
Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Chimneys


Feng Hua was walking in the wasteland. The cracked earth, black debris floating in the sky, like snowflakes.

He stood at the end of the world, the cold wind howled, the abyss below the cliff, and the distance was dark.

-This is where? Now, what month is it? Why am I here

Not far away, there is an abandoned newsstand.

Feng Hua walked over and picked up a tattered newspaper that read: December 20, 2241.

Suddenly, my head was a little dizzy, and my ears buzzed... Ah, I heard the bell.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Feng Hua staggered out of the kiosk, short of breath.

The cheerful voices of the children sounded like silver bells.

It was a group of children dancing on the cross, laughing, making noise, dancing, dancing.

Without warning, they suddenly stared at Feng Hua—

Those are eyes of inquiry, eyes of schadenfreude, eyes of evil, eyes of terror...

Feng Hua's hands and feet quickly became thinner and smaller, and he became a child. Like a poor prey, he ran wildly, and the ghosts dancing on the cross were chasing him wildly.

Chasing him, in this wasteland, in the black snow.

-Help! help me!

Bai Ying appeared, and it pulled Xiao Fenghua to run, running very fast.

Finally, the terrifying laughter disappeared.

Xiao Fenghua gasped loudly, wiping away his sweat.

Together with Bai Ying, he walked into the rose jungle. The dark outline of the castle could be seen through the layers of mist.

Deep in the jungle, there was a young man. Fair skin, black curly hair, can not see the appearance. He sat against the tree, the white roses around him quivering slightly. He held a picture book in his hand.

Feng Hua walked towards him and heard him say, "I'm tired, then take a break."

Sitting beside him, Xiao Fenghua heard the sound of him flipping through the album, turned his head and saw the colorful pictures between the pages: "What are these?"

"It's a fairy tale. Want to hear it?"

Xiao Fenghua nodded and moved closer to the man.

"The name of the fairy tale is 'Monster and His Royal Highness'."

The man's voice was mixed with a floral wind, softly,

"A long time ago, there was a poor and weak prince. One day, he picked up a seed in the forest. He buried the seed in the soil. monster.

The monster is ugly and scary, but the monster wants the love of His Royal Highness.

'Please love me. ' said the monster to the prince, 'I can be what you love and I can give you anything. '

It shed a layer of skin and became beautiful and clean; it gave His Royal Highness health, wealth and fame;

It allows His Royal Highness to live in a grand castle with many subjects.

But the prince did not love him.

His Royal Highness has a beautiful canary, and the prince likes its sweet singing voice.

The monster ate the canary in one bite, crunch, quack, clunk, and the poor canary was devoured by it.

His Royal Highness brought back a cute little white rabbit, and the prince liked its beautiful red eyes very much.

The monster ate the little white rabbit in one bite, crunching, chirping, chirping, gudong, and the poor little white rabbit was eaten clean by it.

His Royal Highness raised a smart puppy, the prince likes its loyalty, and it shakes its tail at any time.

The monster ate the puppy in one bite, crunch, chirp, chirp, gudong, and the poor puppy was eaten clean by it.

His Royal Highness fell in love with the princess. The prince liked her beautiful voice, beautiful eyes, and beautiful figure.

The monster ate up the princess in one bite, crunching, chirping, groaning, and the poor princess was devoured cleanly by it.

His Royal Highness was furious and ordered: kill it.

But the monster was too big, too big, and no one could kill it.

His Royal Highness put it in a cage.

For three whole years, the monster lay in a cramped cage.

Then, the country of His Royal Highness was swept by war, the enemy was too strong, and His Royal Highness's army was defeated.

The enemy army accidentally destroyed the cage and released the monster.

The monster killed the enemy and protected His Royal Highness, but now there is nothing left.

'Now, only I can be by your side. As long as you love me, I can give you anything. Do you love me? ' the monster asked.

'I can't love you. ' replied the prince.

The monster traveled through the overlapping jungle to the end of the world, where he found the demon.

'I want the prince's love, can you help me make it happen? ' it said to the devil.

The demon smiled: 'I can help you achieve it, but you need to pay an unknown price. '

The monster finally got the love of His Royal Highness.

For more than five hundred days, it was like a dream.

Every day and night, he was with His Royal Highness the Prince, so happy, so happy.

However, on December 20, 2241, His Royal Highness the Prince died.

It turned out that the price of love is the death of the prince.

The desperate monster devoured all life and burned everything.

'If love is connected with death... well, I'd rather not love! '

A painful monster with a strong obsession came to the wasteland.

It spit out a canary, and the canary flew into the sky, singing so beautifully.

It spat out a little rabbit, who was bouncing about in the dead grass, blinking beautiful red eyes.

It spat out a puppy who barked and wagged his cute tail.

It spat out the beautiful princess, who seemed to have slept for a long time, stretched and yawned.

It spits out flowers and grasses, butterflies and seabirds, dense forests, magnificent castles…

In a brand new world, it spit out my dear prince.

The poor and feeble prince.

His Royal Highness picked up a seed in the forest. He buried the seed in the soil, and the seed quickly sprouted and blossomed. Inside the huge fruit, there was a monster.

The monster is ugly and scary, but the monster wants the love of His Royal Highness.

'Please love me. ' said the monster to the prince, 'I can be what you love and I can give you anything. '

The prince will never love it.

But that is the wish of the monster!

Even if it can never be loved, even if it is only a relationship maintained by pain and hatred.

Monsters only need to be with His Royal Highness! Life after life, forever and ever! "

The man's calm voice became more and more excited as he went back, and finally, he threw off the album and stood up. A strong wind blew, and his red hair fluttered in the wind, and it was an arrogant face. It's Sean.

"As long as we're together forever, what's the point of not being loved? Isn't death the most terrifying thing?" Sean said, "Hey, Aunt, don't you think so?"

Qin Xihe, dressed in strict black, was standing not far away with a white umbrella, and nodded: "Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the cycle begins again and again. Feng Hua, this is good now. You create the world in your memory again and again, and the pursuit will never be possible. The love you get. It is precisely because you can never get it that the obsession is formed, and it becomes the eternal power and motivation of this vicious circle that you keep creating the world - destroying the world - creating the world. Only then can you be with him forever."

Feng Hua started to have a headache again. He always felt that he had forgotten something important, something very important, something that should not be forgotten but must be forgotten.

Feng Hua!

Feng Hua!

Feng Hua!

Feng Hua opened his eyes, Bai Ying was right in front of him.

Bai Ying fluttered and held Feng Hua's face: "Feng Hua, I have also heard of the fairy tale "Monster and His Royal Highness", but the version I know is much gentler than what he just said. It's a very romantic, touching story. Let me tell you!"


Don't listen to it!

Don't listen!

However, Bai Ying's voice blew in Feng Hua's ears, so clear that it seemed to pour directly into his heart:

"A long time ago, there was a terminally ill prince. He picked up a seed in the forest, and the seed grew into a monster. The monster was so ugly, terrible, cruel, but it wanted the prince's love. It Unable to bear that His Royal Highness loves anything but it. So, it ate His Royal Highness's canaries, rabbits, dogs, and even His Royal Highness's brother, His Highness the Princess, whom the Prince loves. [His Royal Highness hates it .] At the same time, the time it spent with the prince was so happy, it fulfilled the prince's wish, and it dedicated everything it could to the prince, including his own life. [His Royal Highness can't Hate it.] The war swept the kingdom of the prince, and it protected His Royal Highness. [His Royal Highness had only it.] It was sick, very sick. [His Royal Highness wanted to take care of it, protect it.] It begged for love countless times .[His Royal Highness chose to love it.][His Royal Highness fell in love with it.]"

"No!! No! Stop talking!" Feng Hua and Xiao En shouted, Qin Xihe was already kneeling on the ground weakly.

And Bai Ying continued: "The monster's disease is much better. However, His Royal Highness is about to die. The previous treatment was temporary, and now, even if the monster sacrifices his own life, it can't save him. The prince doesn't want the monster to die. He doesn't want to see the monster suffer for a lifetime, he can already predict the most terrible consequences after his death. So he wants the monster to lose his memory, but he fails; he chooses to deceive the monster, he tells the monster that he is in love with a beautiful The woman. The terribly miserable monster didn't want to hurt His Royal Highness and those he loved again. For seven nights he waited, waited—"

Bai Ying suddenly stopped and asked, "What happened next?"

It stared directly at Feng Hua: "Feng Hua, tell me, in July 2240, you waited downstairs for seven nights, and then, what happened?"

"Why are you asking this?! He never came down once, he ignored me! Are you happy now?"

"December 20, 2241, what happened, do you really not remember?"

"Ah--I don't know! I don't know!"

"Feng Hua, right where you are standing, in the soil, what is buried, don't you remember?"

The whole world shook suddenly.

Feng Hua saw two figures, a thin, pale man, and himself.

A stream of heat rushed to the throat and nasal cavity, Feng Hua stepped forward and wanted to hug the familiar person, but the other party was only in vain.

The gray Feng Yeran was sitting among the rose bushes, urging: "Is it all right?"

"All right."

Feng Yeran stood up, put the beautiful golden notebook into the box, and buried it in the soil: "Mmmm, it's done."

The gray Fenghua was dissatisfied: "Why bury it? If I want to see it, I can come and dig it out at any time. It's useless for you to hide it."

"Feng Hua, this is my gift to you."


"Since it's a gift, it must be opened at the right time to be pleasantly surprised."


"If I... um, don't be angry, if I die, you dig it out and see... Hey, you kid, why did you leave?? You listen to me!"

The world is shaking more and more, and the wind is blowing.

Feng Hua stared at the trembling soil beneath his feet.

—Here, buried the gift he gave me


—Should I watch it

-do not look!

- Why can't you see it

- If you look at it, the world will collapse!

-why? What's so scary about it now? !

Feng Hua stood in the same place, but his figure became more and more blurred. Gradually, tall and short Feng Hua appeared, big and small, some were still stopping Feng Hua, while others had already started to act, they frantically digging.

They dug up a box. Sure enough, there was an old, dark-gold notebook inside.

Feng Hua opened the first page with trembling hands.

The above is a very familiar font:

[Dedicated to my favorite Feng Hua. —Love you Feng Yeran]

The whole world shook violently, the castle collapsed, the tree fell, and the petals and black snow flew together.

Screams, roars, bumps, cracks.

A white light.

Feng Hua closed his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing in the garden. At this time, it was night.

The dark clouds were low and floating slowly, and the moon was hidden behind them. In the halo, his long shadow is reflected in the house in front.

The second floor of the house is bright, and in the window, is a familiar figure.

What a familiar scene.

July 2240.

Right here, waiting every second.

No matter how hot it is, no matter how windy or rainy, it has been waiting.

Seven nights, listening to their cheerful laughter above, their happy breathing, without result.

Feng Hua was about to leave when he heard the sound of the window opening.

The window was opened.

The fog became thinner, the moon showed a little edge, and a beam of bright light shone down, illuminating Feng Yeran's face.

Feng Yeran stood there, staring at the monster waiting in the garden.

He smiled, but the next moment, he suddenly frowned, he turned around, and closed the window.

Feng Hua was at a loss.

He, who had an exceptionally sensitive hearing, soon heard the sound of running quickly.

The sound of going downstairs, the sound of opening the door, and the sound of Feng Yeran's rapid breathing.

One after another, rhythmically, faster and faster, like his heartbeat.

When he saw Feng Yeran who rushed out of the room and ran towards him, his anticipation, excitement, and impulse seemed to explode in an instant—all, all jealousy, disappointment, despair, pain, loneliness, worry... All the negative emotions suddenly In the blink of an eye, all sanity disappeared.

He hugged the thin and thin Feng Yeran fiercely, wishing to incorporate him into his own flesh and blood.

Selena's voice sounded: "Ye Ran, where are you? Did you go out?"

"Let's go." Feng Yeran said.

Feng Hua grabbed Feng Yeran's hand and walked away quickly, Feng Yeran laughed, and even pulled Feng Hua to run.

They walked through the garden, stumbled on the muddy road, on the moss-covered road, startled a flock of birds, Feng Hua picked up Feng Yeran, walked through the dew-filled jungle, and crossed the babbling creek...

They didn't speak, just laughed out loud from time to time.

No idea where to go, no idea why. They just kept running and moving forward, as if this way, they could reach the ends of the earth where it was just the two of them.

The hands they held were sweaty and hot, and the eyes they stared at each other from time to time were like stars in the sky, bright and like flames, burning with instinctive actions.

In the forest, fireflies fluttered, the bright mist poured on the grass, and the flowers swayed.

A fragrant.

Fragrant dew falls from the leaves.

Feng Hua lowered his head and kissed Feng Yeran's lips.

Drop by drop.

One at a time, kissing.

Feng Yeran laughed intermittently.

He was holding Feng Hua, and accidentally fell, and he fell on Feng Hua.

Feng Hua was lying among the wet flowers and plants, while Feng Yeran was propped on top of him.

The moon finally revealed its face, and the bright light gently outlined the outlines of the two of them.

In the chirping of Xia Zong, Feng Yeran called softly, "Feng Hua."


"Feng Hua."

"Well, what's wrong?"

The hot liquid fell on Feng Hua's cheeks.

Feng Yeran wanted to laugh, but his brows were tightly wrinkled:

"sorry Sorry… "

"Feng Hua, I love you."

"Monster" "Chimney" finished

The author has something to say:

Thank you for your votes and comments.

Finally finished "Wall", "Roof", "Door and Door" and "Chimney". These can form a house, but if you look at the copy carefully, you will find that there is still a missing part>