
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Outbreak


It was an extremely sharp pain, as if being pierced by several needles into the skin, Feng Yeran almost roared in pain. He subconsciously grabbed Feng Hua's shoulder and pushed it away!

"What are you doing?!" He covered the pain and roared, his head was still dizzy, and his temples were throbbing.

The crazy anger in Feng Hua's eyes has not dissipated, like a wild beast on the verge of eruption. But when his eyes touched Feng Yeran's angry eyes, tears burst out almost the next moment, and the sense of depression in the air suddenly disappeared. His eyes were red, full of fear and reprimand, like a puppy that was afraid of being abandoned by its owner.

"I'm sorry! Ye Er... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I don't know what happened to me... But as soon as I heard... Do you hurt? Are you bleeding?"

Feng Yeran checked it, but only slightly bleeding: "Don't do this in the future."

"Um... sorry... ah, the phone..."

Feng Hua hurriedly picked up the phone on the ground. Although it was still working, the screen was broken. Mobile phones in this era are very resistant to falling, how much effort did it take to break the phone like this...

"You've been with me on my phone for three years." Feng Yeran sighed and checked the phone's functions, "I don't know what you're angry about, it's just a phone call from Chen Xuan. I didn't make an appointment with her before. , she just took the initiative to come to me today. Why don't you like her so much?... Hey, should I change the screen or a new one, I'm really reluctant."

"… "

"I said in case, if I am with her in the future, what will you do? You have to learn to accept her, after all, she is the person I like."

"She's married."

"Maybe she will get a divorce and choose me." Feng Yeran said while sending a text message, "Feng Hua, you have to adjust your mentality. To me, you are like my son, but I am a bachelor too. You can't stay single forever, you will always find a woman. But don't worry, even if I find a wife, our previous relationship is still the same and will not change."

"… "

"She said she wanted to see you, let me tell you the time... Feng Hua, the day after tomorrow, I'll apply to the director, can you meet?"

※ ※ ※

October 24th. Feng Yeran came over early, cleaned the room, and put on new clothes for Feng Hua - a silver-gray wool sweater, loose brown checkered shorts, white socks, and gray slippers. He himself is wearing a dark casual suit, and his hair is just done, looking very refreshing and handsome.

Chen Xuan arrived after dinner.

Feng Hua heard Feng Yeran and her chatting and laughing outside the door, and his eyes slowly moved from the light jumping from the iron window to the two dazzling people. As soon as the woman entered the room, Feng Yeran helped her take off her thick coat and hung it up. Her white high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor, making a rhythmic sound, and her ankles were slender, ah, women's ankles, the ankles Ye'er liked.

The woman puts her black handbag on the table, her fingers are slender with pink nail polish.

[How did she touch Ye'er with these hands?]

Feng Hua tilted his head, but trembled at this moment, because another "self" seemed to come out at this moment, put his hands in his trouser pockets, stepped on the floor with bare feet, walked around behind the sofa, watching He sat down with the two of them and looked at them curiously.

Feng Hua had a headache and closed his eyes.

He heard Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan burst into laughter, and then began to speak to Feng Hua.

"Feng Hua, it's nice to meet you, I'm Chen Xuan, just call me Sister Xuan."

The woman reached out to shake hands with Feng Hua, but Feng Hua didn't move.

The woman withdrew her hand a little embarrassedly, while Feng Yeran smoothed the game and kept winking at Feng Hua. Feng Hua smiled, but remained indifferent. The other Feng Hua was laughing from behind the sofa.

Chen Xuan continued: "Feng Hua, I often hear Ye Ran talk about you. He always whispers in my ear, how smart and powerful you are, how proud he is of you..."

"Xiao Xuan!"

"Don't be shy, hahaha, you're still talking this morning!"

Behind the sofa, another Feng Hua smiled very happily. He stared at Feng Hua sitting on the sofa, and spoke to him silently, slowly changing his mouth shape: today, day, morning, morning.

[They were together again last night.]

Feng Hua took a deep breath and released his clenched fists.

The woman didn't know it, and continued: "I've watched your interviews and reports many times, and I'm really interested in you, especially your ability to turn dreams into reality, I think it's incredible. Ye Ran told me that you once took him into the starry sky on his birthday and turned the room into a fish tank... "

Another Feng Hua propped his right elbow on the sofa, cupped his cheeks and mocked softly: He told her!

[Silly, melon, you are the only one who takes those as secrets between you!]

"I want to make a documentary, I want you to be my protagonist..."

The woman said, took a sip of water, her bright red lips were stained on the white porcelain cup with the pattern of the fat cat. This is Feng Yeran's special cup.

[Maybe your Ye'er also has her lip print on her body!]

[How did she kiss it?]

[Where did she kiss?]

Another Feng Hua seemed to be insane, pointing at Feng Yeran's body and dancing, his face? his neck? His collarbone? his chest? his arm? his belly? …

Feng Hua bit his lower lip fiercely. He felt that his whole body was shaking slightly, especially the temples, where the blood was throbbing, and he felt dizzy.

"I'm sorry!" he said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yeran asked.

Feng Hua raised his eyes to look at Feng Yeran, and what he was about to say changed again: "I'm thirsty..."

Feng Yeran poured a glass of water for Feng Hua, the woman handed the water to Feng Hua, Feng Hua reached for the water, the other Feng Hua's eyes widened excitedly behind the sofa, and gradually revealed a strange smile, the corners of his mouth softened. Lift up slowly.

The moment Feng Hua accidentally touched the woman's finger, the cup of water fell vertically and hit the coffee table, the porcelain cup shattered, and the slightly hot water splashed around—


Feng Hua let out a low growl, his eyes widened in disbelief, a sense of disgust welled up in his throat, and an uncontrollable sense of anger and explosion...

Due to his carelessness, due to his uncontrollable prying motives deep in his heart, he just saw through the woman's skin - seeing the woman's confusion under Feng Yeran's body... She used Her slender fingers firmly grasped Feng Yeran's back, leaving a series of red marks on it...

He heard someone calling his name, someone yelling something, but he didn't know what they were talking about.

The walls and the floor became bumpy, and everything was expanding and shrinking. He raised his hands and found that the skin was peeling off rapidly, something terrible was growing inside his body, and the burning pain spread from his fingertips. up, and soon the arms, the shoulders, the body, even the neck, and even the face—

Before he lost consciousness, he heard a woman's scream:

monster! !

Feng Yeran didn't think that letting Feng Hua see Chen Xuan would lead to such terrible consequences.

For four years, Feng Hua has been stable in a human state, almost forgetting that he is a terrifying, bloodthirsty monster who devoured his mother and the arm of a researcher when he was just born!

Feng Yeran watched this delicate-looking child helplessly. The moment the cup fell on the coffee table, he seemed to be extremely frightened - his eyes widened, as if he had seen something terrible, and he held onto himself tightly. hair, growl!

Calling him by name, going over to catch him, soothing him, but to no avail. His whole body was shaking violently, his blood vessels swelled, his whole body was hot, and his face was distorted!

This is an unimaginable and terrifying process of change. Feng Yeran saw Feng Hua's skin peeling off quickly, like a piece of paper burned by flames, and terrifying limbs burst out from inside—

Once again, Feng Hua lost almost all the characteristics of a human being, lost his nose and mouth, he was about 1.65 meters tall, but his tentacles could almost cover the entire room, his body was twisted and unstructured, it was beyond description. level. The things in the room were overturned and shattered one after another.

Before Feng Yeran could react, she heard Chen Xuan's screams - Chen Xuan's neck was entangled by those sticky limbs, and she suddenly lifted up!

Chen Xuan struggled violently, and her high heels fell to the ground: "Help!"

"Let go of her!!!!"

Feng Yeran yelled in fright. He attacked the body with the seat, trying to pull her off, but the body that was entangled in Chen Xuan was extremely hard. The door has been knocked open, and several staff have rushed in. Some people have already shot a few injections of anesthetic, but it is useless. Moreover, the increasing pressure caused a pain in the head, constantly preventing the new arrivals. Obviously, the monsters have set up something similar to an enchantment in this space, and they cannot enter without his permission.

The monster stalked Chen Xuan like a madman, and hoarse, almost inaudible strange voices sounded one after another, almost like a terrible spell: "Kill you...kill you...kill you...kill you...kill about you… "

"Feng Hua!! Let her go!!" Feng Yeran tried to wake him up.

"Monster! Let go of Chen Xuan! Otherwise we'll shoot!" Lao Zhang and the others shouted.


Seeing Chen Xuan's struggle getting weaker and weaker, Feng Hua grabbed the gun from Lao Zhang's hand, gritted his teeth, pulled the wrench with his fingers, and hit Chen Xuan's limb with a bang. Several tentacles splattered violently, and blood splattered everywhere. The monster struggled violently and let out a hiss, but it still wouldn't let go of Chen Xuan.

Feng Yeran's gun pointed directly at the monster's "head" and growled, "Feng Hua, I warn you, if you kill her, I will definitely kill you!"

His words worked.

After a few seconds, the monster let go of Chen Xuan with a scream.

Then, utter hysteria.

It was very shrill, and the ceiling lights and glass were completely shattered. After the scream subsided, it broke, rolled, and even self-mutilated without any rules, he destroyed almost everything in the room that could be broken, it broke its own tentacles, it hit the wall countless times, making a dull sound. sound. It was subjected to countless anesthesia needles, and finally, the hysteria stopped.

It has fewer tentacles and a smaller shape.

In the end, it became a piece of carrion again, only two or three times bigger than when it was born.

It lay in a pool of blood, staring at the man who held the woman in his arms, and two streams of fluid spilled out of its eyes, running comically and disgustingly down its rough skin, onto the dirty floor.

A seam was split open from its body, and the seam opened and closed slightly.

It's saying, Ye Er, I'm sorry.

After that, its consciousness lapsed. Sometimes people gather around, injecting something for itself, and it doesn't know where it is.

I don't know how long it took, and it called "Ye'er" like a dream. I don't know if it was a dream or reality. Following the familiar smell, it vaguely saw the crooked aisle and the twisted door. It saw Ye'er's back.

Ye'er was talking to a man.

He said: "… I know. 347 is our most important experiment, and we can't live without it now… Well, in development, but at least three years away… I know, when the time comes, I will…"

It laughed.

It feels pain all over, stomachache, stomachache, but where is the stomach and stomach.

Its whole body was shrinking, and finally it turned into a ball, rolled on the ground, and was kicked as a ball by the child.

※ ※ ※

After the incident, Chen Xuan was rushed to the hospital, but luckily it was just a trauma and there was no major problem.

This incident almost caused an extremely negative impact. Fortunately, the people in the institute immediately blocked the news. They rejected the reporter who was going to interview Feng Hua, canceled Feng Hua's trip next month, imprisoned Feng Hua again, and gave him to him. Chained. Feng Yeran was called to have a long talk with the director and the dean.

The following is Feng Yeran's diary that lasted for half a month:

October 24

I didn't expect this to happen at all. Feng Hua broke out, and he turned into a monster again. A monster a hundred times more terrifying than he was born. He's grown in size, and he's screaming, as if trying to destroy everything. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan. Fortunately, Chen Xuan was fine.

What's going on? Obviously I talked to him about Chen Xuan many times, and he agreed to see her. I don't understand what irritated him at all. But there must be something I overlooked.

October 25

He was put in the electric prison again, and I didn't sleep all night. The director talked to me for a long time, nothing more than talking about his danger, his anesthesia issue, I have to express my position, otherwise it will be troublesome in the future.

But I really don't know what the problem is, although he was scary when he was born, he has been raised by me for so long, I think I know him, he has always been a docile, obedient, kind child - I really do you know him

I was surprised by this assumption of mine. Yeah, do I really know him? ! Have I been fooling myself all this time? !

I watched the surveillance video over and over again - indeed, he seemed to be not quite right all the time, his line of sight was not quite right. On the day of the accident, he often looked behind the sofa, and after zooming in several times, he saw that he seemed to be stimulated all the time, and his body was shaking all the time - is he enduring? The reason why he broke out was because Chen Xuan handed him water, but why did handing the water make him break out? Make him look so terrified? !

October 26

Sleepless night too. I'm really angry, I don't know what happened to Feng Hua, why is he so ignorant, if he really killed someone, he would be shot immediately - doesn't he know? I wanted to talk to him right away, but he was still a monster, not human at all. Should not be ah.

October 27

Chen Xuan is much better, she has to go home, she told me a lot, and I was absent-minded. My mind is full of electric prisons, I must go and see right away, Feng Hua may have transformed into a human form, crying in the electric prison! After all, he is still a child, and when he does something wrong, an adult should educate him well and ask him to apologize.

But he still didn't transform into a human form, he still looked like a monster. He has been shrinking in the corner, his body is covered with a layer of albuginea, and is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. He didn't eat or drink at all, and he couldn't see any vital signs. It was as if he was dead! ! What the hell is going on? !

Feng Hua's growth rate, ability, everything about him seems to be related to his emotions. His world is very small, and the things that affect his emotions are actually very single. I obviously knew it. I clearly put this sentence into the experimental report. But I chose to ignore it!

October 28

I couldn't sleep at all, all I thought about was Feng Hua all day. I found out I was wrong! I was wrong! ! I was wrong again! How can I be so stupid and don't know how to learn from my mistakes! !

I watched the previous surveillance video countless times. Feng Hua had already started to have problems. He often talks to himself, he has been painting, he has painted many, many paintings, and he is often silent, or broken down, emotionally unstable.

He clearly gave me enough opportunities - I saw his paintings, and he clearly painted me! He clearly confessed to me! Although I spent an afternoon convincing him, did he really give up on me? Have you really become a mature child? Or is he still obsessed with me? Then every time I mention Chen Xuan to him, is it provoking him? In the previous craniotomy experiment, I wrote the report after sleepless nights, ignoring him, and then he suddenly lost all senses. Now, although I often come to see him, do I really take him to heart at all times

As I lay on the bed, a sentence suddenly popped into my head:

"I want to be with Ye'er forever!"

"But, Ye'er belongs to me alone, right?"

"It's obviously mine."

"But I like you, isn't that okay?!"

"Ye'er, what do you want me to say? Because I was rejected by the person I like... So I broke down and couldn't control myself, so I hurt people?"

"It's dirty."

"Where were you last night?"

"You clearly taught me not to lie. But, you lied to me."

"You smell like that woman all over you."

"You go now, are you going to see that woman again?"

"Ye'er, hit me! Hit me! But don't go! Don't go to that woman... Don't go! Don't go to her!"

I couldn't help covering the teeth marks on my collarbone that had not been completely eliminated, and my stomach started to hurt again, God, how could I be so stupid. During this time, I was thinking about Chen Xuan every day, and I could hardly see the truth... With such an obvious hint, I actually thought it was just the jealous nature of a child, and I was worried that I wouldn't care about him after having a wife! !

It's true he's always been a very cute, very good kid, but he's changed recently, he's grown taller, he's become harder to understand, he often says things I don't think he can say, his mood changes Very big, but I ignored him during his special period, so all this was not caused by him, but by me! !

- But what should I do if he is still obsessed with me? How could I possibly fall in love with a child? a boy? ? my child? Isn't it crueler to deceive him and pretend to accept him in order to appease him? !

God, what the hell am I supposed to do? !

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thanks to Ming Lan for throwing the grenade

Thank you for the mines I threw

Thank you for the mines thrown by Xiaodang Swing

Thanks for the mines thrown on Qishang

Thank you for the 2 mines that I feigned to throw

Thanks to Twilight Song for throwing 2 mines

Thanks for the landmines thrown by the people who eat melons

Thank you for your comments too~

Hug everyone Mua -3-