
Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Roof


Feng Hua was lying among the pages, the surrounding walls were ready, and the dazzling sunlight shone on him.

Bai Ying gently helped him to cover his eyes: "It's too bright, so I still need a roof."

Feng Hua closed his eyes.

"Fortunately, you have repaired the roof before, the materials are complete, and it will be repaired soon."

May 2240.

In the garden, there is laughter, birds chirping and flowers are fragrant.

Feng Yeran was sitting in a wheelchair, his face was pale, but there was a peaceful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Not far away, there was a naughty ghost surrounded by adults grabbing a watermelon and running around the pool. As soon as his father pulled his ears, he started to cry, and was immediately carried into his arms by his mother.

"Reminds me of your childhood." Feng Yeran smiled.

"Was I that naughty when I was a kid?"

"No, you've been very good, very good."

The breeze blew, and the few white strands on Feng Hua's head floated slowly, appearing a bit inconsistent among the black curly hair.

Tick, tick, tick.

It's raining. Parents hurriedly took their children's hands and prepared to leave.

The shadow of the umbrella covered the thoughtful Feng Yeran.

Feng Hua's voice was soft: Let's go back.


Feng Hua pushed Feng Yeran into the hospital, walked into the elevator, and went up to the 10th floor. Feng Yeran has been hospitalized here for three months. Now, Feng Hua has pushed aside almost everything and concentrates on accompany Feng Yeran to recover. Unless there is a major incident at the institute, he will go back for a few days. He set up a small bed beside Feng Yeran's hospital bed and stayed by his side every day.

When Feng Yeran was critically ill, Feng Hua had nothing to do. He took Feng Yeran everywhere to find a doctor. After two operations, the female doctor successfully stabilized Feng Yeran's condition.

Selena is a very good and responsible female doctor. After the operation, she will see Feng Yeran every day.

She is beautiful, with short orange hair, fair skin, and red-rimmed glasses. She and Feng Yeran have similar hobbies, like movies and novels of the same type, and even the food they like to eat. Because of this, they quickly became friends and often got together to talk and write. Occasionally, Feng Hua will be avoided.

Life in the hospital is quite boring, so it's not surprising that Feng Yeran talks about Selena every day.

He said that Selena was already the most powerful doctor in the hospital at a young age;

He said that when Selena gave him injections and infusions, it didn't hurt at all, but if he changed to another doctor, it would hurt him to death;

Selena is a poor woman, he said. Five years ago, she came home from nighttime surgery to find her husband and friends drunk on the sofa, while her two-year-old daughter drowned in the bathtub. The next day, she and her husband divorced;

He said that he accidentally saw the appearance of Selena after removing her makeup. It was indeed very different from usual, with a bad complexion and heavy dark circles under her eyes, but he didn't think it was ugly. She was actually not what she looked like. Gorgeous, but very strong and fragile;

They are very similar, he said. They all want a home.

Feng Hua always listened to Feng Yeran's words quietly, smiled and nodded from time to time. Then turn off the video and desk lamp, play the sleeping song, and accompany Feng Yeran to sleep.

In June, Feng Yeran's complexion improved a lot.

It happened to be Selena's birthday one weekend. She threw a party and invited Feng Yeran and Feng Hua.

At this party, Selena stunned the audience. She wore a white gauze dress and danced a ballet for everyone on the violin.

After the meal, in the cheerful waltz, unexpectedly, she did not dance with those young and handsome guys, but came to Feng Yeran and invited the patient to dance.


Feng Hua was about to stop Selena's invitation when he was interrupted by the encouraging applause from everyone.

He could feel Feng Yeran's breathing and heart speeding up, and the auricles were red. Feng Yeran was nervous and looking forward to it.

Feng Hua clenched his fists, looked at Feng Yeran's hand, and was pulled up by Selena. Wearing a hospital gown, he slowly left the wheelchair and Feng Hua's shadow, and carefully walked on the tiles with intricate patterns, getting further and further away. There was a faint blush on his pale face, and his brows were painful, like a mermaid who had just learned to walk.

In the sound of music, Feng Yeran moved clumsily with difficulty. He had been lying on the bed for a long time, his leg muscles had atrophied a little, his whole body was weak, and he was sweating after a few movements.

Feng Hua knew that he would fall soon.

And one second before he fell to the ground, he would save him.

However, Feng Yeran succeeded.

Under the guidance of Selena, he completed the basic movements. Rather, he danced well beyond everyone's expectations.

After the song ended, Selena kissed Feng Yeran on the cheek.

Applause and cheers continued.

The person next to Feng Hua grabbed him excitedly and said, "Wow, your brother and Miss Selena are a good match!"

The wine glass in Feng Hua's hand was crushed into pieces by him.

The scarlet liquid fell, one drop, two drops, silently.

That night, the bathroom. Feng Yeran sat in the bathtub while Feng Hua washed his hair.

Feng Hua asked, "Do you like Selena?"

Feng Yeran nodded.

Feng Hua: "You already have me, why?"

Feng Yeran: "...I told you before, we were just family, I can't respond to your feelings..."

Feng Hua suddenly stepped into the bathtub and punched the tile behind Feng Yeran. The red blood beads slid down and fell into the bathtub like a blooming flower.

"Ye'er, how can you be so forgetful? Last year, you said, you love me? You said it many times, you love me, I even recorded it? Do you want to listen now? Why do you Did you forget it so soon?"

Feng Hua's face was very close to Feng Yeran, with dense red blood in his eyes, looking a little terrifying: "So, are you testing me? But Ye'er, don't you know what I will do? Do you want your beloved Selena to become like Chen Xuan, or like Xiao Zhijie, or like Eve?"

Feng Yeran looked up at Feng Hua, who was trembling all over while saying terrible words, and even started to cry silently, raised his head and hugged him in his arms: "Feng Hua, she is the only one who can make my wish come true, you really Are you going to hurt her?"

"… "

"I... always wanted to have a home, a normal, healthy home, and for the rest of my life, be an ordinary father and have my own children..."

"Can't you just be with me? Did you really lie to me when you said you loved me before?!"

Feng Yeran held Feng Hua's face in both hands and wiped his tears: "Feng Hua, you can't understand now, but one day you will understand... I have always loved you... but... I... "

"I don't understand what?!"

"...Feng Hua, your gray hair has become more numerous." Feng Yeran's fingers gently rubbed the few gray hairs of Feng Hua, talking about completely unrelated things.

"Tell me, what the hell I don't understand?... Don't look at me like that... Well this time, I won't hurt that woman, but please don't be with her, she's just your doctor, you want home, want It's alright to have children, I'll…”

"Feng Hua, you have grown up, your status is irreplaceable for a long time, and there is no problem in surviving alone. Of course... It was definitely painful at first, but I believe that you will be able to persevere... "

"...I won't leave you!"

"Next month, I can be discharged from the hospital."


"I'm already dating Selena. We're going to start living together next month."

Jingle, ping ping pong.

"The roof is about to be repaired, this time really fast." Bai Ying said happily, "So, what happened next?"

Feng Hua stood among the piles of papers, and a smaller and smaller light reflected on his cheek: "The people in the office have come to pick me up, but I will still go downstairs every night to wait for him for seven days."

"It was July, how did you endure it?"

"Yeah. Back then, as long as I dozed off a little, I would dream that I killed the woman. Several times, my own body moved first..."

"But you still didn't kill her."


"Did you impress Feng Yeran?"

"of course not."

"He didn't come down to see you?"


"Not once?"

Feng Hua frowned and seemed to have a headache: "No."

"... Then what?"

"I'm leaving. It's boring."

"It's fixed."

With Bai Ying's voice, the whole space was dark.

The white shadow blew lightly, a candle lit up, and it turned the pages in the candlelight: "Let's sort it out, the timeline covered by the wall is a full eight years since you were born, that is, … Well, the story from Christmas in 2232 to winter in 2239, and although the roof is the first story, it actually takes place after the wall, starting in 2240 and continuing for more than half a year.”

"Is it."

"Then, the next step is the doors and windows."

"The Roof" of "Monster"

The author has something to say:


"Wall", "roof", "doors and windows", "chimney" constitute the main body of this article. "Wall" is written in detail, and the rest are abbreviated. Each part is true and false, false and true.

Probably, "wall" and "roof" are the best to understand, "doors and windows" will use a very stream-of-consciousness description, and "chimney" should involve two fairy tales. It's been a while since everyone was watching, but it doesn't matter, the truth will be revealed soon, huh-3-

doors and windows