
Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Kiss Me


Feng Yeran avoided his cold fingers and pressed the "Open Door" button tremblingly.

Feng Hua's voice came from behind: "Why, don't you want to be touched by me?"

But no matter how he pressed or knocked, the door wouldn't open and wouldn't work, it looked like it was broken. What's going on? !

The cold embrace came from behind, and Feng Yeran seemed to be able to hear the sound of his nerves breaking.

He pushed Feng Hua away hard: "Don't touch me!!"

"Why?" Gently, tenderly.

"You killed Chen Xuan! You killed Feng Boran!"

"… so what?"

"You killed Xiao Zhiring..."

"He's not dead."

Feng Yeran thought of the extremely terrifying picture again, and he retched several times.

"Ye'er, don't be afraid, come here."

" go out...go out..."

Feng Yeran hugged his head and pressed his back against the wall. The boundless fear gradually turned into anger. He roared recklessly: "Get out! Get out! You monster!!"

Feng Hua shuddered violently, and then his exaggerated smile reappeared: "Hahahaha, so, you want to drive me away again?! Do you want to leave me again?? You clearly know that I have only you! You clearly I know I can't live without you—"

The lights in the elevator suddenly went out. total darkness.

what happened? !

Feng Yeran fumbled for the button and pressed it randomly, but there was no response.

In the darkness, he heard Feng Hua's low, dreamy voice: "Ye'er, if you really want to leave me..."

Feng Yeran had a very bad feeling.

"What do you want to do?!"

Feng Hua's voice was soft, even pleasant: "Why not, let's fall together like this."

So easy, as if he was saying "let's go for a walk".

However, before he could react, extreme terror suddenly came.

Instant weightlessness.

The elevator in the 70-story building suddenly fell.

Feng Yeran's feet couldn't touch the floor, he almost flew up, it was completely dark, the terrifying sense of weightlessness killed him almost immediately, his whole body seemed to be about to come out of the shell, he couldn't control his roar at all, like dying animals—

Ah ah ah ah ah-

With a bang, the elevator suddenly stopped, and Feng Yeran slammed onto the floor, in pain and embarrassment.

Fear made him hold his head, he crawled hard to the corner with tears streaming down his face: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... stop... stop!"

In the darkness, Feng Hua squatted in front of him and observed him, like a naive child: "Want to stop? Yes. Please, kiss me."

Feng Yeran immediately knelt on the ground and begged him: "Please... please stop... I'm going crazy... I won't leave you... I was wrong... I was wrong... "

"I want you to kiss me."

Feng Ye stared blankly at the direction of the voice, but did not respond.

But the elevator actually fell again.

Feng Yeran seemed to have seen the bones of his body were broken and his head was bleeding.

Fear destroys almost all thinking.

Relying only on his last desire to survive, he groped in the darkness at random.

He grabbed Feng Hua's arm and shoulder, and he almost bumped towards each other, his lips didn't know where they touched.

Finally, the elevator stopped.

This time, he was hugged and sat firmly on the floor.

The lights of the elevator also came on, faint and yellow.

Feng Yeran had his back against the wall, panting in the dark, his chest heaving and his head dizzy.

And Feng Hua squatted in front of him, the corners of his bloody mouth slightly raised: "You did a great job."

I don't know if the blood belonged to Feng Yeran or Feng Hua.

Feng Hua traced Feng Yeran's trembling lips with icy fingers, and gently wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, as if applying lipstick to him, his eyes were unbelievably affectionate.

He kissed Feng Yeran's lips sideways, rubbed Feng Yeran's lips with his soft lips, and licked the rust-smelling blood.

It was probably blood that stimulated his instinct, and his kisses gradually became aggressive and possessive. He pulled down Feng Yeran's jaw, entangled Feng Yeran's lips and tongue, and robbed him of the air in his mouth. Kissing him tightly.

"you are mine."

"you are mine."

He seemed stunned and kept talking.

The elevator is slowly descending. Outside the elevator, there is a bustling night scene, feasting and feasting.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Hua's kiss gradually became gentle again.

He called Feng Yeran's name softly.

He cupped his cheeks with both hands, like holding a treasure, and kissed him with the utmost tenderness.

He said over and over again:

Ye Er, I love you.

※ ※ ※

Xiao Zhijie is indeed not dead, he is crazy. His father learned of this and sent someone to pick him up.

Obviously, Feng Hua's illness was underestimated.

Not long after getting out of the elevator, Feng Hua disappeared like a bubble blown away by the wind.

Feng Hua's body has indeed been imprisoned in the house and has not come out.

Feng Yeran asked his team to secretly study Feng Hua. They overturned some of the previous results. After analyzing a large amount of information, they found that Feng Hua is not just as simple as having multiple personalities. First of all, he has the ability to split or self-replicate, but this ability is time-limited, which means that he can split a part of his body and go out to find Feng Yeran. After the time is up, this body will disappear, or use another Second, he does suffer from multiple personality disorder. In his heart, Sean is an arrogant red-haired man, but in fact, Sean is just one of his personalities. And why the red hair, an experienced researcher suggested that it may be related to Feng Hua's childhood, maybe from a fairy tale, or a TV animation and so on.

Feng Yeran remembered that once, he and Feng Hua had watched a heroic action movie together. The hero's name was Sean, a sturdy red-haired man.

Well, a lot of things make sense.

Why was Feng Hua lying beside him, but he was able to kill Chen Xuan in the Feng family mansion;

Why did Feng Boran, who was imprisoned in prison, always see terrible apparitions and committed suicide soon after;

Why in the camera, I saw him talking to himself in the living room alone;

In addition, the question that has always puzzled Feng Yeran has also been roughly answered - he has been thinking, who used his computer in advance, helped him transfer the confidential documents, and manipulated the documents, so that he could Get out of the "theft of intellectual property" case.

That's right, that person is Feng Hua.

Now, when Feng Hua knows that Sean is himself, he seems to have achieved a wonderful fusion, and he has the memory of Sean.

He admitted it himself.

When talking about Xiao Zhijie, he said that it was a kindness to him that he did not kill him.

Feng Yeran sat in the office and watched the video about Feng Hua recorded by the researchers.

Turning off the computer, he rubbed his temples and sighed.

Now Feng Hua is more strictly imprisoned in the house, and even all the devices have been updated to electronic devices, and the slightest disturbance can be displayed on the instrument.

On his bookshelf, there is the ancient novel "Frankenstein", and now, again and again, he is deeply aware that he thought he had created a new human being, but he actually created an incomparably terrifying science monster.

On the night that the research results came out, Feng Yeran went to the bar after a long absence.

He clearly knew that his body was very weak, and drinking alcohol was obviously self-torture.

But he was so miserable.

He felt hollow, empty, extremely lonely.

His mother has long since passed away, the woman he loves the most, and the only brother he hates but is also dead, his father doesn't care about him at all, and now he and his mistress have gone abroad, his best friend is actually very early He betrayed him, and now he is crazy. His child, Feng Hua, is as dangerous as a dick. Just staying with him will make him tremble with fear.

He sat in the corner, pouring cup after cup.

Messy thoughts swirled in his mind.

He has a terminal illness himself, and I am afraid he will not live for many years. Why do he always waste time on these things? Ah, he really wanted to escape, to a place where no one knew him, and to spend the last few years in peace there.

But what should Feng Hua do? Feng Hua couldn't leave him.

Now that you know that Feng Hua is the murderer, hand him over to the police? Maybe he won't be sentenced because of his illness, he'll be sent to a nursing home? No... no, he's not human, he's just an experiment, he doesn't have human rights yet... maybe... he'll really be dealt with.

no... no...

Feng Yeran's consciousness became more and more blurred, his rationality gradually dissipated, and his fears and worries disappeared.

Inexplicably, after he was drunk, there was a dull and hot thing swelling in his body.

After he paid the bill, he staggered out of the bar.

Several people came to help him, and some people came to talk to him, but he ignored them.

He got into the taxi, a kind of excitement spread in his body, he desperately wanted to see a person, he longed for a person, he only thought about a person.

Thinking of him when he was young, innocent and cute, thinking of his little golden flower;

Thinking of his soft and squirming words, thinking of him writing his name over and over again on the page, thinking of him drawing his own appearance over and over again on the drawing paper;

Thinking about how he grew up and became green, and how he leaned against himself to sleep in the morning;

Think of his hugs, the way he talks, his tears, his gifts, his kisses;

Thinking of his confession over and over again, he said, Ye Er, I love you...

After getting off the taxi, Feng Yeran almost ran!

For the first time, he hated that there were too many door locks in the house, and the password was too difficult!

He wants to see him right away!

Feng Hua was wearing a simple thin sweater, and there was a strong sense of alienation on his pale face. When he saw Feng Yeran rushing into the door, he was a little surprised, but immediately, that emotion dissipated again.

He thought, Feng Yeran was just here to get his luggage. He probably won't live here with him again in the future.

"Feng Hua..." Feng Yeran happily called Feng Hua's name, with a strong smell of alcohol and a big, very dazzling smile.

Feng Hua was stunned for a while, then turned his eyes away: "Have you been drinking?"

"Feng Hua... Feng Hua..."

"You are obviously not in good health, and you still drink."

"Feng Hua... Feng Hua... Come here..." Feng Yeran opened his arms with a deep joy in his voice.

Feng Hua walked towards him, but didn't hug him, didn't even look at him: "Does your stomach hurt?"

Feng Yeran thought for a moment and said, "A little bit."

Feng Hua covered his stomach with his hands to help him heal. His heart sank again, and he laughed at himself in his heart. Sure enough, his Ye'er hadn't come over for so many days. He came here today just because he had a stomachache and he needed to help him treat it by himself. But he immediately thought, this is a good thing, at least, he still needs himself.

"Feng Hua!"

"… "

"Feng Hua, today... hiccup... I really want to see you..."


"Feng Hua!"

"What's wrong?"

"Why don't you look at me?"

"you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk. Look at me."

Feng Hua didn't seem to hear it. He still didn't look at Feng Yeran and asked in a low voice, "Is it better?"

"… Um."

"I'll get you a glass of hot water."

After speaking, his fingers left Feng Yeran's stomach, ready to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yeran put his arms around his neck, and when he didn't react at all, he stood on tiptoe and gently pecked his lips.

The strong smell of alcohol hit his face, and Feng Hua's eyes widened.

Feng Yeran was very, very satisfied. He smiled and stuck to Feng Hua, triumphantly: "You finally looked at me!"

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Many thanks to Romani Akiman for throwing 2 mines, Du Yi, Bamboo Forest, and Eleven for throwing mines.

In fact, when I was writing about the fall of the elevator, I kept thinking about the feeling of riding the ultra-fast nimbus at Disney the other day. Although I was very aggressive and didn't scream at all, it was really exciting = =

In addition, regarding the character of Sean, I wonder if you still remember Chapter 7, when Feng Hua and Feng Yeran watched a movie together, and Sean's prototype was the protagonist of this movie.