
Chapter 13: chatper 13 brutal


Feng Yeran slept very deeply and had a very long dream. Dreams are fragmentary, he forgot the content of the dream again and again, and he was annoyed again and again in the dream.

The moment he woke up, he was stunned for nearly a minute, his ears quickly flushed red, but soon, he became quite desperate again, he scratched his hair and his shoulders shook slightly. Because he believed that everything last night was just a dream, just like those previous dreams, his Feng Hua never woke up, and maybe he won't wake up in the future.

He put on the headphones almost unconsciously, and then he heard a familiar voice: "Ye'er, good morning."

Feng Yeran's eyes widened, staring at the surveillance screen as if in a dream, when he saw the young man standing under the camera looking up and smiling at him. His black hair was messy and his eyes were smiling.

When Feng Yeran jumped up, the earphone fell on the ground and accidentally touched the corner of the table, but he ran towards the electric prison as if he had no pain, and the door was not closed.

Feng Hua was standing under the bars.

Feng Yeran walked towards him step by step, actually a little nervous.

Feng Hua was tall and tall and looked seventeen or eighteen years old. He was wearing a white shirt that Feng Yeran had left in the electric prison, which was obviously too small, trousers that were too short, and the shirt was unbuttoned. Sunlight streamed in from the window, and fragments of light floated around Feng Hua, as if his fair skin and firm texture were glowing. His black curly hair floated slightly, his once large eyes became slender, and his iris was so pure blue, so blue that it was as blue as the deep sea that could be sucked in in an instant.

"Are you an angel?" Feng Yeran asked Feng Hua with his head raised in front of him.

"?" Feng Hua showed a puzzled expression.

"I just felt like you were glowing all over."

Feng Hua smiled, his laughter was very pleasant, with a faint magnetic sound.

At this moment, nothing really matters. Feng Yeran held the child taller than himself tightly in his arms, and murmured, "You finally woke up... Finally woke up, I thought you would sleep forever."

At least five or six minutes later, Feng Yeran let go of Feng Hua, and then he remembered the dream from last night. He scratched his head in embarrassment and asked, "Feng Hua, when did you wake up?"

"last night."

"Did you... get out of the electric prison last night?"

"You didn't dream."

"What?" Feng Yeran insisted on escaping reality.

Feng Hua stared at Feng Yeran's lips and whispered with a smile, "I said, your lips... are a little red and swollen."

He wanted to get angry but was afraid of hurting Feng Hua who just woke up. He couldn't deny it if he wanted to, and he couldn't leave immediately. Feng Yeran was embarrassed beyond description. Knowing if he was being held back, Feng Yeran's body trembled slightly, and then the entire back of the ear and the neck turned red, making people wonder whether to laugh or cry.

※ ※ ※

After Feng Hua woke up, Feng Yeran begged the director repeatedly and made several guarantees before taking Feng Hua home. Now he is really worried about letting Feng Hua live in the small room he used to be, for fear of evoking bad memories from him and stimulating him again.

At the same time, he is also applying for a better residence for Feng Hua. In the future, he may be able to live in a small courtyard one or two kilometers away from the research institute. It used to be an office. It is big, with a small garden around it, and it is relatively close to the park. In short, Feng Yeran wanted to strive for more freedom and better living conditions for him as much as possible. Of course, the difficulty must still be there, after all, Feng Huacai made trouble.

And Feng Hua doesn't seem to mind at all. He is very obedient. No matter what Feng Yeran asks him to do, he will do it. If Feng Yeran doesn't let him do it, he just sits obediently and stares at Feng Yeran. When he woke up, he was obviously weak, and just after lunch, he fell asleep on the soft sofa.

Feng Yeran covered him with a quilt and closed the curtains. When he was busy with everything, he finally calmed down and thought about difficult issues.

He looked at the big boy curled up in the quilt and frowned.

—If my love for you was the kind of love you want, that would be great.

He was suddenly startled by his own thoughts, and then thought of Chen Xuan again. During this time, Chen Xuan's phone and text messages continued, but before Feng Hua woke up, he had no intention of doing anything else.

He used to love Chen Xuan vigorously, and now he still wants her love extravagantly. But is this really right? She didn't divorce Feng Boran, so was she willing to be a third party for her

He thought for a moment, sighed, and sent a text message to Chen Xuan, agreeing to meet at the coffee shop that night.

The two dressed up in disguise chatted in the warm cafe. Chen Xuan said at least three times: Ye Ran, you lost weight. Four times: Ye Ran, are you okay? Five times: Why don't you look at me

It was the first time that Feng Yeran was so cold in front of her, which made her a little overwhelmed.

After drinking coffee, the two walked on the road. The street lights came on one after another, and night fell.

Feng Yeran finally said: "Xiaoxuan, I have always liked you. But, let's not meet again in the future."

"What?!" Chen Xuan obviously couldn't believe it, "Why?? What happened??"

"You almost died this time."

"That was an accident! Feng Hua will accept me in the future!"

"We have to be sneaky even to meet each other."

"I can't help it, Ye Ran..."

"It's not impossible! And that's not the point..."

"What's the point?! Isn't the point that I love you? You love me too! Ye Ran! Don't scare me!"

Feng Yeran stared into Chen Xuan's eyes with a gloomy expression, "You said you love me, can you divorce Feng Boran?"

"… "

"You can't, can you. Then what's the point of me being with you like this? I don't want to be a backup again."

After speaking, he walked forward on his own, the cold wind whistling.

"It was me who was wrong in high school!! But now I really love you! You are not a spare tire!"

Chen Xuan shouted loudly from behind, regardless of her image, then ran up and hugged Feng Yeran's back tightly.

Feng Yeran was taken aback: "Are you crazy? What if you are discovered??"

"There's no one else here but the two of us!"

Chen Xuan's tears fell: "Feng Yeran! Please don't leave me! I only have you! Do you think I've lived happily ever after marrying Feng Boran? He hardly ever comes home now, and he is socializing every day. Socializing! He doesn't want to see me at all! Even if he comes home, he doesn't care if I live or die... Our marriage has long since existed in name only... That's right... I've been reluctant to divorce because I always thought he would look back at me... But I Wrong... I should get a divorce! I should get a divorce!"

Chen Xuan burst into tears.

Feng Yeran's heart throbbed, and finally he couldn't hold it back. He turned around and hugged Chen Xuan in his arms: "Okay, don't cry anymore, I won't force you."

When he returned in the afternoon, his face was pale, his eyes were dark, and his stomach was throbbing. During this period of time, Feng Hua did not help him with treatment, and he was already used to it.

As soon as he walked in the door, someone took him into his arms, and before he could react, he was picked up by the waist and placed on the soft sofa. Feng Hua gently helped him take off his coat and shoes. Then press the warm palm against his stomach.

Feng Yeran smiled: "You know my stomach hurts."


"How do you know?"

"I can hear it."

"How did you hear it?"

Feng Yeran just smiled and didn't speak.

The stomach was warm, the pain gradually eased, and the troubles reappeared, and he gradually frowned.

"What's wrong? Not happy?" Feng Hua asked.

"Xiao Xuan—" Feng Yeran stopped talking as soon as he said his name. He knew that he shouldn't mention this name in front of Feng Hua, and his stomach hurt a little bit.

Feng Hua hugged him from behind and covered his stomach with his palms, and bursts of warmth poured into his body, making Feng Yeran close his eyes comfortably. Seemingly inadvertent, Feng Hua whispered in his ear, "Ye'er, you can love her."

Feng Yeran opened his eyes in surprise.

"As long as you don't leave me, stay by my side like this occasionally, reward me occasionally when I make you happy, even if you don't love me, it doesn't matter. You can love her."

"... Feng Hua."

"Why are you crying again?"

"Feng Hua, can't you just give up on me and like other people?"


"Silly boy, people are changeable."

"I'm not human."

※ ※ ※

The busy life of the Institute has begun again. I am interviewed almost every day, attend various international conferences every month, and give various types of lectures. Indeed, as Feng Hua said, he will no longer restrict Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan's contacts, and he will also ask for rewards after helping Feng Yeran, for example, ask Feng Hua to hold hands with him, squeeze his shoulders for him, give He bathes, washes his clothes, cooks for him, tells him stories, watches movies with him, sleeps with him, and if it's more difficult, he'll ask for a kiss.

Chen Xuan also began to contact Feng Hua in a planned way. Fortunately, Feng Hua doesn't seem to have much resistance to her now. Everyone says that Feng Hua has become more mature. Finally, when spring came, a documentary about the special function of Fenghua began to be recorded.

The first season, titled "Dream Makers," has only five episodes. Mainly by Feng Hua, the experimenter's dreams are reproduced, ranging from simple dreams to complex dreams, from intermittent to plot-line, from ordinary to thrilling.

The show has only been out for five episodes, and it has achieved great success, especially the girls on the Internet are about to explode. For them, this person has an extraordinary appearance, a good figure, a terrible voice, and has special functions. The young Adeser men are simply their dream lovers. The sisters and housewives in their twenties and thirties discuss whether Feng Hua is a little milk dog or a little wolf dog. The younger girls make up various fan comic novels; some The plastic surgery hospital began to study Feng Hua's "template", because many people came to the door and said they wanted to look like Feng Hua; someone on an academic website claimed that Feng Hua had Adesall's royal bloodline, although there was not much basis for it, but it was very popular among readers. Popular; there are even rumors that a company wants to make a love mobile game about Feng Hua, and the news has been on the hot search as soon as it came out.

The trailer for the second season has been widely publicized on the Internet again. The name is "Creator", which mainly introduces Feng Hua's ability to copy. Due to the excellent ratings of the first season, the second season decided to do ten episodes, starting with simple still life reproductions, such as a flower, a sapling, a stone, and then a glass of water, a fish, a bird, Two rabbits, three monkeys... It is said that the last episode will be a copy of a person, which makes everyone excited.

Feng Hua's fame is getting bigger and bigger, even more than most celebrities.

As he became famous, he gained more and more privileges and more freedom. He has communication equipment and a residence under his own name, so he can go out with Feng Yeran unrestrictedly.

One day in midsummer, he had just finished filming "The Creator", and went to a well-known American university with Feng Yeran to attend an international conference. After the end, Feng Yeran had a good chat with the scholars, and Feng Hua walked out first, wandering around the campus, occasionally listening to what the teachers in the classroom were saying at the door.

Some are talking about quantum physics, some are talking about biology, and some are philosophical.

Standing at the back door, Feng Hua looked at a blond female professor pointing at the three-dimensional image, and said in standard English, "This is a famous painting from hundreds of years ago. The only thing you can see is the eyes, whether it is male or female. Is it good or evil?"

Student: "Vicious."

Professor: "Why?"

Student: "Because the eyes are very fierce, like a woman's eyes, with such long eyelashes." A burst of laughter.

The screen has become larger, and now everyone can see the face and part of the action.

"It's actually a man, such a handsome man. Although he has no expression, he looks a little bit painful. He must be a believer. He is holding something like a cross in his hand. Is he reading the Bible?"

Professor: "Look, the cross pierced his heart, he's a devil."

Student: "Routine, I don't think he's a devil."

Professor: "Yes, although the cross pierced his heart, look at all—"

Student: "Ah, he is actually an angel, the devil behind him is the devil, and the cross pierced through him and the devil behind him!"

Student: "So, does this painting tell the story of angels and demons perishing together?"

Professor: "Look again."

Student: "... There is actually a mirror. This angel is looking in the mirror and sees the past or the future?"

It was quite interesting. Feng Hua listened to it for a few minutes, and then continued to walk forward. He accidentally met Sean. The two of them were already very familiar. Because of Sean's existence as a 'paparazzi', Feng Hua could not even talk to Feng Yeran. Separated, will know the details of his life.

Sean grabbed Feng Hua and said, "Xiao Huahua, do you have anything to eat? I'm starving to death!"

"No, go away."

"Don't be so cold, did I say you're not hungry? You don't eat much and you still grow so tall?"

Sean gestured while talking. He was almost 180, and Feng Hua was obviously a little taller than him: "You are growing too fast. When I saw you for the first time, you were still a little kid."

"You're fat too."

"...I've always been very strong, okay?"

The two of you walked into a dense grove one by one. There are many towering trees, dense shrubs and weeds, and fine wildflowers.

The deeper you go, the more you can hear the lively sounds of insects, "buzzing" and "squeaking". It's just been raining a while and it's clear that the insects are enjoying their spree in the jungle.

Sean was very excited, he snapped his fingers: "Look, these shameless guys are mating in front of everyone. God, how many are there?"

"A few million," replied a teenager, who had already caught a cage of grasshoppers. And those crazy grasshoppers, even if they were caught in the cage, still tried hard to overlap one on top of the other, their red wings and green legs overlapped each other, and their dark red eyes stared blankly at the grasshoppers. his people.

And this is the scene in this dense forest—millions of grasshoppers overlap each other in the crevices of the trees, mating frantically, and there are those dense, silly dark red eyes everywhere.

The blond girl in a long pink dress was obviously disgusted. She pointed to the groups of white butterflies and sighed, "Butterflies are better. Sure enough, the purest and most beautiful creatures in this world are butterflies. Look, how much they are dancing. Joyful dance. Looking at it this way, these jade-white butterflies look like white clouds. Not like grasshoppers, shameless."

And Sean smiled immediately: "But girl, you're obviously thinking too much. You think these butterflies are celebrating their happiness with purity, but that's not the case, they're actually chasing evil sex, like these shameless Like a grasshopper."

"You are talking nonsense!" The girl was dissatisfied.

Sean was excited.

Feng Hua stopped him immediately: "Don't say a few words."

The girl said: "...Even if they are just mating, at least they are happily together."

"Let me talk about it without losing a piece of meat." Sean stood up with a confident face, as if he regarded himself as a professor in the classroom, "But are they really happy together? Dear girl, Tomorrow morning, or tomorrow night, the millions of insects, including your beautiful, pure butterflies, will all die."


"I'm not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, come and look for them the day after tomorrow. Of course, you will find some grasshoppers and some butterflies sporadically, but they are new. You rarely notice them. Buried in the dirt, those thousands of corpses." Sean caught a grasshopper and said while playing, "Maybe, they won't survive tomorrow night at all. They may die from mating too violently. , will die from fighting each other, will kill each other, commit suicide, maybe, will be eaten by birds... Girl, don't you see? Those birds standing on the tree are staring at these wanton mating insects Well, maybe as soon as we leave, they will pounce on them and kill one of them in one bite.”


The girl was so frightened that she grabbed the boy and ran forward, and she disappeared after a while.

Feng Hua was speechless: "Why are you scaring them?"

Sean let go of the grasshopper, helplessly: "I didn't scare them, I'm telling the truth. Nature is so cruel. Speaking of which - don't you think the person you like is cruel to you too?"

Feng Hua raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

"Are you satisfied now?"

"It's good now. I can be with him, he's very nice to me, and he's almost never going to say no to anything I want."

"Do you really think so? Your relationship seems very peaceful, as if he thinks a lot about you, he loves you very much - of course just the father's love for the son, the creator's love for the created, and he must cherish you , you must force yourself to satisfy you, why? Because of your value! You are his most precious experiment, not only that, you can help him treat cancer and make his career a success, at least for several years without any experiments Goods can replace you. But once they appear, what do you think will happen to you? Humans are fickle.”

Feng Hua instantly remembered that vague memory. At that time, he stumbled through the aisles of the institute and heard the conversation between Feng Yeran and the director. Although it was intermittent, he could still infer that Feng Yeran said that there would be at least three years before a replacement for Feng Hua could be produced. At that point, he'll... His head hurts again.

After several seconds, he spoke in a low voice, his voice sarcastic: "I know that I have only a short-term use value for him. But so what. As long as he is strong enough that he can't abandon me, he has to ask for it. I'll be fine-"

"So you are willing to do this? He still maintains a lover relationship with Chen Xuan? If they do get married in the future, can you really bear it? Even if Feng Yeran doesn't reject you, think about Chen Xuan. What kind of woman can accept that her husband is loved by another man? And the two still meet every day and stay together every day?"

Feng Hua looked at the jungle that carried millions of grasshoppers, "Sean, you can see the cruelty beneath the beauty, which is good, but jumping up and resisting is not necessarily the best move. The more important thing is to be patient, to be accustomed to cruelty, Stepping on these buried corpses, with what seems to be the purest gesture, quietly achieve your purpose."

Sean looked at Feng Hua in surprise, and was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Good job."

He scratched his head and suddenly said, "I have a good idea to help you defeat your rival!"

After speaking, he leaned into Feng Hua's ear and said something excitedly.

Feng Hua's eyes were gloomy: "No. Absolutely not."

"You haven't done it yet, why do you think you can't do it??"

"I won't do anything bad for Ye'er."

After speaking, Feng Hua walked away.

Sean was dissatisfied, and a stone flew over, it turned out to be a vengeful teenager. Sean jumped up and rushed over to go wild, just like a child who didn't grow up.

Feng Hua stood for a while under the warm sunset when he heard a familiar voice.

"Feng Hua, so you are here, but you're killing me." Feng Yeran's voice.

"Come for a walk. How about the meeting?"

"It was very successful. They completely accepted our proposal. Feng Hua, you did a great job today, and those big people appreciate you quite a bit."

"I even made a documentary yesterday afternoon, and I just slept on the plane last night."

"Yeah, you just finished filming an episode of a documentary, and you came with me to the United States to attend an international conference. You must be very tired."

"Yeah, very tired. So, give me a reward."

As soon as he heard the word 'reward', Feng Yeran's ears turned a little red. He hoped in his heart that Feng Hua only wanted a big hug, or some other simple request. But from this ambiguous atmosphere, I read something.

His cool hands were held by Feng Hua, and as soon as he raised his head, he met Feng Hua's beautiful eyes.

The dark eyelashes are long and slender, the pupils are slightly enlarged, the usually blue iris has become a deep blue and deep, and inexplicably merged with the gradually deepening blue sky, it seems that even the magical light of the sunset is also rendered in these eyes.

The sun fell into the mountains, blue and purple instantly covered the whole world, jade-white butterflies danced around the two of them, and insects chirped.

"I finished the eighth episode and wanted a kiss."

"… "

"Do you agree?"

After more than ten seconds, Feng Yeran closed his eyes resignedly: "I agree."

But Feng Hua didn't kiss his lips, he buried his head and put his lips on Feng Yeran's forehead.

Feng Yeran opened his eyes in surprise, as if he hadn't thought of it.

Feng Hua tilted his head to look at him and continued: "I followed you to the United States to attend an international conference, and I behaved well. I want a second kiss. Do you agree?"


Feng Hua turned his head and kissed Feng Yeran gently on the cheek.

Feng Yeran smiled, obviously, not only did he not reject it, but he liked it very much. No matter how tall Feng Hua became, he still looks like that little kid who likes to act like a spoiled child, his very cute little Feng Hua.

Feng Yeran couldn't help rubbing his hair and murmured, "It's really good."

Feng Hua was silent for a while, then seriously said under Feng Yeran's claws: "This week, I attended three large conferences, was interviewed five times, filmed a documentary for two days, and read a lot of books for the copy of the last episode. ... So Ye Er, I still want a third kiss."


Before Feng Yeran's lips were closed, they were sealed by Feng Hua's lips.

Feng Hua wrapped his arms around his lower back, kissing him in the bright moonlight and among the thousands of butterflies, as gentle as kissing a fragile artwork.

Originally, he was only embarrassed, but when his chest was close to Feng Hua, Feng Hua's heartbeat shocked him.

thump... thump... thump... thump...

He didn't expect the seemingly calm Feng Hua's heartbeat to be so fast.

Breathing so hot.

He really felt that Feng Hua loved him and loved him fervently.

Then soon, his heartbeat also suddenly increased, and his breathing was difficult.

The kiss was not long.

And when Feng Hua's lips left his, Feng Yeran didn't push Feng Hua away, but hugged him back instead.

"Ye'er?" Feng Hua was a little surprised.

Feng Yeran seemed to have just woken up from a big dream. He immediately retracted his hand and was stunned for a few seconds before saying, "Let's go back."

Feng Hua's excited eyes dimmed a bit again: "Okay."


①The paragraphs of the grasshopper and the butterfly are taken from "The Golden Notes", Chinese version P413, Paul's words.