I heard her say that now she is free and she can choose which man to be with, I selectively forgot all the unhappiness, like a brat, recklessly wanting to have her right away.

The two of us were running in the busy streets, and I used all my willpower to not take her to the hotel. Later, I drove her home, and it happened to be raining. She kissed me in the car and ran into the villa with high heels. I was in a daze in the car and didn't drive home until midnight.

I am thinking about her.

October 19

I took her to the banquet, and in order to prevent her from being recognized by the media, I put on a mask for her - this was her agreement, she said, we must not expose our relationship, after all, she is Feng Boran's wife, If everyone knew that Feng Boran's younger brother Feng Yeran was messing with his sister-in-law, what kind of uproar would it cause. I agree.

She was so beautiful today, I couldn't help it, I pulled her off the dance floor and kissed her.

But I've always had this weird feeling - I think someone's staring at us, is it the paparazzi? Are they filming us? In fact, I had this feeling a few days ago. I checked several times and even sent someone to investigate, but to no avail. No one on the Internet has linked me to Chen Xuan, which is really strange.

October 20

This morning, Chen Xuan said that she had a project she wanted to cooperate with me. She said that she wanted to make a documentary to make Huawei the protagonist, to film his life, his supernatural powers, his experiments and so on. She really hasn't changed. She wanted to be a director when she was in high school.

Another day I will take her to see Feng Hua. This kid Feng Hua is more afraid of strangers. If he really wants to make a documentary, he must agree.

※ ※ ※

On October 22, Feng Yeran had another stomachache, so he went to see Feng Hua.

But today's Feng Hua is not quite right. After he treated Feng Yeran as quickly as possible, he sat on the swing and didn't talk much. There was a thick black under his eyes.

"Feng Hua, are you not sleeping well?" Feng Yeran asked.

Feng Hua did not speak, it was a default.

Feng Yeran walked towards him worriedly: "Why don't you talk anymore, I'm in a bad mood? Because I haven't come to see you for a few days? You know, you're in confinement, I can't do it every day. Come here... Okay, don't be angry, can't I apologize?"

Feng Yeran said, and habitually wanted to hug Feng Hua.

But Feng Hua immediately ducked, as if he was dodging something dirty.

"Dirty," he said.

Feng Yeran just found it funny: "You kid, I take a bath every day, and I change my clothes very often. It's not like you, look at how messy your kennel is!"

But Feng Hua didn't laugh immediately like before. It seemed that he had endured it for a long time. Feng Yeran couldn't forget his expression. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of contempt and anger...

Feng Yeran was a little embarrassed, he hurriedly smelled his clothes and said, "That's why every time I look for you during this time, you always let me take a bath? Are you too sensitive to smell? I really Smell nothing."

"Where were you last night?" Feng Hua suddenly asked.

Feng Yeran opened his mouth and blurted out almost unconsciously, "At home, what's wrong?"

Feng Hua stopped talking.

"Oh, I didn't expect to have a little cleanliness addiction, so I went to take a bath."

Feng Yeran had no choice but to take a bath. When he came out, he found that Feng Hua had already fallen asleep on the cot. He curled up on the bed, breathing evenly, and his formerly tender and rounded outline became clearer.

Feng Yeran covered him with a quilt, dimmed the lights in the room, and looked around.

His room is really messy and messy, obviously it hasn't been cleaned up for a long time. Feng Yeran looked at the time, it was not too late, he planned to help him clean up. In a short time, he found Feng Hua's paintings everywhere, sketches, gouache, and some unstructured and messy drawings.

Feng Hua never let Feng Yeran see his paintings before, Feng Yeran was very curious!

He picked up a few and looked at them, and found that Feng Hua's painting style was changeable. Some are quite naive, and some are like works drawn by art college students. The childish drawings are very simple and single-colored, such as messy thick red lines, black circles in circles, a strange little man (with messy red lines on the head), two little people looking at each other, and so on. Feng Yeran frowned and thought about the meaning of these paintings, and then he thought that the cartoons he recently showed him might have had some influence on him. Then he began to observe a few high-level landscape pictures, one was a street scene, the other was a mountain forest. The street pictures were colored, very beautiful, and the scenery gave him a very familiar feeling. After observing a little, he even knew the seal. Hua was painting somewhere, but right away, he had a weird feeling. His heartbeat gradually accelerated, Feng Yeran squatted down, and continued to observe, he saw a picture of a tombstone, a very hazy black-haired man lying on the bed, and there seemed to be this man in those landscape pictures—

"What are you doing?"

A cold voice came from behind, interrupting Feng Yeran's movements.

Feng Yeran got goosebumps at this moment.

He turned his head and saw Feng Hua sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at him, backlit, and his eyes were in the darkness.

He actually didn't hear that it was Feng Hua's voice. Feng Hua's voice was no longer as soft as it used to be, but the voice of a young boy who was cold and lacking emotion.

Feng Yeran realized that he had seen his paintings without his permission, and felt a little guilty and a little scared—it was completely unreasonable, but at this moment he remembered what his friend in the bar said, she said, Feng Hua look a little scary.

Feng Yeran laughed, as if his own smile could soon infect Feng Hua, making the frozen atmosphere cheerful: "Feng Hua, you are so prolific, and you draw so well! It's all this month. Did you draw it?"

"… Um."

"What are you drawing? Why do I feel..." So familiar? Feng Hua didn't speak the whole sentence, the sense of disobedience came out again, cool, like a cold-blooded animal crawling up his back. But he couldn't name the feeling, he didn't know what he was suspecting.

"Draw whatever you want."

The too perfunctory answer made Feng Yeran annoyed, because he thought his lovely Feng Hua would explain it for a long time.

Feng Yeran persevered and picked up the painting on the ground and pointed it out to him: "Is the person you painted me? This outline really looks like me. What about the scenery of this street? Where did you see it? I don't remember taking you there, you—"

The cold-blooded animal on his back seemed to be laughing hideously, climbing faster and faster, almost immediately igniting a certain emotion, but before Feng Yeran finished speaking, the paper in his hand disappeared out of thin air, and all the picture scrolls in the room melted in an instant. For the debris, it poured into the air, and then crashed down without a trace.

Feng Yeran was angry. His Fenghua has never been so disobedient to him.

He stood up and scolded: "Feng Hua, I don't remember teaching you to do such impolite things. I also didn't teach you - this method of hiding secrets by destroying things! If you don't If you are willing to tell me, just reject me and tell me the reason for your rejection. If you don't want me to see your paintings, just put them away, don't throw them around and wait for me to clean them up for you, and then don't allow me to ask any questions. What do you mean by destroying them? Not to mention the price of paper and paint, what about the time and energy you spend on painting yourself? Are those worthless?"

There was no guilt on Feng Hua's face. He gently turned over the thick picture scroll that appeared out of thin air in his hand. The paper collided, making a rattling sound. He said slowly: "Don't worry, Ye'er, I didn't destroy them. Look, I just put them away."

- He actually played with me.

Feng Yeran was very angry. He felt that this child had become more and more unfamiliar to him during this period of time, and he could hardly bear this sense of gap.

He suppressed his anger, and after a while, said lightly, "I'm going back."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the iron gate.

But the iron door couldn't be opened at all.


Before Lao Zhang finished speaking, he felt a cold breath spread on the back of his neck: "If you came here before, you would not go back that night."

Feng Yeran understood what he meant. Indeed, when Feng Yeran came over a few times before, of course, he and Feng Hua were squeezed into a small bed to sleep.

"But I want to go back today, you annoyed me."

"But... I'm also very angry."

Feng Yeran frowned: "Why are you angry?"

"I'm angry... You clearly taught me not to lie. But, you lied to me."

Feng Yeran simply didn't understand what he said: "Where did I lie to you?!"

"You were not at home last night, you and the woman were in the hotel."

Feng Yeran turned around immediately, and was somewhat surprised to find that Feng Hua had grown taller again, and now the top of his head had reached the tip of his nose. But now is not the time to admire the other party's growth rate, Feng Yeran looked at Feng Hua's eyes in embarrassment, and looked away almost immediately, he felt his face turn red, and a little annoyed: "How do you know?"

"You smell like that woman all over you."

"Don't keep talking about that woman, it's very rude... But I had a bath when I left the hotel, you bastard, okay, okay, I admit, I was embarrassed to tell you just now, after all, you are still young... "

"You're leaving now, are you going to see that woman again?"

"It's impossible to see you every day, everyone is very busy..."

"Stay here, don't go see her!"

Feng Yeran was stunned for a while, then laughed and joked: "But some naughty guy made me angry today. If I stayed by his side, I might not help but beat him up!"

Feng Hua took his joke seriously, but not only was he not afraid, but he also saw hope on his face. He hugged Feng Yeran tightly and murmured: "Ye'er, hit me! Hit me! But don't go, don't go looking for that woman... don't go... don't go looking for her... "

He hugged him so tightly that Feng Yeran felt pain. Feng Yeran was about to complain, but felt that Feng Hua's voice was a little out of place. It was muffled and had a strange ending. He buried his head and found that the guy holding him tightly, his ears were completely red, and he touched his face, the little guy escaped quickly, but the tears on his face were still touched by Feng Yeran.

He immediately messed up his hands and feet: "Eh? Feng Hua? It's not scientific, it's obviously your fault today, why are you crying!"

Feng Yeran hugged Feng Hua and comforted him for a long time. Like coaxing a child, he tried his best to tell some jokes. He was itching like when Feng Hua was a child. Feng Hua finally calmed down and smiled again.

Suddenly, Feng Yeran's cell phone rang.

Before he looked at the phone number, he pressed the answer button, and a female voice over there came: "Ye Ran, where are you, I'm downstairs in your house..."

Before Feng Yeran could speak, the phone had already been taken away, and he was slammed to the ground with a bang!

Before he could get angry, he felt a dull pain in his back, and Feng Hua slammed him against the iron door. Feng Hua's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a tinge of red in his eyes, which was full of danger.

Feng Yeran smelled another scent. The scent on Feng Hua's body was cold, but with an aggressive scent, stronger than ever before.

At this moment, Feng Yeran stared at the unfamiliar Feng Hua with wide eyes, an inexplicable feeling of dizziness mixed with a feeling of suffocation inflated wildly in his body - he seemed to be able to see the surrounding objects shaking, and even the air was deformed. There is a terrifying force controlling this space, like countless eyes and countless hands, they attacked Feng Yeran, trying to control everything about him, his body, his skin, every cell of his!

"I didn't make an appointment with her, it was her—" He almost blurted out the words.

But the sharp pain made him incomplete at all, because the next moment, Feng Hua tore off his collar, buried his head, and bit his collarbone—

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the 2 landmines that Yuyu also feigned, when I wrote this chapter I was very cold >