
Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Panic


Feng Yeran melted and condensed in the mottled and dark gold dream.

He heard laughter.

"Ye Ran, come here." A familiar, gentle voice.

He saw his mother in a dark dress, snow-white embroidered gloves, and a bow-tie visor, sitting on a stool and waving to him. The father in a dark gray suit was sitting beside her and said to himself, "Silly boy, what are you doing, I want to take a picture!"

Feng Boran and Chen Xuan stood behind the elders, Chen Xuan hugged the puppy and smoothed it, Feng Boran's face was no longer the contempt he used to be, but gentle and friendly.

Feng Yeran walked towards them step by step, stepping on the soft grass with a sour nose. Snow-white flowers are dotted in the green grass, golden sunlight, gentle birdsong, and warm wind.

He stood beside Feng Boran, and Feng Boran put his arm around him: "Brother, smile, don't blink."

His hand lightly covered his mother's shoulder, and the mother smiled back and held his hand, warm.

"Eggplant--" the photographer said.

Everyone faced the camera and shouted "eggplant" together.

A fragrant spring breeze blew.

The mother turned into black fragments and disappeared with the wind.

Before he could react, he heard gunshots and screams.

Black blood splashed on his body, and Feng Boran fell to the ground. Then came Chen Xuan, terrified and screaming like a frightened bird, but in the end she still fell in a pool of blood.

Feng Mu stood up tremblingly, pointed at Feng Yeran, his eyes full of horror and anger slowly widened, and then he slid to the ground.

Feng Yeran gasped loudly in the pool of blood, trembling all over.

A cold man embraced him from behind, like a cold-blooded animal. The gun in the man's hand fell on the lawn, making a soft muffled sound, with white smoke coming from the muzzle.

The man's breath spread in his ears, it was hot like the muzzle of a gun, with a gentle smile:

"Don't be afraid, Ye'er. You still have me."

Feng Yeran wakes up from nightmares from time to time, and every time he wakes up, he finds Feng Hua hugging him tightly. But he was no longer at ease, but feared.

He got up and wandered around the room. There was confusion in my mind.

Early in the morning, at the dinner table.

Feng Yeran was silent for a long time, and said, "Feng Hua, for the time being, go back to the research institute and live for a while."

Feng Hua suddenly raised his head: "Why?? Are you going to drive me away?"


"Then why?" Feng Hua stood up, his eyes reddened, "You want to have me locked in that small room again? It's like locking a beast—"

"No! It's not Feng Hua!" Feng Yeran looked up at him, it was dark now, "Near the research institute, there is a house that I applied for for you before, and now you can live there, you will live there temporarily. , it is very spacious, the environment is very good, there are clock towers around, there are parks, it is really a great place…”

"Will you live there with me?"

"You are so old that you can live alone."

"I'm not going! I just want to live with you! And Ye'er, do you think I don't know? Is there any difference between being locked in a small room and being imprisoned in a house? Every day I say and do I will be affected by Surveillance, you will take a lot of medicine, and you will be treated like a guinea pig... Well, I don't mind this, but it will be difficult to even see you at that time!"

"It's not about taking medicine and giving injections, it's not treating you as an experiment! It's to treat your disease! And I will come to see you. You will have free time every week, and I will try my best to help you apply for more free time. , once your illness is cured, I will bring you back again, you can rest assured - but Feng Hua, you must go, your mental state is very unstable now!"

"I dont go!"


"I dont go!"

"Feng Hua, be obedient."

"I'm not sick... Ye'er! I'm not sick! Why don't you guys believe me?!"

"… "

"Xiao Zhijie told you?"

Feng Yeran suddenly stood up, the table rubbed the floor and made a sharp sound, he slapped the table with his palm, his whole body was shaking slightly, his cheeks were red, and he was obviously angry: "Who told me is not important, it is important No matter what, you must go to live, you must be examined and treated, and if you don't listen, I won't care about you in the future!"

Feng Hua stared at Feng Yeran with wide eyes. After a long time, he lowered his eyes silently and sat weakly on the chair with a very soft voice: "Okay, as long as you... don't leave me, I'll be obedient, I'll go."

※ ※ ※

The house near the research institute used to be the office of the research institute, but it was later abandoned and turned into a place similar to a warehouse.

After finishing and cleaning, it can be lived in, and it is quite empty.

The environment of the house is good, with a small garden, a large park in the distance, and a tall small clock tower, but nothing can hide the essence of being imprisoned. The surrounding area of the house was sealed off by a tight electrical grid. Layers of guards, layers of door locks. Fortunately, it is not completely imprisoned. You can go out two or three times a week, of course you need to be followed.

On the third day after moving, Feng Hua was sitting on the sofa. He just had an infusion, and he was a little dizzy and weak. The phone rang, and he hurriedly opened it. It was the text message Feng Yeran sent him:

"Feng Hua, I have a lot of things to do today, so I won't come to see you. Take care of yourself."

He hurriedly sent a message back to Feng Yeran: "Okay ^_^ Hard work. I'll wait for you tomorrow."

Feng Hua fell asleep on the sofa in a daze, holding a gray down jacket. Feng Yeran's coat.

The evening of the fourth day. He received another text message from Feng Yeran:

"Feng Hua, sorry, there is an event tonight, I can't come to accompany you, go to bed early."

"Received! No drinking! Is your stomach okay?"


"That's good! Don't be too late, go to bed early!"

On the fifth day, I didn't receive a text message from Feng Yeran. Feng Hua called him. After three calls, I finally got through. The background sound is a bit noisy.

"Ye'er, are you outside?"


Feng Hua heard Xiao Zhijie's voice, "Who fought?"

"Ye'er, when did you come today? I haven't seen you for almost a week."

"Maybe come over, but the possibility is relatively small, because now I am too far from the institute, even if I go to your side, it will be very late, don't wait for me."

I heard the man's voice again: "Hey hey he agreed to stay at my house!"

"Are you staying at Xiao Zhijie's house tonight?"

"Not sure, but we're very close to his house now, maybe."

"Don't stay at his house! Ye'er! I miss you!" Unfortunately, a noisy tram covered Feng Hua's voice.

"What did you just say?"

"… nothing."

That night, Feng Hua was still sitting on the sofa, holding the down jacket that was almost out of Feng Yeran's breath, silently staring at the image without sound. Feng Yeran didn't come.

On the evening of the seventh day, Feng Hua made a video with Feng Yeran, and Feng Yeran was walking on the road with some bumps.

"Ye'er, now you are in the research institute, very close to me, you will come."

"Um... yes."

"Still not sure? Are you busy?"

"Yes, I have been staying up late these days to catch an experiment report."

"You're not in good health, don't stay up late."

"Well. Feng Hua, I'll text you later, I'm hanging up."

"it is good."

However, Feng Yeran forgot to hang up the video. The phone was put in his pocket, but he could clearly hear the rubbing of clothes and the sound of conversation.

It was Xiao Zhijie's voice again: "Hey! I'll take you to eat stewed old hens, but I'll make up for it! After eating, let's go for a walk on the pedestrian street. There seems to be an ice sculpture exhibition these two days."

"I don't know what time it is after reading it. I have to go to accompany Feng Hua today."

"Come on, don't you want to see him? You are at home alone and like to think wildly, so stay at my house to relax! I have prepared a toothbrush for you."

"Okay, then it's up to Brother Xiao today!"

"Hahaha, you kid has made the right decision, follow me and have meat to eat!"

Feng Hua hung up the video.

He held the phone, his fingers trembling.

He started editing the text, again and again, writing and deleting, deleting and writing.

"Don't go to his house, that person has bad intentions!"

"Why don't you want to see me?"

"It's been eight full days... Ye'er, you clearly know that I can't leave you!"

"Ye'er, do you know how much I miss you, how worried I am, I'm so restless, I'm so restless that I'm going crazy!"

"Why don't you want to see me? Do you want to give up on me?"

"But I miss you... why... why do I love you so much and suffer so much... "

"You don't want to see me because you suspect I'm a murderer? Because you suspect I killed your woman? But it's not me! It's not me! Why don't you believe me!"

"if it is true-"

He deleted everything.

He wants to go out. It just so happened that he had an hour of free time today.

Followed by a few people, he wore a hoodie, stepped on the snow, walked into a small park, and shuttled through streets large and small.

Listening to the noise, laughter, hawking, cars driving, advertisements, shopping guides, wind...

Looking at all kinds of colors, dazzling, dazzling, dull, black and white...

Countless flavors, the sweetness of drinks, the aroma of food, the smell of sweat from pedestrians, the stench of garbage…

He closed his eyes.

He heard the bell.

Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom...

He suddenly covered his heart and squatted down, inexplicable pain tormented him.

When the bells stopped, all the sharp, roaring sounds became the low, vague rhythm of the cello, all the colors lost their luster, and all the flavors became dull...

It seems that everything has lost its meaning.

He went back to the house and took off his down jacket.

Today, in order to wait for Feng Yeran, he had prepared a meal.

Those meals are already cold now.

He turned on the stove, intending to warm it up.

Fire, like weirdo eyes. Orange iris, green pupils.

He stared into the weirdo's eyes and reached out, wanting to touch it.

He touched.

He saw his skin swell and curl like paper.

It hurts. It seemed that all the cells in the whole body burst at that moment. However, there is an inexplicable feeling of nostalgia.

He moved his hand away and observed that the skin gradually returned to its original appearance.

The wind was whirring, flapping the windows, making a small noise, as if calling for him.

He walked to the window, the flames seemed to spread around him, and this feeling made him happy.

He stood by the window and opened it.

The wind spread on his face, blowing his hair, as if inviting him warmly: jump down! Jump in!

Feng Hua frowned, wanting to throw away that inexplicable impulse.

He inadvertently looked downstairs.

In the white snow, he saw himself.

I saw myself lying on the snow with blood on my head. The blood is red, and the brain is pink and milky. And around, there are more and more of themselves, big or small, they are wandering on the snow, like walking dead.

There were a few researchers standing not far away, but no one thought it was weird.

No one seems to have found the dead body on the ground.

The youngest self seems to be only four or five years old.

He knelt down in front of his dead self, slumped down, stuck out his tongue, and licked the brains on the ground.

Delicious look.

As if it was a pile of strawberry ice cream.

※ ※ ※

After seeing the ice sculptures, Feng Yeran and Xiao Zhijie were walking on the pedestrian street.

Many couples are walking here, and everyone hugs each other and holds hands.

Xiao Zhijie came over to pull Feng Yeran's hand, but Feng Yeran avoided it: "Brother Xiao, you don't want to pretend to be a gay couple with me, do you?"

"Just hold hands, what's the fuss!"

"Suddenly it feels a little cold."

Xiao Zhijie took off his coat and put it over the two of them. The two of them put their shoulders together: "Is it still cold?"

Feng Yeran laughed: "Are you a primary school student?"

Xiao Zhijie grabbed his hand: "No one sees it now."

The two joked all the way home, giving Feng Yeran the illusion that he was back in high school. Xiao Zhijie has always been like this, taller than Feng Yeran, stronger than Feng Yeran, his hair is very short and trendy, and he wears unilateral earrings. In high school, due to Chen Xuan and family affairs, I was very decadent, thanks to this buddy who was always by Feng Yeran's side.

Xiao Zhijie's family is bigger than he imagined, and he is indeed the second generation of the rich.

"The house price here is very expensive. You're almost 200 pings. It's just hatred!"

"Buy whatever you want. If you like it, you can stay here forever, right?"

"If I live here forever, what wife will you marry?"

"Will I marry you?"

"… "

"Ye Ran, I sit here by myself and watch TV every day. How lonely. I often imagine you wearing an apron and cooking me dinner in the kitchen."

"Think beautifully."

"No clothes in the apron."

"… "

"When I got home, he said to me, 'Brother Xiao, do you take a bath first, or eat first, or eat me first'?"

"...I'm straight."

"I'm serious."

Feng Yeran was a little embarrassed: "Don't make such a joke... Besides, is it awkward for you, a straight man, to make such a joke without realizing it?!"

"I mean it! I only do this to you!"

Xiao Zhijie suddenly hugged Feng Yeran and said in his ear: "Yeran, I have endured for many years, but now I have to tell you, I like you! It's true! When I was in high school I just like you! But at that time, you only had Chen Xuan in your eyes... But now that Chen Xuan is gone, I just thought, do I have a chance!"

Feng Yeran was taken aback: "It's really not a punishment game?"

"It's true! The reason why I came back to China this time is for you, and being an idler in the research institute is also to stay with you more!"

Feng Yeran suddenly thought of what Feng Hua said to him, "Don't approach him. He has plans for you". I didn't believe it at the time.

"But... I'm straight." Feng Yeran was embarrassed.

"You will love me!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhijie leaned up and kissed Feng Yeran's lips, which was hot.

Feng Yeran got goosebumps, he stood up immediately: "Brother Xiao! Are you forcing me to leave?! I really can't accept it..."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'll let you take my time!"

In the bathroom, Feng Yeran felt that he was very sorry for Xiao Zhijie.

Xiao Zhiring is really very good to him.

It was just a kiss from him, and he felt uncomfortable all over. After washing the corner of his mouth many times, the skin began to turn red and peeled.

Looking at it this way, he is still very straight.

But kissing Feng Hua was completely different. There will be no disgust. Not only is it not disgusting, but also…

Feng Yeran shook his head, and after the shame passed, endless worries flooded up.

He admits that he is a shrinking tortoise, and the first thing he does when encountering unacceptable things is often to escape.

This time, he escaped for several days.

Every day when he was free, he would think wildly, and recall again and again the surveillance video he saw that day, which shocked him. He followed Xiao Zhijie's suggestion and installed cameras in the bedroom, living room, and study at home.

He didn't know how to face Feng Hua at all. All and all the evidence told him that Feng Hua was very dangerous, and that Feng Hua was most likely the murderer. And he couldn't accept that Feng Hua was the murderer. He didn't know how he should react. He had confirmed with him countless times? Make him admit that he is the murderer? Quarrel with him? punish him? hate him? But Feng Hua himself didn't even know the truth - he couldn't bear to hand Feng Hua to the police, let alone a nursing home. It was a correct decision to bring him back to the research institute, but what should we do now? Should I take care of him? But once you stay with him, you will think of terrible things and have terrible dreams!

He really didn't know what to do at all.

But in any case, he must face it, tomorrow, tomorrow he must go to see Feng Hua.

※ ※ ※

In fact, in order to cultivate new embryos the next day, he got off work very late, and it was already eleven o'clock when he arrived at Feng Hua's residence.

When he opened the door, he didn't see Feng Hua who came to greet him like a big dog. Some of the empty rooms were dark, and even had a musty smell that had not been ventilated for a long time. No heating, very cold.

"Feng Hua?" Feng Yeran turned on the light and called out softly.

"You're here." A very calm voice.

Feng Hua sat on the old sofa, his face pale. The moment Feng Yeran saw Feng Hua, he suddenly forgot what he was struggling with these days, and felt relieved. The feeling of drowsiness came up, after all, he hadn't slept well these days.

"Are you used to living here?"


"Are you sleeping on the sofa? Why don't you go to bed?"

Feng Hua didn't answer him, just asked, "Have you been with Xiao Zhijie these past few days?"

"It's just the day before yesterday and yesterday. He is still the same, very interesting, and knows all kinds of interesting places. Yesterday, I went to the pedestrian street with him to see ice sculptures, lantern exhibitions, etc. Not bad."

Feng Yeran sat next to Feng Hua, lying comfortably on the sofa, and yawned: "Ah, so sleepy."

"Didn't sleep well at his house?"


"Sleep with him?"

"..." Feng Yeran noticed that Feng Hua's tone was a bit wrong.

He turned his head and found that Feng Hua was staring at him. Upon closer inspection, I realized that Feng Hua's eyes had a lot of red blood, and those clear eyes became dark and unclear at this moment. The eyes were thick black and his lips were dry.

Before Feng Yeran could answer, he heard laughter.

Low, mocking.

Cold fingers ran across his cheeks, lifting his jaw.

It was too cold, Feng Yeran suddenly remembered the dead Chen Xuan, the same temperature. He couldn't help but hide.

But Feng Hua didn't let him go. He pinched Feng Yeran's chin, raised the corner of his mouth, but asked with no expression, "Why, did he make you so comfortable? Now you don't want to be touched by me?"

Feng Yeran didn't understand for a while: "What nonsense are you talking about??"

Feng Hua's icy fingers were like the tentacles of insects, slowly, sliding from Feng Yeran's forehead to his cheek, and then gently pressing his lips: "Where did he kiss your...where?"

He tilted his head slightly: "Forehead? Cheeks? Lips? Is the tongue sticking in?"

"To shut up!"

"Ha, are you embarrassed? Your ears are all red... Is this how you look when you are in front of him? After he confessed to you, you looked at him like this, right? Then, let him kiss you as much as you like and possess you... "


Feng Yeran didn't have time to refute, and was pinned by Feng Hua on the sofa.

Feng Hua's lips slowly descended along the arc of Feng Yeran's lower jaw.

He was speaking expressionlessly, his breath and long curly hair slowly slid across Feng Yeran's skin, a little itchy.

His hand almost rudely slid into Feng Yeran's thin sweater, and every inch of his skin shivered and turned red almost immediately. When his breath slid across Feng Yeran's left breast, groans came out of Feng Yeran's throat almost uncontrollably.

"I haven't smoked yet, that's all... Did he make you so sensitive? Ye'er, how many times have you done it?"

A strong sense of shame surged up and turned into anger.

Feng Yeran pushed Feng Hua away, grabbed his things and walked to the bedroom, closing the door with a "bang" and locking it.

Feng Hua fell on the sofa, raised his head, and covered his eyes with the back of his hand.

His shoulders shook slightly, and he didn't know if he was laughing or crying.

Feng Yeran was lying on the bed with a mess in his head. Too much has happened recently.

The anger dissipated after a while. Originally, he wanted to open the door for Feng Hua and explain that he and Xiao Zhijie were buddies and could not do those disgusting things. But he didn't understand why he needed an explanation. He was so tired, he thought that there were many rooms in this house, and there was more than one bedroom, so Feng Hua should be asked to reflect on it before he fell asleep.

Tick tock, tick tock, time passed by minute by minute in the quiet night.

Something seems to be slowly and silently climbing and changing, unknown.

Probably around three in the middle of the night.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, softly.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

Of course, Feng Yeran was not woken up.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

In this way, it took almost ten minutes to knock, and the sound almost merged with the sound of the bell and the sound of night's breathing.

Then the knock on the door became a little more urgent.

"Dong dong dong dong... dong dong dong dong..."

Feng Yeran moved dazedly.

He was talking like a dream outside the door, and couldn't hear clearly: "Ye'er... I'm sorry... open the door... I... he... I want... together... please... open the door... I'm so... sad... why... no... open the door... "

The knocking on the door became a little softer again, but the sobbing outside the door was faintly heard. First, there was the cry of an adult man, low and suppressed, and then, like the cry of a child, it was uncontrollable.

Feng Yeran finally had some consciousness, and he heard more and more rapid knocking on the door, mixed with vague and crying sounds.

"Feng Hua?" he asked.

The knocking on the door turned into a slapping sound, getting louder and louder. During this period, there was also a harsh sound from sliding through the wooden door with fingernails. It was as if an animal was constantly scratching the door with its claws, which was creepy.

"Feng Hua? Is that you?" Feng Hua walked towards the door.

No one answered him.

What responded to him was the sound of slamming the door more and more rapidly, the sound of turning the door lock vigorously, and the sound of knocking on the door.

Again and again, boom, boom.

Originally the wall was not thick, and the collision almost made the whole room tremble.

Feng Yeran saw the door being hit again and again, and suddenly, began to be afraid.

Especially, when this kind of impact didn't look like a human being at all—it was a rather terrifying force, a frantic impact, almost breaking through the door in the next moment, and it continued and became more and more rapid—he was completely stunned.

In the darkness, his brain went blank, his pupils narrowed and his mouth was dry.

The only thing he knew was that he didn't believe that it was Feng Hua who was outside the door.

He was very, very scared, he had to hide!

Like a child, he hid in the closet.

He blindfolded himself in the closet, trying to escape this sudden fear.

And the crash didn't stop at all.


Everything is shaking and disintegrating.

The door lock is loose.

The door cracked open, and the shards hit the metal, knocking on the ground, making a loud noise.

Feng Yeran almost screamed. He covered his lips.

He heard the sound of the door being opened, Gazi.

Then, turn on the lights.


Step by step.

He didn't know why he was so scared, but his whole body was shaking, and he was curled up to hide in his clothes.

He heard footsteps from the door to the bed.


It's like Feng Hua's voice, but not like Feng Hua's voice. Because this voice is crazy and terrifying - it is a gentle voice, but it makes people tremble. It's completely different from the usual Fenghua feeling!

"Where are you, Ye'er?"

The quilt was thrown on the ground, the cabinet was opened, and the cup fell to the ground and shattered—the usual Feng Hua would never do this. Feng Yeran remembered that this was the voice of the man in the dream.

"It's so late, stop playing hide-and-seek with me! If you don't come out obediently, I will punish you."

The sound of footsteps approaching the wardrobe, Feng Yeran suppressed his breathing, and his heartbeat quickly jumped out of his chest. He covered his lips, and again he heard the sound of something shattering, presumably, a picture frame by the bed. The man didn't seem to value anything, and all his actions were directed towards the same goal - destruction. A terrifying creature like a demon.

But the man didn't open the closet.

The footsteps were far away.

Then there was no other sound, and the man left.

At least ten minutes later, Feng Yeran quietly poked his head out of his clothes. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he opened the closet slightly, revealing a crack. The light leaked in. He leaned into the crack and looked out. —

ah ah ah-

Unable to hold back any longer, he screamed, almost fainting from fright!

The red eyes stared at him from the gap.

The wardrobe was suddenly opened, and the demon looked down at Feng Yeran with a weird smile on his face:

"Ah - found, found, you, there!"

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the rocket launcher thrown by Du Yi, the grenade thrown by Ming Lan, the mines thrown by Yuejiusheng and Yabengwa, I have been waiting for this time, I love you! Weibo notification of the next update time, I just finished the pre-class report

emmmm, this chapter is a little scary.

And, spoiler, in fact, the place where Feng Hua saw the illusion in the house has a strong symbolic meaning>