
Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Doubt


in the cafe.

"Feng Hua's mental state is very bad, he is very dangerous." Xiao Zhijie, who was wearing a white coat, just sat down and said so.

He showed Feng Yeran a short video. In the video, Xiao Zhijie and Feng Hua are sitting on both sides of the table with some documents on the table. The picture quality is not very good, it seems to be disturbed by some current. However, the voice can be clearly heard:

"Why didn't you fill in this column? Don't you have anything to fear? For example, bugs, nightmares, ghosts?"

"I'm afraid Ye'er will leave me."

"anything else?"

"…I'm afraid of myself."


Feng Hua bowed his head and paused for a long time. When he thought he would not answer, he slowly said: "I have always... a kind of strong obsession. It has been there since birth, or earlier. I was expelled by it. I seem to be rolling a fireball towards the abyss, rolling down without end. Occasionally, I lose a small part of my memory. Sometimes I hear other people's voices in my head. Sometimes very, very desperate, and sometimes very, very desperate Happy. Sometimes I want to protect everything, sometimes I want to destroy everything. I'm afraid I can't control myself."

After watching the video, Feng Yeran's face was very bad, his head was sizzling, and his voice was a little unstable: "Why is this happening... Just now, the police sent me a video, which is a surveillance video... "

"What's wrong?"

"I suspect… "


Feng Yeran gritted his teeth and did not continue. He paused and asked, "So, what do you suggest?"

"Send Feng Hua back to the confinement room of the institute, closely monitor and observe for a period of time. If it is serious, treatment may be required, and electric shock therapy is not excluded—"


"Ye Ran! Do you understand what I mean? His current personality is very unstable and extremely dangerous! Although there is nothing wrong with his appearance, think about the consequences if he collapses as we guessed. ?!"

"You don't know... the institute's confinement room is a nightmare for him. He's been locked there for a long time, broken down there, and the reason I let him live with me is because I don't want him to think about those horrible things. matter!"

"Shock therapy can make him lose his memory."


The two were deadlocked for a while, and Xiao Zhijie said, "Ye Ran, you are thin and your face is not good."

Feng Yeran was stunned for a moment: "Yeah. It's not like you, your body is so good."

Xiao Zhijie held his hand: "Hands are so cold. Ye Ran, I feel bad every time I see you. Have you been treated well? Your stomach... "

"Feng Hua can help me ease my condition, and it can be considered stable for the time being."

"But it's only temporary. He can't help you eliminate cancer cells, and he can't really cure you!"

"I know."

"Follow me to America, I know some very famous doctors, maybe there is hope!"

"Thank you! But there's nothing I can do. I've visited some, but I can't do anything about it - I'm lucky, after all, I still have Feng Hua!" Feng Yeran was very happy when he finished speaking, but his face darkened again, and there was a condensed expression inside. with intense concern.

Xiao Zhijie sighed and held Feng Yeran's hands tightly: "You are really worrying, no matter before or now."

Feng Yeran smiled: "Brother Xiao is really reliable. Whether it was before or now, he is always helping me!"

"It wasn't because of me—"

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly heard a soft exclamation from Feng Yeran.

"What's wrong?"

"Feng Hua..." Feng Yeran, who was pale, called out the window.

He just seemed to have an illusion.

A second ago, he seemed to be across the road and saw a figure resembling Feng Hua, with a black coat, black hair, and a pale face.

In the next second, the tall Feng Hua stood outside the glass, looking down at them expressionlessly across the thin layer of glass, his face shrouded in shadows, his dark blue eyes without a trace of emotion, as if standing upright Ghost in the night.

Fear was like a small seed, taking root in Feng Yeran's heart.

He should not and cannot be afraid of Feng Hua. But at this moment, he was so frightened that he gasped for breath.

Feng Hua walked into the cafe, and under the warm and bright lights, his face looked gentle and warm again: "Ye'er, so you are here."

"You scared me a lot!"

"I'm sorry, I finally found you, and I ran over."

Xiao Zhijie stood up: "It's already so late, then I'll go back first."

Before he left, he secretly handed Feng Yeran a small package and four monitors as small as grains of rice.

※ ※ ※

On the way, Feng Hua said, "Ye'er, don't approach him."


"He has something against you."

"You think too much."

After returning home, Feng Yeran was silent for a long time.

More than an hour later, he lowered the voice of the TV series and asked, "Feng Hua, it's really not you, did you kill Xiaoxuan?"

"You still doubt me?" Feng Hua frowned, "Ye'er, you don't believe me?"

"... It's not that I don't believe you. Feng Hua, the night before the incident, I had a very strange dream. I was on a small boat in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes the wind was calm, sometimes there were lightning and thunder, and the waves were rough. There is someone, I I always felt very similar to you, and when I spoke in my ear, I couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream, he asked me what to do with Chen Xuan and Feng Boran, and I said casually, let them die together."

"They did die one after the other."

"Yes, is all this really a coincidence? Or, did it really happen that night? Is it you who talked to me and then killed her?"

"I've been with you that night!"

"It's theoretically impossible. But you're different! And—others may not know, but I know that you have the ability to create illusions, and you've brought me many, many, beautiful illusions, but at the same time , you also have the ability to create terrifying hallucinations. If you let Chen Xuan see something she was extremely afraid of, causing a myocardial infarction, it is also possible... and Feng Boran... It is said that a few days before his death, he was in prison every day roaring in horror, as if seeing something terrible..."

"… "

Feng Yeran took a sip of water, forced himself to calm down, and continued, "Just now, Xiao Zhijie showed me a video about you. Feng Hua, you said, you are afraid of yourself, you sometimes lose your memory, and you can listen to When I hear other people's voices, I occasionally feel desperate and want to destroy everything—why, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want you to worry about me, but there's nothing abnormal about it, Ye Er, people are inherently contradictory. I read the books on your shelf a few days ago, and someone brought it up in ancient times. The death instinct exists in everyone's heart, hoping to preserve good things, longing for destruction, longing for life, fearing but longing for death..."

Feng Yeran interrupted him: "The police showed me the surveillance video. I saved it, and I'll show it to you now."

Feng Yeran turned on his phone and showed Feng Hua an 8-second video.

He focused on Feng Hua's reaction.

In fact, he was very scared. He was afraid to see Feng Hua suddenly turn pale and tremble, admitting that he did it.

He wanted to know the truth, but he was afraid to know - if Feng Hua, the only one he could rely on, killed the woman he loved the most with his own hands, he didn't know what to do at all.

Therefore, he was very fortunate to see Feng Hua frowning after reading it, and then firmly denied it, with the pain of being suspected, he swears, it is definitely not him.

Feng Hua said, "Sean. Maybe it was Sean."

This was the first time Feng Hua mentioned Sean in front of Feng Yeran.

The next day, when the police came to investigate, Feng Hua also mentioned Sean.

But the strange thing is that there is no such person as Sean in the institute, and all the call and text messages between Feng Hua and Sean have disappeared. It was as if Sean didn't exist at all.

※ ※ ※

Feng Hua said countless times: "Ye'er, you have to believe me, I really didn't kill her!"

But obviously, for Feng Yeran, this sentence is not very convincing.

Feng Yeran fell into an almost obsessive-compulsive suspicion again, and he imagined what would happen if Feng Hua was really the murderer. First, he must fall into anger, then, and then what? What if the police find out, Feng Hua will lose all his freedom, right? Will you leave yourself? Will it be considered a failed experiment? Will it be obliterated - no, he didn't dare to think about it at all!

Feng Hua flipped through his cell phone countless times. He even went to the research institute alone, called up the surveillance video, and checked the list of researchers one by one. However, there is indeed no news about Sean.

That night, Feng Hua tossed and turned in bed. Afraid of arguing against Feng Yeran, he went to the living room and continued to look for any clues about Sean in a large piece of information.

He was extremely resentful in his heart, and he was sure that it wasn't him who did it. That night, he really stayed by Ye'er's side, and he didn't go anywhere. It must be Sean who did it. In the closed house, the figure in the surveillance video is similar to Sean. Just like the last exposure incident, Sean acted irresponsibly! what! That lunatic!

Around two in the middle of the night, Feng Hua was awakened by a series of weird laughter. He actually fell asleep on the table.

He looked up and saw the door was wide open, and Sean was standing in front of it, snickering at himself. He seemed stronger and taller.

"You bastard!" Feng Hua wanted to stand up, but found that he was bound by iron chains.

Sean smiled very happily: "Xiao Huahua, I have to tie you up, otherwise I'll be miserable hahaha!"

"Did you kill Chen Xuan?"

"So what is it, what is it not?"

"answer me!"

"I said, shouldn't you thank me? I silently helped you get rid of that nasty woman! I said, you have a lot to thank me, not only that woman, but I also help you Get rid of the coward Feng Boran - haha, he is really cowardly, I just go to scare him every day, he will be a fart!"

"You deleted all data about you?"

"Yes, this is necessary. It took me three whole days and even asked my hacker friends to help. How about it, even the police can't find my information now!"

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Probably, fun?"

"Surrender yourself."

"Surrender?? Hahahahahaha! Xiao Huahua, you are really joking! Why should I surrender? Voluntarily go to prison for the rest of my life? Haha, no one can catch me, my life is wonderful!"

"I never asked you to do these extreme, superfluous things!"

"But you wanted to do it tomorrow, didn't you?"

"No!! It's you who made Ye'er suspect me!"

"What about suspicion, he has no evidence!"

The iron chain on Feng Hua's body shattered, and Sean showed a surprised expression "Wow".

Feng Hua rushed towards Sean, extremely fast. And Sean slammed the door and ran away.

Feng Yeran was woken up, he walked out of the room with a look of surprise: "What happened?!"

"It's Sean! I'll get him back!"

After speaking, Feng Hua rushed out.

Feng Yeran looked at the messy information in the room, then returned to the bedroom, turned on the computer, and played the surveillance video.

An hour later, Feng Hua came back.

He walked in front of Feng Yeran dejectedly and said, "I'm sorry Ye'er, he ran away."


"Ye'er, I really didn't do it, you have to believe me."

As he spoke, he wanted to hug Feng Yeran, who was leaning against the head of the bed, looking extremely pale and haggard.

And Feng Ye lay down without a trace, avoiding his embrace.

He was wrapped in a quilt and turned his back to Feng Hua: "It's very late, I'm sleeping."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much (^O^)? Baby Vicha? For throwing the rocket launcher, it cost a lot of money! Thank you very much for the two landmines thrown between the bamboo forests, swinging for a thousand words, babble, Yuejiusheng, Yabengwa, I can only blame you for being too naive, the landmines thrown by Maoyou, ah ah!

"Madman" next door has been adapted into a comic, I am very happy, everyone is welcome to watch it.

I hope my current sweetheart "Monster" can also develop well>