
Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Turnaround


Chen Xuan is dead. The cause of death was identified as myocardial infarction, in short, sudden death.

Feng Yeran wanted to look at her no matter what. So several police officers escorted him to the funeral home.

Incredible. The woman who was standing in front of her yesterday, the woman who was cuddling him coquettishly a week ago, the woman he has loved and hated so much for so many years, is now lying on a small hospital bed. Above her head is a ring-shaped screen that reads information about her life, the school she attended, the awards she has won, and a string of data slides through the system like a marquee. And she herself, covered with a white cloth, her skin was pale and blue, and she was lifeless.

Feng Yeran stood in front of her like a dream, and suddenly wanted to wake her up. At this moment, those hatreds have disappeared, and they seem to have returned to those ordinary mornings. She had already taken off her makeup and looked extremely pale. She slept soundly. It took him to call her many times before she opened a little. One eye protested, and then continued to sleep soundly.

He woke up when he touched her skin. His hands were slammed open.

"Who allowed you to touch her?!" Feng Boran's voice.

Feng Yeran looked up and found that he couldn't see the other side at all. He didn't care too much either. He was just frightened, what he had just touched was skin that had no temperature at all, stiff, rough skin.

"What are you fake crying for?! Is the cat crying about the mouse? You are the one who killed her!"

Feng Yeran looked bewildered.

The people next to him also started booing: "What else are you pretending to be! Are you happy now? Because she got in your way! They were supposed to be at the press conference this morning!"

"Yes! She is the most crucial witness! You murderer! You killed her last night!"

"What sudden death! What myocardial infarction! How could it be possible... My daughter has always been healthy, she is still so young, she is fine, not you... You... you force her, you make her do what she doesn't want to do , make her miserable... otherwise how could she... oh my daughter..."

"He's a murderer! Get him quickly!"

"Not just a murderer! He's a thief too! Go to hell!!"

Feng Yeran wiped off the inexplicable liquid on his face with his cuff, and saw Feng Hua's angry face and the police maintaining order.

And he was not angry, but panic.

He walked slowly through the crowd and walked out. After talking to the police, I went to the bathroom. Feng Hua followed.

As soon as he entered the door, Feng Yeran tore off Feng Hua's collar and asked in a low voice beside his drooping head, "Did you do it?"

Feng Hua was completely clueless: "What?"

Feng Yeran's voice was very soft: "You, killed Chen Xuan?"

Feng Hua was frightened: "How is that possible?? I was with you last night! We stayed together all night, how is it possible?"

Feng Yeran stared into Feng Hua's eyes.

Feng Hua frowned, under the thick eyelashes, the blue eyes were full of innocents who were wrongly blamed, such pure and clear eyes, like the spotless lake water... obvious, ignorant expression.

Yeah, how could it be him. From there, it would take at least five or six hours to get to Feng's house by car. If you take the train, it only takes three hours to go back and forth, but he was indeed by his side last night!

However, Feng Yeran vaguely remembered his weird dream last night and the people who kept talking in his ear. The person in the dream is very similar to Feng Hua, but it doesn't seem to be Feng Hua. Because the real Feng Hua would not be as treacherous and perverse as him, especially the series of ups and downs, cold and weird laughter, it was simply creepy!

The man asked himself what to do with Chen Xuan.

Feng Yeran clearly remembered what he said: "If only she were dead! With her favorite man!"

A surging sense of guilt enveloped Feng Yeran.

Feng Hua grabbed his shoulder and asked worriedly, "Ye'er, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly suspect me?"

Feng Yeran shook his head: "It's okay."

Suddenly remembering something, he held Feng Hua's hand and said, "Next, I will be detained at the police station, and the communication equipment will be confiscated. I'm afraid I won't be able to be with you for some days, you have to be good Take care of yourself... I will apply for a lawyer for myself. I may only need to stay in the police station for a while, but I may also spend a lifetime in prison. If that's the case, you should follow Feng Boran, although he is not a good person, but in science On the one hand, he's very—"

Feng Hua hugged him and roared firmly, his eyes were red: "I will save you out, you have to believe me! Ye'er, I can only be yours! Don't try to leave me to others! "

Feng Yeran was stunned for a moment, and a whimper finally leaked out of his throat.

The two were interrupted by police.

Feng Yeran was taken away.

When he walked to the door, the cool autumn wind was blowing in his face. He couldn't help but look back at Feng Hua, tightly holding the coat that Feng Hua had draped over him. Inside the jacket was the medicine Feng Hua bought for him, which could last at least a few days.

His eyes were blurry, and the crowd became a gray patch.

Among the gray and messy color blocks is Feng Hua, who is wearing camel leather shoes, dark gray trousers, and a dark blue sweater.

Tall build, curly black hair, blue eyes, fair skin.

At that moment, Feng Yeran seemed to see the former child in the crowd.

He stood in the dark, messy, ever-changing color blocks, staring at himself with teary, swallowtail-like blue eyes.

Feng Yeran sighed and was taken into the police car.

※ ※ ※

In the afternoon, Feng Boran held a press conference. Because of Chen Xuan's death, the influence of the press conference was enormous. At the meeting, Feng Boran firmly believed that Chen Xuan was not simply a sudden death, but a victim, and strongly urged the police to arrest the prisoner and grievously accuse the prisoner. Feng Boran believed that he himself was in danger, but even at the risk of his life, he still insisted on upholding justice to the end. He boldly displayed much of that classified document, analyzing and showing the new embryos—“Second-Generation Adesel Neohumans.”

Feng Hua temporarily resided in the research institute, and the research institute has been completely monitored by the police, and the data has been transferred and inspected without reservation.

Feng Yeran's image in society dropped to rock bottom. His residence, his institute, his videos, advertisements, etc. on the Internet became the focus of the attack.

Cyberbullying is scary. Fortunately, Feng Yeran was locked in a closed room, completely unaware of the outside world—

After numerous interrogations and conversations, the police finally left.

That afternoon, Xiao Zhijie came to see him.

Through the glass, Xiao Zhijie said to him seriously: "Don't worry, I have many friends, I will help you to hire famous experts, I don't believe that Feng Boran has no flaws! You eat well in it. Just sleep well, don't worry too much... Besides, what should you do about your illness? If you are sick... "

Feng Yeran shook his head: "I'm fine, it's only been a few days, I have medicine."

"That's good."

After Xiao Zhijie left, Feng Yeran took the medicine and was groggy. He did not have any communication equipment on him, and even his watch was confiscated. There is no clock in the room.

He lay on the hard bed, sometimes awake and sometimes asleep. Soon, he lost the concept of time.

Thoughts are like a flood, sometimes like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, creating a large vortex, revolving in the memories of Chen Xuan, betrayed by Chen Xuan, and abandoned by everyone again and again.

But in the end, that stream of water will come together, whether it's Chen Xuan, Feng Boran, Feng Mu, or anyone else, it will gradually dissipate, and the last picture left is always related to Feng Hua.

Totally dark nightmare.

Colorful dreams.

I don't know how long it took, the iron door was opened.

Several people brought him into the blinding light and told him that he had been released. Only four days later, the public opinion on the Internet has undergone a qualitative change.

In fact, on the third day after Feng Boran's press conference, a well-known expert appeared to condemn Feng Boran's stupid scam.

His so-called original confidential materials actually reversed the cause and effect, leading to the confusion of the logic inside. Not only that, some of the material names above are obviously wrong, and some data are also debatable. According to this information, it is impossible to create Feng Hua. - Feng Boran's so-called, his is the original material, and Feng Yeran's is not, it is not convincing at all.

What Feng Boran said was that the new embryo was his experimental result, but 80% of the experimental staff at Feng Yeran Research Institute can testify that this experimental result belongs to them. Although the records have been maliciously destroyed, each of them is able to restate the details of their experiments.

The more obvious evidence is undoubtedly Feng Hua himself. As a superhuman, he has an excellent memory and can even remember things when he was an embryo. He knew who gave him life bit by bit, who nurtured him, who kept talking to him, who brought him up bit by bit. If it really is as Feng Boran said, Feng Yeran stole two-thirds of his achievements, then Feng Yeran could not create Feng Hua, and even if he stole all his information, it would not succeed - and Feng Yeran Ye Ran's creation of Fenghua has a record. His team spent a full five years, from every collection of materials to every experiment, with detailed records.

Immediately afterwards, the police finally found the original information in one of Feng Yeran's hard drives, detailed and without any errors.

The expert met Feng Yeran and praised him for being smart. Because he knows how to protect his achievements, the information in his computer has been disguised and manipulated. And the person who stole the information obviously didn't check it carefully and took it for himself.

Feng Yeran smiled, but in fact he had no clue at all.

First, he didn't deliberately disguise his confidential information at all; second, he never put that information on the hard drive.

This shows that someone used his computer before the incident, helped him transfer files, and manipulated documents.

This person must be proficient in biological science and understand the experimental data, otherwise he/she will not be able to improve so wonderfully that it will be difficult for Feng Boran to find flaws in a short period of time; this person must be someone who often stays by Feng Yeran's side...

Who is it? What is the purpose

The experts were friends invited by Xiao Zhijie. In order to thank them, Feng Yeran specially invited them to dinner and asked Xiao Zhijie how to repay him. Xiao Zhijie said lightly, as long as he is allowed to become an idler in the research institute in the future. Feng Yeran was surprised that this financial brother was so interested in creating new human beings. Xiao Zhijie reminded him, don't forget that I am a minor in psychology, and I can be a psychological counselor for your new human in the future.

A week later, Feng Boran was jailed for false accusation and theft of intellectual property.

Half a month later, Feng Boran committed suicide. It is said that after he was imprisoned, he seemed to be tortured by evil spirits and cried out in fear every night.

No matter how much you hate him, he is a brother after all. Feng Yeran went to his funeral.

But a strong, inexorable sense of guilt kept attacking him.

Because it's too coincidental. No matter what twists and turns happened in the middle, the ending is like this - Chen Xuan and Feng Boran both died, exactly the same as what he said that day.

※ ※ ※

In January, everything finally calmed down.

It was snowing heavily outside, and classical music was playing in the warm room.

Feng Yeran was sitting on the sofa writing a diary, while Feng Hua was sitting on the carpet, relying on him to reply to Qin Xi and the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist who helped him a lot sent him several emails, asking about his situation, how he was getting along with Feng Yeran, etc. But so many things happened during this time, he didn't see it.

Feng Hua: Very good, I am now leaning on his lap to answer your email. We just had a big storm, and I think you heard that too. Fortunately, there was no danger, and it has now been resolved. I get along with him very well, very warm. He seems to care about me more than ever and gets jealous for me (laughs). But his feelings for me are still mainly family. However, you said it doesn't matter if he never really falls in love with me, just get him. I am trying to get him.

Feng Yeran finished writing his diary. He put the diary aside and asked lazily, "What to write?"


"Write to whom?"

"Secret." Feng Hua smiled.

Feng Yeran was dissatisfied: "Which little girl are you writing for? Read and listen to what you wrote."

"Do you really want to listen?"

"Why don't you listen?"

Feng Yeran cleared his throat: "My favorite person is Feng Yeran, and I'm leaning on his lap to answer your emails. He seems to care about me more now than before, and he will hug him when he sleeps at night. I, looking for where I am every day, will be jealous for me, but still stubbornly say that he doesn't love me—"

"Hey! What nonsense! When did I get jealous? I..."

"I lied to you, I just sent an email to my friend, man."

"...You kid! I don't care if you give it back to a man or a woman!"

"I asked me with a painful face before, about Jin Yi, if I really slept with her that night, you'd be crying, Ye'er?"

Feng Yeran's ears were flushed, and he kicked Feng Hua away: "Which father doesn't care about his son! I just—"

Feng Hua bent down and cried out, with a pained look on his face.

Feng Yeran thought that he just kicked it lightly. But he was still frightened, and immediately stood up to help Feng Hua up: "What's wrong? Does it hurt so bad?"

And Feng Hua actually directly overwhelmed him on the soft sofa, black curly hair hanging down, the shadow of the body will cover Feng Yeran.

Feng Yeran's cheeks were hot, and he almost forgot how to breathe!

The two hadn't kissed for too long.

But he deeply remembered how Feng Hua once kissed him - tenderly, or warmly, even a little erotic.

Feng Hua's breath spread on his lips, making every cell of his lips start to tremble.

He smelled that familiar, wonderful aroma again, and that strong, almost inhaling hormone. It seemed that even the heart had been grabbed, beating violently in the tense space.

Feng Hua stared at his lips with his beautiful eyes half asleep, and turned his head slightly towards him.

That look is just as sexy as hell.

Feng Yeran closed his eyes and sank his fingers into the sofa.

But the lips did not meet the familiar softness.

Just heard a few low-pitched laughter.

Feng Hua's palm was placed on Feng Yeran's chest, feeling his violent heartbeat.

He stood on top of Feng Yeran and stared at him with a smile: "Ye'er, do you think I'm going to kiss you?"

Feng Ye blankly opened his moist eyes.

Feng Hua was so close to him, the tip of his nose gently rubbed against Feng Yeran, and he said doubtfully, "With such a fast heartbeat, do you really not like me?"

His lips slid slightly over Feng Yeran's cheeks, itchy, and his voice was hoarse: "Hey, will you admit it?"

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the grenade thrown by the girl of Wenhuang, alright>