
Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Betrayal


"Feng Hua, Feng Hua."

Softly calling, Feng Hua opened his eyes. He is among the pages like mountains and seas.

Those pages slid down, with dense text on them, familiar and unfamiliar text.

The white shadow floated towards Feng Hua with a soft light.

"Feng Hua, I'm so bored, build a house with me," it said.


"Let's make a wall first."

After speaking, the endless pages of paper suddenly came together, starting from the first layer, slowly piled up, getting higher and higher, the paper seemed to turn into building blocks, turned into bricks, until a high wall was formed.

Soon, the second wall was made again.

"We have to make four walls in total. We have to hurry up. In addition to making walls, we also need to make roofs, doors and windows, and chimneys!"

"… "

"Feng Hua, you like building houses the most, don't you? However, you have to know..."

"… "

"A house is a whole formed of parts, no single part can be regarded as a house, such as a door, it cannot be called a house, it is just a small, incomplete part..."

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"Feng Hua, let's hurry up, I can't wait..."

Feng Hua woke up.

He found himself lying beside Feng Yeran's bed, which was empty.

Feng Yeran was sitting in the living room with a sullen face.

Feng Hua asked distressedly, "Are you okay?"

Feng Yeran didn't answer, just stared straight at the computer screen, with messy hair and haggard face.

Feng Hua knew what he was looking at. Feng Hua barely slept the night before and kept following the situation.

Originally it was just a simple affair exposure, but now it has become a criminal case. In this day and age, intellectual property theft is at least three years in prison, and cross-generational research results like "Adesel New Humanity" Embezzlement, you will not only face huge compensation, but also may be sentenced to life.

Feng Boran immediately published an article after the incident, tearfully saying how many years he had spent researching the results, how his own younger brother had misappropriated it, and how he had suffered all these years, because he was his younger brother, and he didn't want to expose it, but he didn't. He expected that his younger brother still wanted to snatch his favorite wife, making him unable to bear it. Although he didn't know who helped him behind the scenes, he was very grateful, but in the end he emphasized that he loved his younger brother no matter what, and hoped that the public and those behind the scenes would not condemn him too much, attack him too much, and he was used to suffering. Well, now that the truth has come out, I am very satisfied. Regarding his wife, he always believed that his wife was loyal to him and that he could forgive her everything.

His article successfully grabbed the tears of the public, and countless people supported him, saying he was a big man, a good husband, and an epoch-making scientist.

If a sensational article is not enough, what the public needs is evidence. Feng Boran has evidence.

Soon, the statements of some related figures became popular, including the parties Chen Xuan and three colleagues from the Feng Yeran Research Institute. Chen Xuan's general idea was that she was forced. She even told how she was forced by Feng Yeran to steal confidential documents from Feng Boran. She regretted it very, very much. In fact, she just wanted their brothers to live in peace. . The three colleagues said that Feng Yeran was indeed unfamiliar with Feng Hua's research and did not understand many procedures, as if the result was not invented by him at all, and they had never seen the original document, except for the verbal There are also some inexplicable physical evidence to Feng Yeran, but quite credible to the public...

Feng Boran said that it was easy to prove that the confidential document belonged to him. Only he owns the full version, and Feng Hua's side is missing a lot. Because when he embezzled it, Feng Boran had not yet completed it; not only that, he also revealed that he had cultivated the embryo of the second generation of Feng Hua, which contained 91% of the genes of the Adesel race, which was two times higher than that of Feng Hua. percent. This alone is enough to prove that he is the real master of Feng Hua.

According to the news, Feng Boran and others will hold a press conference at 9 am tomorrow.

"Maybe I'll be invited to the bureau for tea today."

Feng Yeran teased: "They are really foolproof, but I also blame myself for being negligent and not protecting the most important documents - I just discovered that my document has really become fragmented, and the last third One's content has been deleted and can't be restored. I don't even have a backup. The funny thing is, the program material is so complicated that even I can't rewrite it word for word. Now no matter who looks at it, it will feel like that bastard It's the original creator... Ha, and, I didn't expect him to be able to steal our newly cultivated embryos, and the records of the embryo cultivation period have also been artificially deleted. Betrayed by his own team, again and again Betrayed by the woman she loves the most - but I still can't believe it, Feng Hua, you say, she was forced? How could she say that about me? She actually said that I forced her to steal that bastard documents? She denied everything with me? She told me the day before yesterday that she loves me, you know? How can a woman be so fickle?"

"Ye'er, eat something, you haven't eaten since yesterday."

"Are you worried about me?"

"Yeah! I—"

Feng Yeran interrupted him with a sneer: "Because I am your master now? So worry about me? But I won't be your master soon - Feng Hua, they will take you away from me. But, yes As far as you're concerned, I'm afraid it doesn't make any difference, maybe, there will be more freedom? Because I always bind you, use you, and I'm still a sick cancer patient hahahaha-"

Feng Hua couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward and hugged Feng Yeran who was talking nonsense. Sure enough, Feng Yeran was in a cold sweat, obviously in severe pain. Feng Hua pressed tightly against the other's body, treating his stomach, and at the same time trying to appease him: "Ye'er, no matter who you suspect, you shouldn't doubt me! No matter what happens, I will stay there. By your side, because I love you! How many times have I said it since I was a child, but haven't you heard it? I only have you in my eyes, I only love you... "

"Did you know?... Love is always the product of chance. It is influenced and controlled by various factors. It may suddenly come and disappear in an instant. This kind of feeling may even be fake and self-molded. Or it was imposed, too unreliable. Also, those who said they loved me betrayed me."

"I love you from the bottom of my heart! I will never betray you!"

"You love me? Obviously you and... "

Before Feng Yeran finished speaking, he began to grit his teeth and endure the pain again, sweating profusely.

It took at least an hour for him to get better, he drank some porridge and rested for a while, and he looked as usual again.

He asked Feng Hua to go out and buy medicine for him, but when Feng Hua came back, he found that the others were gone.

Feng Yeran wrapped himself up, wearing a hat and mask, turned out the window of his house, avoided the reporter paparazzi gathered at his door, took a taxi, and went directly to the Feng family compound. He was a familiar and unfamiliar place—he had lived here for ten years, from when he was picked up by his father at the age of eight, until he ran away from home after his mother died. Today, Feng Boran and Chen Xuan live here.

No matter how he called Chen Xuan, he would either turn off the phone or be hung up. He was really worried about her. He didn't believe she would betray her, she must have been forced. Therefore, he had to meet Chen Xuan.

There were indeed many people gathered at the gate, and it was not allowed to enter through the gate. He went in from a small gate and waited in a large forest, where there was a large ginkgo, several rockeries and a small pond. When he was a child, he liked it very much. As soon as he finished his homework, he ran here and squatted here alone to catch crickets and goldfish. Sometimes when I get scolded, I hide in the rockery and cry.

He stood in the chilly November wind, with scattered, golden ginkgo leaves flying in the air. He waited, waited, hid, hid. He didn't want to be discovered by his servants, and he didn't want to see the people he hated, but he really wanted to see Chen Xuan, and heard her say "Ye Ran! I was forced! I'm sorry, forgive me!" - just listen He was satisfied with this sentence.

After waiting for about four or five hours, he actually waited for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan dresses casually, with a smile on her face and her long hair fluttering. She took a small teddy and walked towards the pond.

As soon as she saw Feng Yeran, the smile on her face disappeared instantly: "...Why did you come here?"

Feng Yeran asked with concern: "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you... I know, you must be as uncomfortable as I am now, but they forced you to do that kind of thing... "

And Chen Xuan stepped back: "Don't come to me... We're done!"

"What did you say?"

"I'm your sister-in-law and your brother's wife. We have no results."

"...I know, haven't we always known?"

Chen Xuan looked around, her breathing became even more rapid: "It's no use forcing me to steal the information! Ye Ran, don't be obsessed with it, that information was originally owned by Feng Boran, and I only love Feng Boran. I won't be with you, and I won't help you steal information, so go back!"

"What are you talking about??"

Feng Yeran widened his eyes and couldn't believe it: "Xiaoxuan, are those statements on the Internet your true words? Are you really going to hold a press conference with that bastard tomorrow? You really want to betray me in front of the whole world. ? Like in high school?"

Feng Yeran didn't notice that the side door was opened, and countless reporters had poured in, and countless eyes were staring at them, filming. They have become animals in the zoo, watched and played by countless eyes.

And Chen Xuan screamed almost hysterically: "You betrayed us! It's all your fault for doing what you shouldn't!"

The puppy was startled and barked frantically.

Feng Yeran's eyes were red, hot tears rolled in his eyes, and his nose and throat were very uncomfortable. He clenched his whitish fists tightly, trembling all over his body, and the sound of cicadas continued in his ears, from the inside of his body.

The guards stopped the crazy reporters, and Chen Xuan strode into the room.

Feng Yeran grabbed her wrist in embarrassment and asked her almost begging, his voice was low and hoarse, only the two of them could hear: "Is everything you treated me really fake? From high school to Now, haven't you ever liked me? Have you been lying to me for him all the time?... I know, you are afraid of those reporters, if... If you really liked me even once, if you were really forced, If you don't want to hurt me, then look at me, Xiaoxuan, look at me!"

And Chen Xuan did not look back. She just threw off Feng Yeran fiercely, ran into the door, and slammed the door slammed shut, isolating Feng Yeran from the house.

At this moment, all the memories imprinted in the golden years—the memories of the laughter at the same table, the memories of each other’s quarrels, the memories of the kiss at the bonfire party, the memories of all the joys and pains, all turned to ashes. Along with all the expectations for home, all the extravagant hopes for the relatives, and all the desires for this woman, all came to naught, and there was no noise and terrifying voice.

Feng Yeran's consciousness became blurred.

He stood in the crowd, there were many people, there was no difference, they all seemed to be wearing masks, snickering, and taking pleasure in human suffering. They huddled in front of Feng Yeran, facing him with cameras, constantly taking pictures and asking him various questions. He didn't quite understand.

It's kind of funny to find out that I ran out wearing slippers by accident. Probably, he didn't wash his face or comb his hair. However, these are not important anymore.

Stomach started to hurt again.

Feng Yeran suddenly thought that it would be better to keep hurting like this until he died - what's wrong with this. Anyway, everything is gone, and I don't know what to do next, where to go... ah, yes, you should hire the best lawyer, you should go to court, if you lose, you will be in jail for the rest of your life, but if you win , what's the point

The noisy voices rose and fell like dark mountains. When he was dazzled, he seemed to feel a drop of cold liquid.

He looked up and smiled, ah, it's raining.

What a timely rain.

It rained heavily all of a sudden, with big drops, big drops, and squeaks, making the group of mice around them in a hurry.

Feng Yeran continued to raise his head, feeling the cold rain falling on his body, wetting every strand of hair, and then sliding down his forehead. Everything seems to have become irrelevant. very nice.

He closed his eyes.

Then, in the cluttered syllables, he heard a familiar voice, distant and cold: "Get out of the way."

Even if you can't see it, you know that the person is coming from the cluttered crowd.

Familiar footsteps, but the heart seems to be pounding along with the footsteps - miraculously, from this moment on, everything else has become quiet. No longer disturbed by the outside noise, even the inner roar has dissipated.

A familiar fragrance enveloped him.

Then, I heard the sound of rain hitting the umbrella, one after another, ticking.

"Ye'er, let's go back." A sad, soft, even cautious voice, as if afraid of scaring a frightened kitten.

Feng Yeran opened his blurry eyes, looked at Feng Hua and said with a smile, "Go back? Are the police already waiting for me?"

"Then we... don't go back." I couldn't see Feng Hua's face clearly, but I could hear the sudden increase in the nasal tone in his words.

Feng Hua took off his jacket and put it on Feng Yeran, who was soaking wet, then couldn't help half hugging him, buried his head in Feng Yeran's cold neck, trying to warm his body, "Let's go. Let's relax in the suburbs, okay? After all, today is also an important day."

"An important day?"

"Today is your birthday! Fool."

※ ※ ※

Feng Hua drove, and Feng Yeran leaned on the car crookedly and sat on it. He had just changed into clean clothes and was covered with a thick blanket.

"Little boy, did I know you can drive?"

"Don't call me a kid, I've grown up. Driving is easy, just look at it. Also, I've got my driver's license."


"Stop talking and have a good night's sleep. There are still two hours to go. There are lakes, gardens, and hot springs there. I will let the chef cook something nutritious for you, and make up for it. I have prepared a small cake, A few of your favorite cherries on top of the cake, and a glass of milk before bed…”

"You want to keep me as a pig?"

Feng Hua looked serious: "No, I will accompany you for a walk after dinner."

"Will the police come here to catch me?"

"No. You are the owner of that document, and you are innocent. It will be all right."

"Are you so sure?" Feng Yeran smiled with a look of indifference. He yawned, "I'm sleeping, call me when you arrive."

He slept quite unsteadily this time, as if he was having a nightmare, struggling in the dream, and even shouted. Feng Hua stopped the car from time to time to help him wipe his sweat and comfort him. Later, only by holding Feng Yeran's hand did the other party quiet down.

But when Feng Yeran woke up, he looked like he was okay again. The haze on Feng Hua's face became heavier and heavier.

Feng Yeran didn't eat much for dinner, he didn't have the appetite for cake, and he didn't want to go for a walk. He was sitting on the sofa in the guest room drinking a hot drink.

He wanted to watch TV, but Feng Hua didn't show it to him. After all, there are news about Feng Yeran everywhere. Feng Hua played a funny movie.

Feng Yeran stared at the screen with a red smile on his face. I don't know if I was amused by the movie, or I was thinking of something else.

It was almost the first time they saw a movie like this. In the past, every time I watched a movie, Feng Yeran was so busy with other things that he could only watch a third of a movie at most.

And this time, they watched the movie together.

Feng Yeran buried his head between his legs, with a smile in his mouth: "It's... pretty good looking." The voice was strange.

Feng Hua grabbed the can on the floor and found that it was an alcoholic beverage!

"Your stomach is obviously... why are you drinking so much! How is it now? Does it hurt?"

"Me and Feng Boran... in the end... what's the difference... Why, everyone, they didn't choose me, they all betrayed me, and over and over again... deceived me... "

"Ye'er, look up."

"She made it clear that she loved me... Several times, I told her we couldn't be together, it was her, she begged me, she said she loved me, and said nothing else mattered, I really like her , I like her very much, but why... "

Feng Yeran finally raised his head, and sure enough, his face was full of snot and tears, so embarrassed: "Why do all the people around me leave me, I love my mother so much, but she can only see Feng Mu. You bastard, he just died like that... Mingming I... thought Feng Mu... finally looked at me, but I was wrong, he said he wanted to cut ties with me, I clearly like Xiao Xuan so much, I thought we were in love with each other, But she lied to me and got married to my brother... Now she is cheating on me for the information, not only that, but also bites back... "

Feng Hua was in a hurry to help him wipe his tears, hugged him like a baby in his arms, and soothed his back over and over again: "It doesn't matter, I'm still by your side, and I won't leave you."

"You'll leave me...Aren't you with that tender model?"

"I wasn't with her! I'm sorry! I did it on purpose that day... Because you said you wanted me to look away, so I tried to stay with her! But after you left, I separated from her immediately. Yeh Son, do you care? To be honest, I'm very happy...!"

Feng Yeran, whose head was a mess, couldn't think about anything.

He forgot how he once resisted Feng Hua's feelings, he just wanted to grab the only life-saving straw, hugged Feng Hua tightly, and muttered: "Yes, I still have you."

It was the first time Feng Hua heard Feng Yeran say such words, it was as if Feng Yeran saw him for the first time. He forgot all the negativity excitedly and hugged Feng Yeran tightly, almost wanting to rub him into your body.

Feng Hua kissed Feng Yeran's neck, but Feng Yeran didn't run away.

And he didn't move further, he whispered in Feng Yeran's ear: "Ye'er, look."

In Feng Yeran's hazy vision, there are thousands of candles shining like fireflies. And in the middle of those candles is that little cake, red and white, decorated with flowers, hearts and fruits, very childish and lovely.

Feng Yeran suddenly thought of something and said, "Did you make this cake yourself?"

Feng Hua nodded shyly: "Well..."

Immediately, he leaned over again and gently left a kiss on Feng Yeran's right cheek wet with tears: "Ye'er, happy birthday!"

Brand new, hot tears fell from Feng Yeran's eyes. He suddenly remembered that every birthday he used to spend with this angel-like child, from when he was a very, very small baby, to when he grew into a tall man.


Feng Yeran started to eat the cake, with cream and tears on his face again, very strange.

But they didn't care. Inexplicably, in this extremely painful time, it is unbelievable that such happiness is still embellished.

In the dream, Feng Yeran felt that he had become a small boat, rising and falling in the ocean of pain and joy. The whole world is sometimes pitch-dark, and sometimes extremely bright.

Someone whispered in his ear: "What is your birthday wish, tell me. I'll make it happen for you."

Roaming in the sea of dreams, Feng Yeran couldn't tell who was speaking. Like Feng Hua, and like other people. I don't know if the real person is talking to him, or the person in the dream.

But it doesn't seem to have any special wishes. Because I can't see the meaning of life, I am like riding a roller coaster again and again, rushing to the top and falling into the abyss in an instant. What's the point

Pure whisper, with a slightly hot breath: "For example, Chen Xuan, what do you want her to be like?"

Hearing Chen Xuan's name, the waves suddenly became turbulent, and the boat was tossed in the huge waves. Among the flashes of pain, there was constant hatred.

Feng Yeran stood on the swaying boat, and his voice was intermittent: "Falling in ruins... Desperate, being loved by the person I love... Betrayal, I really feel... The pain she brought me..."

This sentence seemed to ignite the emotions of the people in his ears, and he raised his voice and said, "Is this enough? She betrayed you twice... She will frame you in front of the whole world tomorrow, obviously I said I love you, but now I want to send you to prison with my own hands and take everything from you..."

The world in the dream began to flash and thunder, and the heavy thunder and the lightning connecting the sky and sea seemed to further ignite his emotions, he shouted loudly: "It would be great if she died! With the man she loves the most... Haha, I also fulfilled them!"

He heard laughter in his ear. From light to strong, from low to high, it is intermittent, the ending is weird, it is a happy laugh, an ecstatic laugh, but also a dangerous laugh, a cold laugh, a strange laugh.

Feng Yeran was suddenly a little scared, he turned around and looked for the person who was talking in his ear. But nothing. He seems to be the only one in this world. Lightning flashed and thunderous waves crashed on the shore. Standing alone on the small sailboat, he suddenly felt scared.

I don't know how many hours later, or maybe only a second, he felt like he was being embraced by both hands, and the man's voice appeared again, this time it was very soft and slow, as if singing a lullaby. : "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, when you wake up tomorrow, your wishes will come true one by one."

Feng Yeran finally felt at ease. He looked up and found that the dark clouds had dissipated, and the sky was clear, a beautiful golden yellow.

Feng Yeran woke up several times from the dream.

Every time I wake up, I make sure that people around me are there. He has been betrayed one after another, and now he has become extremely insecure.

Every time, he found that Feng Hua was lying quietly beside him, accompanying him.

The next morning, the police knocked on their door.

Feng Yeran could have expected that at this moment, the research institute should be under the control of the police, and all of Feng Yeran's information and every move after the outbreak of the case should be monitored. He was thankful that he didn't make superfluous changes to the file. The more things he added, the darker he might be.

I don't know how long I will stay in the police station next, or will I be sent directly to prison.

But he had no idea what happened next.

After asking about their whereabouts last night, the police said, "Chen Xuan died at the Feng Family Mansion at three o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the two mines thrown by Ming Lan and Invisible, and the mines thrown by Pan Zhu, Yuguliang and Xiaodang Swing, thank you>