
Chapter 15: Chapter 15 Exposure (Fill)


Feng Hua had a dream. In the dream, he was lying in the sea of paper pages, and on each piece of paper, dense words were written, but he could not see clearly. A white figure floated around in the space, then flew towards him, stayed above him, looked at him, and softly called his name: Feng Hua.

Feng Hua.

Feng Hua.

Feng Hua woke up and found a group of people calling his name.

"Feng Hua! Wake up! We're here!"

On this day, the crew of the documentary and the research institute had a dinner together. They rented a hotel and planned to party all night.

Standing on the window sill on the second floor, Feng Yeran saw many people crowded outside the hotel. Many young girls were holding signs and shouting something. Occasionally, the words "Feng Hua" and "Love you" could be heard. His fans blocked the door of the hotel.

In the crowd, Feng Hua still looked very tall and outstanding.

Schoolgirls gave him gifts, asked for autographs and shook hands.

Even if he walked into the hotel and fans were stopped at the door, Feng Yeran deeply discovered the fact that Feng Hua was extremely popular for the first time.

At first only one or two people took the initiative to talk to him, but he soon became the focus of attention. Curious people will go to take pictures with him, interview him, and more importantly, girls with red cheeks when they see him.

And Feng Hua is really different from when he was a child. When he was a child, he would tremble when he stood in the crowd. He didn't like banquets. Every time he went to a banquet with Feng Yeran, he would go home with Feng Yeran twisting. At this moment, he was calm and graceful in the crowd.

A beautiful young woman approached Feng Hua and talked to him.

Feng Yeran asked, "Who is that woman? She looks familiar."

The male colleague was speechless: "Director, you don't know about Gao Jinyi! The young model who has become very popular recently! She was published in a world-renowned magazine at the age of 19!"

Feng Yeran suddenly remembered the huge advertisement hanging on the mall recently: "She actually came."

"Yeah, it's probably for Feng Hua, tsk tsk."

Gao Jinyi has Western European-style braided blond hair, wearing a rose gold evening dress, her back is completely exposed, her slender figure is slender, her waist is tied with a bow, and she is wearing high heels, which is really the focus of the audience.

She didn't look at any other man at all, she kept talking to Feng Hua, and her shoulders trembled from time to time with laughter.

Inexplicably, Feng Yeran felt a sense of superiority at this moment.

These people around Feng Hua, obviously never dared to approach him, they all despised and feared him. How could Feng Hua look down on these people


Feng Yeran's mind kept replaying the pictures he saw yesterday. Feng Hua said in front of the whole world that his eyes, nose, mouth, his hair, and his flesh and blood were all created by himself. His own, from beginning to end, all he loves is only himself—

Before he could question this sudden and inexplicable sense of superiority, he saw Feng Hua looking towards him.

At the moment when the sights collided, Feng Yeran became nervous, and his heart was beating fast.

He knows his Fenghua so well, he knows that his Fenghua will get rid of that beautiful young model and walk towards him in the next moment. He has always been the only one in his Feng Hua's eyes.

These crazy ideas that came out one after another made Feng Yeran collapse.

But what made him collapse even more was that Feng Hua just glanced at him lightly and then turned his eyes away, as if his eyes were just passing over a stranger.

The beautiful young model held Feng Hua's arm, and they went to the buffet area under the envious eyes of people. The beautiful waltz sounded, and some couples were already snuggling and dancing on the dance floor.

Male colleague A complained on the side: "Tsk tsk, I announced to the world that I love you yesterday."

Male colleague B was speechless: "I said, the love I said yesterday is obviously just a kind of family affection, it is a kind of gratitude expressed by the creator, don't think about it. Mom said she loved them... But speaking of it, Gao Jinyi is too... A man can't hold back, right?"

Feng Yeran didn't listen to them much, just poured wine cup after cup.

There was a dull pain in his stomach again, but he didn't stop.

He really couldn't understand the thoughts and emotions that kept popping up these days—unfamiliar, inexplicable, emotions that didn't belong to him. He must have been controlled - he is obviously a normal man, he clearly loves Chen Xuan, he clearly only has family affection for Feng Hua - yes, he must have been forced into something that does not belong to him - otherwise, why would he so strange? Why would he actually hope that Feng Hua really only loves him and really can't see anyone else? To be actually uncomfortable because Feng Hua ignored him? To be jealous of that young girl? !

The burning liquid was poured into his chest again and again, as if he was testing something.

Feng Hua won't watch him drink too much, he will definitely stop him - now, a certain chemical reaction has almost formed, every time he attends a banquet, Feng Hua will drink instead of Feng Yeran, he can't see Feng Yeran Drink more.

But Feng Hua didn't come.

It was impossible for him not to know that Feng Yeran was here.

He could know where Feng Yeran was and what he was doing just by listening and smelling.

Obviously, Feng Yeran was ignored.

Probably because he drank too much, Feng Yeran's vision became more and more blurred. Feng Hua's figure had already mixed into the crowd, and he couldn't see it clearly.

There were many people who came to talk to him and toast him. In his opinion, those people looked the same, they were all dolls wearing smiling face masks.

He's a doll too, he laughs and talks like a different person.

He no longer understands himself. He tried hard to disguise himself, tried to bluff with his voice to get someone's attention, tragically flaunted something illusory, and tried hard and silently to say 'you ignore me, it doesn't matter to me'. But he was already very, very in pain. Stomach pain, body pain, numbness.

While pretending, he was waiting almost anxiously, worried and suspicious. Suspecting that his emotions were imposed, Suspecting that Feng Hua's so-called liking was just a short-lived hallucination caused by his illness, and the lines he heard yesterday were just choreographed lines.

Occasionally, he thought he was funny. Didn't he always want Feng Hua to divert his attention? Isn't Feng Hua doing what he wants to see now? So what is he suffering from

Feng Hua never came.

After some time, he received a call from Chen Xuan.

Obviously the body is already extremely uncomfortable, but the mind is clear. Feng Yeran stood up staggeringly, and his male colleague immediately helped him up.

"I have to go."

"Ah? It's so early."

"Where's Feng Hua?"

"Please Director, you don't want to take him away!"

"No... just ask."

"Haha, just say you won't be so cruel. Look, over there, sitting with Gao Jinyi. I don't know if they can make it today... Don't worry about it, he is so old, Gao Jinyi still Yes, there were no scandals before, and people are beautiful... "

Feng Yeran didn't look towards Feng Hua. He took his briefcase and staggered into the elevator. In order to hide from the public, Chen Xuan first waited for Feng Yeran in the reserved room.

Feng Yeran collapsed on the sofa, with red skin and a smile on his face.

Chen Xuan changed his clothes: "Why did you drink so much?"

"Xiao Xuan, do you like me?"

"I like it, what's wrong?"

"Will you betray me? Will you leave me?"

"What nonsense! Drink some water and go take a shower."

"Feng Hua has grown up."

"He's grown up."

"Sooner or later he will leave me too. I have only you."

The woman hesitated for his undressing hand, and then said, "You are so drunk, go take a shower."

Feng Yeran went to take a bath.

Chen Xuan opened Feng Yeran's briefcase and took out his computer, which was as thin as a sheet of paper. As soon as he touched it, a three-dimensional image flashed out. The password is very simple, it is her birthday. It wasn't the first time she had turned on his computer.

There was a constant sound of water in the bathroom, and drops of cold sweat fell from Chen Xuan's forehead. She stared at the document in front of her, her fingers trembling.

Meanwhile, the lively lower floors of the hotel.

Feng Hua's phone rang, it was Sean's.

"What's up?"

"Your Ye'er and Chen Xuan have opened a room?"

"I don't need you to tell me."

"Oh? You're not going to take my advice yet?"

"Not interested in."

"Feng Hua, are you actually a tortoise? I'm not worth a hundred times for you! Besides, don't you want to get him?"

"I want to give up."

"Are you serious?"

"... Heh, just kidding, if only I could give up."

"I knew you would say that! I said Mr. Good, don't you want to take revenge on them? Don't you want to do something to make him have to come to you? Didn't you say lofty rhetoric in the United States before, all of which are false Is it?"

"… "

"Fool, you have successfully brought Chen Xuan and your Ye'er to the top of their lives, what should you do next? It's very simple, just drop them. Your Ye'er will soon understand, How fragile their relationship is, and how important you are to him—"

"Shut up. I said, I won't do anything bad for Ye'er."

After speaking, Feng Hua hung up the phone.

Chen Xuan stared at the screen. As long as she clicked OK, she would be able to obtain Feng Yeran's confidential information. At the same time, a virus that had already been set up would erode the original document, making the information crippled and ridiculous. Imitation.

She knew that if she gave this information to Feng Boran, she and Feng Yeran would be finished.

But the relationship with Feng Yeran, from the beginning to the present, is a plan. Her only goal is to get Feng Yeran's confidential document, because Feng Boran needs it. Her favorite Feng Boran said that as long as she helps him obtain this document, he will always love her and give her a lifetime of happiness. How she longed for such happiness.

She had countless opportunities to obtain this document, but the gentleness Feng Yeran gave her was so nostalgic, she kept putting it off.

But how could she hide from Feng Boran

Sure enough, her lover got angry last night, he overturned the soup she made for him, raised her crying face, and said to her: "Take his documents, come back and live a good life with me, or stay with him. Disappointment, as you wish."

She knows very well that behind every happiness, there are cruel sacrifices.

She didn't want to sacrifice Feng Yeran.

But she didn't want to be a victim.

※ ※ ※

At 7:20 in the morning the next day, Feng Yeran opened his eyes hazy and had a headache. He propped up blankly, looked around, and found that he was the only one in the messy room. The impression of last night is not very clear. Suddenly thinking of a video conference at 8 o'clock, he turned on the computer.

I was closing my eyes and resting, when I suddenly heard a slight button sound, and the computer was forcibly shut down.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was taken aback.

Feng Hua actually stood in front of him.

"How did you get in?!"

"It's not closed."

The vague memories of yesterday came up again, Feng Yeran felt a little chest tightness for no reason, and the words seemed to come out without thinking: "What kind of girl were you with last night?"

"Jin Yi. That's right." Feng Hua replied almost perfunctorily, and immediately added, "That's not important."

The clearly pronounced, intimate name, and the faint 'Yeah' was like a bucket of cold water, poured straight on Feng Yeran, he almost immediately said sarcastically: 'Didn't you say you only like me? ? Your so-called liking is nothing more than that.” Do you finally know that your liking is wrong? I've always told you that your likes are changeable, and what you think of me is just an illusion" "It's funny, I just said that everything you have belongs to me, you only love me, and you'll be with others right away""Such a joke Is it interesting?'... But due to the pride of adults, he swallowed those words down his throat.

He raised the corners of his mouth stiffly: "Why are you running to my side if you don't stay with her early in the morning?"

" don't know yet."

"Don't know what yet?"

It's just a bull's-eye. Feng Yeran frowned and looked at Feng Hua, but found that the other party was staring straight at him, with long eyelashes, and those dark blue eyes in the gloomy environment were full of worry.

It was like being scalded by boiling water, Feng Yeran immediately turned his eyes away.

His heart, chest, lungs, stomach, and even every pore of his became strange, slightly trembling, tingling, too dull, and that strange emotion rolled in his body again, as if his body There lived another man, eager to pierce his skin and crawl out!

what is the problem! He has become less and less like himself!

Suddenly remembering the computer that was turned off, he reached out and pressed the power button again, but sure enough, he was immediately stopped.

"what are you doing?!"

"Don't work early in the morning, rest first."

"I have a video conference at eight!"

Saying that, Feng Yeran picked up the mobile phone by the bedside and prepared to turn it on.

But Feng Hua actually wanted to snatch his phone again.

At this moment, the doubts, worries, and all the negative emotions that have been accumulating in the chest all gathered together and burst out in the form of anger!

He grabbed the pillow and slammed it on Feng Hua's face, but his voice was only a little unstable: "You have grown up, you can be with whomever you like. But I also have my freedom, you don't go through it. I agree to enter my room early in the morning, turn off my computer, and try to grab my phone, what the hell are you trying to do?"

It didn't hurt at all when the pillow hit the face, but this was the first time Feng Yeran was so angry.

Feng Hua looked at Feng Yeran's red eyes in surprise, and opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word.

"Come on, I still have a lot to do."

Feng Yeran said, and was about to start the machine.

Feng Hua frowned, almost begging, "Ye'er, don't turn on the phone."

But the phone is already turned on.

85 text messages, 38 missed calls, not including the news that the messaging software is about to explode.

Feng Hua sighed.

"Director! Is the news on the news true? Come on soon!"

"Ye Ran! I didn't see it before, cheating with my sister-in-law or something, you are so awesome!"

"Feng Yeran, have you really cheated on Chen Xuan? This is something you absolutely must not do! It is your freedom to like which woman you like, but to make such a fuss will have a great negative impact on the research institute. !…”

Obviously, the relationship between Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan was exposed, and after reading a lot of text messages, Feng Yeran's expression did not change much. It seemed that this was not a big blow to him. After all, it was not him who made the request for confidentiality at the beginning, and a showdown would be a better solution to this troublesome relationship.

In fact, their relationship was not only exposed by words, but also accompanied by a large number of clear, non-mosaic photos, including photos of two people eating out, walking, playing, and a few large-scale candid photos. Hot searches on the Internet are full of similar titles: "Famous researcher Feng Yeran cuckolds brother Feng Boran", "Feng Boran's wife cheated", "Feng Boran, Feng Yeran is jealous for women and turned against each other", "Feng Yeran, Chen Xuanyan/ Photos leaked", "Feng Mu fainted and rushed to the hospital", "Chen Xuan was pregnant"... true and false, false and true.

It shouldn't be a big event, but it seems that someone is behind the scenes to stir up the topic, and Feng Yeran has been a popular figure in recent years. As a scientist, due to his epoch-making works, his name has become a household name, and has always been The public image of the school is an academic positive image, and the excessive contrast obviously has a negative effect.

At the beginning, Feng Yeran still looked as usual, he was just worried about Chen Xuan, and sent a lot of messages to the other party, but he didn't reply.

However, ten minutes later, his face became more and more red, his blue veins burst out, and he was obviously very angry. Then, his breathing became more and more rapid, and he seemed to have a severe stomach pain, and he fell on the chair. Feng Hua stepped forward to help him and was pushed away.

The phone fell to the ground, and Feng Hua helped him pick it up. Above is the big title "Feng Yeran stole the experimental results of his own brother".

After a while, Feng Yeran seemed to remember something. He grabbed the phone and called Chen Xuan.

But no matter how many times I played, all I heard was a cold voice:

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

※ ※ ※

Chen Xuan ran into the study, strode towards the man reading the book, and threw the newspaper on the table angrily: "What's going on? I gave you the information as you asked, but why did you expose us? And let people write these inexplicable things!"

The middle-aged man put down the book and looked up innocently: "Do you think I exposed it?"

"Is not it?"

The man held Chen Xuan's hand, burying his head and kissing it: "Why should I expose my wife? Show other people's pornographic photos of my wife?"

"You didn't care..." Chen Xuan lowered her eyes, her eyes overflowing with anger, "What do you want me to do in the future??!"

"How could I not care?! Hey, my poor little girl, you have to believe me, it is not difficult to restore your reputation, I have my means. And, you have to believe me, this time I really didn't do it— At least it wasn't me who was exposed at the beginning, I admit, I just added a little seasoning, those are nothing. But..." The man laughed, "but it unexpectedly achieved the effect I wanted.... Haha, God help me Also, now you just search the names of me and that guy, what comes out."

The man excitedly entered the names of the two people on the computer, the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and he even went crazy with joy.

Chen Xuan remained silent for a while with a pale face, and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Very satisfied...but, it's not enough."

"… what more do you want?"

"We need to wait, consider several declarations, and also need a press conference to take back what belongs to us."

"... It's too much. He's your brother! If this goes on, you'll ruin his reputation!"

"This world is so cruel, there are hunters, there are victims, even if they are brothers, just like wolves and rabbits, like mantises and cicadas. He should have been plain and unknown, but he ran out and followed I fight, I have to find a way to give him a little setback, which is unavoidable. Besides, it's not so cruel anymore, I just take back what belongs to me, let him stop being so arrogant and live his own life."

"… "

"What, dear, do you want to quit and become the victim?"

Chen Xuan took a few steps back, her body trembling slightly: "No no... I don't want to!"

"Yes, and why am I willing to sacrifice you!"

Chen Xuan relaxed a little and asked with a weak smile, as if she had become an innocent little girl: "...If you succeed, will you really treat me well?"

"Of course, I've always kept my word. I'll only love you, treat you well, and give you a lifetime of happiness."

At this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to have forgotten everything.

She became the hunter in Feng Boran's mouth, happily and innocently trampling her love for Feng Yeran under her feet.

Just like what she did in high school.

※ ※ ※

Feng Hua carried the fainted Feng Yeran onto the bed. He has relieved the pain in Feng Yeran's stomach.

He left the room, closed the door, and called Sean directly. He rarely called Sean, after all, it was usually the other party who harassed him.

"Yo, you actually called me!" A cheerful voice.

"Did you do it?"

There was a pause for a few seconds, and suddenly he laughed and couldn't stop.

"Where are you?" Feng Hua's voice was bone-chilling, but unfortunately Sean, who was too excited, didn't notice it at all.

The two made an appointment to meet.

Half an hour later, in the simple warehouse behind the institute, there was no one nearby, it was deserted and messy.

Sean laughed as soon as he saw Feng Hua, with an excited look on his face: "I was thinking when will you call me? How is it? Isn't it particularly cool? The photos I took and the videos I recorded were all It works! I haven't sent it all out yet, I will send it bit by bit, skillfully - I told you long ago, this is definitely the best way, you have held your beloved Cloud, then it's time to throw him down, well, I know you're reluctant, but it has to be like this, once he's fallen and loses everything, the sense of difference will drive him crazy, and he'll find the people around him Everyone has left him, and the so-called favorite woman is actually the one who betrayed him and hurt him the most... Only one person is still by his side, and that is you! At that time, all your obstacles will be gone. Without it, he will depend on you, long for you, and he will only have you in his world—"

A savage punch hit Sean in the face, Sean's face was instantly deformed, blood spattered, and his whole body hit the wall, and a crisp, fractured sound could be heard.

Sean screamed in pain: "It hurts... God is bleeding... I'm about to be maimed by you, you lunatic! What are you doing... Aren't I helping you? I haven't slept in the past few days. To sleep is to help you... you white-eyed wolf... "

"Retrieve what you sent right away."

"... How to withdraw, it's all spread now! Hey... I know you're reluctant now, but think about it, this is really a foolproof way! It's me who exposed them, not you, and it has nothing to do with you, you Can you play the role of savior well? You really don't want to have everything he has?"

"I don't care what method you use, withdraw them all!"

"I told you I can't withdraw!"

Sean stood up and wiped the blood from his face: "You're too fucking hard, aren't you? Don't you think of me as a friend?"

"I don't have a friend like you."

Sean was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Yo? The friendship of several years is gone all of a sudden?"

"When you said you exposed them before, I rejected you. You did such a stupid thing without authorization. It's kindness to you not to kill you."

When Sean heard this, he suddenly became angry: "What? Do you still want to kill this kid?"

"… "

"Why the hell didn't you kill yourself? You useless bastard! You have liked someone for so many years, and you don't even dare to touch his little finger?! I've never seen such a useless person before!"

Another punch hit Sean, but was caught by Sean.

Feng Hua was a little surprised.

In his impression, Sean has always been a slender, even weak red-haired man, but at this moment, he seems to have grown tall and strong, he firmly grasped Feng Hua's fist, and the wheat-colored arm Blue veins burst out, like a professional boxer.

"I fucking look down on you! You dare not do what you want to do most, but you are still not a man!"

After he finished speaking, he gave Feng Hua a straight uppercut, Feng Hua took two steps back, his eyes widened slightly. This was the first time he had been beaten, and it wasn't particularly painful, just hot and rust in his mouth.

Sean seemed to be completely annoyed by Feng Hua, like an uncontrollable beast.

He roared with red eyes, his voice full of sarcasm and wild laughter: "You can't stand it at the beginning, what can you do in the future? Scandals are like snowballs, and they will get bigger and bigger..."

"To shut up!"

"Hahaha... I said, have you searched the Internet? What do those netizens say about your dear Feng Yeran? Would you like me to tell you? Hmm... 'Feng Yeran stole Feng Boran's experiment Results''Feng Hua should have belonged to Feng Boran''Feng Yeran misbehaved since childhood, drinking and smoking in nightclubs in high school, robbing Feng Boran's girlfriend Chen Xuan''Feng Yeran's long-term alcoholism caused terminal illness''Feng Yeran Use Chen Xuan to get information'…”

Feng Hua couldn't bear it any longer, his temples throbbed, as if all the blood in his body was boiling.

Not just anger, but worry, self-blame, and despair.

He didn't stop Sean's stupid behavior in time. It was he who made Sean's acquaintance and brought disaster to his Ye'er.

Now it seems that he doesn't care whether Ye'er can love him or not, what he cares more about is whether he can withstand this kind of blow - his body is so weak, will he be hit so hard by this incident that he can't stand up - obviously he should think so, But what is even more frightening is that in his heart, as Sean said, he was secretly looking forward to the progress of this matter...

There seemed to be a dark voice echoing in his mind...

"Destroy him, break his wings, his limbs, and make him yours only!"

He was afraid of this kind of voice, and he was even more reluctant to admit that this kind of voice actually originated from him!

So he decided that this sound was something that Sean provoked him, that Sean imposed on him.

The two were like two beasts, fighting in the warehouse, smashing almost everything that could be destroyed, until they were scarred and bloodied.

In the end, Sean was stepped on by Feng Hua.

Both were exhausted, but it seemed that the excitement of hatred had dissipated a lot for no reason, and the two became friends again.

Sean gasped and joked: "You... don't... really want to kill... me?"

"I don't want to get my hands dirty." Feng Hua ordered coldly, "Delete the photos and videos in your hands, and you can't upload them again."

"Okay, okay... But, do you still want to save him? It's over, no one can save him..."

"I'm not human."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you all for staying by my side silently, waiting for me all the time TT

Thank you for the comments you have left me during this time. Although not all of them are returned, I have read them all!

I also thank everyone for the thunder that you cast me during this time, bow >